Tyler Wilding 5f040792e9
decomp: finish merc-death and some progress on ocean / powerups (#940)
* blocked: `powerups` finicky handle casts

* stuck: decompiled `ocean-texture` but `ocean-verts` is a mystery to me

* decomp: finish `merc-death`

* fix some issues, add a way to remind us for files we've manually touched

* tests: add `ambient` to ref tests, uncover compiler error

* tests: add `main` and `font` to ref tests
2021-10-26 19:16:16 -04:00

2885 lines
77 KiB
Common Lisp

(in-package goal)
;; name: logic-target.gc
;; name in dgo: logic-target
;; dgos: GAME, ENGINE
(defbehavior build-conversions target ((arg0 vector))
(-> self control unknown-surface01)
(-> self control unknown-surface00)
(-> self control surf)
(= (-> self fact-info-target eco-type) 3)
(>= (-> self fact-info-target eco-level) 1.0)
(= (-> self control unknown-surface00 name) 'run)
(= (-> self control unknown-surface00 name) 'jump)
(-> self control unknown-surface01 target-speed)
(+ 20480.0 (-> self control unknown-surface01 target-speed))
(-> self control unknown-surface01 transv-max)
(+ 20480.0 (-> self control unknown-surface01 transv-max))
(let ((s5-0 (new-stack-vector0)))
(vector-z-quaternion! s5-0 (-> self control unknown-quaternion00))
(when (logtest? (-> self control unknown-surface00 flags) 2)
(vector-flatten! s5-0 s5-0 (-> self control dynam gravity-normal))
(vector-normalize! s5-0 1.0)
(-> self control unknown-matrix01)
(-> self control local-normal)
(-> self control unknown-matrix00)
(-> self control unknown-matrix01)
(-> self control unknown-vector00)
(-> self control unknown-matrix00)
(-> self control unknown-vector51 quad)
(-> self control unknown-vector50 quad)
(let ((v0-7 (-> self control unknown-vector50)))
(set! (-> v0-7 quad) (-> self control dynam gravity-normal quad))
(defbehavior vector-turn-to target ((arg0 vector))
(let ((gp-0 forward-up-nopitch->quaternion)
(s5-0 (-> self control dir-targ))
(t9-0 vector-normalize!)
(v1-1 (new-stack-vector0))
(set! (-> v1-1 quad) (-> arg0 quad))
(t9-0 v1-1 1.0)
(vector-y-quaternion! (new-stack-vector0) (-> self control dir-targ))
(set-quaternion! (-> self control) (-> self control dir-targ))
(build-conversions (-> self control transv))
(defbehavior reverse-conversions target ((arg0 vector))
(-> self control unknown-float01)
(vector-xz-length (-> self control unknown-vector00))
(-> self control unknown-vector00)
(-> self control unknown-matrix01)
(let ((v0-2 (-> self control status)))
(set! (-> self control old-status) v0-2)
(defun-debug draw-history ((arg0 control-info))
(when (nonzero? *display-collide-history*)
(when (logtest? (-> *cpad-list* cpads 0 button0-rel 0) (pad-buttons l3))
(set! (-> arg0 history-length) (mod (+ (-> arg0 history-length) 1) 3))
(if (logtest? (-> *cpad-list* cpads 0 button0-abs 0) (pad-buttons l2))
(set! (-> arg0 history-length) 1000)
(let* ((v1-15 (-> arg0 history-length))
(s5-0 (cond
((zero? v1-15)
((= v1-15 1)
((= v1-15 2)
(v1-19 (-> arg0 history-data (-> arg0 unknown-halfword00)))
(s1-0 (-> arg0 history-data (-> arg0 unknown-halfword00)))
(s4-0 1)
(s3-0 127)
(while (>= s3-0 s4-0)
(logand (+ (-> arg0 unknown-halfword00) s4-0) 127)
(logtest? s5-0 2)
(bucket-id debug-draw1)
(-> v1-19 trans)
(-> s2-0 trans)
(the-as rgba (+ #xffff00 (shl s4-0 24)))
(the-as rgba -1)
(logtest? s5-0 4)
(bucket-id debug-draw1)
(-> s2-0 trans)
(-> s2-0 transv)
(meters 0.000024414063)
(the-as rgba (+ #x408040 (shl s4-0 24)))
(when (zero? (logand (-> s2-0 status) 256))
(logtest? s5-0 1)
(bucket-id debug-draw1)
(-> s1-0 intersect)
(-> s2-0 intersect)
(the-as rgba (+ #xffffff (shl s4-0 24)))
(the-as rgba -1)
(the-as int (-> *pat-mode-info* (-> s2-0 pat mode) hilite-color))
(the-as uint #xffffffff00ffffff)
(logtest? s5-0 32)
(bucket-id debug-draw1)
(-> s2-0 intersect)
(-> s2-0 surface-normal)
(meters 1.0)
(the-as rgba (+ s1-1 (shl s4-0 24)))
(logtest? s5-0 16)
(bucket-id debug-draw1)
(-> s2-0 intersect)
(-> s2-0 local-normal)
(meters 1.0)
(the-as rgba (+ s1-1 (shl s4-0 24)))
(logtest? s5-0 8)
(bucket-id debug-draw1)
(-> s2-0 trans)
(-> s2-0 transv-out)
(meters 0.000024414063)
(the-as rgba (+ #x404080 (shl s4-0 24)))
(set! s1-0 s2-0)
(set! v1-19 s2-0)
(+! s4-0 1)
(defun-debug print-history ((arg0 control-info))
(dotimes (s5-0 128)
(-> arg0 history-data (logand (+ (-> arg0 unknown-halfword00) s5-0) 127))
(let ((s3-0 (-> s4-0 reaction-flag)))
"~6D ~8S #x~8X "
(-> s4-0 time)
(if (logtest? (-> s4-0 status) 256)
(-> *pat-mode-info* (-> s4-0 pat mode) name)
(-> s4-0 status)
(format #t "~C~C~C~C~C~C" (if (zero? (logand s3-0 1))
(if (zero? (logand s3-0 2))
((logtest? s3-0 2048)
((zero? (logand s3-0 4))
((logtest? s3-0 512)
((logtest? s3-0 8)
(if (zero? (logand s3-0 16))
(if (zero? (logand s3-0 32))
(format #t "~C~C " (if (logtest? s3-0 64)
((logtest? s3-0 1024)
((logtest? s3-0 256)
((logtest? s3-0 128)
"trans: ~6,,2m ~6,,2m ~6,,2m "
(-> s4-0 trans x)
(-> s4-0 trans y)
(-> s4-0 trans z)
"int: ~6,,2m ~6,,2m ~6,,2m "
(-> s4-0 intersect x)
(-> s4-0 intersect y)
(-> s4-0 intersect z)
"vel: ~6,,2m ~6,,2m ~6,,2m "
(-> s4-0 transv x)
(-> s4-0 transv y)
(-> s4-0 transv z)
"vel-out: ~6,,2m ~6,,2m ~6,,2m "
(-> s4-0 transv-out x)
(-> s4-0 transv-out y)
(-> s4-0 transv-out z)
"normal: ~6,,2f ~6,,2f ~6,,2f "
(-> s4-0 surface-normal x)
(-> s4-0 surface-normal y)
(-> s4-0 surface-normal z)
(format #t "~%")
;; WARN: Stack slot load at 160 mismatch: defined as size 4, got size 16
;; WARN: Stack slot load at 176 mismatch: defined as size 4, got size 16
;; WARN: Stack slot load at 160 mismatch: defined as size 4, got size 16
;; WARN: Stack slot load at 176 mismatch: defined as size 4, got size 16
(defun-debug target-print-stats ((arg0 target) (arg1 symbol))
(sv-64 string)
(sv-80 string)
(sv-96 string)
(sv-112 string)
(sv-128 string)
(sv-144 string)
(sv-160 float)
(sv-176 float)
(when (and *display-ground-stats* arg0)
(let ((s4-0 format)
(s3-0 arg1)
(s2-0 "~0kpoly:~6X mode:~-8S material:~-10S event:~S~%")
