water111 126dfc1c45
[Decompiler] Misc fixes for gkernel/math (#257)
* more cases

* some work on math and floating point stuff

* some decompiling for fun
2021-02-13 11:32:52 -05:00

1882 lines
74 KiB

#include "Form.h"
#include "FormStack.h"
#include "GenericElementMatcher.h"
#include "common/goos/PrettyPrinter.h"
#include "decompiler/util/DecompilerTypeSystem.h"
#include "decompiler/ObjectFile/LinkedObjectFile.h"
* - use var_to_form over expressions for vars
* - check out if we can push/pop variables instead of registers?
* Basic idea: push partial expressions to the stack and pop them off as they are used.
* Leftovers are left on the stack and flushed out as set!
* But the challenge is knowing it's safe to pop something off of the stack.
* If the value is used after the read again, then it's not.
* The tricky situation is to accidentally generate this
* [simplified, we would never group like this, but similar things are possible]
* (+ s5 (begin (set! s5 z) (+ x y)))
* when the value of s5 used is after the (set! s5 z).
* To avoid that case, we make sure that anything after s5 in the expression cannot modify s5. If it
* does, we just don't do the expression building and leave it as smaller expressions. To accomplish
* this, we submit a batch of registers to pop, and the stack takes care of making sure this
* property will hold.
* But what about
* (+ (* s5 s4) (begin (set! s5 z) (+ x y)))
* Luckily this isn't a problem. The actual (* s5 s4) will only be inserted if the multiply
* instruction actually occurs before the second term in the outer addition.
* The issue only occurs when a pop fails and we just insert a variable name.
* In other words, this variable "insert" is the only that lets us bypass ordering.
* (which makes me wonder if I should have solved this by being more careful with that...
* but I have no immediate ideas unless we allow backtracking in popping which is bad)
* Now sometimes it's too hard to figure out exactly all of the variables we might pop and do
* it all in one batch. We pop one thing, but we know that there are registers it shouldn't modify.
* Instead of the barrier register approach, we do something easier: explicitly forbid
* "outside of expression register variable side effects".
* This means that you modify a register that's visible outside of the expression. Confusingly,
* memory access doesn't count as a side effect and register read/writes that are part of a
* chained together expression do not count.
* This is kind of a hacky workaround that I'd really like to remove eventually.
* I think it can basically be solved by being strategic in when we update from stack and we can
* avoid the highly general "update some unknown vector of unknown things from the stack"
namespace decompiler {
bool Form::has_side_effects() {
bool has_side_effect = false;
apply([&](FormElement* elt) {
if (dynamic_cast<SetVarElement*>(elt)) {
has_side_effect = true;
return has_side_effect;
bool FormElement::has_side_effects() {
bool has_side_effect = false;
apply([&](FormElement* elt) {
if (dynamic_cast<SetVarElement*>(elt)) {
has_side_effect = true;
return has_side_effect;
namespace {
* Create a form which represents a variable.
Form* var_to_form(const Variable& var, FormPool& pool) {
return pool.alloc_single_element_form<SimpleAtomElement>(nullptr, SimpleAtom::make_var(var));
* Pop values of off the expression stack
* @param vars : list of variables to pop. In order of source code evaluation.
* @param env : the decompilation environment
* @param pool : form allocation pool
* @param stack : stack to pop from
* @param output : list of locations to push results.
* @param consumes : if you have a different list of variables that are consumed by this operation.
void pop_helper(const std::vector<Variable>& vars,
const Env& env,
FormPool& pool,
FormStack& stack,
const std::vector<std::vector<FormElement*>*>& output,
bool allow_side_effects,
const std::optional<RegSet>& consumes = std::nullopt) {
// to submit to stack to attempt popping
std::vector<Register> submit_regs;
// submit_reg[i] is for var submit_reg_to_var[i]
std::vector<size_t> submit_reg_to_var;
// build submission for stack
for (size_t var_idx = 0; var_idx < vars.size(); var_idx++) {
const auto& var = vars.at(var_idx);
auto& ri = env.reg_use().op.at(var.idx());
RegSet consumes_to_use = consumes.value_or(ri.consumes);
if (consumes_to_use.find(var.reg()) != consumes_to_use.end()) {
// we consume the register, so it's safe to try popping.
// submit and get a result! If the stack has nothing to pop, the result here may be nullptr.
std::vector<Form*> pop_result;
// loop in reverse (later vals first)
for (size_t i = submit_regs.size(); i-- > 0;) {
// figure out what var we are:
auto var_idx = submit_reg_to_var.at(i);
// anything _less_ than this should be unmodified by the pop
// it's fine to modify yourself in your pop.
RegSet pop_barrier_regs;
for (size_t j = 0; j < var_idx; j++) {
// do the pop, with the barrier to prevent out-of-sequence popping.
stack.pop_reg(submit_regs.at(i), pop_barrier_regs, env, allow_side_effects));
// now flip back to the source order for making the final result
std::reverse(pop_result.begin(), pop_result.end());
// final result forms. Will be nullptr if: we didn't try popping OR popping from stack failed.
std::vector<Form*> forms;
forms.resize(vars.size(), nullptr);
if (!pop_result.empty()) {
// success!
for (size_t i = 0; i < submit_regs.size(); i++) {
// fill out vars from our submission
forms.at(submit_reg_to_var.at(i)) = pop_result.at(i);
// write the output
for (size_t i = 0; i < forms.size(); i++) {
if (forms.at(i)) {
// we got a form. inline these in the result
for (auto x : forms.at(i)->elts()) {
} else {
// we got nothing, just insert the variable name.
SimpleAtom::make_var(vars.at(i)).as_expr(), vars.at(i).idx()));
* Pop each variable in the input list into a form. The variables should be given in the order
* they are evaluated in the source. It is safe to put the result of these in the same expression.
* This uses the barrier register approach, but it is only effective if you put all registers
* appearing at the same level.
std::vector<Form*> pop_to_forms(const std::vector<Variable>& vars,
const Env& env,
FormPool& pool,
FormStack& stack,
bool allow_side_effects,
const std::optional<RegSet>& consumes = std::nullopt) {
std::vector<Form*> forms;
std::vector<std::vector<FormElement*>> forms_out;
std::vector<std::vector<FormElement*>*> form_ptrs;
for (auto& x : forms_out) {
pop_helper(vars, env, pool, stack, form_ptrs, allow_side_effects, consumes);
for (auto& x : forms_out) {
forms.push_back(pool.alloc_sequence_form(nullptr, x));
return forms;
// TODO - if we start using child classes of float/int/uint for things like degrees/meters
// we may need to adjust these.
* type == float (exactly)?
bool is_float_type(const Env& env, int my_idx, Variable var) {
auto type = env.get_types_before_op(my_idx).get(var.reg()).typespec();
return type == TypeSpec("float");
* type == int (exactly)?
bool is_int_type(const Env& env, int my_idx, Variable var) {
auto type = env.get_types_before_op(my_idx).get(var.reg()).typespec();
return type == TypeSpec("int");
* type == uint (exactly)?
bool is_uint_type(const Env& env, int my_idx, Variable var) {
auto type = env.get_types_before_op(my_idx).get(var.reg()).typespec();
return type == TypeSpec("uint");
} // namespace
* Update a form to use values from the stack. Won't push to the stack.
* This should be used to update a Form that immediately follows something being pushed.
