
282 lines
9.4 KiB

#include "formatting_rules.h"
#include <set>
#include "common/util/string_util.h"
#include "third-party/fmt/core.h"
namespace formatter_rules {
// TODO - probably need to include quoted literals as well, though the grammar currently does not
// differentiate between a quoted symbol and a quoted form
const std::set<std::string> constant_types = {"kwd_lit", "num_lit", "str_lit",
"char_lit", "null_lit", "bool_lit"};
namespace blank_lines {
void separate_by_newline(std::string& curr_text,
const FormatterTreeNode& containing_node,
const FormatterTreeNode& node,
const int index) {
// We only are concerned with top level forms or elements
// Skip the last element, no trailing new-lines (let the editors handle this!)
// Also peek ahead to see if there was a comment on this line, if so don't separate things!
if (!containing_node.metadata.is_top_level || index >= containing_node.refs.size() - 1 ||
(containing_node.refs.at(index + 1).metadata.is_comment &&
containing_node.refs.at(index + 1).metadata.is_inline)) {
curr_text += "\n";
// If it's a comment, but has no following blank lines, dont insert a blank line
if (node.metadata.is_comment && node.metadata.num_blank_lines_following == 0) {
// Otherwise, add only 1 blank line
curr_text += "\n";
} // namespace blank_lines
namespace comments {
std::string format_block_comment(const std::string& comment) {
// Normalize block comments, remove any trailing or leading whitespace
// Only allow annotations on the first line, like #|@file
// Don't mess with internal indentation as the user might intend it to be a certain way.
std::string new_comment = "";
std::string comment_contents = "";
bool seek_until_whitespace = str_util::starts_with(comment, "#|@");
int chars_seeked = 0;
for (const auto& c : comment) {
if (c == '\n' || (seek_until_whitespace && (c == ' ' || c == '\t')) ||
(!seek_until_whitespace && (c != '#' && c != '|'))) {
new_comment += c;
// Remove the first line content and any leading whitespace
comment_contents = str_util::ltrim_newlines(comment.substr(chars_seeked));
// Remove trailing whitespace
comment_contents = str_util::rtrim(comment_contents);
// remove |#
// TODO - check suffix
comment_contents = str_util::rtrim(comment_contents);
new_comment += fmt::format("\n{}\n|#", comment_contents);
return new_comment;
} // namespace comments
namespace constant_pairs {
bool is_element_second_in_constant_pair(const FormatterTreeNode& containing_node,
const FormatterTreeNode& node,
const int index) {
if (containing_node.refs.empty() || index == 0) {
return false;
// Ensure that a keyword came before hand
if (containing_node.refs.at(index - 1).metadata.node_type != "kwd_lit") {
return false;
} else if (node.metadata.node_type == "kwd_lit") {
// NOTE - there is ambiugity here which cannot be totally solved (i think?)
// if the element itself is also a keyword, assume this is two adjacent keywords and they should
// not be paired
return false;
// Check the type of the element
if (constant_types.find(node.metadata.node_type) != constant_types.end()) {
return true;
return false;
bool form_should_be_constant_paired(const FormatterTreeNode& node) {
// Criteria for a list to be constant paired:
// - needs to start with a non-symbol
// - needs atleast the minimum amount of pairs, so 2 pairs can still be inlined
if (node.refs.empty()) {
return false;
int num_pairs = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < node.refs.size() - 1; i++) {
const auto& ref = node.refs.at(i);
const auto& next_ref = node.refs.at(i + 1);
if (ref.token && next_ref.token) {
// If the first element a keyword and the following item is a constant, it's a pair
// move forward one extra index
if (ref.metadata.node_type == "kwd_lit" &&
constant_types.find(next_ref.metadata.node_type) != constant_types.end()) {
return num_pairs >= min_pair_amount;
} // namespace constant_pairs
namespace indent {
int cursor_pos(const std::string& curr_text) {
if (curr_text.empty()) {
return 0;
// Get the last line of the text (which is also the line we are on!)