(s1-0 (-> arg0 control poly-pat))
(s0-0 (pat-mode->string (-> arg0 control poly-pat)))
(set! sv-64 (pat-material->string (-> arg0 control poly-pat)))
(let ((t1-0 (pat-event->string (-> arg0 control poly-pat))))
(s4-0 s3-0 s2-0 s1-0 s0-0 sv-64 t1-0)
(let ((s4-1 format)
(s3-1 arg1)
(s2-1 "~0kgrnd:~6X mode:~-8S material:~-10S event:~S~%")
(s1-1 (-> arg0 control ground-pat))
(s0-1 (pat-mode->string (-> arg0 control ground-pat)))
(set! sv-80 (pat-material->string (-> arg0 control ground-pat)))
(let ((t1-1 (pat-event->string (-> arg0 control ground-pat))))
(s4-1 s3-1 s2-1 s1-1 s0-1 sv-80 t1-1)
(let ((s4-2 format)
(s3-2 arg1)
(s2-2 "~0kwall:~6X mode:~-8S material:~-10S event:~S~%")
(s1-2 (-> arg0 control unknown-int50))
(the-as pat-surface (-> arg0 control unknown-int50))
(pat-material->string (the-as pat-surface (-> arg0 control unknown-int50)))
(pat-event->string (the-as pat-surface (-> arg0 control unknown-int50)))
(s4-2 s3-2 s2-2 s1-2 s0-2 sv-96 t1-2)
(when (and *stats-target* arg0)
"~0ks: ~M ~X/~X ~A ~A ~A~%"
(-> arg0 control unknown-float01)
(-> arg0 control status)
(-> arg0 control prev-status)
(-> arg0 state name)
(-> arg0 control surf name)
(-> arg0 control unknown-surface00 name)
"~0k~9S ~9S ~9S ~9S ~9S ~9S~%"
(if (logtest? (-> arg0 control status) 1)
(if (logtest? (-> arg0 control status) 2)
(if (logtest? (-> arg0 control status) 4)
(if (logtest? (-> arg0 control status) 8)
(if (logtest? (-> arg0 control status) 32)
((logtest? (-> arg0 control status) 16)
((logtest? (-> arg0 control status) 1024)
(let ((v1-49 (handle->process (-> arg0 water volume))))
(when v1-49
"in water ~A at ~M ~5S ~5S ~5S ~5S "
(-> v1-49 name)
(-> arg0 water height)
(if (logtest? (-> arg0 water flags) 512)
(if (logtest? (-> arg0 water flags) 1024)
(if (logtest? (-> arg0 water flags) 2048)
(if (logtest? (-> arg0 water flags) 4096)
(format arg1 "~2S~%" (if (logtest? (-> arg0 water flags) 16)
"~0kan:~,,3f su:~,,3f ti:~,,3f to:~,,3f pa:~,,3f~%"
(-> arg0 control surface-angle)
(-> arg0 control unknown-float61)
(-> arg0 control unknown-float62)
(-> arg0 control touch-angle)
(-> arg0 control poly-angle)
(let ((v1-74 (-> arg0 control trans)))
"pos: ~6,,2m ~6,,2m ~6,,2m "
(-> v1-74 x)
(-> v1-74 y)
(-> v1-74 z)
(let ((s4-3 format)
(s3-3 arg1)
(s2-3 "~0kpol:~X/~S/~S/~S~%")
(s1-3 (-> arg0 control poly-pat))
(s0-3 (pat-mode->string (-> arg0 control poly-pat)))
(set! sv-112 (pat-material->string (-> arg0 control poly-pat)))
(let ((t1-7 (pat-event->string (-> arg0 control poly-pat))))
(s4-3 s3-3 s2-3 s1-3 s0-3 sv-112 t1-7)
(let ((s4-4 format)
(s3-4 arg1)
(s2-4 "~0kcur:~X/~S/~S/~S ")
(s1-4 (-> arg0 control cur-pat))
(s0-4 (pat-mode->string (-> arg0 control cur-pat)))
(set! sv-128 (pat-material->string (-> arg0 control cur-pat)))
(let ((t1-8 (pat-event->string (-> arg0 control cur-pat))))
(s4-4 s3-4 s2-4 s1-4 s0-4 sv-128 t1-8)
(let ((s4-5 format)
(s3-5 arg1)
(s2-5 "~0kgnd:~X/~S/~S/~S~%")
(s1-5 (-> arg0 control ground-pat))
(s0-5 (pat-mode->string (-> arg0 control ground-pat)))
(set! sv-144 (pat-material->string (-> arg0 control ground-pat)))
(let ((t1-9 (pat-event->string (-> arg0 control ground-pat))))
(s4-5 s3-5 s2-5 s1-5 s0-5 sv-144 t1-9)
(let ((s4-6 format)
(s3-6 arg1)
(s2-6 "~0kvel: x:~M y:~M z:~M yv:~M xzv:~M~%")
(s1-6 (-> arg0 control transv x))
(s0-6 (-> arg0 control transv y))
(set! sv-160 (-> arg0 control transv z))
(-> arg0 control dynam gravity-normal)
(-> arg0 control transv)
(let ((a0-36 (new-stack-vector0)))
(-> arg0 control dynam gravity-normal)
(-> arg0 control transv)
(-> arg0 control transv)
(vector-float*! a0-36 (-> arg0 control dynam gravity-normal) f0-17)
(let ((f0-18 (vector-length a0-36)))
(let ((t2-4 f0-18))
(s4-6 s3-6 s2-6 s1-6 s0-6 sv-160 sv-176 t2-4)
"~0ky:~,,2M t:~d cy: ~,,2M my: ~,,2M impv:~,,2M "
(-> arg0 control unknown-vector52 y)
(- (-> *display* base-frame-counter) (-> arg0 control unknown-dword10))
(- (-> arg0 control trans y) (-> arg0 control unknown-vector52 y))
(-> arg0 control unknown-vector111 y)
(-> arg0 control unknown-vector110 y)
(-> arg0 control ground-impact-vel)
"~0k~Tcd: ~,,2M md:~,,2M~%"
(-> arg0 control trans)
(-> arg0 control unknown-vector52)
(-> arg0 control unknown-vector111)
(-> arg0 control unknown-vector110)
"~0kbend b:~F t:~F s:~F~%"
(-> arg0 control unknown-float80)
(-> arg0 control unknown-float81)
(-> arg0 control unknown-float82)
(dummy-10 (-> arg0 skel) arg1)
(draw-history (-> arg0 control))
(defbehavior read-pad target ((arg0 vector))
(when (!= (-> self control unknown-dword00) (-> *display* real-frame-counter))
(-> self control unknown-vector31 quad)
(-> self control unknown-vector30 quad)
(set! (-> self control unknown-float21) (-> self control unknown-float20))
(-> self control unknown-dword00)
(the-as uint (-> *display* real-frame-counter))
(set! (-> arg0 x) (sin (-> self control unknown-cpad-info00 stick0-dir)))
(set! (-> arg0 y) 0.0)
(set! (-> arg0 z) (cos (-> self control unknown-cpad-info00 stick0-dir)))
(set! (-> arg0 w) 0.0)
(set! (-> self control unknown-vector30 quad) (-> arg0 quad))
(-> self control unknown-float20)
(-> self control unknown-cpad-info00 stick0-speed)
(vector-matrix*! arg0 arg0 (matrix-local->world #t #f))
(defun warp-vector-into-surface! ((arg0 vector) (arg1 vector) (arg2 vector))
(-> (matrix-local->world #t #f) vector 1)
(vector-matrix*! arg0 arg1 a2-2)
(defbehavior vector<-pad-in-surface! target ((arg0 vector) (arg1 symbol))
(let ((a1-1 (read-pad (new-stack-vector0))))
(warp-vector-into-surface! arg0 a1-1 (-> self control local-normal))
(if arg1
(vector-float*! arg0 arg0 (-> self control unknown-float20))
(defbehavior local-pad-angle target ()
(let ((a0-1 (vector<-pad-in-surface! (new-stack-vector0) #f)))
(vector-normalize! a0-1 1.0)
(-> self control unknown-quaternion00)
(defbehavior turn-around? target ()
(let* ((a0-1 (vector<-pad-in-surface! (new-stack-vector0) #f))
(gp-0 (vector-normalize! a0-1 1.0))
(t9-2 vector-normalize!)
