water111 029983270e
[decomp] target cleanup (#2021)
everything up to collide-reaction-target (which is mostly done, but
could use a few more names)

Fixes issues with gun-part and target-part
2022-11-13 19:09:34 -05:00

236 lines
20 KiB
Common Lisp

(in-package goal)
;; name: collide-target-h.gc
;; name in dgo: collide-target-h
;; dgos: ENGINE, GAME
(deftype control-info (collide-shape-moving)
((unknown-float00 float :offset 448)
(unknown-float01 float :offset 452)
(unknown-float02 float :offset 456)
(unknown-float03 float :offset 460)
(transv-ctrl vector :inline :offset 480)
(target-transv vector :inline :offset 496)
(unknown-vector02 vector :inline :offset 512)
(quat-for-control quaternion :inline :offset 528)
(override-quat quaternion :inline :offset 544)
(override-quat-alpha float :offset 560)
(ctrl-xz-vel float :offset 564)
(unknown-float003 float :offset 568)
(unknown-float06 float :offset 572)
(unknown-float07 float :offset 576)
(unknown-time-frame00 time-frame :offset 584)
(unknown-vector03 vector :inline :offset 592)
(unknown-quaternion02 quaternion :inline :offset 608)
(unknown-quaternion03 quaternion :inline :offset 624)
(unknown-vector-array00 vector 128 :inline :offset 640)
(unknown-time-frame-array00 time-frame 128 :offset 2688)
(unknown-word00 int32 :offset 3712)
(draw-offset vector :inline :offset 3728)
(cspace-offset vector :inline :offset 3744)
(anim-collide-offset-local vector :inline :offset 3760)
(anim-collide-offset-world vector :inline :offset 3776)
(old-anim-collide-offset-world vector :inline :offset 3792)
(anim-collide-offset-delta-world vector :inline :offset 3808)
(unknown-dynamics00 dynamics :offset 3824)
(mod-surface surface :offset 3828)
(current-surface surface :offset 3832)
(unknown-surface02 surface :offset 3836)
(time-of-last-surface-change time-frame :offset 3840)
(cpad cpad-info :offset 3848)
(unknown-float08 float :offset 3852)
(unknown-float09 float :offset 3856)
(unknown-float10 float :offset 3860)
(unknown-float11 float :offset 3864)
(to-target-pt-xz vector :inline :offset 3872)
(unknown-vector09 vector :inline :offset 3888)
(unknown-vector10 vector :inline :offset 3904)
(unknown-vector11 vector :inline :offset 3920)
(turn-history-ctrl vector 7 :inline :offset 3936)
(unknown-vector12 vector :inline :offset 4064)
(unknown-vector13 vector :inline :offset 4080)
(unknown-float12 float :offset 4096)
(unknown-float13 float :offset 4100)
(unknown-dword01 int64 :offset 4104)
(w-R-c matrix :inline :offset 4112)
(c-R-w matrix :inline :offset 4176)
(ctrl-orientation matrix :inline :offset 4240)
(unknown-vector14 vector :inline :offset 4320)
(camera-pos vector :inline :offset 4336)
(unknown-matrix03 matrix :inline :offset 4352)
(unknown-dword02 int64 :offset 4416)
(unknown-vector16 vector :inline :offset 4432)
(unknown-float14 float :offset 4448)
(unknown-floatiujh1bnb2n3i1 float :offset 4452)
(unknown-float15 float :offset 4456)
(unknown-word01 int32 :offset 4460)
(collide-extra-velocity vector :inline :offset 4464)
(unknown-vector18 vector :inline :offset 4480)
(unknown-time-frame03 time-frame :offset 4496)
(unknown-time-frame04 time-frame :offset 4504)
(unknown-vector19 vector :inline :offset 4512)
(unknown-vector20 vector :inline :offset 4528)
(last-trans-any-surf vector :inline :offset 4544)
(unknown-float16 float :offset 4548)
(ground-contact-normal vector :inline :offset 4560)
