;;-*-Lisp-*- (in-package goal) ;; name: entity.gc ;; name in dgo: entity ;; dgos: GAME, ENGINE ;; TODO - for jungleb-obs (define-extern entity-task-complete-on (function entity none)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; global entity settings ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (define *spawn-actors* #t) (define *compact-actors* #t) (define *vis-actors* #t) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; entity basic methods ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (defmethod mem-usage drawable-actor ((obj drawable-actor) (arg0 memory-usage-block) (arg1 int)) "Update memory use for a drawable-actor" (set! (-> arg0 length) (max 44 (-> arg0 length))) (set! (-> arg0 data 43 name) "entity") (+! (-> arg0 data 43 count) 1) (let ((v1-6 (asize-of obj))) (+! (-> arg0 data 43 used) v1-6) (+! (-> arg0 data 43 total) (logand -16 (+ v1-6 15))) ) ;; note: does something with flags here. (mem-usage (-> obj actor) arg0 (logior arg1 64)) (the-as drawable-actor 0) ) (defmethod mem-usage drawable-inline-array-actor ((obj drawable-inline-array-actor) (arg0 memory-usage-block) (arg1 int)) "update memory use for a group of drawable actors." (set! (-> arg0 length) (max 1 (-> arg0 length))) (set! (-> arg0 data 0 name) (symbol->string 'drawable-group)) (+! (-> arg0 data 0 count) 1) (let ((v1-7 32)) (+! (-> arg0 data 0 used) v1-7) (+! (-> arg0 data 0 total) (logand -16 (+ v1-7 15))) ) (dotimes (s3-0 (-> obj length)) (mem-usage (-> obj data s3-0) arg0 arg1) ) (the-as drawable-inline-array-actor 0) ) (defmethod print entity-links ((obj entity-links)) (format #t "#" (-> obj process) obj) obj ) (defmethod print entity-perm ((obj entity-perm)) (format #t "#" (-> obj aid) (-> obj task) (-> obj status) (-> obj user-uint64) obj ) obj ) (defmethod birth! entity ((obj entity)) "children of entity should override this." (format #t "birth ~A~%" obj) obj ) (defmethod kill! entity ((obj entity)) "children of entity should override this." (format #t "kill ~A~%" obj) obj ) (defmethod print entity ((obj entity)) "print an entity, with its name from the res." (format #t "#<~A :name ~S @ #x~X>" (-> obj type) (res-lump-struct obj 'name object) obj ) obj ) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; entity finding ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (defmethod get-level entity ((obj entity)) "Get the level that the entity belongs to." ;; loop over levels (dotimes (v1-0 (-> *level* length)) (let ((a1-3 (-> *level* level v1-0))) ;; only if the level is active (when (= (-> a1-3 status) 'active) ;; check if we are inside the heap (if (and (>= (the-as int obj) (the-as int (-> a1-3 heap base))) (< (the-as int obj) (the-as int (-> a1-3 heap top-base))) ) (return a1-3) ) ) ) ) (-> *level* level-default) ) (defun entity-by-name ((arg0 string)) "Get an entity with the given name. Will search in -actors, for each level -ambients, for each level -cameras, for each level. All the searching is in the bsp." (dotimes (s5-0 (-> *level* length)) (let ((s4-0 (-> *level* level s5-0))) (when (= (-> s4-0 status) 'active) (let ((s3-0 (-> s4-0 bsp actors))) (when (nonzero? s3-0) (dotimes (s2-0 (-> s3-0 length)) (let ((s1-0 (-> s3-0 data s2-0 actor))) (if (name= (res-lump-struct s1-0 'name basic) arg0) (return s1-0) ) ) ) ) ) (let ((s3-1 (-> s4-0 bsp ambients))) (when (nonzero? s3-1) (dotimes (s2-1 (-> s3-1 length)) (let ((s1-1 (-> s3-1 data s2-1 ambient))) (if (name= (res-lump-struct