(a0-2 (new-stack-vector0))
(set! (-> a0-2 quad) (-> self control transv quad))
(let ((f0-1 (vector-dot gp-0 (t9-2 a0-2 1.0)))
(a1-3 (-> self control unknown-vector-array10))
(f2-0 -1000.0)
(f1-0 0.0)
(a0-3 -1)
(v1-6 (new 'static 'array uint64 1 #x0))
(countdown (a2-0 15)
(let ((a3-2 (-> a1-3 a2-0 quad)))
(set! (-> a1-3 (+ a2-0 1) quad) a3-2)
(set! (-> a1-3 0 quad) (-> self control transv quad))
(set! (-> a1-3 0 w) (-> self control unknown-float01))
(dotimes (a2-6 16)
(+! f1-0 (-> a1-3 a2-6 w))
(when (< f2-0 (-> a1-3 a2-6 w))
(set! a0-3 a2-6)
(set! f2-0 (-> a1-3 a2-6 w))
(let ((f1-1 (* 0.0625 f1-0)))
(set! (-> self control unknown-int10) a0-3)
(set! (-> self control unknown-float100) f1-1)
(if (logtest? (-> self control unknown-surface01 flags) 8)
(set! (-> v1-6 0) (the-as uint (-> *display* base-frame-counter)))
(- (-> *display* base-frame-counter) (the-as int (-> v1-6 0)))
(the-as uint 300)
(< f0-1 0.0)
(< 32768.0 f1-1)
(< 0.7 (-> self control unknown-float20))
(- (-> *display* base-frame-counter) (-> self control unknown-dword20))
(- (-> *display* base-frame-counter) (-> self control unknown-dword21))
(logtest? (-> self control status) 1)
(and (< 0.7 (-> self control surface-angle)) #t)
(defbehavior target-move-dist target ((arg0 int))
(let ((s5-0 (new-stack-vector0))
(f30-0 0.0)
(gp-0 0)
(let* ((v1-0 127)
(logand (+ (-> self control unknown-halfword00) v1-0) 127)
(< (- (-> *display* base-frame-counter) (-> a1-6 time)) arg0)
(> v1-0 0)
(vector+! s5-0 s5-0 (-> a1-6 trans))
(+! gp-0 1)
(+! v1-0 -1)
(logand (+ (-> self control unknown-halfword00) v1-0) 127)
(vector-float/! s5-0 s5-0 (the float gp-0))
(let ((s4-0 (- 128 gp-0)))
(while (< s4-0 128)
(logand (+ (-> self control unknown-halfword00) s4-0) 127)
(+! f30-0 (vector-vector-distance s5-0 (-> v1-9 trans)))
(+! s4-0 1)
(/ f30-0 (the float gp-0))
(defbehavior turn-to-vector target ((arg0 vector) (arg1 float))
(let ((gp-0 (new-stack-vector0)))
(warp-vector-into-surface! gp-0 arg0 (-> self control local-normal))
(set! (-> self control unknown-float13) (-> self control unknown-float12))
(set! (-> self control unknown-float11) (-> self control unknown-float10))
(-> self control unknown-vector21 quad)
(-> self control unknown-vector20 quad)
(-> self control unknown-vector23 quad)
(-> self control unknown-vector22 quad)
(vector-float*! (-> self control unknown-vector22) gp-0 arg1)
(if (< 0.0 arg1)
(-> self control unknown-vector20)
(dotimes (v1-15 7)
(-> self control unknown-vector-array00 (+ v1-15 1) quad)
(-> self control unknown-vector-array00 v1-15 quad)
(-> self control unknown-vector-array00 0 quad)
(-> (vector-matrix*! gp-0 gp-0 (-> self control unknown-matrix00)) quad)
(let ((f0-6 (atan (-> gp-0 x) (-> gp-0 z))))
(set! (-> self control unknown-float12) arg1)
(set! (-> self control unknown-float10) f0-6)
(let ((f0-8 (* arg1 (-> self control unknown-surface01 target-speed))))
(-> self control unknown-vector01 quad)
(-> (vector-normalize! gp-0 f0-8) quad)
(let ((gp-1 (new-stack-vector0)))
(-> self control unknown-vector01)
(-> self control unknown-matrix01)
(vector-float*! gp-1 gp-1 0.5)
(vector+! gp-1 gp-1 (-> self control trans))
(bucket-id debug-draw1)
(new 'static 'rgba :r #xff :g #xff :a #x80)
(defbehavior add-thrust target ()
(let ((s5-0 (-> self control unknown-vector01))
(gp-0 (-> self control unknown-vector00))
(let ((s4-0 (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector)))
(set! (-> s4-0 quad) (-> self control unknown-vector01 quad))
(new 'stack-no-clear 'vector)
(-> self control dynam gravity-normal)
(-> self control local-normal)
(new 'stack-no-clear 'vector)
(-> self control unknown-matrix00)
(s3-1 (vector-normalize-copy! (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector) s1-0 1.0))
(-> self control unknown-surface01 slide-factor)
(let ((s2-1 (-> self control unknown-vector60)))
(= (- 1.0 (-> self control unknown-surface01 slope-up-traction)) 0.0)
(< (vector-length s1-0) 0.1)
(new 'stack-no-clear 'vector)
(-> self control unknown-matrix00)
(s2-2 (new-stack-vector0))
(f30-0 (vector-dot s1-1 s5-0))
(vector-! s2-2 s5-0 (vector-float*! s2-2 s1-1 f30-0))
(let* ((f0-7 (vector-length s2-2))
(f1-3 f0-7)
(if (< f30-0 0.0)
(* f30-0 (-> self control unknown-surface01 slope-up-traction))
(+ f30-0 (-> self control unknown-surface01 slope-down-factor))
(vector-float*! s5-0 s1-1 f2-3)
(vector-float*! s2-2 s2-2 (/ f0-7 f1-3))
(let ((t9-8 vector-xz-normalize!)
(a0-13 (new-stack-vector0))
(set! (-> a0-13 quad) (-> s5-0 quad))
(let ((v1-31 (t9-8 a0-13 1.0)))
(set! (-> v1-31 y) 0.0)
(let ((f30-1 (vector-dot s3-1 v1-31))
(f0-11 (vector-xz-length s5-0))
(if (< 0.0 f30-1)
(* f30-1 (-> self control unknown-surface01 slope-down-factor))
(* f30-1 f30-1 (-> self control unknown-surface01 slope-up-factor))
(let ((t9-12 vector-xz-normalize!)
(a0-17 (new-stack-vector0))
(set! (-> a0-17 quad) (-> s5-0 quad))
(let ((s3-2 (t9-12 a0-17 1.0)))
(let ((t9-13 vector-xz-normalize!)