* Will only change the first element of the form - anything after that will jump sequencing
void Form::update_children_from_stack(const Env& env,
FormPool& pool,
FormStack& stack,
bool allow_side_effects) {
std::vector<FormElement*> new_elts;
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_elements.size(); i++) {
if (i == 0) {
// only bother doing the first one.
m_elements[i]->update_from_stack(env, pool, stack, &new_elts, allow_side_effects);
} else {
for (auto& x : new_elts) {
x->parent_form = this;
m_elements = new_elts;
* Default update_from_stack for an element if no specific one is provided.
void FormElement::update_from_stack(const Env& env,
bool) {
throw std::runtime_error(fmt::format("update_from_stack NYI for {}", to_string(env)));
* Update a LoadSourceElement from the stack.
void LoadSourceElement::update_from_stack(const Env& env,
FormPool& pool,
FormStack& stack,
std::vector<FormElement*>* result,
bool allow_side_effects) {
m_addr->update_children_from_stack(env, pool, stack, allow_side_effects);
void SimpleExpressionElement::update_from_stack_identity(const Env& env,
FormPool& pool,
FormStack& stack,
std::vector<FormElement*>* result,
bool allow_side_effects) {
auto& arg = m_expr.get_arg(0);
if (arg.is_var()) {
pop_helper({arg.var()}, env, pool, stack, {result}, allow_side_effects);
} else if (arg.is_static_addr()) {
auto lab = env.file->labels.at(arg.label());
if (env.file->is_string(lab.target_segment, lab.offset)) {
auto str = env.file->get_goal_string(lab.target_segment, lab.offset / 4 - 1, false);
} else {
} else if (arg.is_sym_ptr() || arg.is_sym_val() || arg.is_int() || arg.is_empty_list()) {
} else {
throw std::runtime_error(fmt::format(
"SimpleExpressionElement::update_from_stack_identity NYI for {}", to_string(env)));
void SimpleExpressionElement::update_from_stack_gpr_to_fpr(const Env& env,
FormPool& pool,
FormStack& stack,
std::vector<FormElement*>* result,
bool allow_side_effects) {
auto src = m_expr.get_arg(0);
auto src_type = env.get_types_before_op(src.var().idx()).get(src.var().reg());
std::vector<FormElement*> src_fes;
if (src.is_var()) {
pop_helper({src.var()}, env, pool, stack, {&src_fes}, allow_side_effects);
} else {
src_fes = {this};
// set ourself to identity.
m_expr = src.as_expr();
if (src_type.typespec() == TypeSpec("float")) {
// got a float as an input, we can convert it to an FPR with no effect.
for (auto x : src_fes) {
} else {
// converting something else to an FPR, put an expression around it.
pool.alloc_sequence_form(nullptr, src_fes)));
void SimpleExpressionElement::update_from_stack_fpr_to_gpr(const Env& env,
FormPool& pool,
FormStack& stack,
std::vector<FormElement*>* result,
bool allow_side_effects) {
auto src = m_expr.get_arg(0);
auto src_type = env.get_types_before_op(m_my_idx).get(src.var().reg());
if (src_type.typespec() == TypeSpec("float") || src_type.typespec() == TypeSpec("int")) {
// set ourself to identity.
m_expr = src.as_expr();
// then go again.
update_from_stack(env, pool, stack, result, allow_side_effects);
} else {
throw std::runtime_error(
fmt::format("FPR -> GPR applied to a {} in {}", src_type.print(), to_string(env)));
void SimpleExpressionElement::update_from_stack_div_s(const Env& env,
FormPool& pool,
FormStack& stack,
std::vector<FormElement*>* result,
bool allow_side_effects) {
if (is_float_type(env, m_my_idx, m_expr.get_arg(0).var()) &&
is_float_type(env, m_my_idx, m_expr.get_arg(1).var())) {
// todo - check the order here
auto args = pop_to_forms({m_expr.get_arg(0).var(), m_expr.get_arg(1).var()}, env, pool, stack,
auto new_form = pool.alloc_element<GenericElement>(
GenericOperator::make_fixed(FixedOperatorKind::DIVISION), args.at(0), args.at(1));
} else {
throw std::runtime_error(fmt::format("Floating point division attempted on invalid types."));
void SimpleExpressionElement::update_from_stack_float_2(const Env& env,
FixedOperatorKind kind,
FormPool& pool,
FormStack& stack,
std::vector<FormElement*>* result,
bool allow_side_effects) {
if (is_float_type(env, m_my_idx, m_expr.get_arg(0).var()) &&
is_float_type(env, m_my_idx, m_expr.get_arg(1).var())) {
// todo - check the order here
auto args = pop_to_forms({m_expr.get_arg(0).var(), m_expr.get_arg(1).var()}, env, pool, stack,
auto new_form = pool.alloc_element<GenericElement>(GenericOperator::make_fixed(kind),
args.at(0), args.at(1));
} else {
auto type0 = env.get_types_before_op(m_my_idx).get(m_expr.get_arg(0).var().reg());
auto type1 = env.get_types_before_op(m_my_idx).get(m_expr.get_arg(1).var().reg());
throw std::runtime_error(
fmt::format("Floating point math attempted on invalid types: {} and {} in op {}.",
type0.print(), type1.print(), to_string(env)));
void SimpleExpressionElement::update_from_stack_float_1(const Env& env,
FixedOperatorKind kind,
FormPool& pool,
FormStack& stack,
std::vector<FormElement*>* result,
bool allow_side_effects) {
if (is_float_type(env, m_my_idx, m_expr.get_arg(0).var())) {
auto args = pop_to_forms({m_expr.get_arg(0).var()}, env, pool, stack, allow_side_effects);
auto new_form =
pool.alloc_element<GenericElement>(GenericOperator::make_fixed(kind), args.at(0));
} else {
throw std::runtime_error(fmt::format("Floating point division attempted on invalid types."));
void SimpleExpressionElement::update_from_stack_add_i(const Env& env,
FormPool& pool,
FormStack& stack,
std::vector<FormElement*>* result,
bool allow_side_effects) {
auto arg0_i = is_int_type(env, m_my_idx, m_expr.get_arg(0).var());
auto arg0_u = is_uint_type(env, m_my_idx, m_expr.get_arg(0).var());
bool arg1_reg = m_expr.get_arg(1).is_var();
bool arg1_i = true;
bool arg1_u = true;
if (arg1_reg) {
arg1_i = is_int_type(env, m_my_idx, m_expr.get_arg(1).var());
arg1_u = is_uint_type(env, m_my_idx, m_expr.get_arg(1).var());
std::vector<Form*> args;
if (arg1_reg) {
args = pop_to_forms({m_expr.get_arg(0).var(), m_expr.get_arg(1).var()}, env, pool, stack,
} else {
args = pop_to_forms({m_expr.get_arg(0).var()}, env, pool, stack, allow_side_effects);
args.push_back(pool.alloc_single_element_form<SimpleAtomElement>(nullptr, m_expr.get_arg(1)));
// Look for getting an address inside of an object.
// (+ <integer 108 + int> process). array style access with a stride of 1.
// in the case, both are vars.
if (arg1_reg) {
// lookup types.
auto arg1_type = env.get_types_before_op(m_my_idx).get(m_expr.get_arg(1).var().reg());
auto arg0_type = env.get_types_before_op(m_my_idx).get(m_expr.get_arg(0).var().reg());
if (arg0_type.kind == TP_Type::Kind::INTEGER_CONSTANT_PLUS_VAR) {
// try to see if this is valid, from the type system.