s1-1 'name basic) arg0) (return s1-1) ) ) ) ) ) (let ((s4-1 (-> s4-0 bsp cameras))) (when (nonzero? s4-1) (dotimes (s3-2 (-> s4-1 length)) (let ((s2-2 (-> s4-1 s3-2))) (if (name= (res-lump-struct s2-2 'name basic) arg0) (return s2-2) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) (the-as entity #f) ) (defun entity-by-type ((arg0 type)) "Get an entity-actor with the _exactly_ the given type. Searches over all entity-actors in all levels, looking in the bsp" (dotimes (s5-0 (-> *level* length)) (let ((v1-3 (-> *level* level s5-0))) (when (= (-> v1-3 status) 'active) (let ((s4-0 (-> v1-3 bsp actors))) (when (nonzero? s4-0) (dotimes (s3-0 (-> s4-0 length)) (let ((s2-0 (-> s4-0 data s3-0 actor))) (if (and (type-type? (-> s2-0 type) entity-actor) (= (-> s2-0 etype) arg0) ) (return s2-0) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) (the-as entity-actor #f) ) (defun entity-by-aid ((arg0 uint)) "Get an entity by actor-id. This looks through the entity-links-array, so it will require that the level is somewhat loaded." (dotimes (v1-0 (-> *level* length)) (let ((a1-3 (-> *level* level v1-0))) (when (= (-> a1-3 status) 'active) (let ((a1-4 (-> a1-3 entity))) (when (nonzero? a1-4) (let ((a2-4 0) (a3-2 (+ (-> a1-4 length) -1)) ) 0 (while (>= a3-2 a2-4) (let* ((t0-3 (+ a2-4 (/ (- a3-2 a2-4) 2))) (t1-2 (-> a1-4 data t0-3)) (t2-0 (-> t1-2 perm aid)) ) (cond ((= t2-0 arg0) (return (-> t1-2 entity)) ) ((< (the-as uint t2-0) arg0) (set! a2-4 (+ t0-3 1)) ) (else (set! a3-2 (+ t0-3 -1)) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) (the-as entity #f) ) (defun entity-by-meters ((arg0 float) (arg1 float) (arg2 float)) "Get an entity by position. The coordinate are rounded to the nearest 1/4096th of a meter." (dotimes (v1-0 (-> *level* length)) (let ((a3-3 (-> *level* level v1-0))) (when (= (-> a3-3 status) 'active) (let ((a3-5 (-> a3-3 bsp actors))) (when (nonzero? a3-5) (dotimes (t0-4 (-> a3-5 length)) (let* ((t1-3 (-> a3-5 data t0-4 actor)) (t2-1 (-> t1-3 extra trans)) ) (if (and (= (the float (the int (-> t2-1 x))) arg0) (= (the float (the int (-> t2-1 y))) arg1) (= (the float (the int (-> t2-1 z))) arg2) ) (return t1-3) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) (the-as entity-actor #f) ) (defun process-by-ename ((arg0 string)) "Get the process for the entity with the given name. If there is no entity or process, #f." (let ((v1-0 (entity-by-name arg0))) (if v1-0 (-> v1-0 extra process) ) ) ) (defun entity-process-count ((arg0 symbol)) "Count the number of entities with a process. If arg0 is 'vis, will count visible entities." (let ((gp-0 0)) (dotimes (s4-0 (-> *level* length)) (let ((s3-0 (-> *level* level s4-0))) (when (= (-> s3-0 status) 'active) (let ((s2-0 (-> s3-0 bsp level entity))) (dotimes (s1-0 (-> s2-0 length)) (let ((v1-9 (-> s2-0 data s1-0 entity))) (case arg0 (('vis) (if (is-object-visible? s3-0 (-> v1-9 extra vis-id)) (+! gp-0 1) ) ) (else (if (-> v1-9 extra process) (+! gp-0 1) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) gp-0 ) ) (defun entity-count () "Count the number of entities. Uses the entity-links" (let ((v0-0 0)) (dotimes (v1-0 (-> *level* length)) (let ((a0-3 (-> *level* level v1-0))) (when (= (-> a0-3 status) 'active) (let ((a0-6 (-> a0-3 bsp level entity))) (dotimes (a1-3 (-> a0-6 length)) (-> a0-6 data a1-3 entity) ;; value is unused. (+! v0-0 1) ) ) ) ) ) v0-0 ) ) (defun entity-remap-names ((arg0 pair)) "Rename entities by