(a0-18 (new-stack-vector0))
(set! (-> a0-18 quad) (-> gp-0 quad))
(let ((v1-43 (t9-13 a0-18 1.0)))
(set! (-> s3-2 y) 0.0)
(set! (-> v1-43 y) 0.0)
(let* ((f30-2 (-> s3-2 z))
(f30-4 (cond
((>= (vector-xz-length gp-0) (vector-xz-length s5-0))
(-> self control unknown-surface01 fric)
(vector-xz-length gp-0)
(-> self control unknown-surface01 nonlin-fric-dist)
((>= f30-2 0.0)
(* f30-2 (-> self control unknown-surface01 seek0))
(- 1.0 f30-2)
(-> self control unknown-surface01 seek90)
(fabs f30-2)
(-> self control unknown-surface01 seek180)
(+ 1.0 f30-2)
(-> self control unknown-surface01 seek90)
(let* ((s2-3 (-> self control unknown-vector61))
(new 'stack-no-clear 'vector)
(-> self control unknown-matrix00)
(if (< (-> s4-0 x) 0.0)
(set! (-> s3-3 x) (fmax (fmin 0.0 (-> s3-3 x)) (-> s4-0 x)))
(set! (-> s3-3 x) (fmax 0.0 (fmin (-> s3-3 x) (-> s4-0 x))))
(if (< (-> s4-0 y) 0.0)
(set! (-> s3-3 y) (fmax (fmin 0.0 (-> s3-3 y)) (-> s4-0 y)))
(set! (-> s3-3 y) (fmax 0.0 (fmin (-> s3-3 y) (-> s4-0 y))))
(if (< (-> s4-0 z) 0.0)
(set! (-> s3-3 z) (fmax (fmin 0.0 (-> s3-3 z)) (-> s4-0 z)))
(set! (-> s3-3 z) (fmax 0.0 (fmin (-> s3-3 z) (-> s4-0 z))))
(if (< 0.2 (-> self control unknown-float70))
(vector-seek! s3-3 s4-0 (* 122880.0 (-> *display* seconds-per-frame)))
(vector-matrix*! s2-3 s3-3 (-> self control unknown-matrix01))
(let ((f28-2 (vector-vector-xz-distance s3-3 s4-0)))
(zero? (logand (-> self control status) 4))
(< (vector-xz-length gp-0) (vector-xz-length s3-3))
(let ((f0-50 (lerp-scale 163840.0 0.0 f28-2 0.0 20480.0)))
(if (and (< f28-2 20480.0) (< (-> s4-0 z) 0.0))
(set! f0-50 (* 2.0 f0-50))
(+! f30-4 f0-50)
(zero? (logand (-> self control status) 8))
(logtest? (-> self control old-status) 8)
(logtest? (-> self control unknown-surface00 flags) 2048)
(< 0.0 (-> gp-0 y))
(-> self control dynam gravity-normal)
(new 'stack-no-clear 'vector)
(the-as vector (-> self control unknown-sphere-array00 1 prim-core))
(-> self control unknown-vector70)
(-> self control unknown-dword60)
(-> *display* base-frame-counter)
(- (-> *display* base-frame-counter) (-> self control unknown-dword60))
(set! f30-4 (+ 204800.0 f30-4))
(zero? (logand (-> self control status) 8))
(logtest? (-> self control old-status) 8)
(logtest? (-> self control unknown-surface00 flags) 2048)
(< 0.0 (-> gp-0 y))
(< (-> gp-0 z) 0.0)
(set! (-> gp-0 z) 0.0)
(let ((s4-2 (vector-! (new-stack-vector0) s5-0 gp-0)))
(let ((f30-5 (* f30-4 (-> *display* seconds-per-frame))))
(set! (-> s4-2 y) 0.0)
(if (< f30-5 (vector-xz-length s4-2))
(vector-xz-normalize! s4-2 f30-5)
(vector+! gp-0 gp-0 s4-2)
(set! (-> self control unknown-float02) (vector-length gp-0))
(let ((gp-1 (new-stack-vector0)))
(-> self control unknown-vector00)
(-> self control unknown-matrix01)
(vector-float*! gp-1 gp-1 0.5)
(vector+! gp-1 gp-1 (-> self control trans))
(bucket-id debug-draw1)
(new 'static 'rgba :g #xff :a #x80)
(set! (-> gp-1 quad) (-> self control unknown-vector61 quad))
(vector-float*! gp-1 gp-1 0.5)
(vector+! gp-1 gp-1 (-> self control trans))
(bucket-id debug-draw1)
(new 'static 'rgba :r #xff :g #xff :b #xff :a #x80)
(defbehavior add-gravity target ()
(let ((s5-0 (new-stack-vector0))
(gp-0 (new-stack-vector0))
(-> self control)
(-> self control unknown-surface01 slip-factor)
(vector-matrix*! gp-0 s5-0 (-> self control unknown-matrix00))
(vector-v++! (-> self control unknown-vector00) gp-0)
(-> self control dynam gravity-normal)
(-> self control unknown-matrix00)
(gp-1 (new-stack-vector0))
(f30-0 (vector-dot s5-1 (-> self control unknown-vector00)))
(-> self control unknown-vector00)
(vector-float*! gp-1 s5-1 f30-0)
(let* ((f0-4 (vector-length gp-1))
(f1-0 f0-4)
(if (< f0-4 0.00004096)
(set! f0-4 0.0)
(if (< f30-0 (- (-> self control dynam gravity-max)))
(set! f30-0 (- (-> self control dynam gravity-max)))
(-> self control unknown-vector00)
(vector-float*! (-> self control unknown-vector00) s5-1 f30-0)
(vector-float*! gp-1 gp-1 (/ f0-4 f1-0))
(defbehavior target-compute-slopes target ((arg0 vector))
(let ((gp-0 (new-stack-vector0)))
(let ((a1-0 (new-stack-vector0))
(s5-0 (new 'stack-no-clear 'matrix))
(set! (-> a1-0 quad) (-> self control unknown-matrix01 vector 2 quad))
(forward-up-nopitch->inv-matrix s5-0 a1-0 arg0)
(set-vector! gp-0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0)
(vector-matrix*! gp-0 gp-0 s5-0)
(-> self control unknown-float63)
(- (vector-dot (-> self control surface-normal) gp-0))
(-> self control unknown-float61)
(- (vector-dot (-> self control local-normal) gp-0))
(set-vector! gp-0 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0)
(vector-matrix*! gp-0 gp-0 s5-0)
(-> self control unknown-float64)
(- (vector-dot (-> self control surface-normal) gp-0))
(-> self control unknown-float62)
(- (vector-dot (-> self control local-normal) gp-0))
(defbehavior do-rotations1 target ()
(-> self control)
(-> self control dir-targ)
(-> self control unknown-surface01 tiltv)
(defbehavior do-rotations2 target ()
((gp-0 (vector-z-quaternion! (new-stack-vector0) (-> self control dir-targ)))
(logior (-> self control status) (-> self control old-status))
(- (-> *display* base-frame-counter) (-> self control unknown-dword20))
(!= (-> self next-state name) 'target-walk)
(< (- (-> *display* base-frame-counter) (-> self state-time)) 150)
(- (-> *display* base-frame-counter) (-> self control unknown-dword21))
(logtest? (-> self control unknown-surface01 flags) 16)
(!= (-> self control unknown-float40) 0.0)
(zero? (logand (-> self control unknown-surface01 flags) 32))
(-> self control unknown-vector20)
(-> self control transv)
(let* ((s3-0 (-> self control unknown-vector02))
(forward-up-nopitch->quaternion (new-stack-quaternion0) gp-0 s3-0)
(forward-up-nopitch->quaternion (new-stack-quaternion0) s5-0 s3-0)
(f0-2 (acos (vector-dot gp-0 s5-0)))
(-> self control unknown-surface01 turnvv)
(-> *display* seconds-per-frame)
(quaternion-slerp! (-> self control dir-targ) s4-0 s3-1 (cond
((< f0-2 f1-2)
(/ f1-2 f0-2)
(bucket-id debug-draw1)
(-> self control trans)
(meters 2.0)
(new 'static 'rgba :r #xff :g #xff :b #xff :a #x80)
(bucket-id debug-draw1)
(-> self control trans)
(meters 2.0)
(new 'static 'rgba :r #xff :a #x80)
(bucket-id debug-draw1)
(-> self control trans)
(-> self control unknown-matrix01 vector 2)
(meters 2.0)
(new 'static 'rgba :r #xff :b #xff :a #x80)
(-> self control)
(-> self control dir-targ)
(-> self control unknown-surface01 turnv)
(-> self control quat)
(-> self control unknown-quaternion00)
(-> self control unknown-quaternion01)
(-> self control unknown-float00)
(target-compute-slopes (-> self control dynam gravity-normal))
(defbehavior level-setup target ()
(let ((gp-0 (-> self current-level)))
(set! (-> self current-level) (level-get-target-inside *level*))
(-> self current-level)
(>= (-> *level-task-data-remap* length) (-> self current-level info index))
(-> *level-task-data-remap* (+ (-> self current-level info index) -1))
(- (-> *display* base-frame-counter) (-> *display* old-base-frame-counter))
(or (not gp-0) (!= (-> gp-0 name) (-> self current-level name)))
(-> self current-level)
