
629 lines
15 KiB
Common Lisp

(in-package goal)
;; name: vector-h.gc
;; name in dgo: vector-h
;; dgos: GAME
(define-extern vector-identity! (function vector vector))
(define-extern vector-cross! (function vector vector vector vector))
(define-extern vector-float*! (function vector vector float vector))
(define-extern vector+float*! (function vector vector vector float vector))
(define-extern vector-negate! (function vector vector vector))
(define-extern vector-normalize! (function vector float vector))
(define-extern vector-normalize-copy! (function vector vector float vector))
(define-extern vector-normalize-ret-len! (function vector float float))
(define-extern vector-xz-normalize! (function vector float vector))
(define-extern vector-get-unique! (function vector vector vector))
(define-extern vector-get-closest-perpendicular! (function vector vector vector vector))
(define-extern vector-vector-distance (function vector vector float))
(define-extern vector-vector-distance-squared (function vector vector float))
(define-extern vector-length (function vector float))
(define-extern vector-length-squared (function vector float))
(define-extern vector-xz-length (function vector float))
(defmacro set-vector! (v xv yv zv wv)
"Set all fields in a vector"
(with-gensyms (vec)
`(let ((,vec ,v))
(set! (-> ,vec x) ,xv)
(set! (-> ,vec y) ,yv)
(set! (-> ,vec z) ,zv)
(set! (-> ,vec w) ,wv)
(defmacro set-vector-xyz! (v xv yv zv)
"Set xyz fields in a vector"
(with-gensyms (vec)
`(let ((,vec ,v))
(set! (-> ,vec x) ,xv)
(set! (-> ,vec y) ,yv)
(set! (-> ,vec z) ,zv)
(deftype bit-array (basic)
((length int32)
(allocated-length int32)
(_pad uint8)
(bytes uint8 :dynamic :overlay-at _pad)
(new (symbol type int) _type_)
(get-bit (_type_ int) symbol)
(clear-bit (_type_ int) int)
(set-bit (_type_ int) int)
(clear-all! (_type_) _type_)
(defmethod new bit-array ((allocation symbol) (type-to-make type) (arg0 int))
"Allocate a new bit-array with room arg0 bits."
(let ((v0-0 (object-new allocation type-to-make (+ (/ (logand -8 (+ arg0 7)) 8) -1 (-> type-to-make size)))))
(set! (-> v0-0 length) arg0)
(set! (-> v0-0 allocated-length) arg0)
(defmethod length ((this bit-array))
(-> this length)
;; WARN: Return type mismatch uint vs int.
(defmethod asize-of ((this bit-array))
(the-as int (+ (-> this type size) (/ (logand -8 (+ (-> this allocated-length) 7)) 8)))
(defmethod get-bit ((this bit-array) (arg0 int))
"Get the nth bit as a boolean."
(let ((v1-2 (-> this bytes (/ arg0 8))))
(logtest? v1-2 (ash 1 (logand arg0 7)))
(defmethod clear-bit ((this bit-array) (arg0 int))
"Set the nth bit to 0."
(logclear! (-> this bytes (/ arg0 8)) (ash 1 (logand arg0 7)))
(defmethod set-bit ((this bit-array) (arg0 int))
"Set the nth bit to 1."
(logior! (-> this bytes (/ arg0 8)) (ash 1 (logand arg0 7)))
(defmethod clear-all! ((this bit-array))
"Set all bits to 0."