location. Changes their res." (let ((s5-0 (car arg0))) (while (not (null? arg0)) ;; look up by the given position. (let ((a0-2 (entity-by-meters (the float (/ (the-as int (car (cdr s5-0))) 8)) (the float (/ (the-as int (car (cdr (cdr s5-0)))) 8)) (the float (/ (the-as int (car (cdr (cdr (cdr s5-0))))) 8)) ) ) ) (if a0-2 ;; if we found an entity, modify its res. (add-data! a0-2 (new 'static 'res-tag :name 'name :key-frame -1000000000.0 :elt-count #x1 :elt-type string ) (the-as pointer (car s5-0)) ) ) ) (set! arg0 (cdr arg0)) (set! s5-0 (car arg0)) ) ) 0 (none) ) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; entity inspection ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (defun-debug process-status-bits ((arg0 process) (arg1 symbol)) "Print to arg1 three characters representing the status of a process The first is an r, if we should run. The second is a d, if we draw (only if we are process-drawable) The third is the LOD of the drawing. (also only for process-drawable)" (let* ((s5-0 arg0) (proc-draw (the-as process-drawable (if (and (nonzero? s5-0) (type-type? (-> s5-0 type) process-drawable)) s5-0 ) ) ) ) (if (and (the-as process proc-draw) (zero? (-> proc-draw draw))) (set! proc-draw (the-as process-drawable #f)) ) ;; first char is r or ' '. r for run. ;; second char is d or ' '. I think d is draw. ;; third char is a number 0-4 or a ' '. This is the lod. (format arg1 "~C~C~C" (if (and arg0 (zero? (logand (-> *kernel-context* prevent-from-run) (-> arg0 mask))) (run-logic? arg0) ) #\r #\\s ;; space ) (if (and proc-draw (logtest? (-> proc-draw draw status) 8)) #\d #\\s ) (cond ((and proc-draw (logtest? (-> proc-draw draw status) 8)) (case (-> proc-draw draw cur-lod) ((0) #\0) ((1) #\1) ((2) #\2) ((3) #\3) ((4) #\4) ) ) (else #\\s ) ) ) ) 0 (none) ) (defmethod print process ((obj process)) "Fancier print for process that can also print status of process drawables." (format #t "#<~A ~S ~A :state ~S :flags " (-> obj type) (-> obj name) (-> obj status) (if (-> obj state) (-> obj state name) ) ) (process-status-bits obj #t) (format #t " :stack ~D/~D :heap ~D/~D @ #x~X>" (&- (-> obj top-thread stack-top) (the-as uint (-> obj top-thread sp))) (-> obj main-thread stack-size) (- (-> obj allocated-length) (&- (-> obj heap-top) (the-as uint (-> obj heap-cur))) ) (-> obj allocated-length) obj ) obj ) (defmethod inspect entity ((obj entity)) ((the-as (function entity entity) (find-parent-method entity 3)) obj) (format #t "~Ttrans: ~`vector`P~%" (-> obj trans)) (format #t "~Taid: ~A~%" (-> obj aid)) ;; probably a bad idea to print this with ~A... obj ) (defmethod inspect entity-actor ((obj entity-actor)) ((the-as (function entity-actor entity-actor) (find-parent-method entity-actor 3)) obj) (format #t "~Tnav-mesh: ~A~%" (-> obj nav-mesh)) (format #t "~Tetype: ~A~%" (-> obj etype)) (format #t "~Ttask: ~d~%" (-> obj task)) (format #t "~Tvis-id: ~d~%" (-> obj vis-id-signed)) (format #t "~Tquat: ~`vector`P~%" (-> obj quat)) obj ) (defmethod debug-print entity-actor ((obj entity-actor) (mode symbol) (expected-type type)) "Debug print info about an entity-actor. This is designed to generate rows for the table printed by method debug-print-entities of level-group." (let ((s4-0 (-> obj etype))) (when (or (not expected-type) (and s4-0 (valid? s4-0 type #f #f 0) (type-type? s4-0 expected-type)) ) ;; print vis id, addr, name. (format #t "~5D #x~8X ~-21S" (-> obj extra vis-id) obj (res-lump-struct obj 'name