(send-event self 'level-enter (-> self current-level name))
(defbehavior flag-setup target ()
(set! (-> self control unknown-vector10 quad) (-> self control transv quad))
((-> self control unknown-surface01 active-hook))
((logtest? (-> self control status) 1)
(set! (-> self control unknown-dword10) (-> *display* base-frame-counter))
(set! (-> self control unknown-vector52 quad) (-> self control trans quad))
(>= (-> self control coverage) 1.0)
(zero? (logand (-> self control status) 1056))
(logtest? (-> self control status) 2)
(set! (-> self control unknown-vector54 quad) (-> self control trans quad))
((-> self control unknown-surface01 touch-hook))
(let ((v1-25 (-> self control trans)))
(when (logtest? (-> self control old-status) 1)
(-> self control unknown-vector110 quad)
(-> self control unknown-vector52 quad)
(-> self control unknown-vector111 quad)
(-> self control unknown-vector52 quad)
(set! (-> self control unknown-vector111 x) (-> v1-25 x))
(set! (-> self control unknown-vector111 z) (-> v1-25 z))
(-> self control dynam gravity-normal)
(new 'stack-no-clear 'vector)
(-> self control unknown-vector111)
(set! (-> self control unknown-vector111 y) (-> v1-25 y))
(-> self control unknown-cpad-info00 number)
(pad-buttons triangle)
(zero? (-> self control unknown-int40))
(zero? (logand (-> *kernel-context* prevent-from-run) (process-mask movie)))
(= (-> self cam-user-mode) 'normal)
(logtest? (-> self control unknown-surface00 flags) 1)
(zero? (logand (-> self control root-prim prim-core action) #x7380))
(-> *setting-control* current allow-look-around)
(-> *display* base-frame-counter)
(the-as int (-> self no-look-around-wait))
(= (-> self control ground-pat material) (pat-material ice))
(< 4096.0 (-> self control unknown-float01))
(send-event self 'change-mode 'look-around)
(= *cheat-mode* 'debug)
(-> self control unknown-cpad-info00 number)
(pad-buttons r2)
(not *pause-lock*)
(zero? (logand (-> self state-flags) 768))
(if (!= (-> self next-state name) 'target-falling)
(send-event self 'change-mode 'falling)
(let ((gp-0 (new-stack-vector0)))
(-> self control dynam gravity-normal)
(-> self control transv)
(-> self control transv)
(vector-float*! gp-0 (-> self control dynam gravity-normal) f0-8)
(let* ((f0-9 (vector-length gp-0))
(f1-4 f0-9)
(f2-0 0.0)
(-> self control transv)
(-> self control transv)
(-> self control dynam gravity-normal)
(vector-float*! gp-0 gp-0 (/ f0-9 f1-4))
(let ((gp-1 (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector)))
(set! (-> gp-1 quad) (-> self control trans quad))
(let ((s5-0 (new-stack-vector0))
(f30-0 (vector-dot (-> self control dynam gravity-normal) gp-1))
(vector-float*! s5-0 (-> self control dynam gravity-normal) f30-0)
(let* ((f0-14 (vector-length s5-0))
(f1-5 f0-14)
(f2-2 (+ 512.0 f30-0))
(vector-float*! gp-1 (-> self control dynam gravity-normal) f2-2)
(vector-float*! s5-0 s5-0 (/ f0-14 f1-5))
(TODO-RENAME-30 (-> self control) gp-1)
(send-event *camera* 'reset-follow)
(set! (-> self control surf) *standard-ground-surface*)
(-> self control dynam gravity-normal)
(-> self control transv)
(logtest? (-> self control unknown-surface01 flags) 1024)
(= (-> self next-state name) 'target-walk)
(zero? (logand (-> self control status) 1))
(< f0-17 0.0)
(= *cheat-mode* 'debug)
(-> self control unknown-cpad-info00 number)
(pad-buttons r2)
(-> self control dynam gravity-normal)
(new 'stack-no-clear 'vector)
(-> self control trans)
(-> self control shadow-pos)
(zero? (logand (-> self control root-prim prim-core action) #x4200))
(logior! (-> self control root-prim prim-core action) 64)
(-> self control root-prim prim-core action)
(logand -65 (-> self control root-prim prim-core action))
(let ((v1-146 (-> self current-level)))
(- (-> *display* base-frame-counter) (-> self control unknown-dword10))
(< (-> self control trans y) (-> v1-146 info bottom-height))
(= *cheat-mode* 'debug)
(-> self control unknown-cpad-info00 number)
(pad-buttons r2)
(let ((a1-32 (new 'stack-no-clear 'event-message-block)))
(set! (-> a1-32 from) self)
(set! (-> a1-32 num-params) 2)
(set! (-> a1-32 message) 'attack-invinc)
(set! (-> a1-32 param 0) (the-as uint #f))
(let ((a0-102 (new 'static 'attack-info :mask #x20)))
(set! (-> a0-102 mode) 'endlessfall)
(set! (-> a1-32 param 1) (the-as uint a0-102))
(send-event-function self a1-32)
(defbehavior post-flag-setup target ()
(if (logtest? (-> self control status) 40)
(set! (-> self control unknown-dword20) (-> *display* base-frame-counter))
(when (logtest? (-> self state-flags) 32)
(- (-> *display* base-frame-counter) (-> self control unknown-dword70))
(logior! (-> self draw status) 2)
(set! (-> self draw status) (logand -3 (-> self draw status)))
(- (-> *display* base-frame-counter) (-> self control unknown-dword70))
(-> self control unknown-dword71)
(target-timed-invulnerable-off self)
(set! (-> self control unknown-symbol40) #f)
(defbehavior bend-gravity target ()
(-> self control unknown-float82)
(if (logtest? (-> self control status) 1)
(logtest? (-> self control status) 8)
(zero? (logand (-> self control status) 1))
(-> self control unknown-float81)
(-> self control unknown-float80)
(-> self control unknown-float80)
(* (-> self control unknown-float82) (-> *display* seconds-per-frame))
(-> self control dynam gravity-normal)
(-> self control unknown-dynamics00 gravity-normal)
(-> self control ground-poly-normal)
(-> self control unknown-float80)
(-> self control dynam gravity)
(-> self control dynam gravity-normal)
(the-as float (-> self control dynam gravity-length))
(-> self control dynam gravity-normal quad)
(-> self control unknown-dynamics00 gravity-normal quad)
(-> self control dynam gravity)
(-> self control dynam gravity-normal)
(the-as float (-> self control dynam gravity-length))
(-> self control unknown-vector02)
(-> self control unknown-dynamics00 gravity-normal)
(-> self control ground-poly-normal)
(-> self control unknown-float80)
(bucket-id debug-draw1)
(-> self control trans)
(-> self control ground-poly-normal)
(meters 2.0)
(new 'static 'rgba :b #xff :a #x80)
(bucket-id debug-draw1)
(-> self control trans)
(-> self control local-normal)
(meters 2.0)
(new 'static 'rgba :b #xff :a #x80)
(bucket-id debug-draw1)
(-> self control trans)
(-> self control unknown-dynamics00 gravity-normal)
(meters 2.5)
(new 'static 'rgba :r #xff :a #x80)
(bucket-id debug-draw1)
(-> self control trans)
(-> self control dynam gravity-normal)
(meters 3.0)
(new 'static 'rgba :r #xff :b #xff :a #x80)
(defbehavior target-compute-edge target ()
(let ((s5-0 *edge-grab-info*))
(if (not (dummy-9 s5-0))
(send-event self 'end-mode)
(if *display-edge-collision-marks*
(dummy-10 s5-0)
(-> self control ground-pat)
(the-as pat-surface (-> s5-0 edge-tri-pat))
(-> self control unknown-vector100)
(the-as vector (-> s5-0 world-vertex))
(-> s5-0 world-vertex 1)
(-> self control unknown-vector101)
(-> self control unknown-vector100)
(-> self control dynam gravity-normal)
(-> s5-0 center-hold)
(the-as vector (&-> (-> self control) unknown-cspace00 bone))
(set! (-> self control unknown-float110) (vector-length s4-1))
(< 819.2 (-> self control unknown-float110))