(countdown (v1-2 (/ (logand -8 (+ (-> this allocated-length) 7)) 8))
(set! (-> this bytes v1-2) (the-as uint 0))
(deftype vector16ub (structure)
((data uint8 16)
(quad uint128 :overlay-at (-> data 0))
(deftype vector4ub (structure)
((data uint8 4)
(x uint8 :overlay-at (-> data 0))
(y uint8 :overlay-at (-> data 1))
(z uint8 :overlay-at (-> data 2))
(w uint8 :overlay-at (-> data 3))
(clr uint32 :overlay-at (-> data 0))
(deftype vector4b (structure)
((data int8 4)
(x int8 :overlay-at (-> data 0))
(y int8 :overlay-at (-> data 1))
(z int8 :overlay-at (-> data 2))
(w int8 :overlay-at (-> data 3))
(clr int32 :overlay-at (-> data 0))
(deftype vector2ub (structure)
((data uint8 2)
(x uint8 :overlay-at (-> data 0))
(y uint8 :overlay-at (-> data 1))
(clr uint16 :overlay-at (-> data 0))
(deftype vector2b (structure)
((data int8 2)
(x int8 :overlay-at (-> data 0))
(y int8 :overlay-at (-> data 1))
(clr int16 :overlay-at (-> data 0))
(deftype vector2h (structure)
((data int16 2)
(x int16 :overlay-at (-> data 0))
(y int16 :overlay-at (-> data 1))
(deftype vector2uh (structure)
((data uint16 2)
(x uint16 :overlay-at (-> data 0))
(y uint16 :overlay-at (-> data 1))
(val uint32 :overlay-at (-> data 0))
(deftype vector3h (structure)
((data int16 3)
(x int16 :overlay-at (-> data 0))
(y int16 :overlay-at (-> data 1))
(z int16 :overlay-at (-> data 2))
(deftype vector3uh (structure)
((data uint16 3)
(x uint16 :overlay-at (-> data 0))
(y uint16 :overlay-at (-> data 1))
(z uint16 :overlay-at (-> data 2))
(deftype vector2w (structure)
((data int32 2)
(x int32 :overlay-at (-> data 0))
(y int32 :overlay-at (-> data 1))
(deftype vector3w (structure)
((data int32 3)
(x int32 :overlay-at (-> data 0))
(y int32 :overlay-at (-> data 1))
(z int32 :overlay-at (-> data 2))
(deftype vector4w (structure)
((data int32 4)
(x int32 :overlay-at (-> data 0))
(y int32 :overlay-at (-> data 1))
(z int32 :overlay-at (-> data 2))
(w int32 :overlay-at (-> data 3))
(dword uint64 2 :overlay-at (-> data 0))
(quad uint128 :overlay-at (-> data 0))
(deftype vector2 (structure)
((data float 2)
(x float :overlay-at (-> data 0))
(y float :overlay-at (-> data 1))
(deftype vector3 (structure)
((data float 3)
(x float :overlay-at (-> data 0))
(y float :overlay-at (-> data 1))
(z float :overlay-at (-> data 2))
(deftype vector4 (structure)
((data float 4)
(x float :overlay-at (-> data 0))
(y float :overlay-at (-> data 1))
(z float :overlay-at (-> data 2))
(w float :overlay-at (-> data 3))
(dword uint64 2 :overlay-at (-> data 0))
(quad uint128 :overlay-at (-> data 0))
(defmethod print ((this vector4w))
(format #t "#<vector4w ~D ~D ~D ~D @ #x~X>" (-> this x) (-> this y) (-> this z) (-> this w) this)
(deftype vector4w-2 (structure)
((data int32 8)
(quad uint128 2 :overlay-at (-> data 0))
(vector vector4w 2 :inline :overlay-at (-> data 0))
(deftype vector4w-3 (structure)
((data int32 12)
(quad uint128 3 :overlay-at (-> data 0))
(vector vector4w 3 :inline :overlay-at (-> data 0))
(deftype vector4w-4 (structure)
((data int32 16)
(quad uint128 4 :overlay-at (-> data 0))
(vector vector4w 4 :inline :overlay-at (-> data 0))
(deftype vector4h (structure)
((data int16 4)
(x int16 :overlay-at (-> data 0))
(y int16 :overlay-at (-> data 1))
(z int16 :overlay-at (-> data 2))
(w int16 :overlay-at (-> data 3))
(long uint64 :overlay-at (-> data 0))
(deftype vector8h (structure)
((data int16 8)
(quad uint128 :overlay-at (-> data 0))
(deftype vector16b (structure)
((data int8 16)
(quad uint128 :overlay-at (-> data 0))
(defmethod print ((this vector))
(format #t "#<vector ~F ~F ~F ~F @ #x~X>" (-> this x) (-> this y) (-> this z) (-> this w) this)
(define *null-vector* (new 'static 'vector :w 1.0))
(define *identity-vector* (new 'static 'vector :x 1.0 :y 1.0 :z 1.0 :w 1.0))
(define *x-vector* (new 'static 'vector :x 1.0 :w 1.0))
(define *y-vector* (new 'static 'vector :y 1.0 :w 1.0))
(define *z-vector* (new 'static 'vector :z 1.0 :w 1.0))
(define *up-vector* (new 'static 'vector :y 1.0 :w 1.0))
(deftype vector4s-3 (structure)
((data float 12)
(quad uint128 3 :overlay-at (-> data 0))
(vector vector 3 :inline :overlay-at (-> data 0))
(deftype vector-array (inline-array-class)
((data vector :inline :dynamic)
(set! (-> vector-array heap-base) (the-as uint 16))
(deftype rgbaf (vector)
((r float :overlay-at (-> data 0))
(g float :overlay-at (-> data 1))
(b float :overlay-at (-> data 2))
(a float :overlay-at (-> data 3))
(deftype plane (vector)
((a float :overlay-at (-> data 0))
(b float :overlay-at (-> data 1))
(c float :overlay-at (-> data 2))
(d float :overlay-at (-> data 3))
(deftype sphere (vector)
((r float :overlay-at (-> data 3))
(deftype isphere (vec4s)
(defmacro static-vector (x y z w)
"Creates a static vector."