object) ) ;; I have no idea what could have generated this. (let ((t9-4 format) (a0-5 #t) (a1-5 "~8D ~3D ~-4S #x~4X") (a2-4 (-> obj extra perm aid)) (a3-3 (-> obj extra perm task)) (t0-3 (-> obj extra level nickname)) ) (set! t0-3 (cond (t0-3 t0-3 ) (else (-> obj extra level name) ) ) ) (format a0-5 a1-5 a2-4 a3-3 t0-3 (-> obj extra perm status)) ) ;; location (if (= mode 'entity-meters) (format #t " :trans ~14m ~14m ~14m " (-> obj extra trans x) (-> obj extra trans y) (-> obj extra trans z) ) (format #t " :trans ~14f ~14f ~14f " (-> obj extra trans x) (-> obj extra trans y) (-> obj extra trans z) ) ) ;; if we have an associated process, print info. (let* ((s3-2 (-> obj extra process)) (s4-2 (if (and (nonzero? s3-2) (type-type? (-> s3-2 type) process-drawable)) s3-2 ) ) ) (format #t ":pr #x~8X ~-12S ~-21S ~-5S/~-5S " (if (-> obj extra process) (-> obj extra process) 0 ) (if (-> obj extra process) (-> obj extra process name) "" ) (if (and (-> obj extra process) (-> obj extra process state)) (-> obj extra process state name) "" ) (if (-> obj extra process) (* (- (-> obj extra process allocated-length) (&- (-> obj extra process heap-top) (the-as uint (-> obj extra process heap-cur)) ) ) 8 ) "" ) (if (-> obj extra process) (* (-> obj extra process allocated-length) 8) "" ) ) (process-status-bits s4-2 #t) ) (format #t "~%") (if (= mode 'entity-perm) (format #t " ~`entity-perm`P~%" (-> obj extra perm)) ) ) ) (none) ) (defmethod debug-print-entities level-group ((obj level-group) (mode symbol) (expected-type type)) "Print a table of entities. If expected-type is #f, print all. Otherwise, print only entities of the given type. Modes: 'art-group: print art groups instead. 'entity-meters: print entity location in meters. 'entity-perm: also print entity-perm values." ;; no way this fit on their screen back in ~2000. (format #t " id address name aid tsk lev status x y z address name state heap flags~%") (dotimes (s3-0 (-> obj length)) (let ((s2-0 (-> obj level s3-0))) (when (= (-> s2-0 status) 'active) (case mode (('art-group) (format #t "level ~A~%" (-> s2-0 name)) (dotimes (s1-0 (-> s2-0 art-group art-group-array length)) (format #t "~T~2D ~S~%"s1-0 (-> s2-0 art-group art-group-array s1-0 name)) ) ) (else (let ((s2-1 (-> s2-0 bsp level entity))) (dotimes (s1-1 (-> s2-1 length)) (debug-print (the-as entity-actor (-> s2-1 data s1-1 entity)) mode expected-type) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) 0 (none) ) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; entity setup ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (defmethod add-to-level! entity ((obj entity) (lev-group level-group) (lev level) (aid actor-id)) "Add us to a level." ;; grab the first free link (let ((level-link (-> lev entity data (-> lev entity length)))) (+! (-> lev entity length) 1) ;; attach the entity to the link (set! (-> level-link process) #f) (set! (-> level-link entity) obj) (set! (-> obj extra) level-link) (cond ((-> lev-group entity-link) ;; add to linked list of existing (let* ((other-prev (-> lev-group entity-link)) (other-front (-> other-prev next-link)) ) (set! (-> other-prev next-link) level-link) (set! (-> level-link prev-link) other-prev) (set! (-> level-link next-link) other-front) (set! (-> other-front prev-link) level-link) ) ) (else ;; we're the first in the level. (set! (-> level-link prev-link) level-link) (set! (-> level-link next-link) level-link) ) ) ;; remember the start of