(- (-> *display* base-frame-counter) (-> self control unknown-dword40))
(vector-normalize! s4-1 1228.8)
(TODO-RENAME-28 (-> self control))
(-> self control rider-last-move)
(-> *display* frames-per-second)
(-> self control rider-time)
(the-as uint (-> *display* base-frame-counter))
(-> *display* base-frame-counter)
(-> self control unknown-dword41)
(-> *display* base-frame-counter)
(-> self control unknown-dword40)
(send-event self 'end-mode)
(let ((a1-6 (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector)))
(vector-! a1-6 (-> s5-0 center-hold) (-> self control unknown-vector91))
(-> self control rider-last-move)
(-> *display* frames-per-second)
(-> self control rider-time)
(the-as uint (-> *display* base-frame-counter))
(TODO-RENAME-30 (-> self control) a1-6)
(set! (-> self control unknown-float110) 0.0)
(-> self control unknown-vector52 quad)
(-> self control trans quad)
(-> self control unknown-dword40)
(-> *display* base-frame-counter)
(-> self control dir-targ)
(-> self control dynam gravity-normal)
(set-quaternion! (-> self control) (-> self control dir-targ))
(dummy-17 self)
(defbehavior target-compute-edge-rider target ()
(let ((gp-0 *edge-grab-info*))
(if (not (dummy-9 gp-0))
(send-event self 'end-mode)
(if *display-edge-collision-marks*
(dummy-10 gp-0)
(-> self control unknown-vector100)
(the-as vector (-> gp-0 world-vertex))
(-> gp-0 world-vertex 1)
(-> self control unknown-vector101)
(-> self control unknown-vector100)
(-> self control dynam gravity-normal)
(-> gp-0 center-hold)
(-> gp-0 center-hold-old)
(-> self control rider-last-move)
(-> *display* frames-per-second)
(-> self control rider-time)
(the-as uint (-> *display* base-frame-counter))
(TODO-RENAME-28 (-> self control))
(set! (-> self control unknown-float110) 0.0)
(dummy-17 self)
(defbehavior target-compute-pole target ()
(let* ((s4-0 (handle->process (-> self control unknown-handle10)))
(gp-0 (-> (the-as swingpole s4-0) dir))
(set! (-> self control unknown-vector100 quad) (-> gp-0 quad))
(let ((s5-0 (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector)))
(new 'stack-no-clear 'vector)
(-> (the-as swingpole s4-0) root trans)
(-> (the-as swingpole s4-0) edge-length)
(new 'stack-no-clear 'vector)
(-> (the-as swingpole s4-0) root trans)
(- (-> (the-as swingpole s4-0) edge-length))
(let ((v1-8 (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector)))
(vector+! v1-8 s3-0 s2-0)
(vector-float*! v1-8 v1-8 0.5)
(set! (-> v1-8 y) (+ -6144.0 (-> v1-8 y)))
(send-event *camera* 'ease-in 0.5 v1-8)
(the-as vector (&-> (-> self control) unknown-cspace00 bone))
(when *display-edge-collision-marks*
(bucket-id debug-draw1)
(-> (the-as swingpole s4-0) root trans)
(the-as vector (&-> s4-0 stack 16))
(meters 3.0)
(new 'static 'rgba :r #xff :b #xff :a #x80)
(bucket-id debug-draw1)
(-> (the-as swingpole s4-0) root trans)
(-> (the-as swingpole s4-0) range)
(new 'static 'rgba :r #xff :g #xff :a #x80)
(bucket-id debug-draw0)
(the-as vector (&-> (-> self control) unknown-cspace00 bone))
(new 'static 'rgba :r #xff :a #x80)
(bucket-id debug-draw1)
(new 'static 'rgba :g #xff :a #x80)
(bucket-id debug-draw1)
(new 'static 'rgba :g #xff :b #x40 :a #x80)
(bucket-id debug-draw1)
(new 'static 'rgba :b #xff :a #x80)
(the-as vector (&-> (-> self control) unknown-cspace00 bone))
(< 2457.6 (vector-length s4-2))
(not (-> self control unknown-int20))
(let* ((s5-1 (-> self control))
(s3-1 (method-of-object s5-1 TODO-RENAME-28))
(vector-normalize! s4-2 2457.6)
(s3-1 s5-1)
(set! (-> self control unknown-int20) (the-as int #t))
(-> self control)
(new 'stack-no-clear 'vector)
(-> self control unknown-vector91)
(-> self control unknown-vector52 quad)
(-> self control trans quad)
(-> self control unknown-vector101)
(-> self control dynam gravity-normal)
(new 'stack-no-clear 'vector)
(-> self control unknown-quaternion00)
(vector-negate! s5-3 s5-3)
(-> self control dir-targ)
(-> self control dynam gravity-normal)
(set-quaternion! (-> self control) (-> self control dir-targ))
(dummy-17 self)
(dummy-47 (-> self control))
(defbehavior target-calc-camera-pos target ()
(let ((gp-0 (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector)))
(= (-> self next-state name) 'target-clone-anim)
(zero? (logand (-> self draw status) 2))
(vector<-cspace! gp-0 (-> self node-list data 3))
(set! (-> gp-0 y) (+ -5896.192 (-> gp-0 y)))
(< (fabs (- (-> gp-0 y) (-> self control trans y))) 8192.0)
(set! (-> (&-> (-> self control) unknown-qword00) 0) (-> gp-0 quad))
(let ((v1-11 (-> self water flags)))
((and (logtest? v1-11 512) (logtest? v1-11 6144))
(the-as vector (&-> (-> self control) unknown-qword00))
(the-as cspace (-> self node-list data))
(logtest? (-> self water flags) 4096)
(zero? (logand (-> self water flags) 16))
(-> self control unknown-float30)
(- (-> self water base-height) (-> self water swim-height))
(&-> (-> self control) unknown-qword00)
(logtest? (-> self water flags) 512)
(logtest? #x40000 (-> self water flags))
(the-as vector (&-> (-> self control) unknown-qword00))
(the-as cspace (-> self node-list data))
(set! (-> self control unknown-float30) (-> self water base-height))
((logtest? (-> self control root-prim prim-core action) 512)
(-> (&-> (-> self control) unknown-qword00) 0)
(-> self control trans quad)
((logtest? (-> self control root-prim prim-core action) 8192)
(-> (&-> (-> self control) unknown-qword00) 0)
(-> self control shadow-pos quad)
((logtest? (-> self draw status) 6)
(-> (&-> (-> self control) unknown-qword00) 0)
(-> self control trans quad)
(the-as vector (&-> (-> self control) unknown-qword00))
(the-as cspace (-> self node-list data))
(defbehavior joint-points target ()
(let ((v1-0 (-> self neck)))
(set! (-> v1-0 blend) 0.0)
((logtest? (-> self control root-prim prim-core action) 8704)
((logtest? (-> self water flags) 1024)
(-> self control trans y)
(- (-> self water height) (-> self water wade-height))
(-> *wade-surface* alignv)
(- (-> self water swim-height) (-> self water wade-height))
(set! (-> *wade-surface* align-speed) (-> *wade-surface* alignv))
(- (-> self water swim-height) (-> self water wade-height))
(set! (-> *wade-surface* target-speed) f0-9)
(set! (-> *wade-surface* transv-max) f0-9)
(set! (-> self control surf) *wade-surface*)
((logtest? (-> self water flags) 2048)
(set! (-> self control surf) *swim-surface*)
(logtest? (-> self water flags) 512)
(logtest? #x40000 (-> self water flags))
(set! (-> self control surf) *quicksand-surface*)
(-> self control unknown-matrix02)
(the-as transformq (-> self control trans))
(-> self control unknown-vector80)
(-> *TARGET-bank* head-offset)
(-> self control unknown-vector92)
(-> self control unknown-cspace10 parent)
(let ((gp-0 (new-stack-vector0))
(s5-0 (new-stack-vector0))
(vector<-cspace! gp-0 (-> self control unknown-cspace00 parent))
(the-as cspace (-> self control unknown-cspace00 joint))
(the-as vector (&-> (-> self control) unknown-cspace00 bone))
(-> self control unknown-vector91)
(the-as vector (&-> (-> self control) unknown-cspace00 bone))
(-> self control trans)
((logtest? (-> self control root-prim prim-core action) 128)
