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[wip] Jak 3 Overlord (#3567)
2024-07-26 09:42:28 -04:00

243 lines
5.1 KiB

#pragma once
#include <atomic>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <list>
#include <mutex>
#include <optional>
#include <queue>
#include <string>
#include <thread>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "common/common_types.h"
#include "common/util/Assert.h"
#include "game/sce/iop.h"
#include "third-party/libco/libco.h"
class IOP_Kernel;
namespace iop {
struct sceSifQueueData;
using time_stamp = std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock, std::chrono::microseconds>;
struct SifRpcCommand {
bool started = true;
bool finished = true;
void* buff;
int fno;
int size;
void* copy_back_buff;
int copy_back_size;
struct SifRecord {
iop::sceSifQueueData* qd;
SifRpcCommand cmd;
u32 thread_to_wake;
struct IopThread {
enum class State {
enum class Wait { None, Semaphore, Delay, Messagebox, EventFlag };
IopThread(std::string n, void (*f)(), s32 ID, u32 pri)
: name(std::move(n)), function(f), priority(pri), thID(ID) {
thread = co_create(0x300000, functionWrapper);
~IopThread() { co_delete(thread); }
static void functionWrapper();
std::string name;
void (*function)();
cothread_t thread;
State state = State::Dormant;
Wait waitType = Wait::None;
time_stamp resumeTime = {};
u32 priority = 0;
s32 thID = -1;
struct Semaphore {
enum class attribute { fifo, prio };
Semaphore(attribute _attr, s32 _option, s32 init_count, s32 max_count)
: attr(_attr),
maxCount(max_count) {}
attribute attr{attribute::fifo};
u32 option{0};
s32 count{0};
s32 initCount{0};
s32 maxCount{0};
std::list<IopThread*> wait_list;
struct EventFlagWaiter {
IopThread* thread = nullptr;
u32 pattern = 0;
u32 mode = 0;
struct EventFlag {
bool multiple_waiters_allowed = false;
u32 value = 0;
std::list<EventFlagWaiter> wait_list;
struct Messagebox {
std::queue<void*> messages;
IopThread* wait_thread = nullptr;
class IOP_Kernel {
s32 CreateThread(std::string n, void (*f)(), u32 priority);
s32 ExitThread();
void StartThread(s32 id);
void DelayThread(u32 usec);
void SleepThread();
void WakeupThread(s32 id);
void iWakeupThread(s32 id);
void YieldThread();
std::optional<time_stamp> dispatch();
void set_rpc_queue(iop::sceSifQueueData* qd, u32 thread);
void rpc_loop(iop::sceSifQueueData* qd);
void shutdown();
* Get current thread ID.
s32 getCurrentThread() {
return _currentThread->thID;
* Create a message box
s32 CreateMbx() {
s32 id = mbxs.size();
return id;
* Set msg to thing if its there and pop it.
* Returns if it got something.
s32 PollMbx(void** msg, s32 mbx) {
ASSERT(mbx < (s32)mbxs.size());
s32 gotSomething = mbxs[mbx].messages.empty() ? 0 : 1;
if (gotSomething) {
void* thing = mbxs[mbx].messages.front();
if (msg) {
*msg = thing;
return gotSomething ? KE_OK : KE_MBOX_NOMSG;
s32 PeekMbx(s32 mbx) { return !mbxs[mbx].messages.empty(); }
s32 MbxSize(s32 mbx) { return mbxs[mbx].messages.size(); }
s32 ReceiveMbx(void** msg, s32 id);
* Push something into a mbx
s32 SendMbx(s32 mbx, void* value);
s32 CreateSema(s32 attr, s32 option, s32 init_count, s32 max_count) {
s32 id = semas.size();
semas.emplace_back((Semaphore::attribute)attr, option, init_count, max_count);
return id;
s32 WaitSema(s32 id);
s32 SignalSema(s32 id);
s32 PollSema(s32 id);
s32 CreateEventFlag(s32 attr, s32 option, u32 init_pattern) {
ASSERT(option == 0);
s32 id = event_flags.size();
auto& flag = event_flags.emplace_back();
flag.value = init_pattern;
flag.multiple_waiters_allowed = attr == 2;
return id;
s32 WaitEventFlag(s32 flag, u32 pattern, u32 mode);
s32 SetEventFlag(s32 flag, u32 pattern);
s32 ClearEventFlag(s32 id, u32 pattern);
s32 RegisterVblankHandler(int (*handler)(void*)) {
vblank_handler = handler;
return 0;
u32 GetSystemTimeLow();
void signal_vblank() { vblank_recieved = true; };
bool sif_busy(u32 id);
void sif_rpc(s32 rpcChannel,
u32 fno,
bool async,
void* sendBuff,
s32 sendSize,
void* recvBuff,
s32 recvSize);
void runThread(IopThread* thread);
void leaveThread();
void updateDelay();
void processWakeups();
IopThread* schedNext();
std::optional<time_stamp> nextWakeup();
s32 (*vblank_handler)(void*) = nullptr;
std::atomic_bool vblank_recieved = false;
cothread_t kernel_thread;
s32 _nextThID = 0;
IopThread* _currentThread = nullptr;
std::vector<IopThread> threads;
std::vector<Messagebox> mbxs;
std::vector<SifRecord> sif_records;
std::vector<Semaphore> semas;
std::vector<EventFlag> event_flags;
std::queue<int> wakeup_queue;
bool mainThreadSleep = false;
std::mutex sif_mtx, wakeup_mtx;
time_stamp m_start_time;