FieldReverseLookupInput input;
input.offset = arg0_type.get_integer_constant();
input.stride = 1;
input.base_type = arg1_type.typespec();
auto out = env.dts->ts.reverse_field_lookup(input);
if (out.success) {
// it is. now we have to modify things
// first, look for the index
auto arg0_matcher = Matcher::op(GenericOpMatcher::fixed(FixedOperatorKind::ADDITION),
{Matcher::any(0), Matcher::integer(input.offset)});
auto match_result = match(arg0_matcher, args.at(0));
if (match_result.matched) {
bool used_index = false;
std::vector<DerefToken> tokens;
for (auto& tok : out.tokens) {
if (tok.kind == FieldReverseLookupOutput::Token::Kind::VAR_IDX) {
used_index = true;
} else {
result->push_back(pool.alloc_element<DerefElement>(args.at(1), out.addr_of, tokens));
} else {
throw std::runtime_error("Failed to match for stride 1 address access with add.");
if ((arg0_i && arg1_i) || (arg0_u && arg1_u)) {
auto new_form = pool.alloc_element<GenericElement>(
GenericOperator::make_fixed(FixedOperatorKind::ADDITION), args.at(0), args.at(1));
} else {
auto cast = pool.alloc_single_element_form<CastElement>(
nullptr, TypeSpec(arg0_i ? "int" : "uint"), args.at(1));
auto new_form = pool.alloc_element<GenericElement>(
GenericOperator::make_fixed(FixedOperatorKind::ADDITION), args.at(0), cast);
void SimpleExpressionElement::update_from_stack_mult_si(const Env& env,
FormPool& pool,
FormStack& stack,
std::vector<FormElement*>* result,
bool allow_side_effects) {
auto arg0_i = is_int_type(env, m_my_idx, m_expr.get_arg(0).var());
auto arg1_i = is_int_type(env, m_my_idx, m_expr.get_arg(1).var());
auto args = pop_to_forms({m_expr.get_arg(0).var(), m_expr.get_arg(1).var()}, env, pool, stack,
if (!arg0_i) {
args.at(0) = pool.alloc_single_element_form<CastElement>(nullptr, TypeSpec("int"), args.at(0));
if (!arg1_i) {
args.at(1) = pool.alloc_single_element_form<CastElement>(nullptr, TypeSpec("int"), args.at(1));
auto new_form = pool.alloc_element<GenericElement>(
GenericOperator::make_fixed(FixedOperatorKind::MULTIPLICATION), args.at(0), args.at(1));
void SimpleExpressionElement::update_from_stack_force_si_2(const Env& env,
FixedOperatorKind kind,
FormPool& pool,
FormStack& stack,
std::vector<FormElement*>* result,
bool allow_side_effects) {
auto arg0_i = is_int_type(env, m_my_idx, m_expr.get_arg(0).var());
bool arg1_i = true;
bool arg1_reg = m_expr.get_arg(1).is_var();
if (arg1_reg) {
arg1_i = is_int_type(env, m_my_idx, m_expr.get_arg(1).var());
} else {
std::vector<Form*> args;
if (arg1_reg) {
args = pop_to_forms({m_expr.get_arg(0).var(), m_expr.get_arg(1).var()}, env, pool, stack,
} else {
args = pop_to_forms({m_expr.get_arg(0).var()}, env, pool, stack, allow_side_effects);
args.push_back(pool.alloc_single_element_form<SimpleAtomElement>(nullptr, m_expr.get_arg(1)));
if (!arg0_i) {
args.at(0) = pool.alloc_single_element_form<CastElement>(nullptr, TypeSpec("int"), args.at(0));
if (!arg1_i) {
args.at(1) = pool.alloc_single_element_form<CastElement>(nullptr, TypeSpec("int"), args.at(1));
auto new_form =
pool.alloc_element<GenericElement>(GenericOperator::make_fixed(kind), args.at(0), args.at(1));
void SimpleExpressionElement::update_from_stack_force_ui_2(const Env& env,
FixedOperatorKind kind,
FormPool& pool,
FormStack& stack,
std::vector<FormElement*>* result,
bool allow_side_effects) {
auto arg0_u = is_uint_type(env, m_my_idx, m_expr.get_arg(0).var());
bool arg1_u = true;
bool arg1_reg = m_expr.get_arg(1).is_var();
if (arg1_reg) {
arg1_u = is_uint_type(env, m_my_idx, m_expr.get_arg(1).var());
} else {
std::vector<Form*> args;
if (arg1_reg) {
args = pop_to_forms({m_expr.get_arg(0).var(), m_expr.get_arg(1).var()}, env, pool, stack,
} else {
args = pop_to_forms({m_expr.get_arg(0).var()}, env, pool, stack, allow_side_effects);
args.push_back(pool.alloc_single_element_form<SimpleAtomElement>(nullptr, m_expr.get_arg(1)));
if (!arg0_u) {
args.at(0) = pool.alloc_single_element_form<CastElement>(nullptr, TypeSpec("uint"), args.at(0));
if (!arg1_u) {
args.at(1) = pool.alloc_single_element_form<CastElement>(nullptr, TypeSpec("uint"), args.at(1));
auto new_form =
pool.alloc_element<GenericElement>(GenericOperator::make_fixed(kind), args.at(0), args.at(1));
void SimpleExpressionElement::update_from_stack_copy_first_int_2(const Env& env,
FixedOperatorKind kind,
FormPool& pool,
FormStack& stack,
std::vector<FormElement*>* result,
bool allow_side_effects) {
auto arg0_i = is_int_type(env, m_my_idx, m_expr.get_arg(0).var());
auto arg0_u = is_uint_type(env, m_my_idx, m_expr.get_arg(0).var());
if (!m_expr.get_arg(1).is_var()) {
auto args = pop_to_forms({m_expr.get_arg(0).var()}, env, pool, stack, allow_side_effects);
if (!arg0_i && !arg0_u) {
auto new_form = pool.alloc_element<GenericElement>(
pool.alloc_single_element_form<CastElement>(nullptr, TypeSpec("int"), args.at(0)),
pool.alloc_single_element_form<SimpleAtomElement>(nullptr, m_expr.get_arg(1)));
} else {
auto new_form = pool.alloc_element<GenericElement>(
GenericOperator::make_fixed(kind), args.at(0),
pool.alloc_single_element_form<SimpleAtomElement>(nullptr, m_expr.get_arg(1)));
auto arg1_i = is_int_type(env, m_my_idx, m_expr.get_arg(1).var());
auto arg1_u = is_uint_type(env, m_my_idx, m_expr.get_arg(1).var());
auto args = pop_to_forms({m_expr.get_arg(0).var(), m_expr.get_arg(1).var()}, env, pool, stack,
if ((arg0_i && arg1_i) || (arg0_u && arg1_u)) {
auto new_form = pool.alloc_element<GenericElement>(GenericOperator::make_fixed(kind),
args.at(0), args.at(1));
} else {
auto cast = pool.alloc_single_element_form<CastElement>(
nullptr, TypeSpec(arg0_i ? "int" : "uint"), args.at(1));
auto new_form =
pool.alloc_element<GenericElement>(GenericOperator::make_fixed(kind), args.at(0), cast);
void SimpleExpressionElement::update_from_stack_lognot(const Env& env,
FormPool& pool,
FormStack& stack,
std::vector<FormElement*>* result,
bool allow_side_effects) {
auto args = pop_to_forms({m_expr.get_arg(0).var()}, env, pool, stack, allow_side_effects);
auto new_form = pool.alloc_element<GenericElement>(
GenericOperator::make_fixed(FixedOperatorKind::LOGNOT), args.at(0));
void SimpleExpressionElement::update_from_stack_int_to_float(const Env& env,
FormPool& pool,
FormStack& stack,
std::vector<FormElement*>* result,
bool allow_side_effects) {
auto var = m_expr.get_arg(0).var();
auto arg = pop_to_forms({var}, env, pool, stack, allow_side_effects).at(0);
// if we convert from a GPR to FPR, then immediately to int to float, we can strip away the
// the gpr->fpr operation beacuse it doesn't matter.
