water111 1602b05a2e
[graphics] some blit optimizations (#1667)
* [graphics] a few optimizations

* fullscreen crap

* working, other than aspect ratio thing

* same behavior as before

* fix blackout bug, add more error messages

* fix error when 0 size buffer

* rm warning

* one last 0 size issue
2022-07-17 14:45:00 -04:00

702 lines
22 KiB

* @file opengl.cpp
* Lower-level OpenGL interface. No actual rendering is performed here!
#include "opengl.h"
#include <condition_variable>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include "common/dma/dma_copy.h"
#include "common/global_profiler/GlobalProfiler.h"
#include "common/goal_constants.h"
#include "common/log/log.h"
#include "common/util/FileUtil.h"
#include "common/util/FrameLimiter.h"
#include "common/util/Timer.h"
#include "common/util/compress.h"
#include "game/graphics/display.h"
#include "game/graphics/gfx.h"
#include "game/graphics/opengl_renderer/OpenGLRenderer.h"
#include "game/graphics/opengl_renderer/debug_gui.h"
#include "game/graphics/texture/TexturePool.h"
#include "game/runtime.h"
#include "game/system/newpad.h"
#include "third-party/imgui/imgui.h"
#include "third-party/imgui/imgui_impl_glfw.h"
#include "third-party/imgui/imgui_impl_opengl3.h"
#include "third-party/stb_image/stb_image.h"
namespace {
constexpr bool run_dma_copy = false;
struct GraphicsData {
// vsync
std::mutex sync_mutex;
std::condition_variable sync_cv;
// dma chain transfer
std::mutex dma_mutex;
std::condition_variable dma_cv;
u64 frame_idx = 0;
u64 frame_idx_of_input_data = 0;
bool has_data_to_render = false;
FixedChunkDmaCopier dma_copier;
// texture pool
std::shared_ptr<TexturePool> texture_pool;
std::shared_ptr<Loader> loader;
// temporary opengl renderer
OpenGLRenderer ogl_renderer;
OpenGlDebugGui debug_gui;
FrameLimiter frame_limiter;
Timer engine_timer;
double last_engine_time = 1. / 60.;
float pmode_alp = 0.f;
std::string imgui_log_filename, imgui_filename;
GameVersion version;
GraphicsData(GameVersion version)
: dma_copier(EE_MAIN_MEM_SIZE),
loader(std::make_shared<Loader>(file_util::get_jak_project_dir() / "out" /
game_version_names[version] / "fr3")),
ogl_renderer(texture_pool, loader),
version(version) {}
std::unique_ptr<GraphicsData> g_gfx_data;
void SetDisplayCallbacks(GLFWwindow* d) {
d, [](GLFWwindow* window, int key, int /*scancode*/, int action, int /*mods*/) {
if (action == GlfwKeyAction::Press) {
// lg::debug("KEY PRESS: key: {} scancode: {} mods: {:X}", key, scancode, mods);
} else if (action == GlfwKeyAction::Release) {
// lg::debug("KEY RELEASE: key: {} scancode: {} mods: {:X}", key, scancode, mods);
GLDisplay* display = reinterpret_cast<GLDisplay*>(glfwGetWindowUserPointer(window));
if (display != NULL) { // toggle ImGui when pressing Alt
if ((key == GLFW_KEY_LEFT_ALT || key == GLFW_KEY_RIGHT_ALT) &&
glfwGetWindowAttrib(window, GLFW_FOCUSED)) {
void ErrorCallback(int err, const char* msg) {
lg::error("GLFW ERR {}: {}", err, std::string(msg));
bool HasError() {
const char* ptr;
if (glfwGetError(&ptr) != GLFW_NO_ERROR) {
lg::error("glfw error: {}", ptr);
return true;
} else {
return false;
} // namespace
static bool gl_inited = false;
static int gl_init(GfxSettings& settings) {
if (glfwSetErrorCallback(ErrorCallback) != NULL) {
lg::warn("glfwSetErrorCallback has been re-set!");
if (glfwInit() == GLFW_FALSE) {
lg::error("glfwInit error");
return 1;
// request an OpenGL 4.3 Core context
glfwWindowHint(GLFW_CONTEXT_VERSION_MAJOR, 4); // 4.3
glfwWindowHint(GLFW_OPENGL_PROFILE, GLFW_OPENGL_CORE_PROFILE); // core profile, not compat
// debug check
if (settings.debug) {
} else {
return 0;
static void gl_exit() {
gl_inited = false;