(last-trans-on-ground vector :inline :offset 4576)
(ground-contact-sphere-center vector :inline :offset 4592)
(transv-on-last-impact vector :inline :offset 4608)
(list-time-on-ground time-frame :offset 4624)
(ground-local-norm-dot-grav float :offset 4632)
(local-slope-z float :offset 4636)
(local-slope-x float :offset 4640)
(surface-slope-z float :offset 4644)
(surface-slope-x float :offset 4648)
(last-time-on-surface time-frame :offset 4656)
(normal-impact-vel float :offset 4664)
(unknown-time-frame07 time-frame :offset 4672)
(wall-contact-pat pat-surface :offset 4680)
(wall-contact-pt vector :inline :offset 4688)
(wall-contact-poly-normal vector :inline :offset 4704)
(wall-contact-normal vector :inline :offset 4720)
(actor-contact-pt vector :inline :offset 4736)
(actor-contact-normal vector :inline :offset 4752)
(actor-contact-handle handle :offset 4768)
(unknown-pat-surface01 pat-surface :offset 4776)
(gspot-slope-z float :offset 4780)
(gspot-slope-x float :offset 4784)
(ctrl-slope-heading float :offset 4788)
(ctrl-slope-z float :offset 4792)
(ctrl-slope-x float :offset 4796)
(unknown-word000 int32 :offset 4800)
(unknown-float002 float :offset 4804)
(unknown-float-n12iuh3n1 float :offset 4808)
(unknown-float-ki1jhbn23hj float :offset 4812)
(time-of-last-lc time-frame :offset 4816)
(low-coverage-pat-next1 pat-surface :offset 4828)
(low-coverage-dist-to-next2 float :offset 4832)
(low-coverage-pat-next2 pat-surface :offset 4836)
(low-coverage-slope-to-next1 float :offset 4824)
(low-coverage-norm-of-next1 vector :inline :offset 4848)
(low-coverage-norm-of-next2 vector :inline :offset 4864)
(low-coverage-overhang-plane-normal vector :inline :offset 4912)
(low-coverage-tangent vector :inline :offset 4928)
(low-coverage-tangent-xz vector :inline :offset 4944)
(btransv vector :inline :offset 4976)
(blocked-factor float :offset 4992)
(blocked-in-air-factor float :offset 4996)
(unknown-time-frame09 time-frame :offset 5000)
(time-of-last-lc-touch-edge time-frame :offset 5008)
(collision-spheres collide-shape-prim-sphere 10 :offset 5016)
(unknown-word02 int32 :offset 5064)
(last-roll-end-time time-frame :offset 5072)
(last-running-attack-end-time time-frame :offset 5080)
(last-hands-attempt-time time-frame :offset 5088)
(last-attack-end-time time-frame :offset 5096)
(last-feet-attempt-time time-frame :offset 5104)
(unknown-time-frame13 time-frame :offset 5112)
(last-time-of-stuck time-frame :offset 5120)
(unknown-float28 float :offset 5132)
(unknown-float29 float :offset 5136)
(unknown-float30 float :offset 5140)
(unknown-vector28 vector :inline :offset 5152)
(lhand-cspace cspace :offset 5168)
(rhand-cspace cspace :offset 5172)
(midpoint-of-hands vector :inline :offset 5184)
(unknown-vector31 vector :inline :offset 5200)
(unknown-cspacei1un23i1 cspace :inline :offset 5216)
(collide-mode symbol :offset 5248)
(collide-mode-transition float :offset 5252)
(duck-gun-tube-transision float :offset 5256)
(unknown-vector-array02 vector 15 :inline :offset 5264)
(unknown-float32 float :offset 5520)
(unknown-word03 int32 :offset 5524)
(unknown-float33 float :offset 5528)
(unknown-symbol000 symbol :offset 5532)
(edge-grab-edge-dir vector :inline :offset 5536)
(unknown-vector35 vector :inline :offset 5552)
(edge-grab-across-edge-dir vector :inline :offset 5568)
(unknown-time-frame15 time-frame :offset 5584)