auto fpr_convert_matcher =
Matcher::op(GenericOpMatcher::fixed(FixedOperatorKind::GPR_TO_FPR), {Matcher::any(0)});
auto type = env.get_types_before_op(var.idx()).get(var.reg()).typespec();
if (type == TypeSpec("int") || type == TypeSpec("uint")) {
auto mr = match(fpr_convert_matcher, arg);
if (mr.matched) {
arg = mr.maps.forms.at(0);
result->push_back(pool.alloc_element<CastElement>(TypeSpec("float"), arg, true));
} else {
throw std::runtime_error("Used int to float on a " + type.print());
void SimpleExpressionElement::update_from_stack_float_to_int(const Env& env,
FormPool& pool,
FormStack& stack,
std::vector<FormElement*>* result,
bool allow_side_effects) {
auto var = m_expr.get_arg(0).var();
auto arg = pop_to_forms({var}, env, pool, stack, allow_side_effects).at(0);
auto type = env.get_types_before_op(var.idx()).get(var.reg()).typespec();
if (type == TypeSpec("float")) {
result->push_back(pool.alloc_element<CastElement>(TypeSpec("int"), arg, true));
} else {
throw std::runtime_error("Used float to int on a " + type.print());
void SimpleExpressionElement::update_from_stack(const Env& env,
FormPool& pool,
FormStack& stack,
std::vector<FormElement*>* result,
bool allow_side_effects) {
switch (m_expr.kind()) {
case SimpleExpression::Kind::IDENTITY:
update_from_stack_identity(env, pool, stack, result, allow_side_effects);
case SimpleExpression::Kind::GPR_TO_FPR:
update_from_stack_gpr_to_fpr(env, pool, stack, result, allow_side_effects);
case SimpleExpression::Kind::FPR_TO_GPR:
update_from_stack_fpr_to_gpr(env, pool, stack, result, allow_side_effects);
case SimpleExpression::Kind::DIV_S:
update_from_stack_div_s(env, pool, stack, result, allow_side_effects);
case SimpleExpression::Kind::SUB_S:
update_from_stack_float_2(env, FixedOperatorKind::SUBTRACTION, pool, stack, result,
case SimpleExpression::Kind::MUL_S:
update_from_stack_float_2(env, FixedOperatorKind::MULTIPLICATION, pool, stack, result,
case SimpleExpression::Kind::ADD_S:
update_from_stack_float_2(env, FixedOperatorKind::ADDITION, pool, stack, result,
case SimpleExpression::Kind::MAX_S:
update_from_stack_float_2(env, FixedOperatorKind::FMAX, pool, stack, result,
case SimpleExpression::Kind::MIN_S:
update_from_stack_float_2(env, FixedOperatorKind::FMIN, pool, stack, result,
case SimpleExpression::Kind::SQRT_S:
update_from_stack_float_1(env, FixedOperatorKind::SQRT, pool, stack, result,
case SimpleExpression::Kind::ABS_S:
update_from_stack_float_1(env, FixedOperatorKind::FABS, pool, stack, result,
case SimpleExpression::Kind::NEG_S:
update_from_stack_float_1(env, FixedOperatorKind::SUBTRACTION, pool, stack, result,
case SimpleExpression::Kind::ADD:
update_from_stack_add_i(env, pool, stack, result, allow_side_effects);
case SimpleExpression::Kind::SUB:
update_from_stack_copy_first_int_2(env, FixedOperatorKind::SUBTRACTION, pool, stack, result,
case SimpleExpression::Kind::MUL_SIGNED:
update_from_stack_mult_si(env, pool, stack, result, allow_side_effects);
case SimpleExpression::Kind::DIV_SIGNED:
update_from_stack_force_si_2(env, FixedOperatorKind::DIVISION, pool, stack, result,
case SimpleExpression::Kind::MOD_SIGNED:
update_from_stack_force_si_2(env, FixedOperatorKind::MOD, pool, stack, result,
case SimpleExpression::Kind::MIN_SIGNED:
update_from_stack_force_si_2(env, FixedOperatorKind::MIN, pool, stack, result,
case SimpleExpression::Kind::MAX_SIGNED:
update_from_stack_force_si_2(env, FixedOperatorKind::MAX, pool, stack, result,
case SimpleExpression::Kind::AND:
update_from_stack_copy_first_int_2(env, FixedOperatorKind::LOGAND, pool, stack, result,
case SimpleExpression::Kind::OR:
update_from_stack_copy_first_int_2(env, FixedOperatorKind::LOGIOR, pool, stack, result,
case SimpleExpression::Kind::NOR:
update_from_stack_copy_first_int_2(env, FixedOperatorKind::LOGNOR, pool, stack, result,
case SimpleExpression::Kind::XOR:
update_from_stack_copy_first_int_2(env, FixedOperatorKind::LOGXOR, pool, stack, result,
case SimpleExpression::Kind::LOGNOT:
update_from_stack_lognot(env, pool, stack, result, allow_side_effects);
case SimpleExpression::Kind::LEFT_SHIFT:
update_from_stack_copy_first_int_2(env, FixedOperatorKind::SHL, pool, stack, result,
case SimpleExpression::Kind::RIGHT_SHIFT_LOGIC:
update_from_stack_copy_first_int_2(env, FixedOperatorKind::SHR, pool, stack, result,
case SimpleExpression::Kind::RIGHT_SHIFT_ARITH:
update_from_stack_copy_first_int_2(env, FixedOperatorKind::SAR, pool, stack, result,
case SimpleExpression::Kind::MUL_UNSIGNED:
update_from_stack_force_ui_2(env, FixedOperatorKind::MULTIPLICATION, pool, stack, result,
case SimpleExpression::Kind::INT_TO_FLOAT:
update_from_stack_int_to_float(env, pool, stack, result, allow_side_effects);
case SimpleExpression::Kind::FLOAT_TO_INT:
update_from_stack_float_to_int(env, pool, stack, result, allow_side_effects);
throw std::runtime_error(
fmt::format("SimpleExpressionElement::update_from_stack NYI for {}", to_string(env)));
// SetVarElement
void SetVarElement::push_to_stack(const Env& env, FormPool& pool, FormStack& stack) {
for (auto x : m_src->elts()) {
assert(x->parent_form == m_src);
assert(m_src->parent_element == this);
m_src->update_children_from_stack(env, pool, stack, true);
for (auto x : m_src->elts()) {
assert(x->parent_form == m_src);
if (m_src->is_single_element()) {
auto src_as_se = dynamic_cast<SimpleExpressionElement*>(m_src->back());
if (src_as_se) {
if (src_as_se->expr().kind() == SimpleExpression::Kind::IDENTITY &&
src_as_se->expr().get_arg(0).is_var()) {
// this can happen late in the case of coloring moves which are also gpr -> fpr's
// so they don't get caught by SetVarOp::get_as_form's check.
if (env.op_id_is_eliminated_coloring_move(src_as_se->expr().get_arg(0).var().idx())) {
m_var_info.is_eliminated_coloring_move = true;
auto var = src_as_se->expr().get_arg(0).var();
auto& info = env.reg_use().op.at(var.idx());
if (info.consumes.find(var.reg()) != info.consumes.end()) {
stack.push_non_seq_reg_to_reg(m_dst, src_as_se->expr().get_arg(0).var(), m_src,
stack.push_value_to_reg(m_dst, m_src, true, m_var_info);
for (auto x : m_src->elts()) {
assert(x->parent_form == m_src);
void SetVarElement::update_from_stack(const Env& env,
FormPool& pool,
FormStack& stack,
std::vector<FormElement*>* result,
bool allow_side_effects) {
m_src->update_children_from_stack(env, pool, stack, allow_side_effects);
for (auto x : m_src->elts()) {
assert(x->parent_form == m_src);
void SetFormFormElement::push_to_stack(const Env& env, FormPool& pool, FormStack& stack) {
// todo - is the order here right?