((logtest? (-> self control root-prim prim-core action) 256)
(when (logtest? (-> self state-flags) #x4000)
(set! (-> self state-flags) (logand -28673 (-> self state-flags)))
(set! (-> self control unknown-float40) 0.0)
(set! (-> self control unknown-int00) 0)
(defbehavior target-real-post target ()
(let ((gp-0 (the int (-> *display* time-ratio))))
(set-time-ratios *display* 1.0)
(countdown (s5-0 gp-0)
(set! (-> self control unknown-int40) s5-0)
(if (< (-> self control unknown-float40) 0.0)
(-> self control unknown-float40)
(- 1.0 (-> self control unknown-cpad-info00 stick0-speed))
(build-conversions (-> self control transv))
(let ((s4-0 (new-stack-vector0)))
(read-pad s4-0)
(let ((f30-0 (-> self control unknown-float20)))
(< 0.0 f30-0)
(< 0.3 (-> self control unknown-float20))
(-> self control unknown-vector30)
(-> self control unknown-vector31)
(< f30-0 0.7)
(set! f30-0 0.0)
(when (!= (-> self control unknown-float40) 0.0)
(let ((f0-12 (fmin 1.0 (-> self control unknown-float40))))
(set! (-> self control unknown-float40) f0-12)
((a1-2 (vector-float*! (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector) (if (= f30-0 0.0)
(new 'stack-no-clear 'vector)
(-> self control unknown-vector40)
(-> self control unknown-float50)
(vector-lerp! s4-0 a1-2 a2-1 f0-12)
(set! f30-0 (vector-length s4-0))
(vector-normalize! s4-0 1.0)
(turn-to-vector s4-0 f30-0)
(reverse-conversions (-> self control transv))
(if *debug-segment*
(-> *display* frames (-> *display* on-screen) frame profile-bar 0)
(new 'static 'rgba :r #x40 :b #x40 :a #x80)
(set! (-> self control reaction) target-collision-reaction)
(-> self control)
(-> self control transv)
(-> self control root-prim collide-with)
(if (logtest? (-> self control root-prim prim-core action) 64)
(dummy-20 *target* *collide-cache*)
(if *debug-segment*
(-> *display* frames (-> *display* on-screen) frame profile-bar 0)
(new 'static 'rgba :r #x80 :g #x60 :b #x40 :a #x80)
(set-time-ratios *display* (the float gp-0))
(if *debug-segment*
(-> *display* frames (-> *display* on-screen) frame profile-bar 0)
(new 'static 'rgba :r #x40 :b #x40 :a #x80)
(if *debug-segment*
(-> *display* frames (-> *display* on-screen) frame profile-bar 0)
(new 'static 'rgba :r #x80 :a #x80)
(defun target-post ()
(defbehavior target-swim-post target ()
(let ((gp-0 (the int (-> *display* time-ratio))))
(set-time-ratios *display* 1.0)
(countdown (s5-0 gp-0)
(set! (-> self control unknown-int40) s5-0)
(build-conversions (-> self control transv))
(let ((s4-0 (new-stack-vector0)))
(read-pad s4-0)
(turn-to-vector s4-0 (-> self control unknown-float20))
(reverse-conversions (-> self control transv))
(if *debug-segment*
(-> *display* frames (-> *display* on-screen) frame profile-bar 0)
(new 'static 'rgba :r #x40 :b #x40 :a #x80)
(-> self control)
(-> self control transv)
(-> self control root-prim collide-with)
(if (logtest? (-> self control root-prim prim-core action) 64)
(dummy-20 *target* *collide-cache*)
(if *debug-segment*
(-> *display* frames (-> *display* on-screen) frame profile-bar 0)
(new 'static 'rgba :r #x80 :g #x60 :b #x40 :a #x80)
(set-time-ratios *display* (the float gp-0))
(if *debug-segment*
(-> *display* frames (-> *display* on-screen) frame profile-bar 0)
(new 'static 'rgba :r #x40 :b #x40 :a #x80)
(if *debug-segment*
(-> *display* frames (-> *display* on-screen) frame profile-bar 0)
(new 'static 'rgba :r #x80 :a #x80)
(defbehavior target-no-stick-post target ()
(let ((gp-0 (the int (-> *display* time-ratio))))
(set-time-ratios *display* 1.0)
(countdown (s5-0 gp-0)
(set! (-> self control unknown-int40) s5-0)
(build-conversions (-> self control transv))
(let ((s4-0 (new-stack-vector0)))
(read-pad s4-0)
(turn-to-vector s4-0 0.0)
(reverse-conversions (-> self control transv))
(if *debug-segment*
(-> *display* frames (-> *display* on-screen) frame profile-bar 0)
(new 'static 'rgba :r #x40 :b #x40 :a #x80)
(-> self control)
(-> self control transv)
(-> self control root-prim collide-with)
(if (logtest? (-> self control root-prim prim-core action) 64)
(dummy-20 *target* *collide-cache*)
(if *debug-segment*
(-> *display* frames (-> *display* on-screen) frame profile-bar 0)
(new 'static 'rgba :r #x80 :g #x60 :b #x40 :a #x80)
(set-time-ratios *display* (the float gp-0))
(if *debug-segment*
(-> *display* frames (-> *display* on-screen) frame profile-bar 0)
(new 'static 'rgba :r #x40 :b #x40 :a #x80)
(if *debug-segment*
(-> *display* frames (-> *display* on-screen) frame profile-bar 0)
(new 'static 'rgba :r #x80 :a #x80)
(defbehavior target-no-move-post target ()
(let ((gp-0 (the int (-> *display* time-ratio))))
(set-time-ratios *display* 1.0)
(countdown (s5-0 gp-0)
(set! (-> self control unknown-int40) s5-0)
(build-conversions (-> self control transv))
(reverse-conversions (-> self control transv))
(-> self control unknown-vector12)
(-> self control unknown-vector11)
(-> self control unknown-vector13)
(let ((a1-3 (new 'stack-no-clear 'collide-edge-hold-list)))
(set! (-> a1-3 num-allocs) (the-as uint 1))
(set! (-> a1-3 num-attempts) (the-as uint *touching-list*))
(dummy-40 (-> self control) a1-3)
(set-time-ratios *display* (the float gp-0))
(if *debug-segment*
(-> *display* frames (-> *display* on-screen) frame profile-bar 0)
(new 'static 'rgba :r #x40 :b #x40 :a #x80)
(if *debug-segment*
(-> *display* frames (-> *display* on-screen) frame profile-bar 0)
(new 'static 'rgba :r #x80 :a #x80)
(defbehavior target-slide-down-post target ()
(let ((gp-0 (the int (-> *display* time-ratio))))
(set-time-ratios *display* 1.0)
(countdown (s5-0 gp-0)
(set! (-> self control unknown-int40) s5-0)
(build-conversions (-> self control transv))
(-> self control dynam gravity-normal)
(-> self control local-normal)
(let ((s3-1 (new-stack-vector0)))
(read-pad s3-1)
(set! (-> self control unknown-surface01 slide-factor) 49152.0)
(set! (-> self control unknown-surface01 bend-factor) 0.0)
(the-as float (/ (the int (-> self control unknown-float20)) 2))
(-> self control unknown-vector20 quad)
(-> (vector-negate! s4-1 s4-1) quad)
(set! (-> self control unknown-float12) 1.0)
(reverse-conversions (-> self control transv))
(if *debug-segment*
(-> *display* frames (-> *display* on-screen) frame profile-bar 0)
(new 'static 'rgba :r #x40 :b #x40 :a #x80)
(-> self control)
(-> self control transv)
(-> self control root-prim collide-with)
(if (logtest? (-> self control root-prim prim-core action) 64)
(dummy-20 *target* *collide-cache*)
(if *debug-segment*
(-> *display* frames (-> *display* on-screen) frame profile-bar 0)
(new 'static 'rgba :r #x40 :a #x80)
(set-time-ratios *display* (the float gp-0))
(if *debug-segment*
(-> *display* frames (-> *display* on-screen) frame profile-bar 0)
(new 'static 'rgba :r #x40 :b #x40 :a #x80)
(if *debug-segment*
(-> *display* frames (-> *display* on-screen) frame profile-bar 0)
(new 'static 'rgba :r #x80 :a #x80)
(defbehavior target-no-ja-move-post target ()
(-> self control unknown-vector12)
(-> self control unknown-vector11)
(-> self control unknown-vector13)
(let ((a1-2 (new 'stack-no-clear 'collide-edge-hold-list)))
(set! (-> a1-2 num-allocs) (the-as uint 1))