`(new 'static 'vector :x ,x :y ,y :z ,z :w ,w)
(defmacro static-vectorm (x y z)
"Creates a static vector using meters. `w` is set to 1.0"
`(new 'static 'vector :x (meters ,x) :y (meters ,y) :z (meters ,z) :w 1.0)
(defmacro static-spherem (x y z r)
"Creates a static vector using meters where the w component is used as sphere radius. For a 'real' sphere, use [[static-bspherem]]."
`(new 'static 'vector :x (meters ,x) :y (meters ,y) :z (meters ,z) :w (meters ,r))
(defmacro static-bspherem (x y z r)
"Creates a static sphere using meters."
`(new 'static 'sphere :x (meters ,x) :y (meters ,y) :z (meters ,z) :w (meters ,r))
(deftype box8s (structure)
((data float 8)
(quad uint128 2 :overlay-at (-> data 0))
(vector vector 2 :overlay-at (-> data 0))
(min vector :inline :overlay-at (-> data 0))
(max vector :inline :overlay-at (-> data 4))
(deftype box8s-array (inline-array-class)
((data box8s :inline :dynamic)
(set! (-> box8s-array heap-base) (the-as uint 32))
(deftype vertical-planes (structure)
((data uint128 4)
(deftype vertical-planes-array (basic)
((length uint32)
(data vertical-planes :inline :dynamic)
(deftype qword (structure)
((data uint32 4)
(byte uint8 16 :overlay-at (-> data 0))
(hword uint16 8 :overlay-at (-> data 0))
(word uint32 4 :overlay-at (-> data 0))
(dword uint64 2 :overlay-at (-> data 0))
(quad uint128 :overlay-at (-> data 0))
(vector vector :inline :overlay-at (-> data 0))
(vector4w vector4w :inline :overlay-at (-> data 0))
(deftype vector3s (structure)
((data float 3)
(x float :overlay-at (-> data 0))
(y float :overlay-at (-> data 1))
(z float :overlay-at (-> data 2))
(defun vector-dot ((a vector) (b vector))
"Take the dot product of two vectors.
Only does the x, y, z compoments.
Originally handwritten assembly to space out loads and use FPU accumulator"
(declare (inline))
(let ((result 0.))
(+! result (* (-> a x) (-> b x)))
(+! result (* (-> a y) (-> b y)))
(+! result (* (-> a z) (-> b z)))
(defun vector-dot-vu ((arg0 vector) (arg1 vector))
"Take the dot product (xyz only). Using VU0."
(local-vars (v0-0 float))
(rlet ((vf1 :class vf)
(vf2 :class vf)
(.lvf vf1 (&-> arg0 quad))
(.lvf vf2 (&-> arg1 quad))
(.mul.vf vf1 vf1 vf2)
(.add.y.vf vf1 vf1 vf1 :mask #b1)
(.add.z.vf vf1 vf1 vf1 :mask #b1)
(.mov v0-0 vf1)
(defun vector4-dot ((a vector) (b vector))
"Take the dot product of two vectors.
Does the x, y, z, and w compoments"
(declare (inline))
(let ((result 0.))