int pos = 0;
for (int i = curr_text.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const auto& c = curr_text.at(i);
if (c == '\n') {
return pos;
int compute_form_width_after_index(const FormatterTreeNode& node,
const int index,
const int depth = 0) {
if (node.refs.empty()) {
if (node.token) {
return node.token->size();
} else {
return 0;
int form_width = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < node.refs.size(); i++) {
const auto& ref = node.refs.at(i);
if (depth == 0 && i < index) {
if (ref.token) {
form_width += ref.token->size() + 1;
} else {
form_width += compute_form_width_after_index(ref, index, depth + 1) + 1;
return form_width;
bool form_exceed_line_width(const std::string& curr_text,
const FormatterTreeNode& containing_node,
const int index) {
// Compute length from the current cursor position on the line as this check is done for every
// element of the form and not in advance
// This is for a good reason, intermediate nodes may override this styling and force to be
// formatted inline
// We early out as soon as we exceed the width
int curr_line_pos = cursor_pos(curr_text);
if (curr_line_pos >= line_width_target) {
return true;
int remaining_width_required = compute_form_width_after_index(containing_node, index);
if (curr_line_pos + remaining_width_required >= line_width_target) {
return true;
return false;
bool form_contains_comment(const FormatterTreeNode& node) {
if (node.metadata.is_comment) {
return true;
for (const auto& ref : node.refs) {
if (ref.metadata.is_comment) {
return true;
} else if (!node.refs.empty()) {
if (form_contains_comment(ref)) {
return true;
return false;
bool form_can_be_inlined(std::string& curr_text, const FormatterTreeNode& node) {
// Two main checks:
// - first, is the form too long to fit on a line TODO - increase accuracy here
if (form_exceed_line_width(curr_text, node, 0)) {
return false;
// - second, are there any comments? (inlined or not, doesn't matter)
if (form_contains_comment(node)) {
return false;
return true;
void append_newline(std::string& curr_text,
const FormatterTreeNode& node,
const FormatterTreeNode& containing_node,
const int depth,
const int index,
const bool constant_pair_form) {
if (index <= 0 || containing_node.metadata.is_top_level ||
(node.metadata.is_comment && node.metadata.is_inline)) {
// Check if it's a constant pair
if (constant_pair_form &&
constant_pairs::is_element_second_in_constant_pair(containing_node, node, index)) {
curr_text = str_util::rtrim(curr_text) + "\n";
void flow_line(std::string& curr_text,
const FormatterTreeNode& node,
const FormatterTreeNode& containing_node,
const int depth,
const int index) {
if (node.metadata.is_top_level || (node.metadata.is_inline && node.metadata.is_comment)) {
// If the element is the second element in a constant pair, that means we did not append a
// new-line before hand so we require no indentation (it's inline with the previous element)
if (constant_pairs::is_element_second_in_constant_pair(containing_node, node, index)) {
if (index > 0) {
// If the first element in the list is a constant, we only indent with 1 space instead
if (constant_types.find(containing_node.refs.at(0).metadata.node_type) !=
constant_types.end()) {
curr_text += str_util::repeat(depth, " ");
} else {
curr_text += str_util::repeat(depth, " ");
void hang_lines(std::string& text,
const FormatterTreeNode& node,
const FormatterTreeNode& containing_node,
const bool constant_pair_form) {
const auto lines = str_util::split(text);
// TODO - unsafe (breaks on a list of lists)
int alignment_width = 2;
if (constant_pair_form &&
constant_types.find(containing_node.refs.at(0).metadata.node_type) != constant_types.end()) {
alignment_width = 3;
// TODO - implement hanging
// always hang unless flowing is "better" (this is the hard part)
/*else if (containing_node.metadata.multiple_elements_first_line) {
alignment_width = containing_node.refs.at(0).token.value().length() + 2;
std::string aligned_form = "";
for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) {
aligned_form += str_util::repeat(alignment_width, " ") + lines.at(i);
if (i != lines.size() - 1) {
aligned_form += "\n";
text = aligned_form;
} // namespace indent
} // namespace formatter_rules