jabermony 07427799a6
Jak3 Build Environment (#3098)
This sets out the bones of a Jak 3 build, many things are stubbed out,
guessed, or copied from Jak 2 but it should at least be good enough to:
run `task set-game-jak3`
launch the repl
run builds from the repl

build outputs themselves are untested but the build itself runs without


Co-authored-by: Tyler Wilding <xtvaser@gmail.com>
2024-01-15 20:37:16 -05:00

419 lines
14 KiB

#include "ExpressionHelpers.h"
#include "common/goal_constants.h"
#include "common/log/log.h"
#include "decompiler/IR2/Env.h"
#include "decompiler/IR2/Form.h"
#include "decompiler/IR2/FormStack.h"
#include "decompiler/IR2/GenericElementMatcher.h"
namespace decompiler {
// needed for jak 2.
std::optional<float> try_get_const_float(const Form* form) {
auto* as_cfe = form->try_as_element<ConstantFloatElement>();
if (as_cfe) {
return as_cfe->value();
auto atom = form_as_atom(form);
if (atom && atom->is_integer_promoted_to_float()) {
return atom->get_integer_promoted_to_float();
return {};
FormElement* handle_get_property_value_float(const std::vector<Form*>& forms,
FormPool& pool,
const Env& env) {
ASSERT(forms.size() == 7);
// lump object
// name
// 'interp
// -1000000000.0 = DEFAULT_RES_TIME
// default value
// tag pointer
// *res-static-buf*
// get the res-lump. This can be anything.
Form* lump_object = forms.at(0);
// get the name of the the thing we're looking up. This can be anything.
Form* property_name = forms.at(1);
// get the mode. It must be interp.
auto mode_atom = form_as_atom(forms.at(2));
if (!mode_atom || !mode_atom->is_sym_ptr("interp")) {
lg::error("fail: bad mode {}", forms.at(2)->to_string(env));
return nullptr;
// get the time. It must be DEFAULT_RES_TIME
auto lookup_time = try_get_const_float(forms.at(3));
if (!lookup_time || *lookup_time != DEFAULT_RES_TIME) {
lg::error("fail: bad time {}\n", forms.at(3)->to_string(env));
return nullptr;
// get the default value. It can be anything...
Form* default_value = forms.at(4);
// but let's see if it's 0, because that's the default in the macro
auto default_value_float = try_get_const_float(default_value);
if (default_value_float && *default_value_float == 0) {
default_value = nullptr;
// get the tag pointer. It can be anything...
Form* tag_pointer = forms.at(5);
// but let's see if it's (the-as (pointer res-tag) #f)
if (tag_pointer->to_string(env) == "(the-as (pointer res-tag) #f)") {
tag_pointer = nullptr;
// get the buffer. It should be *res-static-buf*
auto buf_atom = form_as_atom(forms.at(6));
if (!buf_atom || !buf_atom->is_sym_val("*res-static-buf*")) {
return nullptr;
// (lump name &key (tag-ptr (the-as (pointer res-tag) #f)) &key (default 0.0))
std::vector<Form*> macro_args;
if (default_value) {
if (tag_pointer) {
GenericOperator op =
return pool.alloc_element<GenericElement>(op, macro_args);
namespace {
FormElement* handle_get_property_data_or_structure(const std::vector<Form*>& forms,
FormPool& pool,
const Env& env,
ResLumpMacroElement::Kind kind,
const std::string& expcted_default,
const TypeSpec& default_type) {
// (-> obj entity)
// 'water-anim-fade-dist
// 'interp
// -1000000000.0
// (the-as pointer #f)
// (the-as (pointer res-tag) #f)
// *res-static-buf*
// get the res-lump. This can be anything.
Form* lump_object = forms.at(0);
// get the name of the the thing we're looking up. This can be anything.
Form* property_name = forms.at(1);
// get the mode. It must be interp.
auto mode_atom = form_as_atom(forms.at(2));
if (!mode_atom || !mode_atom->is_sym_ptr("interp")) {
lg::error("fail data: bad mode {}", forms.at(2)->to_string(env));
return nullptr;
// get the time. It can be anything, but there's a default.
auto time = forms.at(3);
auto lookup_time = try_get_const_float(time);
if (lookup_time && *lookup_time == DEFAULT_RES_TIME) {
time = nullptr;
// get the default value. It must be (the-as pointer #f)
Form* default_value = forms.at(4);
// but let's see if it's 0, because that's the default in the macro
if (default_value->to_string(env) != expcted_default) {
lg::error("fail data: bad default {}", default_value->to_string(env));
return nullptr;
// get the tag pointer. It can be anything...