(+! result (* (-> a x) (-> b x)))
(+! result (* (-> a y) (-> b y)))
(+! result (* (-> a z) (-> b z)))
(+! result (* (-> a w) (-> b w)))
(defun vector4-dot-vu ((arg0 vector) (arg1 vector))
"Take the dot product (xyzw). Using VU0."
(local-vars (v0-0 float))
(rlet ((acc :class vf)
(vf0 :class vf)
(vf1 :class vf)
(vf2 :class vf)
(vf3 :class vf)
(.lvf vf1 (&-> arg0 quad))
(.lvf vf2 (&-> arg1 quad))
(.mul.vf vf1 vf1 vf2)
(.add.w.vf vf3 vf0 vf0 :mask #b1)
(.mul.x.vf acc vf3 vf1 :mask #b1)
(.add.mul.y.vf acc vf3 vf1 acc :mask #b1)
(.add.mul.z.vf acc vf3 vf1 acc :mask #b1)
(.add.mul.w.vf vf1 vf3 vf1 acc :mask #b1)
(.mov v0-0 vf1)
(defmacro print-vf (vf &key (name #f))
"Print out a vf register as a vector."
`(let ((temp (new 'stack 'vector)))
(.svf temp ,vf)
,(if name
`(format #t "~A: ~`vector`P~%" (quote ,name) temp)
`(format #t "~`vector`P~%" temp)
(defmacro print-vf-hex (vf)
"Print out a vf register as 4x 32-bit hexadecimal integers"
`(let ((temp (new 'stack 'vector4w)))
(.svf temp ,vf)
(format #t "~`vector4w`P~%" temp)
(defmacro print-vf-dec (vf)
"Print out a vf register as 4x 32-bit base-10 integers"
`(let ((temp (new 'stack 'vector4w)))
(.svf temp ,vf)
(format #t " ~d ~d ~d ~d~%" (-> temp data 0) (-> temp data 1) (-> temp data 2) (-> temp data 3))
(defun vector+! ((dst vector) (a vector) (b vector))
"Set dst = a + b. The w component of dst is set to 0."
(declare (inline))
(rlet ((vf0 :class vf :reset-here #t)
(vf1 :class vf :reset-here #t)
(vf2 :class vf :reset-here #t)
(vf3 :class vf :reset-here #t))
;; load vectors
(.lvf vf2 a)
(.lvf vf3 b)
;; add
(.add.vf vf1 vf2 vf3)
;; set w = 1
(.blend.vf vf1 vf1 vf0 :mask #b1000)
;; store
(.svf dst vf1)
(defun vector-! ((dst vector) (a vector) (b vector))
"Set dst = a - b. The w componenent of dst is set to 0."
(declare (inline))
(rlet ((vf0 :class vf :reset-here #t)
(vf1 :class vf :reset-here #t)
(vf2 :class vf :reset-here #t)
(vf3 :class vf :reset-here #t))
;; load vectors
(.lvf vf2 a)
(.lvf vf3 b)
;; subtract
(.sub.vf vf1 vf2 vf3)
;; set w = 1
(.blend.vf vf1 vf1 vf0 :mask #b1000)
;; store
(.svf dst vf1)
(defun vector-zero! ((dst vector))
"Set xyzw to 0."
(declare (inline))
(rlet ((vf1 :class vf :reset-here #t))
;; set vf1 = 0
(.xor.vf vf1 vf1 vf1)
;; store the 0
(.svf dst vf1)
(defun vector-reset! ((dst vector))
"Set vector to <0,0,0,1>."
(declare (inline))
(vector-zero! dst)
(set! (-> dst w) 1.0)
(defun vector-copy! ((arg0 vector) (arg1 vector))
"Copy arg1 to arg0."
(declare (inline))
(set! (-> arg0 quad) (-> arg1 quad))
(defun vector-length< ((arg0 vector) (arg1 float))
(let ((f0-0 (vector-length-squared arg0))
(f1-0 arg1)
(< f0-0 (* f1-0 f1-0))
(defun vector-length> ((arg0 vector) (arg1 float))
(< (* arg1 arg1) (vector-length-squared arg0))
(define *zero-vector* (new 'static 'vector))
(defmacro new-stack-vector0 ()
"Get a stack vector that's set to 0.
This is more efficient than (new 'stack 'vector) because
this doesn't call the constructor."
`(let ((vec (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector)))
(set! (-> vec quad) (the-as uint128 0))