m_dst->update_children_from_stack(env, pool, stack, false);
m_src->update_children_from_stack(env, pool, stack, false);
stack.push_form_element(this, true);
// AshElement
void AshElement::update_from_stack(const Env& env,
FormPool& pool,
FormStack& stack,
std::vector<FormElement*>* result,
bool allow_side_effects) {
auto forms = pop_to_forms({value, shift_amount}, env, pool, stack, allow_side_effects, consumed);
auto new_form = pool.alloc_element<GenericElement>(
GenericOperator::make_fixed(FixedOperatorKind::ARITH_SHIFT), forms.at(0), forms.at(1));
// AbsElement
void AbsElement::update_from_stack(const Env& env,
FormPool& pool,
FormStack& stack,
std::vector<FormElement*>* result,
bool allow_side_effects) {
auto forms = pop_to_forms({source}, env, pool, stack, allow_side_effects, consumed);
auto new_form = pool.alloc_element<GenericElement>(
GenericOperator::make_fixed(FixedOperatorKind::ABS), forms.at(0));
// FunctionCallElement
void FunctionCallElement::update_from_stack(const Env& env,
FormPool& pool,
FormStack& stack,
std::vector<FormElement*>* result,
bool allow_side_effects) {
std::vector<Form*> args;
auto nargs = m_op->arg_vars().size();
args.resize(nargs, nullptr);
std::vector<Variable> all_pop_vars = {m_op->function_var()};
for (size_t i = 0; i < nargs; i++) {
auto unstacked = pop_to_forms(all_pop_vars, env, pool, stack, allow_side_effects);
std::vector<Form*> arg_forms;
TypeSpec function_type;
if (env.has_type_analysis()) {
function_type =
for (size_t arg_id = 0; arg_id < nargs; arg_id++) {
auto val = unstacked.at(arg_id + 1); // first is the function itself.
auto& var = all_pop_vars.at(arg_id + 1);
if (env.has_type_analysis() && function_type.arg_count() == nargs + 1) {
auto actual_arg_type = env.get_types_before_op(var.idx()).get(var.reg()).typespec();
auto desired_arg_type = function_type.get_arg(arg_id);
if (!env.dts->ts.typecheck(desired_arg_type, actual_arg_type, "", false, false)) {
pool.alloc_single_element_form<CastElement>(nullptr, desired_arg_type, val));
} else {
} else {
auto new_form = pool.alloc_element<GenericElement>(
GenericOperator::make_function(unstacked.at(0)), arg_forms);
// detect method calls:
// ex: ((-> pair methods-by-name new) (quote global) pair gp-0 a3-0)
constexpr int type_for_method = 0;
constexpr int method_name = 1;
auto deref_matcher = Matcher::deref(
Matcher::any_symbol(type_for_method), false,
{DerefTokenMatcher::string("methods-by-name"), DerefTokenMatcher::any_string(method_name)});
auto matcher = Matcher::op_with_rest(GenericOpMatcher::func(deref_matcher), {});
auto temp_form = pool.alloc_single_form(nullptr, new_form);
auto match_result = match(matcher, temp_form);
if (match_result.matched) {
auto type_1 = match_result.maps.strings.at(type_for_method);
auto name = match_result.maps.strings.at(method_name);
if (name == "new" && type_1 == "object") {
// calling the new method of object. This is a special case that turns into an (object-new
// macro. The arguments are allocation type-to-make and size of type
// symbol, type, int.
std::vector<Form*> new_args = dynamic_cast<GenericElement*>(new_form)->elts();
// if needed, cast to to correct type.
std::vector<TypeSpec> expected_arg_types = {TypeSpec("symbol"), TypeSpec("type"),
assert(new_args.size() >= 3);
for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
auto& var = all_pop_vars.at(i + 1); // 0 is the function itself.
auto arg_type = env.get_types_before_op(var.idx()).get(var.reg()).typespec();
if (!env.dts->ts.typecheck(expected_arg_types.at(i), arg_type, "", false, false)) {
new_args.at(i) = pool.alloc_single_element_form<CastElement>(
nullptr, expected_arg_types.at(i), new_args.at(i));
auto new_op = pool.alloc_element<GenericElement>(
GenericOperator::make_fixed(FixedOperatorKind::OBJECT_NEW), new_args);
if (name == "new" && type_1 == "type") {
std::vector<Form*> new_args = dynamic_cast<GenericElement*>(new_form)->elts();
auto new_op = pool.alloc_element<GenericElement>(
GenericOperator::make_fixed(FixedOperatorKind::TYPE_NEW), new_args);
} else if (name == "new") {
constexpr int allocation = 2;
constexpr int type_for_arg = 3;
auto alloc_matcher = Matcher::any_quoted_symbol(allocation);
auto type_arg_matcher = Matcher::any_symbol(type_for_arg);
matcher = Matcher::op_with_rest(GenericOpMatcher::func(deref_matcher),
{alloc_matcher, type_arg_matcher});
match_result = match(matcher, temp_form);
if (match_result.matched) {
auto alloc = match_result.maps.strings.at(allocation);
if (alloc != "global" && alloc != "debug" && alloc != "process") {
throw std::runtime_error("Unrecognized heap symbol for new: " + alloc);
auto type_2 = match_result.maps.strings.at(type_for_arg);
if (type_1 != type_2) {
throw std::runtime_error(
fmt::format("Inconsistent types in method call: {} and {}", type_1, type_2));
auto quoted_type = pool.alloc_single_element_form<SimpleAtomElement>(
nullptr, SimpleAtom::make_sym_ptr(type_2));
if (alloc == "global" && type_1 == "pair") {
// cons!
// (new 'global 'pair a b) -> (cons a b)
std::vector<Form*> cons_args = {dynamic_cast<GenericElement*>(new_form)->elts().at(2),
auto cons_op = pool.alloc_element<GenericElement>(
GenericOperator::make_fixed(FixedOperatorKind::CONS), cons_args);
} else {
// just normal construction on the heap
std::vector<Form*> new_args = dynamic_cast<GenericElement*>(new_form)->elts();
new_args.at(1) = quoted_type;
auto new_op = pool.alloc_element<GenericElement>(
GenericOperator::make_fixed(FixedOperatorKind::NEW), new_args);
} else {
throw std::runtime_error("Failed to match new method");
} else {
throw std::runtime_error("Method call detected, not yet implemented");
// detect method calls:
// ex: ((-> XXX methods-by-name new) (quote global) pair gp-0 a3-0)
constexpr int method_name = 0;
constexpr int type_source = 1;
auto deref_matcher = Matcher::deref(
Matcher::any(type_source), false,
{DerefTokenMatcher::string("methods-by-name"), DerefTokenMatcher::any_string(method_name)});
auto matcher = Matcher::op_with_rest(GenericOpMatcher::func(deref_matcher), {});
auto temp_form = pool.alloc_single_form(nullptr, new_form);
auto match_result = match(matcher, temp_form);
if (match_result.matched) {
auto name = match_result.maps.strings.at(method_name);
auto type_source_form = match_result.maps.forms.at(type_source);
auto method_op =
pool.alloc_single_element_form<GetMethodElement>(nullptr, type_source_form, name, false);
auto gop = GenericOperator::make_function(method_op);
result->push_back(pool.alloc_element<GenericElement>(gop, arg_forms));
void FunctionCallElement::push_to_stack(const Env& env, FormPool& pool, FormStack& stack) {
std::vector<FormElement*> rewritten;
update_from_stack(env, pool, stack, &rewritten, true);
for (auto x : rewritten) {
stack.push_form_element(x, true);
// DerefElement
void DerefElement::update_from_stack(const Env& env,
FormPool& pool,
FormStack& stack,
std::vector<FormElement*>* result,
bool allow_side_effects) {
// todo - update var tokens from stack?