(set! (-> a1-2 num-attempts) (the-as uint *touching-list*))
(dummy-40 (-> self control) a1-2)
(defbehavior reset-target-state target ((arg0 symbol))
(when arg0
(vector-identity! (-> self control scale))
(quaternion-identity! (-> self control quat))
(quaternion-identity! (-> self control unknown-quaternion00))
(quaternion-identity! (-> self control dir-targ))
(set! (-> self control transv quad) (the-as uint128 0))
(-> (&-> (-> self control) unknown-qword00) 0)
(-> self control trans quad)
(target-timed-invulnerable-off self)
(set! (-> self control status) (the-as uint 0))
(set! (-> self control unknown-dynamics00) *standard-dynamics*)
(set! (-> self control surf) *standard-ground-surface*)
(-> self control unknown-vector02 quad)
(-> self control unknown-dynamics00 gravity-normal quad)
(quaternion-identity! (-> self control unknown-quaternion01))
(set! (-> self control unknown-float00) 0.0)
(set! (-> self control unknown-dword10) (-> *display* base-frame-counter))
(set! (-> self control unknown-float80) 0.0)
(set! (-> self control unknown-float82) 32.0)
(set! (-> self cam-user-mode) 'normal)
(set! (-> self control unknown-handle10) (the-as handle #f))
(set! (-> self control unknown-handle00) (the-as handle #f))
(set! (-> self control unknown-dword72) 0)
(buzz-stop! 0)
(defbehavior init-target target ((arg0 continue-point))
(set-setting! *setting-control* self 'allow-pause #f 0.0 0)
(set-setting! *setting-control* self 'allow-progress #f 0.0 0)
(copy-settings-from-target! *setting-control*)
(if (not arg0)
(set! arg0 (get-or-create-continue! *game-info*))
(set-continue! *game-info* arg0)
(stack-size-set! (-> self main-thread) 1024)
(logior! (-> self mask) (process-mask target))
(set! (-> self state-hook) (the-as (function none :behavior target) nothing))
(let ((s5-0 (new 'process 'control-info self (collide-list-enum player))))
(set! (-> self control) s5-0)
(set! (-> s5-0 dynam) (copy *standard-dynamics* 'process))
(set! (-> s5-0 max-iteration-count) (the-as uint 8))
(set! (-> s5-0 event-self) 'touched)
(set! (-> s5-0 reaction) target-collision-reaction)
(set! (-> s5-0 no-reaction) target-collision-no-reaction)
(let ((s4-0 (new 'process 'collide-shape-prim-group s5-0 (the-as uint 6) 1)))
(set! (-> s4-0 prim-core collide-as) (the-as uint 16))
(set! (-> s4-0 collide-with) (the-as uint #x2bef))
(set! (-> s4-0 prim-core offense) 1)
(set! (-> s4-0 prim-core action) (the-as uint 5))
(dummy-46 s5-0)
(let ((s3-0 (new 'process 'collide-shape-prim-sphere s5-0 (the-as uint 6))))
(set! (-> s3-0 prim-core action) (the-as uint 5))
(set! (-> s3-0 prim-core collide-as) (the-as uint 16))
(set! (-> s3-0 collide-with) (the-as uint #x2bef))
(set! (-> s3-0 prim-core offense) 1)
(dummy-28 s4-0)
(set! (-> s5-0 unknown-sphere-array00 0) s3-0)
((s3-1 (new 'process 'collide-shape-prim-sphere s5-0 (the-as uint 10))))
(set! (-> s3-1 prim-core action) (the-as uint 1))
(set! (-> s3-1 prim-core collide-as) (the-as uint 16))
(set! (-> s3-1 collide-with) (the-as uint #x2bef))
(set! (-> s3-1 prim-core offense) 1)
(dummy-28 s4-0)
(set! (-> s5-0 unknown-sphere-array00 1) s3-1)
((s3-2 (new 'process 'collide-shape-prim-sphere s5-0 (the-as uint 18))))
(set! (-> s3-2 prim-core action) (the-as uint 1))
(set! (-> s3-2 prim-core collide-as) (the-as uint 16))
(set! (-> s3-2 collide-with) (the-as uint #x2bef))
(set! (-> s3-2 prim-core offense) 1)
(dummy-28 s4-0)
(set! (-> s5-0 unknown-sphere-array00 2) s3-2)
((s3-3 (new 'process 'collide-shape-prim-sphere s5-0 (the-as uint 32))))
(dummy-28 s4-0)
(set! (-> s5-0 unknown-sphere00) s3-3)
((s3-4 (new 'process 'collide-shape-prim-sphere s5-0 (the-as uint 64))))
(dummy-28 s4-0)
(set! (-> s5-0 unknown-sphere01) s3-4)
((s3-5 (new 'process 'collide-shape-prim-sphere s5-0 (the-as uint 128))))
(dummy-28 s4-0)
(set! (-> s5-0 unknown-sphere02) s3-5)
(target-collide-set! 'normal 0.0)
(dummy-50 (-> self control))
(set! (-> self game) *game-info*)
(TODO-RENAME-30 (-> self control) (-> arg0 trans))
(set! (-> (&-> (-> self control) unknown-qword00) 0) (-> arg0 trans quad))
(set! (-> self control unknown-cpad-info00) (-> *cpad-list* cpads 0))
(set! (-> self control unknown-surface01) (new 'process 'surface))
(set! (-> self control unknown-surface01 name) 'current)
(set! (-> self control unknown-surface01 active-hook) nothing)
(set! (-> self control unknown-surface01 touch-hook) nothing)
(dummy-14 self *jchar-sg* '())
(set! (-> self draw origin-joint-index) (the-as uint 33))
(set! (-> self draw shadow-joint-index) (the-as uint 33))
(let ((v1-79 (-> self node-list data)))
(set! (-> v1-79 0 param0) cspace<-transformq+trans!)
(set! (-> v1-79 0 param1) (the-as basic (-> self control trans)))
(set! (-> v1-79 0 param2) (the-as basic (-> self control unknown-vector12)))
(set! (-> self draw lod-set max-lod) 0)
(logior! (-> self skel status) 257)
(set! (-> self draw shadow-ctrl) *target-shadow-control*)
(set! (-> self control unknown-cspace00 parent) (-> self node-list data 42))
(-> self control unknown-cspace00 joint)
(the-as joint (-> self node-list data 54))
(-> self control unknown-cspace00 joint)
(the-as joint (-> self node-list data 54))
(set! (-> self control unknown-cspace10 parent) (-> self node-list data 64))
(-> self neck)
(new 'process 'joint-mod (joint-mod-handler-mode look-at) self 7)
(-> self fact-info-target)
(pickup-type eco-pill-random)
(-> *FACT-bank* default-pill-inc)
(-> self sound)
(new 'process 'ambient-sound 'none (-> self control trans))
(set! (-> self control unknown-soundid00) (new-sound-id))
(if *debug-segment*
(add-connection *debug-engine* self target-print-stats self *stdcon0* #f)
(activate-hud self)
(set! (-> self fp-hud) (the-as uint #f))
(set! (-> self water) (new 'process 'water-control self 9 0.0 8192.0 2048.0))
(set! (-> self water flags) (the-as uint #x4000f0))
(reset-target-state #t)
(set! (-> self control unknown-vector52 quad) (-> self control trans quad))
(-> self control unknown-vector52 y)
(+ -819200.0 (-> self control unknown-vector52 y))
(set! (-> self align) (new 'process 'align-control self))
(let ((s5-1 (get-process *16k-dead-pool* sidekick #x4000)))
(set! (-> self sidekick) (the-as (pointer sidekick) (when s5-1
(the-as sidekick s5-1)
(-> s5-1 ppointer)
(set! (-> self manipy) (the-as (pointer manipy) #f))
(set! (-> self event-hook) target-generic-event-handler)
(set! (-> self current-level) #f)
(go target-continue arg0)
(defmethod deactivate target ((obj target))
(set-zero! *camera-smush-control*)
((the-as (function process-drawable none) (find-parent-method target 10)) obj)
(defun stop ((arg0 symbol))
(when *target*
(kill-by-name 'target *active-pool*)
(set! *target* #f)
(set! (-> *game-info* mode) arg0)
(defun start ((arg0 symbol) (arg1 continue-point))
(set! (-> *level* border?) #f)
(set! (-> *setting-control* default border-mode) #f)
(stop arg0)
(let* ((s5-0 (get-process *target-dead-pool* target #x4000))
(v1-3 (when s5-0
(let ((t9-2 (method-of-type target activate)))
(the-as target s5-0)
(&-> *dram-stack* 14336)
(run-now-in-process s5-0 init-target arg1)
(-> s5-0 ppointer)
(if v1-3
(set! *target* (the-as target (-> v1-3 0 self)))
(set! *target* #f)