static std::shared_ptr<GfxDisplay> gl_make_display(int width,
int height,
const char* title,
GfxSettings& settings,
GameVersion game_version,
bool is_main) {
GLFWwindow* window = glfwCreateWindow(width, height, title, NULL, NULL);
if (!window) {
lg::error("gl_make_display failed - Could not create display window");
return NULL;
if (!gl_inited) {
if (!gladLoadGL()) {
lg::error("GL init fail");
return NULL;
g_gfx_data = std::make_unique<GraphicsData>(game_version);
gl_inited = true;
// window icon
std::string image_path =
(file_util::get_jak_project_dir() / "game" / "assets" / "appicon.png").string();
GLFWimage images[1];
auto load_result = stbi_load(image_path.c_str(), &images[0].width, &images[0].height, 0, 4);
if (load_result) {
images[0].pixels = load_result; // rgba channels
glfwSetWindowIcon(window, 1, images);
} else {
lg::error("Could not load icon for OpenGL window");
if (HasError()) {
lg::error("gl_make_display error");
return NULL;
auto display = std::make_shared<GLDisplay>(window, is_main);
// lg::debug("init display #x{:x}", (uintptr_t)display);
// setup imgui
// check that version of the library is okay
// this does initialization for stuff like the font data
// Init ImGui settings
g_gfx_data->imgui_filename = file_util::get_file_path({"imgui.ini"});
g_gfx_data->imgui_log_filename = file_util::get_file_path({"imgui_log.txt"});
ImGuiIO& io = ImGui::GetIO();
io.IniFilename = g_gfx_data->imgui_filename.c_str();
io.LogFilename = g_gfx_data->imgui_log_filename.c_str();
// set up to get inputs for this window
ImGui_ImplGlfw_InitForOpenGL(window, true);
// NOTE: imgui's setup calls functions that may fail intentionally, and attempts to disable error
// reporting so these errors are invisible. But it does not work, and some weird X11 default
// cursor error is set here that we clear.
// set up the renderer
ImGui_ImplOpenGL3_Init("#version 430");
return std::static_pointer_cast<GfxDisplay>(display);
GLDisplay::GLDisplay(GLFWwindow* window, bool is_main) : m_window(window) {
m_main = is_main;
glfwSetWindowUserPointer(window, reinterpret_cast<void*>(this));
GLDisplay::~GLDisplay() {
ImGuiIO& io = ImGui::GetIO();
io.IniFilename = nullptr;
io.LogFilename = nullptr;
glfwSetWindowUserPointer(m_window, nullptr);
if (m_main) {
namespace {
std::string make_output_file_name(const std::string& file_name) {
return file_util::get_file_path({"gfx_dumps", file_name});
} // namespace
static bool endsWith(std::string_view str, std::string_view suffix) {
return str.size() >= suffix.size() &&
0 == str.compare(str.size() - suffix.size(), suffix.size(), suffix);
void render_game_frame(int game_width,
int game_height,
int window_fb_width,
int window_fb_height,
int draw_region_width,
int draw_region_height,
int msaa_samples,
bool windows_borderless_hack) {
// wait for a copied chain.
bool got_chain = false;
auto p = scoped_prof("wait-for-dma");
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(g_gfx_data->dma_mutex);
// note: there's a timeout here. If the engine is messed up and not sending us frames,
// we still want to run the glfw loop.
got_chain = g_gfx_data->dma_cv.wait_for(lock, std::chrono::milliseconds(50),
[=] { return g_gfx_data->has_data_to_render; });
// render that chain.
if (got_chain) {
g_gfx_data->frame_idx_of_input_data = g_gfx_data->frame_idx;
RenderOptions options;
options.game_res_w = game_width;
options.game_res_h = game_height;
options.window_framebuffer_width = window_fb_width;
options.window_framebuffer_height = window_fb_height;
options.draw_region_height = draw_region_height;
options.draw_region_width = draw_region_width;
options.msaa_samples = msaa_samples;
options.draw_render_debug_window = g_gfx_data->debug_gui.should_draw_render_debug();