m_base->update_children_from_stack(env, pool, stack, allow_side_effects);
// merge nested ->'s
auto as_deref = dynamic_cast<DerefElement*>(m_base->try_as_single_element());
if (as_deref) {
if (!m_is_addr_of && !as_deref->is_addr_of()) {
m_tokens.insert(m_tokens.begin(), as_deref->tokens().begin(), as_deref->tokens().end());
m_base = as_deref->m_base;
// rewrite access to the method table to use method-of-object
// (-> <some-object> type methods-by-name <method-name>)
// (method-of-object <some-object> <method-name>)
auto get_method_matcher = Matcher::deref(
Matcher::any(0), false,
{DerefTokenMatcher::string("type"), DerefTokenMatcher::string("methods-by-name"),
Form hack_form;
hack_form.elts() = {this};
auto mr = match(get_method_matcher, &hack_form);
if (mr.matched) {
auto method_op = pool.alloc_element<GenericElement>(
GenericOperator::make_fixed(FixedOperatorKind::METHOD_OF_OBJECT), mr.maps.forms.at(0),
pool.alloc_single_element_form<ConstantTokenElement>(nullptr, mr.maps.strings.at(1)));
} else {
// UntilElement
void UntilElement::push_to_stack(const Env& env, FormPool& pool, FormStack& stack) {
for (auto form : {condition, body}) {
FormStack temp_stack;
for (auto& entry : form->elts()) {
entry->push_to_stack(env, pool, temp_stack);
auto new_entries = temp_stack.rewrite(pool);
for (auto e : new_entries) {
stack.push_form_element(this, true);
void WhileElement::push_to_stack(const Env& env, FormPool& pool, FormStack& stack) {
for (auto form : {condition, body}) {
FormStack temp_stack;
for (auto& entry : form->elts()) {
entry->push_to_stack(env, pool, temp_stack);
auto new_entries = temp_stack.rewrite(pool);
for (auto e : new_entries) {
stack.push_form_element(this, true);
// CondNoElseElement
void CondNoElseElement::push_to_stack(const Env& env, FormPool& pool, FormStack& stack) {
if (already_rewritten) {
stack.push_form_element(this, true);
for (auto& entry : entries) {
for (auto form : {entry.condition, entry.body}) {
FormStack temp_stack;
for (auto& elt : form->elts()) {
elt->push_to_stack(env, pool, temp_stack);
std::vector<FormElement*> new_entries;
if (form == entry.body && used_as_value) {
new_entries = temp_stack.rewrite_to_get_var(pool, final_destination, env);
} else {
new_entries = temp_stack.rewrite(pool);
for (auto e : new_entries) {
// raise expression.
auto top_condition = entries.front().condition;
if (!top_condition->is_single_element()) {
auto real_condition = top_condition->back();
for (auto x : top_condition->elts()) {
x->push_to_stack(env, pool, stack);
top_condition->elts() = {real_condition};
if (used_as_value) {
stack.push_value_to_reg(final_destination, pool.alloc_single_form(nullptr, this), true);
} else {
stack.push_form_element(this, true);
already_rewritten = true;
void CondWithElseElement::push_to_stack(const Env& env, FormPool& pool, FormStack& stack) {
if (already_rewritten) {
stack.push_form_element(this, true);
// first, let's try to detect if all bodies write the same value
std::optional<Variable> last_var;
bool rewrite_as_set = true;
// collect all forms which should write the output.
std::vector<Form*> write_output_forms;
for (const auto& entry : entries) {
// check all to see if they write the value.
for (auto form : write_output_forms) {
auto last_in_body = dynamic_cast<SetVarElement*>(form->elts().back());
if (last_in_body) {
if (last_var.has_value()) {
if (last_var->reg() != last_in_body->dst().reg()) {
rewrite_as_set = false;
last_var = last_in_body->dst();
if (!last_var.has_value()) {
rewrite_as_set = false;
// determine if set destination is used
bool set_unused = false;
if (rewrite_as_set) {
auto& info = env.reg_use().op.at(last_var->idx());
if (info.written_and_unused.find(last_var->reg()) != info.written_and_unused.end()) {
set_unused = true;
// process everything.
for (auto& entry : entries) {
for (auto form : {entry.condition, entry.body}) {
FormStack temp_stack;
for (auto& elt : form->elts()) {
elt->push_to_stack(env, pool, temp_stack);
std::vector<FormElement*> new_entries;
if (form == entry.body && rewrite_as_set && !set_unused) {
new_entries = temp_stack.rewrite_to_get_var(pool, *last_var, env);
} else {
new_entries = temp_stack.rewrite(pool);
for (auto e : new_entries) {
// process else.
FormStack temp_stack;
for (auto& elt : else_ir->elts()) {
elt->push_to_stack(env, pool, temp_stack);
std::vector<FormElement*> new_entries;
if (rewrite_as_set && !set_unused) {
new_entries = temp_stack.rewrite_to_get_var(pool, *last_var, env);
} else {
new_entries = temp_stack.rewrite(pool);
for (auto e : new_entries) {
// raise expression.
auto top_condition = entries.front().condition;
if (!top_condition->is_single_element()) {
auto real_condition = top_condition->back();
for (auto x : top_condition->elts()) {
x->push_to_stack(env, pool, stack);
top_condition->elts() = {real_condition};
if (rewrite_as_set) {
if (set_unused) {
stack.push_form_element(this, true);
} else {
stack.push_value_to_reg(*last_var, pool.alloc_single_form(nullptr, this), true);
} else {
stack.push_form_element(this, true);
already_rewritten = true;
// ShortCircuitElement
void ShortCircuitElement::push_to_stack(const Env& env, FormPool& pool, FormStack& stack) {
if (!used_as_value.value_or(false)) {
throw std::runtime_error(
"ShortCircuitElement::push_to_stack not implemented for result not used case.");
stack.push_form_element(this, true);
} else {
if (already_rewritten) {
stack.push_form_element(this, true);
for (int i = 0; i < int(entries.size()); i++) {
auto& entry = entries.at(i);
FormStack temp_stack;
for (auto& elt : entry.condition->elts()) {
elt->push_to_stack(env, pool, temp_stack);
std::vector<FormElement*> new_entries;
if (i == int(entries.size()) - 1) {
new_entries = temp_stack.rewrite_to_get_var(pool, final_result, env);
} else {
new_entries = temp_stack.rewrite(pool);
for (auto e : new_entries) {
auto top_condition = entries.front().condition;
if (!top_condition->is_single_element()) {
auto real_condition = top_condition->back();
for (auto x : top_condition->elts()) {
x->push_to_stack(env, pool, stack);
top_condition->elts() = {real_condition};
stack.push_value_to_reg(final_result, pool.alloc_single_form(nullptr, this), true);
already_rewritten = true;
void ShortCircuitElement::update_from_stack(const Env& env,
FormPool& pool,
FormStack& stack,
std::vector<FormElement*>* result,
bool) {
if (already_rewritten) {
for (int i = 0; i < int(entries.size()); i++) {
auto& entry = entries.at(i);
FormStack temp_stack;
for (auto& elt : entry.condition->elts()) {
elt->push_to_stack(env, pool, temp_stack);
std::vector<FormElement*> new_entries;
if (i == int(entries.size()) - 1) {
new_entries = temp_stack.rewrite_to_get_var(pool, final_result, env);
} else {
new_entries = temp_stack.rewrite(pool);
for (auto e : new_entries) {
already_rewritten = true;
// ConditionElement
namespace {
Form* make_cast(Form* in, const TypeSpec& in_type, const TypeSpec& out_type, FormPool& pool) {
if (in_type == out_type) {
return in;
return pool.alloc_single_element_form<CastElement>(nullptr, out_type, in);
std::vector<Form*> make_cast(const std::vector<Form*>& in,
const std::vector<TypeSpec>& in_types,
const TypeSpec& out_type,
FormPool& pool) {
std::vector<Form*> out;
assert(in.size() == in_types.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < in_types.size(); i++) {
out.push_back(make_cast(in.at(i), in_types.at(i), out_type, pool));
return out;
} // namespace
FormElement* ConditionElement::make_generic(const Env&,
FormPool& pool,
const std::vector<Form*>& source_forms,
const std::vector<TypeSpec>& types) {
switch (m_kind) {
case IR2_Condition::Kind::TRUTHY:
case IR2_Condition::Kind::ZERO:
case IR2_Condition::Kind::NONZERO:
case IR2_Condition::Kind::FALSE:
case IR2_Condition::Kind::IS_PAIR:
case IR2_Condition::Kind::IS_NOT_PAIR:
// kind of a hack, we fall back to the old condition operator which is special cased
// to print the truthy condition in a nice way. and we use it for other things that don't
// require fancy renaming.
