water111 15ab5d704d
fix alpha blend bit for jak 1 merc (#2458)
This fixes the sculptor's face shield and red rings on final boss.
2023-04-05 18:56:48 -04:00

529 lines
14 KiB

#pragma once
// Data format for the tfrag3 renderer.
#include <array>
#include "common/common_types.h"
#include "common/dma/gs.h"
#include "common/math/Vector.h"
#include "common/util/Assert.h"
#include "common/util/Serializer.h"
namespace tfrag3 {
// NOTE:
// when updating any data structures in this file:
// - change the TFRAG3_VERSION
// - make sure to update the serialize function
// - if changing any large things (vertices, vis, bvh, colors, textures) update get_memory_usage
// - if adding a new category to the memory usage, update extract_level to print it.
enum MemoryUsageCategory {
struct MemoryUsageTracker {
u32 data[MemoryUsageCategory::NUM_CATEGORIES];
MemoryUsageTracker() {
for (auto& x : data) {
x = 0;
void add(MemoryUsageCategory category, u32 size_bytes) { data[category] += size_bytes; }
constexpr int TFRAG3_VERSION = 33;
// These vertices should be uploaded to the GPU at load time and don't change
struct PreloadedVertex {
// the vertex position
float x = 0, y = 0, z = 0;
// texture coordinates
float s = 0, t = 0;
u8 r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 0; // envmap tint color, not used in == or hash.
// color table index
u16 color_index = 0;
// not used in == or hash!!
s16 nx = 0, ny = 0, nz = 0;
struct hash {
std::size_t operator()(const PreloadedVertex& x) const;
bool operator==(const PreloadedVertex& other) const {
return x == other.x && y == other.y && z == other.z && s == other.s && t == other.t &&
color_index == other.color_index;
static_assert(sizeof(PreloadedVertex) == 32, "PreloadedVertex size");
struct PackedTieVertices {
struct Vertex {
float x, y, z;
float s, t;
s8 nx, ny, nz;
u8 r, g, b, a;
struct MatrixGroup {
s32 matrix_idx;
u32 start_vert;
u32 end_vert;
std::vector<u16> color_indices;
std::vector<std::array<math::Vector4f, 4>> matrices;
std::vector<MatrixGroup> matrix_groups; // todo pack
std::vector<Vertex> vertices;
void serialize(Serializer& ser);
void memory_usage(MemoryUsageTracker* tracker) const;
struct PackedTfragVertices {
struct Vertex {
u16 xoff, yoff, zoff;
u16 cluster_idx;
s16 s, t;
u16 color_index;
void memory_usage(MemoryUsageTracker* tracker) const;
std::vector<Vertex> vertices;
std::vector<math::Vector<u16, 3>> cluster_origins;
struct ShrubGpuVertex {
float x, y, z;
float s, t;
u32 pad0;
u16 color_index;
u16 pad1;
u8 rgba_base[3];
u8 pad2;
static_assert(sizeof(ShrubGpuVertex) == 32, "ShrubGpuVertex size");
struct PackedShrubVertices {
struct Vertex {
float x, y, z;
float s, t;
u8 rgba[3];
struct InstanceGroup {
s32 matrix_idx;
u32 start_vert;
u32 end_vert;
u16 color_index;
std::vector<std::array<math::Vector4f, 4>> matrices;
std::vector<InstanceGroup> instance_groups; // todo pack
std::vector<Vertex> vertices;
u32 total_vertex_count;
void memory_usage(MemoryUsageTracker* tracker) const;
void serialize(Serializer& ser);
// Settings for drawing a group of triangle strips.
// This refers to a group of PreloadedVertices that are already uploaded.
// All triangles here are drawn in the same "mode" (blending, texture, etc)
// The vertex index list is chunked by visibility group.
// You can just memcpy the entire list to draw everything, or iterate through visgroups and
// check visibility.
struct StripDraw {
DrawMode mode; // the OpenGL draw settings.
u32 tree_tex_id = 0; // the texture that should be bound for the draw
struct {
u32 idx_of_first_idx_in_full_buffer = 0;
} unpacked;
// indices can be specified as lists of runs and plain indices.
// the runs are still drawn with indexed opengl calls, it just uses less space in the file.
struct VertexRun {
u32 vertex0;
u16 length;
std::vector<VertexRun> runs;
std::vector<u32> plain_indices;
// to do culling, the above vertex stream is grouped.