Form* tag_pointer = forms.at(5);
// but let's see if it's (the-as (pointer res-tag) #f)
if (tag_pointer->to_string(env) == "(the-as (pointer res-tag) #f)") {
tag_pointer = nullptr;
// get the buffer. It should be *res-static-buf*
auto buf_atom = form_as_atom(forms.at(6));
if (!buf_atom || !buf_atom->is_sym_val("*res-static-buf*")) {
return nullptr;
return pool.alloc_element<ResLumpMacroElement>(kind, lump_object, property_name,
nullptr, // default, must be #f
tag_pointer, time, default_type);
} // namespace
FormElement* handle_get_property_data(const std::vector<Form*>& forms,
FormPool& pool,
const Env& env) {
return handle_get_property_data_or_structure(forms, pool, env, ResLumpMacroElement::Kind::DATA,
"(the-as pointer #f)", TypeSpec("pointer"));
FormElement* handle_get_property_struct(const std::vector<Form*>& forms,
FormPool& pool,
const Env& env) {
return handle_get_property_data_or_structure(
forms, pool, env, ResLumpMacroElement::Kind::STRUCT,
env.version >= GameVersion::Jak2 ? "(the-as structure #f)" : "#f", TypeSpec("structure"));
FormElement* handle_get_property_value(const std::vector<Form*>& forms,
FormPool& pool,
const Env& env) {
// get the res-lump. This can be anything.
Form* lump_object = forms.at(0);
// get the name of the the thing we're looking up. This can be anything.
Form* property_name = forms.at(1);
// get the mode. It must be interp.
auto mode_atom = form_as_atom(forms.at(2));
if (!mode_atom || !mode_atom->is_sym_ptr("interp")) {
lg::error("fail data: bad mode {}", forms.at(2)->to_string(env));
return nullptr;
// get the time. It can be anything, but there's a default.
auto time = forms.at(3);
auto lookup_time = time->try_as_element<ConstantFloatElement>();
if (lookup_time && lookup_time->value() == DEFAULT_RES_TIME) {
time = nullptr;
// get the default value. It can be whatever.
Form* default_value = forms.at(4);
// but let's see if it's 0, because that's the default in the macro
if (default_value->to_string(env) == "(the-as uint128 0)") {
default_value = nullptr;
// get the tag pointer. It can be anything...
Form* tag_pointer = forms.at(5);
// but let's see if it's (the-as (pointer res-tag) #f)
if (tag_pointer->to_string(env) == "(the-as (pointer res-tag) #f)") {
tag_pointer = nullptr;
// get the buffer. It should be *res-static-buf*
auto buf_atom = form_as_atom(forms.at(6));
if (!buf_atom || !buf_atom->is_sym_val("*res-static-buf*")) {
return nullptr;
return pool.alloc_element<ResLumpMacroElement>(ResLumpMacroElement::Kind::VALUE, lump_object,
property_name, default_value, tag_pointer, time,
namespace {
Form* var_to_form(const RegisterAccess& var, FormPool& pool) {
return pool.alloc_single_element_form<SimpleAtomElement>(nullptr, SimpleAtom::make_var(var));
* Try to see if this form is a variable, or variable in a cast. If so, return the variable,
* and set cast_out if there was a cast.
std::optional<RegisterAccess> try_strip_cast_get_var(Form* in, std::optional<TypeSpec>& cast_out) {
auto* elt = in->try_as_single_element();
if (!elt) {
return {};
auto* as_cast_elt = dynamic_cast<CastElement*>(elt);
if (as_cast_elt) {
cast_out = as_cast_elt->type();
elt = as_cast_elt->source()->try_as_single_element();
if (!elt) {
return {};
auto as_atom = form_element_as_atom(elt);
if (!as_atom || !as_atom->is_var()) {
return {};
return as_atom->var();
* Return (the-as <type> <in>) or <in>.
FormElement* maybe_cast(FormElement* in, std::optional<TypeSpec>& maybe_cast_type, FormPool& pool) {
if (maybe_cast_type) {
return pool.alloc_element<CastElement>(*maybe_cast_type, pool.alloc_single_form(nullptr, in));
} else {
return in;
} // namespace
* Recognize the handle->process macro.
* If it occurs inside of another and, the part_of_longer_sc argument should be set.
* Will move the cast out from the `if` to surround the output.