return pool.alloc_element<GenericElement>(GenericOperator::make_compare(m_kind),
case IR2_Condition::Kind::EQUAL:
return pool.alloc_element<GenericElement>(GenericOperator::make_fixed(FixedOperatorKind::EQ),
case IR2_Condition::Kind::NOT_EQUAL:
return pool.alloc_element<GenericElement>(GenericOperator::make_fixed(FixedOperatorKind::NEQ),
case IR2_Condition::Kind::LESS_THAN_SIGNED:
return pool.alloc_element<GenericElement>(
make_cast(source_forms, types, TypeSpec("int"), pool));
case IR2_Condition::Kind::LESS_THAN_UNSIGNED:
return pool.alloc_element<GenericElement>(
make_cast(source_forms, types, TypeSpec("uint"), pool));
case IR2_Condition::Kind::GEQ_UNSIGNED:
return pool.alloc_element<GenericElement>(
make_cast(source_forms, types, TypeSpec("uint"), pool));
case IR2_Condition::Kind::GEQ_SIGNED:
return pool.alloc_element<GenericElement>(
make_cast(source_forms, types, TypeSpec("int"), pool));
case IR2_Condition::Kind::LESS_THAN_ZERO_SIGNED: {
auto casted = make_cast(source_forms, types, TypeSpec("int"), pool);
auto zero = pool.alloc_single_element_form<SimpleAtomElement>(
nullptr, SimpleAtom::make_int_constant(0));
return pool.alloc_element<GenericElement>(GenericOperator::make_fixed(FixedOperatorKind::LT),
case IR2_Condition::Kind::GEQ_ZERO_SIGNED: {
auto casted = make_cast(source_forms, types, TypeSpec("int"), pool);
auto zero = pool.alloc_single_element_form<SimpleAtomElement>(
nullptr, SimpleAtom::make_int_constant(0));
return pool.alloc_element<GenericElement>(GenericOperator::make_fixed(FixedOperatorKind::GEQ),
case IR2_Condition::Kind::GREATER_THAN_ZERO_SIGNED: {
auto casted = make_cast(source_forms, types, TypeSpec("int"), pool);
auto zero = pool.alloc_single_element_form<SimpleAtomElement>(
nullptr, SimpleAtom::make_int_constant(0));
return pool.alloc_element<GenericElement>(GenericOperator::make_fixed(FixedOperatorKind::GT),
case IR2_Condition::Kind::FLOAT_NOT_EQUAL: {
auto casted = make_cast(source_forms, types, TypeSpec("float"), pool);
return pool.alloc_element<GenericElement>(GenericOperator::make_fixed(FixedOperatorKind::NEQ),
case IR2_Condition::Kind::FLOAT_EQUAL: {
auto casted = make_cast(source_forms, types, TypeSpec("float"), pool);
return pool.alloc_element<GenericElement>(GenericOperator::make_fixed(FixedOperatorKind::EQ),
case IR2_Condition::Kind::FLOAT_LEQ: {
auto casted = make_cast(source_forms, types, TypeSpec("float"), pool);
return pool.alloc_element<GenericElement>(GenericOperator::make_fixed(FixedOperatorKind::LEQ),
case IR2_Condition::Kind::FLOAT_LESS_THAN: {
auto casted = make_cast(source_forms, types, TypeSpec("float"), pool);
return pool.alloc_element<GenericElement>(GenericOperator::make_fixed(FixedOperatorKind::LT),
case IR2_Condition::Kind::FLOAT_GEQ: {
auto casted = make_cast(source_forms, types, TypeSpec("float"), pool);
return pool.alloc_element<GenericElement>(GenericOperator::make_fixed(FixedOperatorKind::GEQ),
throw std::runtime_error("ConditionElement::make_generic NYI for kind " +
void ConditionElement::push_to_stack(const Env& env, FormPool& pool, FormStack& stack) {
std::vector<Form*> source_forms, popped_forms;
std::vector<TypeSpec> source_types;
std::vector<Variable> vars;
for (int i = 0; i < get_condition_num_args(m_kind); i++) {
if (m_src[i]->is_var()) {
auto& var = m_src[i]->var();
} else if (m_src[i]->is_int()) {
if (m_src[i]->get_int() == 0 && condition_uses_float(m_kind)) {
// if we're doing a floating point comparison, and one of our arguments is a constant
// which is an "integer zero", treat it as a floating point zero.
} else {
} else {
throw std::runtime_error("Unsupported atom in ConditionElement::push_to_stack");
if (m_flipped) {
std::reverse(vars.begin(), vars.end());
popped_forms = pop_to_forms(vars, env, pool, stack, true, m_consumed);
if (m_flipped) {
std::reverse(popped_forms.begin(), popped_forms.end());
int popped_counter = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < get_condition_num_args(m_kind); i++) {
if (m_src[i]->is_var()) {
} else {
source_forms.push_back(pool.alloc_single_element_form<SimpleAtomElement>(nullptr, *m_src[i]));
assert(popped_counter == int(popped_forms.size()));
assert(source_forms.size() == source_types.size());
stack.push_form_element(make_generic(env, pool, source_forms, source_types), true);
void ConditionElement::update_from_stack(const Env& env,
FormPool& pool,
FormStack& stack,
std::vector<FormElement*>* result,
bool allow_side_effects) {
std::vector<Form*> source_forms;
std::vector<TypeSpec> source_types;
std::vector<Variable> vars;
for (int i = 0; i < get_condition_num_args(m_kind); i++) {
auto& var = m_src[i]->var();
if (m_flipped) {
std::reverse(vars.begin(), vars.end());
source_forms = pop_to_forms(vars, env, pool, stack, allow_side_effects, m_consumed);
if (m_flipped) {
std::reverse(source_forms.begin(), source_forms.end());
result->push_back(make_generic(env, pool, source_forms, source_types));
void ReturnElement::push_to_stack(const Env& env, FormPool& pool, FormStack& stack) {
FormStack temp_stack;
for (auto& elt : return_code->elts()) {
elt->push_to_stack(env, pool, temp_stack);
std::vector<FormElement*> new_entries;
new_entries = temp_stack.rewrite_to_get_var(pool, env.end_var(), env);
for (auto e : new_entries) {
stack.push_form_element(this, true);
void AtomicOpElement::push_to_stack(const Env& env, FormPool&, FormStack& stack) {
auto as_end = dynamic_cast<const FunctionEndOp*>(m_op);
if (as_end) {
// we don't want to push this to the stack (for now at least)
auto as_special = dynamic_cast<const SpecialOp*>(m_op);
if (as_special) {
if (as_special->kind() == SpecialOp::Kind::NOP ||
as_special->kind() == SpecialOp::Kind::BREAK) {
stack.push_form_element(this, true);
auto as_asm = dynamic_cast<const AsmOp*>(m_op);
if (as_asm) {
stack.push_form_element(this, true);
throw std::runtime_error("Can't push atomic op to stack: " + m_op->to_string(env));
void AsmOpElement::push_to_stack(const Env&, FormPool&, FormStack& stack) {
stack.push_form_element(this, true);
void GenericElement::update_from_stack(const Env& env,
FormPool& pool,
FormStack& stack,
std::vector<FormElement*>* result,
bool) {
for (auto it = m_elts.rbegin(); it != m_elts.rend(); it++) {
(*it)->update_children_from_stack(env, pool, stack, false);
if (m_head.m_kind == GenericOperator::Kind::FUNCTION_EXPR) {
m_head.m_function->update_children_from_stack(env, pool, stack, false);
void GenericElement::push_to_stack(const Env& env, FormPool& pool, FormStack& stack) {
stack.push_form_element(this, true);
// DynamicMethodAccess
void DynamicMethodAccess::update_from_stack(const Env& env,
FormPool& pool,
FormStack& stack,
std::vector<FormElement*>* result,