options.draw_profiler_window = g_gfx_data->debug_gui.should_draw_profiler();
options.draw_subtitle_editor_window = g_gfx_data->debug_gui.should_draw_subtitle_editor();
options.save_screenshot = false;
options.gpu_sync = g_gfx_data->debug_gui.should_gl_finish();
options.borderless_windows_hacks = windows_borderless_hack;
if (g_gfx_data->debug_gui.get_screenshot_flag()) {
options.save_screenshot = true;
options.game_res_w = g_gfx_data->debug_gui.screenshot_width;
options.game_res_h = g_gfx_data->debug_gui.screenshot_height;
options.draw_region_width = options.game_res_w;
options.draw_region_height = options.game_res_h;
options.msaa_samples = g_gfx_data->debug_gui.screenshot_samples;
options.draw_small_profiler_window = g_gfx_data->debug_gui.small_profiler;
options.pmode_alp_register = g_gfx_data->pmode_alp;
GLint msaa_max;
glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_SAMPLES, &msaa_max);
if (options.msaa_samples > msaa_max) {
options.msaa_samples = msaa_max;
if (options.save_screenshot) {
// ensure the screenshot has an extension
std::string temp_path = g_gfx_data->debug_gui.screenshot_name();
if (!endsWith(temp_path, ".png")) {
temp_path += ".png";
options.screenshot_path = make_output_file_name(temp_path);
if constexpr (run_dma_copy) {
auto& chain = g_gfx_data->dma_copier.get_last_result();
g_gfx_data->ogl_renderer.render(DmaFollower(chain.data.data(), chain.start_offset), options);
} else {
auto p = scoped_prof("ogl-render");
// before vsync, mark the chain as rendered.
// should be fine to remove this mutex if the game actually waits for vsync to call
// send_chain again. but let's be safe for now.
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(g_gfx_data->dma_mutex);
g_gfx_data->has_data_to_render = false;
void GLDisplay::get_position(int* x, int* y) {
glfwGetWindowPos(m_window, x, y);
void GLDisplay::get_size(int* width, int* height) {
glfwGetFramebufferSize(m_window, width, height);
void GLDisplay::get_scale(float* xs, float* ys) {
glfwGetWindowContentScale(m_window, xs, ys);
void GLDisplay::set_size(int width, int height) {
glfwSetWindowSize(m_window, width, height);
void GLDisplay::update_fullscreen(GfxDisplayMode mode, int /*screen*/) {
GLFWmonitor* monitor = glfwGetPrimaryMonitor(); // todo
switch (mode) {
case GfxDisplayMode::Windowed: {
// windowed
glfwSetWindowAttrib(m_window, GLFW_DECORATED, GLFW_TRUE);
glfwSetWindowFocusCallback(m_window, NULL);
glfwSetWindowAttrib(m_window, GLFW_FLOATING, GLFW_FALSE);
glfwSetWindowMonitor(m_window, NULL, xpos_backup(), ypos_backup(), width_backup(),
height_backup(), GLFW_DONT_CARE);
} break;
case GfxDisplayMode::Fullscreen: {
// fullscreen
if (windowed()) {
const GLFWvidmode* vmode = glfwGetVideoMode(monitor);
glfwSetWindowAttrib(m_window, GLFW_DECORATED, GLFW_FALSE);
glfwSetWindowFocusCallback(m_window, NULL);
glfwSetWindowAttrib(m_window, GLFW_FLOATING, GLFW_FALSE);
glfwSetWindowMonitor(m_window, monitor, 0, 0, vmode->width, vmode->height, GLFW_DONT_CARE);
} break;
case GfxDisplayMode::Borderless: {
// borderless fullscreen
if (windowed()) {
int x, y;
glfwGetMonitorPos(monitor, &x, &y);
const GLFWvidmode* vmode = glfwGetVideoMode(monitor);
glfwSetWindowAttrib(m_window, GLFW_DECORATED, GLFW_FALSE);
// glfwSetWindowAttrib(m_window, GLFW_FLOATING, GLFW_TRUE);
// glfwSetWindowFocusCallback(m_window, FocusCallback);
#ifdef _WIN32
glfwSetWindowMonitor(m_window, NULL, x, y, vmode->width, vmode->height + 1, GLFW_DONT_CARE);
glfwSetWindowMonitor(m_window, NULL, x, y, vmode->width, vmode->height, GLFW_DONT_CARE);
} break;
GfxDisplayMode GLDisplay::get_fullscreen() {
GLFWmonitor* monitor = glfwGetPrimaryMonitor(); // todo
const GLFWvidmode* vmode = glfwGetVideoMode(monitor);