the list (set! (-> lev-group entity-link) level-link) ;; update the trans. (set! (-> level-link trans quad) (-> obj trans quad)) ) ;; set us up (set! (-> obj extra perm aid) aid) (set! (-> obj extra level) lev) (cond ((= (-> obj type) entity-actor) (set! (-> (the-as entity-actor obj) extra perm task) (the-as game-task (-> (the-as entity-actor obj) task)) ) (set! (-> (the-as entity-actor obj) extra vis-id) (-> (the-as entity-actor obj) vis-id-signed) ) ) (else (set! (-> obj extra perm task) (game-task none)) (set! (-> obj extra vis-id) 0) 0 ) ) (none) ) (defmethod remove-from-level! entity ((obj entity) (arg0 level-group)) "Remove us from the level." (let ((v1-0 (-> obj extra))) (cond ((= (-> v1-0 next-link) v1-0) (set! (-> arg0 entity-link) #f) ) (else (set! (-> v1-0 next-link prev-link) (-> v1-0 prev-link)) (set! (-> v1-0 prev-link next-link) (-> v1-0 next-link)) (if (= (-> arg0 entity-link) v1-0) (set! (-> arg0 entity-link) (-> v1-0 prev-link)) ) ) ) ) obj ) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; visibility update ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; the visibility system is pretty simple and there is a single axis-aligned bounding box. ;; these methods are debug tools for updating these. (defun update-actor-vis-box ((proc process-drawable) (min-pt vector) (max-pt vector)) "Update the min-pt and max-pt vector so that the box encloses the bounding box around the bounds sphere in the process-drawable." (when (and proc (nonzero? (-> proc draw))) ;; add the draw origin offset. (let ((world-bounds-origin (vector+! (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector) (-> proc draw origin) (-> proc draw bounds))) (radius (-> proc draw bounds w)) ) (set! (-> min-pt x) (fmin (-> min-pt x) (- (-> world-bounds-origin x) radius))) (set! (-> min-pt y) (fmin (-> min-pt y) (- (-> world-bounds-origin y) radius))) (set! (-> min-pt z) (fmin (-> min-pt z) (- (-> world-bounds-origin z) radius))) (set! (-> max-pt x) (fmax (-> max-pt x) (+ (-> world-bounds-origin x) radius))) (set! (-> max-pt y) (fmax (-> max-pt y) (+ (-> world-bounds-origin y) radius))) (set! (-> max-pt z) (fmax (-> max-pt z) (+ (-> world-bounds-origin z) radius))) ) ) 0 (none) ) (defmethod update-vis-volumes level-group ((obj level-group)) (local-vars (v1-10 symbol) (sv-16 process) (sv-32 (function process-drawable vector vector none)) (sv-48 process-tree) ) (format 0 "call to update-vis-volumes, which may have a compiler bug.~%") (dotimes (s5-0 (-> obj length)) (let ((v1-3 (-> obj level s5-0))) (when (= (-> v1-3 status) 'active) (let ((s4-0 (-> v1-3 bsp level entity))) (dotimes (s3-0 (-> s4-0 length)) (let* ((s0-0 (-> s4-0 data s3-0 entity)) (v0-0 (the-as (inline-array vector) ((method-of-type res-lump get-property-data) s0-0 'visvol 'interp -1000000000.0 (the-as pointer #f) (the-as (pointer res-tag) #f) *res-static-buf* ) ) ) (s2-0 (-> v0-0 0)) (s1-0 (-> v0-0 1)) ) (let ((s0-1 (-> s0-0 extra process))) ;; I am pretty sure there is a GOAL compiler bug here. ;; the output makes zero sense, but I don't think it matters: ;; this function doesn't seem like it should ever be run outside of development ;; and the compiler bug has no effect? (set! v1-10 (when (and (nonzero? s0-1) (type-type? (-> s0-1 type) process-drawable)) ;; i think it spills the wrong variable here (set! sv-16 (the-as process v1-10)) ;; then immediate spills the right one. (set! sv-16 s0-1) v1-10 ) ) ) (when sv-16 (update-actor-vis-box (the-as process-drawable sv-16) s2-0 s1-0) (let ((s0-2 (-> sv-16 child))) (while s0-2 (set! sv-32 update-actor-vis-box) (set! sv-48 (-> s0-2 0)) (let ((a0-7 (if (and (nonzero? sv-48) (type-type? (-> sv-48 type) process-drawable)) sv-48 ) ) (a1-5 s2-0) (a2-2 s1-0) ) (sv-32 (the-as process-drawable a0-7) a1-5 a2-2) ) (set! s0-2 (-> s0-2 0 brother)) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) 0 (none) ) (defmethod update-vis-volumes-from-nav-mesh level-group ((obj level-group)) "Update the visvol to fit the entire nav-mesh. Does this for all actors in bsps. Probably only used for debugging." (local-vars (sv-16 entity) (sv-32 entity)) ;; loop over levels (dotimes (s5-0 (-> obj length)) (let ((v1-3 (-> obj level s5-0))) (when (= (-> v1-3 status) 'active) ;; only active levels ;; loop over entities (let ((s4-0 (-> v1-3 bsp level entity))) (dotimes (s3-0 (-> s4-0 length)) (set! sv-32 (-> s4-0 data s3-0 entity)) ;; look up the bounding box. (let* ((v0-0 (res-lump-data sv-32 'visvol (inline-array vector))) (s1-0 (-> v0-0 0)) (s2-0 (-> v0-0 1)) ) ;; (let ((s0-0 (-> sv-32 extra trans))) ;; sometimes the nav-mesh may be in a different actor, I guess. ;; so try to look that up. (set! sv-16 sv-32) (let* ((v0-1 (entity-actor-lookup sv-32 'nav-mesh-actor 0))) (when v0-1 (set! sv-16 v0-1) ) ) (cond ((and (type-type? (-> sv-16 type) entity-actor) (nonzero? (-> (the-as entity-actor sv-16) nav-mesh)) ) ;; we got a nav-mesh! compute the bounding box (compute-bounding-box (-> (the-as entity-actor sv-16) nav-mesh) s1-0 s2-0 ) ) (else ;; no nav-mesh found, just use the default position (set! (-> s1-0 quad) (-> s0-0 quad)) (set! (-> s2-0 quad) (-> s0-0 quad)) ) ) ) ;; add some padding to make a 6x6 meter box. (let ((f1-0 -12288.0) (f0-0 12288.0) ) (+! (-> s1-0 x) f1-0) (+! (-> s1-0 y) f1-0) (+! (-> s1-0 z) f1-0) (+! (-> s2-0 x) f0-0) (+! (-> s2-0 y) f0-0) (+! (-> s2-0 z) f0-0) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) 0 (none) ) (declare-type money basic) (declare-type crate basic) (declare-type springbox basic) (declare-type fuel-cell basic) (defmethod print-volume-sizes level-group ((obj level-group)) "Loop through all entities and print their visibility. Excludes crate, fuel-cell and springbox." (local-vars (sv-16 type) (sv-32 (function _varargs_ object)) (sv-48 symbol) (sv-64 string) (sv-80 entity) ) (dotimes (s5-0 (-> obj length)) (let ((v1-3 (-> obj level s5-0))) (when (= (-> v1-3 status) 'active) (let ((s4-0 (-> v1-3 bsp level entity))) (dotimes (s3-0 (-> s4-0 length)) (set! sv-80 (-> s4-0 data s3-0 entity)) ;; lookup volume and dist. (let ((s1-0 (res-lump-data sv-80 'visvol (inline-array vector))) (f30-0 (res-lump-float sv-80 'vis-dist :default 409600.0)) (s2-0 (-> sv-80 extra trans)) ) (if (type-type? (-> sv-80 type) entity-actor) (set! sv-16 (-> (the-as entity-actor sv-80) etype)) (set! sv-16 (the-as type #f)) ) (let ((s0-0 (-> s1-0 0)) (s1-1 (-> s1-0 1)) ) ;; This technically will work on type objects because it just checks for value equality. ;; the code here is super weird. I have no idea what was going on, or why there are two or's. (when (not (or (name= sv-16 money) (or (name= sv-16 crate) (name= sv-16 fuel-cell) (name= sv-16 springbox)) ) ) (format #t "actor-vis ~S ~6,,1M " (res-lump-struct sv-80 'name basic) f30-0) (format #t "~6,,1M ~6,,1M ~6,,1M ~6,,1M ~6,,1M ~6,,1M~%" (- (-> s0-0 x) (-> s2-0 x)) (- (-> s0-0 y) (-> s2-0 y)) (- (-> s0-0 z) (-> s2-0 z)) (- (-> s1-1 