
453 lines
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Common Lisp

(in-package goal)
;; name: pov-camera.gc
;; name in dgo: pov-camera
;; dgos: ENGINE, GAME
(in-package goal)
;; definition for method 25 of type pov-camera
(defmethod abort? pov-camera ((obj pov-camera))
(when (or (and (>= (- (-> self clock frame-counter) (-> obj debounce-start-time)) (seconds 0.2))
(cpad-pressed? 0 triangle)
(logtest? (-> obj flags) (pov-camera-flag allow-abort))
(logclear! (-> *cpad-list* cpads 0 button0-abs 0) (pad-buttons triangle))
(logclear! (-> *cpad-list* cpads 0 button0-rel 0) (pad-buttons triangle))
(when (logtest? (-> obj flags) (pov-camera-flag notify-of-abort))
(send-event (handle->process (-> obj notify-handle)) 'notify 'abort-request)
;; definition for method 26 of type pov-camera
(defmethod target-grabbed? pov-camera ((obj pov-camera))
(or (not *target*) (process-grab? *target* #f))
;; definition for method 29 of type pov-camera
(defmethod target-released? pov-camera ((obj pov-camera))
(or (not *target*) (process-release? *target*))
;; failed to figure out what this is:
(defstate pov-camera-startup (pov-camera)
:virtual #t
:code (behavior ()
(go-virtual pov-camera-start-playing)
;; failed to figure out what this is:
(defstate pov-camera-start-playing (pov-camera)
:virtual #t
:code (behavior ()
(logclear! (-> self mask) (process-mask actor-pause))
(while (not (target-grabbed? self))
(let ((gp-0 0))
(let ((v1-7 (the-as joint (get-art-by-name-method (-> self draw jgeo) "camera" (the-as type #f)))))
(if v1-7
(set! gp-0 (+ (-> v1-7 number) 1))
(let ((v1-10 (process-spawn othercam self gp-0 #t #t :to self)))
(send-event (ppointer->process v1-10) 'mask (-> self mask-to-clear))
(go-virtual pov-camera-playing)
;; definition for function pov-camera-play-and-reposition
;; WARN: Return type mismatch int vs none.
(defbehavior pov-camera-play-and-reposition pov-camera ((arg0 art-joint-anim) (arg1 vector) (arg2 float))
(let ((s4-0 #f))
(ja-no-eval :group! arg0 :num! (seek! (the float (+ (-> arg0 frames num-frames) -1)) arg2) :frame-num 0.0)
(until (ja-done? 0)
(let ((v1-4 (and (not s4-0) (< (the float (+ (-> (ja-group) frames num-frames) -4)) (ja-frame-num 0)))))
(when v1-4
(set! s4-0 #t)
(send-event *camera* 'teleport-to-vector-start-string arg1)
(ja :num! (seek! max arg2))
;; failed to figure out what this is:
(defstate pov-camera-playing (pov-camera)
:virtual #t
:event (behavior ((proc process) (arg1 int) (event-type symbol) (event event-message-block))
(case event-type
(when (logtest? (-> self flags) (pov-camera-flag notify-of-abort))
(logior! (-> self flags) (pov-camera-flag allow-abort))
(if (= (-> self anim-name type) string)
(go-virtual pov-camera-abort)
:enter (behavior ()
(set! (-> self debounce-start-time) (-> self clock frame-counter))
(if (= (-> self anim-name type) string)
(backup-load-state-and-set-cmds *load-state* (-> self command-list))
:exit (behavior ()
(if (= (-> self anim-name type) string)
(restore-load-state-and-cleanup *load-state*)
(remove-setting! 'music-volume)
(remove-setting! 'sfx-volume)
:code (behavior ()
(add-setting! 'music-volume 'rel (-> self music-volume-movie) 0)
(add-setting! 'sfx-volume 'rel (-> self sfx-volume-movie) 0)
((= (-> self anim-name type) string)
(ja-no-eval :group! (ja-group)
:num! (seek! (the float (+ (-> (ja-group) frames num-frames) -1)))
:frame-num 0.0
(until (ja-done? 0)
(abort? self)
(ja :num! (seek!))
((= (-> self anim-name type) spool-anim)
(the-as spool-anim (-> self anim-name))
(the-as art-joint-anim #f)
(the-as art-joint-anim #f)
(method-of-object self abort?)