if (glfwGetWindowMonitor(m_window) != NULL) {
return GfxDisplayMode::Fullscreen;
} else if (width() >= vmode->width && height() >= vmode->height) {
return GfxDisplayMode::Borderless;
} else {
return GfxDisplayMode::Windowed;
int GLDisplay::get_screen_vmode_count() {
int count = 0;
glfwGetVideoModes(glfwGetPrimaryMonitor(), &count);
return count;
void GLDisplay::get_screen_size(int vmode_idx, s32* w_out, s32* h_out) {
auto vmode = glfwGetVideoMode(glfwGetPrimaryMonitor());
int count = 0;
auto vmodes = glfwGetVideoModes(glfwGetPrimaryMonitor(), &count);
if (vmode_idx >= 0) {
vmode = &vmodes[vmode_idx];
} else if (get_fullscreen() == GfxDisplayMode::Fullscreen) {
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
if (!vmode || vmode->height < vmodes[i].height) {
vmode = &vmodes[i];
if (w_out) {
*w_out = vmode->width;
if (h_out) {
*h_out = vmode->height;
int GLDisplay::get_screen_rate(int vmode_idx) {
auto vmode = glfwGetVideoMode(glfwGetPrimaryMonitor());
int count = 0;
auto vmodes = glfwGetVideoModes(glfwGetPrimaryMonitor(), &count);
if (vmode_idx >= 0) {
vmode = &vmodes[vmode_idx];
} else if (get_fullscreen() == GfxDisplayMode::Fullscreen) {
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
if (!vmode || vmode->refreshRate < vmodes[i].refreshRate) {
vmode = &vmodes[i];
return vmode->refreshRate;
bool GLDisplay::minimized() {
return glfwGetWindowAttrib(m_window, GLFW_ICONIFIED);
void GLDisplay::set_lock(bool lock) {
glfwSetWindowAttrib(m_window, GLFW_RESIZABLE, lock ? GLFW_TRUE : GLFW_FALSE);
void update_global_profiler() {
if (g_gfx_data->debug_gui.dump_events) {
g_gfx_data->debug_gui.dump_events = false;
prof().dump_to_json((file_util::get_jak_project_dir() / "prof.json").string());
* Main function called to render graphics frames. This is called in a loop.
void GLDisplay::render() {
// poll events
auto p = scoped_prof("poll-gamepads");
// imgui start of frame
auto p = scoped_prof("imgui-init");
// framebuffer size
int fbuf_w, fbuf_h;
glfwGetFramebufferSize(m_window, &fbuf_w, &fbuf_h);
bool windows_borderless_hacks = false;
#ifdef _WIN32
if (last_fullscreen_mode() == GfxDisplayMode::Borderless) {
windows_borderless_hacks = true;
// render game!
if (g_gfx_data->debug_gui.should_advance_frame()) {
auto p = scoped_prof("game-render");
int game_res_w = Gfx::g_global_settings.game_res_w;
int game_res_h = Gfx::g_global_settings.game_res_h;
if (game_res_w <= 0 || game_res_h <= 0) {
// if the window size reports 0, the game will ask for a 0 sized window, and nothing likes
// that.
game_res_w = 640;
game_res_h = 480;
render_game_frame(game_res_w, game_res_h, fbuf_w, fbuf_h, Gfx::g_global_settings.lbox_w,
Gfx::g_global_settings.lbox_h, Gfx::g_global_settings.msaa_samples,
// render debug
if (is_imgui_visible()) {
auto p = scoped_prof("debug-gui");
auto p = scoped_prof("imgui-render");
// switch vsync modes, if requested
if (Gfx::g_global_settings.vsync != Gfx::g_global_settings.old_vsync) {
Gfx::g_global_settings.old_vsync = Gfx::g_global_settings.vsync;
// actual vsync
auto p = scoped_prof("swap-buffers");
if (Gfx::g_global_settings.framelimiter) {
auto p = scoped_prof("frame-limiter");
Gfx::g_global_settings.target_fps, Gfx::g_global_settings.experimental_accurate_lag,
Gfx::g_global_settings.sleep_in_frame_limiter, g_gfx_data->last_engine_time);
// actually wait for vsync
if (g_gfx_data->debug_gui.should_gl_finish()) {
// Start timing for the next frame.
// toggle even odd and wake up engine waiting on vsync.
// TODO: we could play with moving this earlier, right after the final bucket renderer.
// it breaks the VIF-interrupt profiling though.
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(g_gfx_data->sync_mutex);