x) (-> s2-0 x)) (- (-> s1-1 y) (-> s2-0 y)) (- (-> s1-1 z) (-> s2-0 z)) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) 0 (none) ) (defun expand-vis-box-with-point ((arg0 entity) (arg1 vector)) "Expand the visibility box of the given entity to include the given point." (let ((v1-1 (res-lump-data arg0 'visvol (inline-array vector)))) (when v1-1 (let ((a0-2 (-> v1-1 0)) (v1-2 (-> v1-1 1)) ) (set! (-> a0-2 x) (fmin (-> a0-2 x) (-> arg1 x))) (set! (-> a0-2 y) (fmin (-> a0-2 y) (-> arg1 y))) (set! (-> a0-2 z) (fmin (-> a0-2 z) (-> arg1 z))) (set! (-> v1-2 x) (fmax (-> v1-2 x) (-> arg1 x))) (set! (-> v1-2 y) (fmax (-> v1-2 y) (-> arg1 y))) (set! (-> v1-2 z) (fmax (-> v1-2 z) (-> arg1 z))) ) ) ) 0 (none) ) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; The Debug Draw Method ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; TODO ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Camera Birthing ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (defmethod birth! entity-camera ((obj entity-camera)) (add-connection *camera-engine* *camera* (the-as (function object object object object object) nothing) obj #f #f ) obj ) ;; definition for method 23 of type entity-camera (defmethod kill! entity-camera ((obj entity-camera)) (remove-by-param1 *camera-engine* obj) obj ) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Actor Birthing ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (defmacro birth-log (str &rest args) "Debug print to stdout of runtime for debugging actor inits." ;;`(format 0 ,(string-append "[BIRTH] " str) ,@args) `(empty) ) (defun init-entity ((proc process) (ent entity)) "This function starts up an entity! The process should not be activated yet." (birth-log "(init-entity ~A ~A)~%" proc ent) ;; activate the process. It goes in the entity-pool, which is a child of the main active-pool. (activate proc *entity-pool* (res-lump-struct ent 'name basic) (the-as pointer #x70004000)) ;; link the entity and the process (set! (-> proc entity) ent) (set! (-> ent extra process) proc) (birth-log "activated: ~A ~A, now doing init ~A~%" proc ent (method-of-object proc copy-defaults!)) ;; run the initializer (run-now-in-process proc (method-of-object proc copy-defaults!) proc ent) (none) ) ;; TODO (define-extern birth-viewer (function process entity object)) (defmethod birth! entity-actor ((obj entity-actor)) "Create a process for this entity and start it." (birth-log "call to birth! on ~A~%" obj) (let* ((entity-type (-> obj etype)) (info (entity-info-lookup entity-type)) (entity-process (get-process *default-dead-pool* entity-type (if info (-> info heap-size ) #x4000 ) ) ) ) (cond ((not entity-process) (birth-log "could not birth because there is no process.~%") ) ((begin (set! (-> entity-process type) entity-type) (and entity-type (valid? entity-type type #f #f 0) (valid? (method-of-object entity-process copy-defaults!) function #f #f 0) ) ) (init-entity entity-process obj) ) (else (birth-log "could not birth because there was an issue.