bool allow_side_effects) {
auto new_val = stack.pop_reg(m_source, {}, env, allow_side_effects);
auto reg0_matcher =
Matcher::match_or({Matcher::any_reg(0), Matcher::cast("uint", Matcher::any_reg(0))});
auto reg1_matcher =
Matcher::match_or({Matcher::any_reg(1), Matcher::cast("int", Matcher::any_reg(1))});
// (+ (sll (the-as uint a1-0) 2) (the-as int a0-0))
auto sll_matcher = Matcher::fixed_op(FixedOperatorKind::SHL, {reg0_matcher, Matcher::integer(2)});
auto matcher = Matcher::fixed_op(FixedOperatorKind::ADDITION, {sll_matcher, reg1_matcher});
auto match_result = match(matcher, new_val);
if (!match_result.matched) {
throw std::runtime_error("Couldn't match DynamicMethodAccess values: " +
auto idx = match_result.maps.regs.at(0);
auto base = match_result.maps.regs.at(1);
assert(idx.has_value() && base.has_value());
auto deref = pool.alloc_element<DerefElement>(
var_to_form(base.value(), pool), false,
DerefToken::make_int_expr(var_to_form(idx.value(), pool))});
// ArrayFieldAccess
namespace {
bool is_power_of_two(int in, int* out) {
int x = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
if (x == in) {
*out = i;
return true;
x = x * 2;
return false;
} // namespace
void ArrayFieldAccess::update_from_stack(const Env& env,
FormPool& pool,
FormStack& stack,
std::vector<FormElement*>* result,
bool allow_side_effects) {
auto new_val = stack.pop_reg(m_source, {}, env, allow_side_effects);
int power_of_two = 0;
if (m_constant_offset == 0) {
if (m_expected_stride == 1) {
throw std::runtime_error("One case, not yet implemented (no offset)");
} else if (is_power_of_two(m_expected_stride, &power_of_two)) {
// reg0 is base
// reg1 is idx
auto reg0_matcher =
Matcher::match_or({Matcher::cast("uint", Matcher::any(0)), Matcher::any(0)});
auto reg1_matcher =
Matcher::match_or({Matcher::cast("uint", Matcher::any(1)), Matcher::any(1)});
auto sll_matcher =
Matcher::fixed_op(FixedOperatorKind::SHL, {reg1_matcher, Matcher::integer(power_of_two)});
sll_matcher = Matcher::match_or({Matcher::cast("uint", sll_matcher), sll_matcher});
auto matcher = Matcher::fixed_op(FixedOperatorKind::ADDITION, {reg0_matcher, sll_matcher});
auto match_result = match(matcher, new_val);
if (!match_result.matched) {
fmt::print("power {}\n", power_of_two);
throw std::runtime_error(
"Couldn't match ArrayFieldAccess (stride power of 2, 0 offset) values: " +
auto idx = match_result.maps.forms.at(1);
auto base = match_result.maps.forms.at(0);
assert(idx && base);
std::vector<DerefToken> tokens = m_deref_tokens;
for (auto& x : tokens) {
if (x.kind() == DerefToken::Kind::EXPRESSION_PLACEHOLDER) {
x = DerefToken::make_int_expr(idx);
// tokens.push_back(DerefToken::make_int_expr(idx));
auto deref = pool.alloc_element<DerefElement>(base, false, tokens);
} else {
throw std::runtime_error("Not power of two case, not yet implemented (no offset)");
} else {
if (m_expected_stride == 1) {
// reg0 is idx
auto reg0_matcher =
Matcher::match_or({Matcher::any(0), Matcher::cast("int", Matcher::any_reg(0))});
// reg1 is base
auto reg1_matcher =
Matcher::match_or({Matcher::any_reg(1), Matcher::cast("int", Matcher::any_reg(1))});
auto matcher = Matcher::fixed_op(FixedOperatorKind::ADDITION, {reg0_matcher, reg1_matcher});
auto match_result = match(matcher, new_val);
if (!match_result.matched) {
throw std::runtime_error("Couldn't match ArrayFieldAccess (stride 1) values: " +
auto idx = match_result.maps.forms.at(0);
auto base = match_result.maps.regs.at(1);
assert(idx && base.has_value());
std::vector<DerefToken> tokens = m_deref_tokens;
for (auto& x : tokens) {
if (x.kind() == DerefToken::Kind::EXPRESSION_PLACEHOLDER) {
x = DerefToken::make_int_expr(idx);
// tokens.push_back(DerefToken::make_int_expr(var_to_form(idx.value(), pool)));
auto deref = pool.alloc_element<DerefElement>(var_to_form(base.value(), pool), false, tokens);
} else if (is_power_of_two(m_expected_stride, &power_of_two)) {
// (+ (sll (the-as uint a1-0) 2) (the-as int a0-0))
// (+ gp-0 (the-as uint (shl (the-as uint (shl (the-as uint s4-0) 2)) 2)))
auto reg0_matcher =
Matcher::match_or({Matcher::cast("uint", Matcher::any(0)), Matcher::any(0)});
auto reg1_matcher =
Matcher::match_or({Matcher::cast("uint", Matcher::any(1)),
Matcher::cast("int", Matcher::any(1)), Matcher::any(1)});
auto sll_matcher =
Matcher::fixed_op(FixedOperatorKind::SHL, {reg0_matcher, Matcher::integer(power_of_two)});
sll_matcher = Matcher::match_or({Matcher::cast("uint", sll_matcher), sll_matcher});
auto matcher = Matcher::fixed_op(FixedOperatorKind::ADDITION, {sll_matcher, reg1_matcher});
auto match_result = match(matcher, new_val);
// TODO - figure out why it sometimes happens the other way.
if (!match_result.matched) {
matcher = Matcher::fixed_op(FixedOperatorKind::ADDITION, {reg1_matcher, sll_matcher});
match_result = match(matcher, new_val);
if (!match_result.matched) {
throw std::runtime_error("Couldn't match ArrayFieldAccess (stride power of 2) values: " +
auto idx = match_result.maps.forms.at(0);
auto base = match_result.maps.forms.at(1);
assert(idx && base);
std::vector<DerefToken> tokens = m_deref_tokens;
for (auto& x : tokens) {
if (x.kind() == DerefToken::Kind::EXPRESSION_PLACEHOLDER) {
x = DerefToken::make_int_expr(idx);
// tokens.push_back(DerefToken::make_int_expr(var_to_form(idx.value(), pool)));
auto deref = pool.alloc_element<DerefElement>(base, false, tokens);
} else {
throw std::runtime_error("Not power of two case, not yet implemented (offset)");
// CastElement
void CastElement::update_from_stack(const Env& env,
FormPool& pool,
FormStack& stack,
std::vector<FormElement*>* result,
bool allow_side_effects) {
m_source->update_children_from_stack(env, pool, stack, allow_side_effects);
// TypeOfElement
void TypeOfElement::update_from_stack(const Env& env,
FormPool& pool,
FormStack& stack,
std::vector<FormElement*>* result,
bool allow_side_effects) {
value->update_children_from_stack(env, pool, stack, allow_side_effects);
// EmptyElement
void EmptyElement::push_to_stack(const Env&, FormPool&, FormStack& stack) {
stack.push_form_element(this, true);
void ConditionalMoveFalseElement::push_to_stack(const Env&, FormPool&, FormStack& stack) {
stack.push_form_element(this, true);
void SimpleAtomElement::push_to_stack(const Env&, FormPool&, FormStack& stack) {
stack.push_form_element(this, true);
void SimpleAtomElement::update_from_stack(const Env&,
std::vector<FormElement*>* result,
bool) {
void SimpleExpressionElement::push_to_stack(const Env&, FormPool&, FormStack& stack) {
stack.push_form_element(this, true);
void StringConstantElement::update_from_stack(const Env&,
std::vector<FormElement*>* result,
bool) {
} // namespace decompiler