auto p = scoped_prof("fullscreen-update");
// slow, takes ~0.15 ms on linux
auto current_fullscreen_mode = get_fullscreen();
// checking minimized also takes ~0.1 ms, only check if we need to update fullscreen modes
if (current_fullscreen_mode != m_fullscreen_target_mode && !minimized()) {
m_last_fullscreen_mode = current_fullscreen_mode;
// reboot whole game, if requested
if (g_gfx_data->debug_gui.want_reboot_in_debug) {
g_gfx_data->debug_gui.want_reboot_in_debug = false;
MasterExit = RuntimeExitStatus::RESTART_IN_DEBUG;
auto p = scoped_prof("check-close-window");
// exit if display window was closed
if (glfwWindowShouldClose(m_window)) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(g_gfx_data->sync_mutex);
MasterExit = RuntimeExitStatus::EXIT;
* Wait for the next vsync. Returns 0 or 1 depending on if frame is even or odd.
* Called from the game thread, on a GOAL stack.
u32 gl_vsync() {
if (!g_gfx_data) {
return 0;
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(g_gfx_data->sync_mutex);
auto init_frame = g_gfx_data->frame_idx_of_input_data;
g_gfx_data->sync_cv.wait(lock, [=] {
return (MasterExit != RuntimeExitStatus::RUNNING) || g_gfx_data->frame_idx > init_frame;
return g_gfx_data->frame_idx & 1;
u32 gl_sync_path() {
if (!g_gfx_data) {
return 0;
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(g_gfx_data->sync_mutex);
g_gfx_data->last_engine_time = g_gfx_data->engine_timer.getSeconds();
if (!g_gfx_data->has_data_to_render) {
return 0;
g_gfx_data->sync_cv.wait(lock, [=] { return !g_gfx_data->has_data_to_render; });
return 0;
* Send DMA to the renderer.
* Called from the game thread, on a GOAL stack.
void gl_send_chain(const void* data, u32 offset) {
if (g_gfx_data) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(g_gfx_data->dma_mutex);
if (g_gfx_data->has_data_to_render) {
"Gfx::send_chain called when the graphics renderer has pending data. Was this called "
"multiple times per frame?");
// we copy the dma data and give a copy of it to the render.
// the copy has a few advantages:
// - if the game code has a bug and corrupts the DMA buffer, the renderer won't see it.
// - the copied DMA is much smaller than the entire game memory, so it can be dumped to a file
// separate of the entire RAM.
// - it verifies the DMA data is valid early on.
// but it may also be pretty expensive. Both the renderer and the game wait on this to complete.
// The renderers should just operate on DMA chains, so eliminating this step in the future may
// be easy.
g_gfx_data->dma_copier.set_input_data(data, offset, run_dma_copy);
g_gfx_data->has_data_to_render = true;
void gl_texture_upload_now(const u8* tpage, int mode, u32 s7_ptr) {
// block
if (g_gfx_data) {
// just pass it to the texture pool.
// the texture pool will take care of locking.
// we don't want to lock here for the entire duration of the conversion.
g_gfx_data->texture_pool->handle_upload_now(tpage, mode, g_ee_main_mem, s7_ptr);
void gl_texture_relocate(u32 destination, u32 source, u32 format) {
if (g_gfx_data) {
g_gfx_data->texture_pool->relocate(destination, source, format);
void gl_poll_events() {
void gl_set_levels(const std::vector<std::string>& levels) {
void gl_set_pmode_alp(float val) {
g_gfx_data->pmode_alp = val;
const GfxRendererModule gRendererOpenGL = {
gl_init, // init
gl_make_display, // make_display
gl_exit, // exit
gl_vsync, // vsync
gl_sync_path, // sync_path
gl_send_chain, // send_chain
gl_texture_upload_now, // texture_upload_now
gl_texture_relocate, // texture_relocate
gl_poll_events, // poll_events
gl_set_levels, // set_levels
gl_set_pmode_alp, // set_pmode_alp
GfxPipeline::OpenGL, // pipeline
"OpenGL 4.3" // name