// by following the visgroups and checking the visibility, you can leave out invisible vertices.
struct VisGroup {
u32 num_inds = 0; // number of vertex indices in this group
u32 num_tris = 0; // number of triangles
u16 vis_idx_in_pc_bvh = 0; // the visibility group they belong to (in BVH)
u16 tie_proto_idx = 0; // index of tie proto (tie only)
std::vector<VisGroup> vis_groups;
// for debug counting.
u32 num_triangles = 0;
void serialize(Serializer& ser);
struct ShrubDraw {
DrawMode mode; // the OpenGL draw settings.
u32 tree_tex_id = 0; // the texture that should be bound for the draw
u32 first_index_index;
u32 num_indices;
// for debug counting.
u32 num_triangles = 0;
void serialize(Serializer& ser);
struct InstancedStripDraw {
DrawMode mode; // the OpenGL draw settings.
u32 tree_tex_id = 0; // the texture that should be bound for the draw
// the list of vertices in the draw. This includes the restart code of UINT32_MAX that OpenGL
// will use to start a new strip.
std::vector<u32> vertex_index_stream;
// the vertex stream above is segmented by instance.
struct InstanceGroup {
u32 num = 0; // number of vertex indices in this group
u32 instance_idx = 0; // the instance they belong to
u32 vis_idx = 0;
std::vector<InstanceGroup> instance_groups;
// for debug counting.
u32 num_triangles = 0;
void serialize(Serializer& ser);
void memory_usage(MemoryUsageTracker* tracker) const;
// node in the BVH.
struct VisNode {
math::Vector<float, 4> bsphere; // the bounding sphere, in meters (4096 = 1 game meter). w = rad
u16 child_id = 0xffff; // the ID of our first child.
u16 my_id = 0xffff;
u8 num_kids = 0xff; // number of children. The children are consecutive in memory
u8 flags = 0; // flags. If 1, we have a DrawVisNode child, otherwise a leaf.
// The leaf nodes don't actually exist in the vector of VisNodes, but instead they are ID's used
// by the actual geometry. Currently we do not include the bspheres of these, but this might be
// worth it if we have a more performant culling algorithm.
struct BVH {
std::vector<VisNode> vis_nodes; // bvh for frustum culling
// additional information about the BVH
u16 first_leaf_node = 0;
u16 last_leaf_node = 0;
u16 first_root = 0;
u16 num_roots = 0;
bool only_children = false;
void serialize(Serializer& ser);
// A time-of-day color. Each stores 8 colors. At a given "time of day", they are interpolated
// to find a single color which goes into a color palette.
struct TimeOfDayColor {
math::Vector<u8, 4> rgba[8];
bool operator==(const TimeOfDayColor& other) const {
for (size_t i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
if (rgba[i] != other.rgba[i]) {
return false;
return true;
// A single texture. Stored as RGBA8888.
struct Texture {
u16 w, h;
u32 combo_id = 0;
std::vector<u32> data;
std::string debug_name;
std::string debug_tpage_name;
bool load_to_pool = false;
void serialize(Serializer& ser);
void memory_usage(MemoryUsageTracker* tracker) const;
// Tfrag trees have several kinds:
constexpr const char* tfrag_tree_names[] = {"normal", "trans", "dirt", "ice",
"lowres", "lowres-trans", "water", "invalid"};
// A tfrag model
struct TfragTree {
TFragmentTreeKind kind; // our tfrag kind
std::vector<StripDraw> draws; // the actual topology and settings
PackedTfragVertices packed_vertices;
std::vector<TimeOfDayColor> colors; // vertex colors (pre-interpolation)
BVH bvh; // the bvh for frustum culling
bool use_strips = true;
struct {
std::vector<PreloadedVertex> vertices; // mesh vertices
std::vector<u32> indices;
} unpacked;
void unpack();
void serialize(Serializer& ser);
void memory_usage(MemoryUsageTracker* tracker) const;
struct TieWindInstance {
std::array<math::Vector4f, 4> matrix;
u16 wind_idx;
float stiffness;
void serialize(Serializer& ser);
// Tie draws are split into categories.
enum class TieCategory {
// normal tie buckets
TRANS, // also called alpha
// first draw (normal base draw) for envmapped stuff
// second draw (shiny) for envmapped ties.
