{ "og:ignore-from-loc": { "scope": "opengoal", "prefix": ["og:ignore-from-loc"], "body": [";; og:ignore-from-loc"], "description": "Marks the file to be excluded from the LoC count" }, "og:ignore-errors": { "scope": "opengoal", "prefix": ["og:ignore-errors"], "body": [";; og:ignore-errors"], "description": "Ignore lines beginning with ';; ERROR:' or ';; WARN:' when copying decompiled code into it" }, "og:ignore-form": { "scope": "opengoal", "prefix": ["og:ignore-form"], "body": [";; og:ignore-form:${1:substr}"], "description": "If the provided substr is found in the starting line of a form, the entire form will be omitted when copying decompiled code into the file" }, "og:preserve-this": { "scope": "opengoal", "prefix": ["og:preserve-this"], "body": [";; og:preserve-this"], "description": "When updating GOAL source files from decomp, CI will pick up if this comment is deleted in the diff. Use this to keep track of manually patched sections of code." }, }