(go-virtual pov-camera-done-playing)
:post (behavior ()
(if (= (-> self anim-name type) string)
(execute-commands-up-to *load-state* (ja-aframe-num 0))
;; failed to figure out what this is:
(defstate pov-camera-abort (pov-camera)
:virtual #t
:enter (behavior ()
(logior! (-> self flags) (pov-camera-flag allow-abort))
:code (behavior ()
(set-blackout-frames (seconds 0.035))
(go-virtual pov-camera-done-playing)
;; failed to figure out what this is:
(defstate pov-camera-done-playing (pov-camera)
:virtual #t
:code (behavior ()
(while (not (target-released? self))
(send-event (handle->process (-> self notify-handle)) 'notify 'die)
(cleanup-for-death self)
(deactivate self)
;; definition for method 28 of type pov-camera
;; WARN: Return type mismatch int vs none.
(defmethod pov-camera-method-28 pov-camera ()
;; definition for method 27 of type pov-camera
;; WARN: Return type mismatch int vs none.
(defmethod pov-camera-method-27 pov-camera ()
;; definition for function pov-camera-init-by-other
;; INFO: Used lq/sq
;; WARN: Return type mismatch object vs none.
(defbehavior pov-camera-init-by-other pov-camera ((arg0 vector) (arg1 skeleton-group) (arg2 string) (arg3 pov-camera-flag) (arg4 process-drawable) (arg5 pair))
((method-of-object self pov-camera-method-27))
(set! (-> *game-info* pov-camera-handle) (process->handle self))
(set! (-> self flags) arg3)
(set! (-> self command-list) arg5)
(set! (-> self music-volume-movie) 100.0)
(set! (-> self sfx-volume-movie) 100.0)
(if arg4
(set! (-> self notify-handle) (process->handle arg4))
(set! (-> self notify-handle) (the-as handle #f))
(set! (-> self debounce-start-time) (-> self clock frame-counter))
(logclear! (-> self mask) (process-mask actor-pause movie enemy platform projectile))
(set! (-> self root) (new 'process 'trsqv))
(set! (-> self root trans quad) (-> arg0 quad))
(when (logtest? (-> self flags) (pov-camera-flag inherit-orientation))
(let ((v1-21 (if (type? arg4 process-drawable)
(quaternion-copy! (-> self root quat) (-> v1-21 root quat))
(initialize-skeleton self arg1 (the-as pair 0))
(logior! (-> self draw status) (draw-control-status no-draw-bounds))
(logior! (-> self skel status) (joint-control-status sync-math))
(set! (-> self anim-name) arg2)
((= (-> arg2 type) string)
(logior! (-> self skel status) (joint-control-status valid-spooled-frame))
(let ((s5-1 (get-art-by-name (-> self draw art-group) arg2 art-joint-anim)))
(if (not s5-1)
(go process-drawable-art-error arg2)
(ja-channel-set! 1)
(set! (-> self skel root-channel 0 frame-group) s5-1)
((= (-> arg2 type) spool-anim)
(set! (-> self mask-to-clear) (process-mask movie enemy platform projectile))
(set! (-> self event-hook)
(lambda :behavior pov-camera
((arg0 process) (arg1 int) (arg2 symbol) (arg3 event-message-block))
(the-as object (case arg2
(let ((v0-0 (the-as number (-> arg3 param 0))))
(set! (-> self mask-to-clear) (the-as process-mask v0-0))
(set! (-> self music-volume-movie) (the-as float (-> arg3 param 0)))
(set! (-> self sfx-volume-movie) (the-as float (-> arg3 param 0)))
((method-of-object self pov-camera-method-28))
(go-virtual pov-camera-startup)
;; definition for function othercam-calc
(defun othercam-calc ((arg0 float))
(set! (-> *camera-other-fov* data) (* 2.0 (atan (/ 14.941477 (* 20.3 arg0)) 1.0)))
;; failed to figure out what this is:
(defstate othercam-running (othercam)
:event (behavior ((proc process) (arg1 int) (event-type symbol) (event event-message-block))
(local-vars (v0-0 object))
(case event-type
(set! v0-0 #t)
(set! (-> self die?) (the-as symbol v0-0))
((type? (-> event param 0) string)
(let ((v1-7 (the-as joint (get-art-by-name-method
(-> (the-as process-drawable (-> self hand process 0)) draw jgeo)
(the-as string (-> event param 0))
(the-as type #f)
(when v1-7
(set! v0-0 (+ (-> v1-7 number) 1))
(set! (-> self cam-joint-index) (the-as int v0-0))
((not (logtest? (-> event param 0) 7))
(set! v0-0 (/ (the-as int (-> event param 0)) 8))
(set! (-> self cam-joint-index) (the-as int v0-0))
(set! v0-0 (process->handle (the-as process (-> event param 0))))
(set! (-> self hand) (the-as handle v0-0))
(set! v0-0 (-> event param 0))
(set! (-> self mask-to-clear) (the-as process-mask v0-0))
:enter (behavior ()
(hide-hud-quick #f)
(case (-> self spooling?)