constexpr int kNumTieCategories = 9;
constexpr bool is_envmap_first_draw_category(tfrag3::TieCategory category) {
switch (category) {
case tfrag3::TieCategory::NORMAL_ENVMAP:
case tfrag3::TieCategory::WATER_ENVMAP:
case tfrag3::TieCategory::TRANS_ENVMAP:
return true;
return false;
constexpr bool is_envmap_second_draw_category(tfrag3::TieCategory category) {
switch (category) {
case tfrag3::TieCategory::NORMAL_ENVMAP_SECOND_DRAW:
case tfrag3::TieCategory::WATER_ENVMAP_SECOND_DRAW:
case tfrag3::TieCategory::TRANS_ENVMAP_SECOND_DRAW:
return true;
return false;
constexpr TieCategory get_second_draw_category(tfrag3::TieCategory category) {
switch (category) {
case TieCategory::NORMAL_ENVMAP:
case TieCategory::TRANS_ENVMAP:
case TieCategory::WATER_ENVMAP:
return TieCategory::NORMAL_ENVMAP;
// A tie model
struct TieTree {
BVH bvh;
std::vector<StripDraw> static_draws;
// Category n uses draws: static_draws[cdi[n]] to static_draws[cdi[n + 1]]
std::array<u32, kNumTieCategories + 1> category_draw_indices;
PackedTieVertices packed_vertices;
std::vector<TimeOfDayColor> colors; // vertex colors (pre-interpolation)
std::vector<InstancedStripDraw> instanced_wind_draws;
std::vector<TieWindInstance> wind_instance_info;
// jak 2 and later can toggle on and off visibility per proto by name
bool has_per_proto_visibility_toggle = false;
std::vector<std::string> proto_names;
struct {
std::vector<PreloadedVertex> vertices; // mesh vertices
std::vector<u32> indices;
} unpacked;
void serialize(Serializer& ser);
void memory_usage(MemoryUsageTracker* tracker) const;
void unpack();
struct ShrubTree {
// todo some visibility structure
std::vector<TimeOfDayColor> time_of_day_colors; // multiplier colors
PackedShrubVertices packed_vertices;
std::vector<ShrubDraw> static_draws; // the actual topology and settings
std::vector<u32> indices;
struct {
std::vector<ShrubGpuVertex> vertices; // mesh vertices
} unpacked;
void serialize(Serializer& ser);
void memory_usage(MemoryUsageTracker* tracker) const;
void unpack();
struct CollisionMesh {
struct Vertex {
float x, y, z;
u32 flags;
s16 nx, ny, nz;
u16 pad;
u32 pat;
u32 pad2;
static_assert(sizeof(Vertex) == 32);
std::vector<Vertex> vertices;
void serialize(Serializer& ser);
void memory_usage(MemoryUsageTracker* tracker) const;
struct MercVertex {
float pos[3];
float pad0;
float normal[3];
float pad1;
float weights[3];
float pad2;
float st[2];
u8 rgba[4];
u8 mats[3];
u8 pad3;
static_assert(sizeof(MercVertex) == 64);
struct MercDraw {
DrawMode mode;
u32 tree_tex_id = 0; // the texture that should be bound for the draw
u8 eye_id = 0xff; // 0xff if not eyes, (slot << 1) | (is_r)
u32 first_index;
u32 index_count;
u32 num_triangles;
void serialize(Serializer& ser);
struct MercModifiableDrawGroup {
std::vector<MercVertex> vertices;
std::vector<u16> vertex_lump4_addr;
std::vector<MercDraw> fix_draw, mod_draw;
std::vector<u8> fragment_mask;
u32 expect_vidx_end = 0;
void serialize(Serializer& ser);
void memory_usage(MemoryUsageTracker* tracker) const;
struct MercEffect {
std::vector<MercDraw> all_draws;
MercModifiableDrawGroup mod;
DrawMode envmap_mode;
u32 envmap_texture;
bool has_envmap = false;
bool has_mod_draw = false;
void serialize(Serializer& ser);
void memory_usage(MemoryUsageTracker* tracker) const;
struct MercModel {
std::string name;
std::vector<MercEffect> effects;
u32 max_draws;
u32 max_bones;
u32 st_vif_add;
float xyz_scale;
float st_magic;
void serialize(Serializer& ser);
void memory_usage(MemoryUsageTracker* tracker) const;
struct MercModelGroup {
std::vector<MercVertex> vertices;
std::vector<u32> indices;
std::vector<MercModel> models;
void serialize(Serializer& ser);
void memory_usage(MemoryUsageTracker* tracker) const;
constexpr int TFRAG_GEOS = 3;
constexpr int TIE_GEOS = 4;
struct Level {
u16 version = TFRAG3_VERSION;
std::string level_name;
std::vector<Texture> textures;
std::array<std::vector<TfragTree>, TFRAG_GEOS> tfrag_trees;
std::array<std::vector<TieTree>, TIE_GEOS> tie_trees;
std::vector<ShrubTree> shrub_trees;
CollisionMesh collision;
MercModelGroup merc_data;
u16 version2 = TFRAG3_VERSION;
void serialize(Serializer& ser);
void memory_usage(MemoryUsageTracker* tracker) const;
void print_memory_usage(const tfrag3::Level& lev, int uncompressed_data_size);
} // namespace tfrag3