FormElement* last_two_in_and_to_handle_get_proc(Form* first,
Form* second,
const Env& env,
FormPool& pool,
FormStack& stack,
bool part_of_longer_sc) {
constexpr int reg_input_1 = 0;
constexpr int reg_input_2 = 1;
constexpr int reg_input_3 = 2;
constexpr int reg_temp_1 = 10;
constexpr int reg_temp_2 = 11;
constexpr int kValInIf = 12;
// only used if part of a longer sc.
Form* longer_sc_src = nullptr; // the source (can be found without repopping)
Form longer_sc_first_form; // the equivalent of the first form for a normal handle->proc
RegisterAccess longer_sc_var; // the second temp var that only appears in this case.
// check first.
Matcher first_matcher =
// if we're part of a longer, the first will actually be (being (set! foo <>) (... foo))
// so let's strip out the set, then remember what was being set. If it all works out,
// we can just substitute the <> into the macro
if (part_of_longer_sc) {
if (first->size() != 2) {
return nullptr;
auto as_var_set = dynamic_cast<SetVarElement*>(first->elts().at(0));
if (!as_var_set) {
return nullptr;
longer_sc_var = as_var_set->dst();
longer_sc_src = as_var_set->src();
first = &longer_sc_first_form;
auto first_result = match(first_matcher, first);
if (!first_result.matched) {
return nullptr;
// auto first_use_of_in = *first_result.maps.regs.at(reg_input_1);
// lg::print("reg1: {}\n", first_use_of_in.to_string(env));
auto setup_matcher = Matcher::set_var(
Matcher::deref(Matcher::any_reg(reg_input_2), false,
{DerefTokenMatcher::string("process"), DerefTokenMatcher::integer(0)}),
auto if_matcher = Matcher::if_no_else(
{Matcher::deref(Matcher::any_reg(reg_input_3), false, {DerefTokenMatcher::string("pid")}),
Matcher::deref(Matcher::any_reg(reg_temp_2), false,
auto second_matcher = Matcher::begin({setup_matcher, if_matcher});
auto second_result = match(second_matcher, second);
if (!second_result.matched) {
return nullptr;
auto in1 = *first_result.maps.regs.at(reg_input_1);
auto in2 = *second_result.maps.regs.at(reg_input_2);
auto in3 = *second_result.maps.regs.at(reg_input_3);
auto in_name = in1.to_string(env);
if (in_name != in2.to_string(env)) {
return nullptr;
if (in_name != in3.to_string(env)) {
return nullptr;
auto temp_name = second_result.maps.regs.at(reg_temp_1)->to_string(env);
if (temp_name != second_result.maps.regs.at(reg_temp_2)->to_string(env)) {
return nullptr;
std::optional<TypeSpec> cast_type_for_result;
auto val_in_if =
try_strip_cast_get_var(second_result.maps.forms.at(kValInIf), cast_type_for_result);
if (!val_in_if || temp_name != val_in_if->to_string(env)) {
return nullptr;
const auto& temp_use_def = env.get_use_def_info(*second_result.maps.regs.at(reg_temp_1));
if (temp_use_def.use_count() != 2 || temp_use_def.def_count() != 1) {
lg::error("failed usedef: {} {}", temp_use_def.use_count(), temp_use_def.def_count());
return nullptr;
if (part_of_longer_sc) {
// check that our temporary name matches (it's the var used inside the macro)
if (in_name != longer_sc_var.to_string(env)) {
lg::error("failed var name: {} vs {}", temp_name, longer_sc_var.to_string(env));
return nullptr;
// check that our temporary has the right usage pattern.
const auto& outer_temp_usedef = env.get_use_def_info(longer_sc_var);
if (outer_temp_usedef.use_count() != 3 || outer_temp_usedef.def_count() != 1) {
lg::error("failed usedef2: {} {}", outer_temp_usedef.use_count(),
return nullptr;
return maybe_cast(
pool.alloc_single_element_form<ConstantTokenElement>(nullptr, "handle->process")),
cast_type_for_result, pool);
} else {
// modify use def:
auto* menv = const_cast<Env*>(&env);
auto repopped = stack.pop_reg(in1, {}, env, true);
// lg::print("repopped: {}\n", repopped->to_string(env));
if (!repopped) {
repopped = var_to_form(in1, pool);
return maybe_cast(
pool.alloc_single_element_form<ConstantTokenElement>(nullptr, "handle->process")),
cast_type_for_result, pool);
} // namespace decompiler