(('logo 'scene-player)
(add-setting! 'process-mask 'set 0 (-> self mask-to-clear))
(add-setting! 'movie (process->ppointer self) 0 0)
(if (not (-> self border-value))
(add-setting! 'border-mode (-> self border-value) 0 0)
(set! (-> self had-valid-frame) #f)
(let ((gp-0 (the-as process-drawable (-> self hand process 0))))
(vector<-cspace! (-> self old-pos) (-> gp-0 node-list data (-> self cam-joint-index)))
(let ((v1-20 (-> gp-0 node-list data (-> self cam-joint-index) bone transform)))
(vector-normalize-copy! (-> self old-mat-z) (-> v1-20 vector 2) -1.0)
(apply-settings *setting-control*)
:exit (behavior ()
(remove-setting! 'process-mask)
(apply-settings *setting-control*)
:code (behavior ()
(until #f
(let ((s2-0 (the-as process-drawable (-> self hand process 0))))
(when (not s2-0)
(format #t "ERROR<GMJ>: othercam parent invalid~%")
(deactivate self)
(set! (-> *camera-other-root* quad) (-> s2-0 root trans quad))
(let ((s4-0 (-> s2-0 node-list data (-> self cam-joint-index) bone transform))
(s3-0 (-> s2-0 node-list data (-> self cam-joint-index) bone scale))
(gp-0 (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector))
(s5-0 (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector))
(or (!= (-> self spooling?) #t) (logtest? (-> s2-0 skel status) (joint-control-status valid-spooled-frame)))
(vector<-cspace! s5-0 (-> s2-0 node-list data (-> self cam-joint-index)))
(vector-normalize-copy! gp-0 (-> s4-0 vector 2) -1.0)
((< (vector-length (-> s4-0 vector 2)) 0.1)
(set-blackout-frames (seconds 0.017))
(if (not (logtest? (-> s2-0 draw status) (draw-control-status no-draw no-draw-temp)))
(format 0 "ERROR: other camera zero matrix!~%")
(when (not (-> self had-valid-frame))
(set! (-> self had-valid-frame) (the-as basic #t))
(set! (-> self old-pos quad) (-> s5-0 quad))
(set! (-> self old-mat-z quad) (-> gp-0 quad))
(set! (-> *camera-other-trans* quad) (-> s5-0 quad))
(the-as vector (-> *camera-other-matrix* vector))
(the-as vector (-> s4-0 vector))
(set! (-> *camera-other-matrix* vector 0 w) 0.0)
(vector-normalize-copy! (-> *camera-other-matrix* vector 1) (-> s4-0 vector 1) 1.0)
(set! (-> *camera-other-matrix* vector 1 w) 0.0)
(vector-normalize-copy! (-> *camera-other-matrix* vector 2) (-> s4-0 vector 2) -1.0)
(set! (-> *camera-other-matrix* vector 2 w) 0.0)
(vector-reset! (-> *camera-other-matrix* trans))
(set! (-> self fov) (othercam-calc (-> s3-0 x)))
(set! *camera-look-through-other* 2)
(set! (-> self old-pos quad) (-> s5-0 quad))
(set! (-> self old-mat-z quad) (-> gp-0 quad))
(let ((a0-27 (-> self hand process 0)))
(when (or (-> self die?) (and (not (-> self survive-anim-end?)) (ja-anim-done? a0-27)))
(let ((gp-1 (-> self clock frame-counter)))
(while (and (< (- (-> self clock frame-counter) gp-1) (seconds 60))
(or (and (-> self entity) (not (is-object-visible? (-> self level) (-> self entity extra vis-id))))
(< 81920.0 (vector-vector-distance (camera-pos) (-> *math-camera* trans)))
(deactivate self)
;; definition for function othercam-init-by-other
;; WARN: Return type mismatch int vs none.
(defbehavior othercam-init-by-other othercam ((arg0 pov-camera) (arg1 int) (arg2 symbol) (arg3 symbol))
(set! (-> self spooling?) arg3)
(case (-> self spooling?)
(set! (-> *game-info* other-camera-handle) (process->handle self))
(set! (-> self hand) (process->handle arg0))
(set! (-> self cam-joint-index) arg1)
(logclear! (-> self mask) (process-mask freeze pause menu actor-pause))
(set! (-> self border-value) #f)
(set! (-> self die?) #f)
(set! (-> self survive-anim-end?) arg2)
(set! (-> self mask-to-clear) (process-mask movie enemy platform projectile))
(set! (-> self event-hook) (-> othercam-running event))
(go othercam-running)