(unknown-time-frame16 time-frame :offset 5592)
(unknown-handle000 handle :offset 5600)
(unknown-handle01 handle :offset 5608)
(unknown-word04 uint32 :offset 5616)
(unknown-spool-anim00 spool-anim :offset 5616)
(unknown-word05 int32 :offset 5616)
(unknown-symbol01 symbol :offset 5616)
(unknown-float34 float :offset 5616)
(unknown-symbol02 float :offset 5620)
(unknown-symbol03 float :offset 5624)
(unknown-float35 float :offset 5628)
(unknown-float36 float :offset 5632)
(unknown-float37 float :offset 5636)
(unknown-vector37 vector :inline :offset 5648)
(unknown-vector38 vector :inline :offset 5664)
(unknown-vector39 vector :inline :offset 5680)
(unknown-vector40 vector :inline :offset 5696)
(unknown-time-frame17 time-frame :offset 5712)
(unknown-time-frame18 time-frame :offset 5720)
(unknown-sound-id00 sound-id :offset 5776)
(unknown-handle02 handle :offset 5792)
(unknown-impact-control00 impact-control :inline :offset 5824)
(unknown-word06 int32 :offset 5832)
(unknown-vector41 vector :inline :offset 5888)
(last-trans-leaving-surf vector :inline :offset 5904)
(unknown-float38 float :offset 5908)
(unknown-vector43 vector :inline :offset 5920)
(unknown-float39 float :offset 5924)
(unknown-time-frame19 time-frame :offset 5936)
(time-of-last-debug-float time-frame :offset 5944)
(danger-mode symbol :offset 5984)
(target-attack-id uint32 :offset 5988)
(unknown-attack-id00 int32 :offset 5992)
(bomb-scale float :offset 5996)
(attack-count uint64 :offset 6000)
(unknown-dword06 handle :offset 6008)
(unknown-time-frame000 time-frame :offset 6016)
(unknown-combo-tracker00 combo-tracker :inline :offset 6032)
(unknown-time-frame21 time-frame :offset 6072)
(unknown-dword07 int64 :offset 6096)
(unknown-dword08 int64 :offset 6104)
(unknown-dword09 int64 :offset 6112)
(unknown-dword10 int64 :offset 6120)
(unknown-symbol06 symbol :offset 6144)
(unknown-quaternion04 quaternion :inline :offset 6160)
(unknown-sound-id01 sound-id :offset 6176)
(unknown-float41 float :offset 6180)
(unknown-float42 float :offset 6184)
(history-idx uint16 :offset 6188)
(history-length uint16 :offset 6190)
(unknown-word07 int32 :offset 6192)
(invul1-on-time time-frame :offset 6200)
(invul1-off-time time-frame :offset 6208)
(invul2-on-time time-frame :offset 6216)
(invul2-off-time time-frame :offset 6224)
(unknown-float43 float :offset 6232)
(unknown-float001 float :offset 6236)
(unknown-sound-id02 sound-id :offset 6240)
(unknown-sound-id03 sound-id :offset 6244)
(unknown-time-frame26 time-frame :offset 6248)
(unknown-time-frame27 time-frame :offset 6256)
(unknown-dword11 int64 :offset 6264)
(align-xz-vel vector :inline :offset 6272)
(zx-vel-frac float :offset 6288)
(unknown-sound-id04 sound-id :offset 6292)
(unknown-float45 float :offset 6296)
(unknown-word08 int32 :offset 6300)
(default-collide-as collide-spec :offset 6304)
(unknown-word09 int32 :offset 6308)
(default-collide-with collide-spec :offset 6312)
(time-of-last-zero-input time-frame :offset 6320)
(unknown-time-frame29 time-frame :offset 6328)
(unknown-dword12 int64 :offset 6336)
(time-of-last-debug-heal time-frame :offset 6368)
(unknown-quaternion05 quaternion :inline :offset 6384)
(unknown-time-frame31 time-frame :offset 6400)
(unknown-time-frame32 time-frame :offset 6408)
(pad uint8 :offset 6415)
:method-count-assert 68
:size-assert #x1910
:flag-assert #x4400001910