~%") (when (not (birth-viewer entity-process obj)) (format 0 "ERROR: no proper process type named ~A exists in the code, could not start ~A~%" entity-type obj ) (logior! (-> obj extra perm status) (entity-perm-status bit-0)) ) ) ) ) obj ) (defun entity-deactivate-handler ((arg0 process) (arg1 entity)) "Handle a deactivation in the entity. The entity directly stores a process so it should remove that after deactivating." (when (= arg0 (-> arg1 extra process)) (logclear! (-> arg1 extra perm status) (entity-perm-status bit-1 bit-3)) (set! (-> arg1 extra process) #f) ) (none) ) (defmethod kill! entity-actor ((obj entity-actor)) "Kill an actor." (let ((a0-1 (-> obj extra process))) (if a0-1 (deactivate a0-1) (entity-deactivate-handler a0-1 obj) ) ) obj ) (defmethod birth bsp-header ((obj bsp-header)) "Birth everything in the level." ;; (local-vars (v1-71 int) (s5-0 int)) ;; (.mfc0 s5-0 Count) ;; how many actors do we need? (let ((actor-count (if (nonzero? (-> obj actors)) (-> obj actors length) 0 ) ) ) (cond ((not (-> obj level entity)) ;; we don't have an array of entity-links. allocate one. (set! (-> obj level entity) (new 'loading-level 'entity-links-array actor-count)) ) ((< (-> obj level entity allocated-length) actor-count) ;; we do, but it's not big enough. Complain. (format 0 "ERROR: Attempting to rebirth level ~A with incorrect entity table size ~D/~D~%" (-> obj level) actor-count (-> obj level entity allocated-length) ) ) ) ) ;; reset our entity links array to 0. (set! (-> obj level entity length) 0) ;; NOTE: we don't actually birth the actors. It is too slow. ;; so it gets spread over multiple frames later. (when (nonzero? (-> obj actors)) (birth-log "add-to-level! for ~D actors for ~A~%" (-> obj actors length) obj) (dotimes (birth-idx (-> obj actors length)) (let* ((idx-to-birth (-> obj actor-birth-order birth-idx)) (actor-to-birth (-> obj actors data (logand idx-to-birth #xffff) actor)) ) (birth-log "now adding to level: ~D ~D ~A~%" birth-idx idx-to-birth actor-to-birth) (add-to-level! actor-to-birth *level* (-> obj level) (the-as actor-id (-> actor-to-birth aid))) ) ) ) (let ((existing-amb-count (if (nonzero? (-> obj ambients)) (-> obj ambients length) 0 ) ) ) (cond ((not (-> obj level ambient)) (set! (-> obj level ambient) (new 'loading-level 'entity-ambient-data-array existing-amb-count) ) ) ((< (-> obj level ambient allocated-length) existing-amb-count) (format 0 "ERROR: Attempting to rebirth level ~A with incorrect ambient table size ~D/~D~%" (-> obj level) existing-amb-count (-> obj level ambient allocated-length) ) ) ) ) (set! (-> obj level ambient length) 0) 0 (let ((amb-array (-> obj level ambient)) (bsp-ambs (-> obj ambients)) ) (when (nonzero? bsp-ambs) (dotimes (s2-0 (-> bsp-ambs length)) (let ((amb-to-birth (-> bsp-ambs data s2-0 ambient))) (set! (-> amb-to-birth extra) (the-as entity-links (-> amb-array data (-> amb-array length))) ) (birth-ambient! amb-to-birth) ) (+! (-> amb-array length) 1) ) ) ) (let ((cams (-> obj cameras))) (when (nonzero? cams) (dotimes (s3-1 (-> cams length)) (birth-log "birth cam: ~A~%" (-> cams s3-1)) (birth! (-> cams s3-1)) ) ) ) ; (.mfc0 v1-71 Count) ; (let ((a3-3 (- v1-71 s5-0))) ; (format 0 "Done ~S in ~D~%" "birth" a3-3) ; ) (none) ) (defmethod debug-draw-actors level-group ((obj level-group) (arg0 symbol)) ;; TODO lots more here. (local-vars (sv-48 (function symbol bucket-id string vector font-color vector2h symbol)) (sv-64 symbol) (sv-80 int) (sv-96 (function symbol bucket-id string vector font-color vector2h symbol)) (sv-112 symbol) (sv-128 int) (sv-144 (function _varargs_ object)) (sv-160 string) (sv-176 string) (sv-192 (function symbol bucket-id string vector font-color vector2h symbol)) (sv-208 symbol) (sv-224 int) (sv-240 (function symbol bucket-id vector vector rgba symbol)) (sv-256 symbol) (sv-272 int) (sv-288 pointer) (sv-304 pointer) ) (when (and arg0 (not (or (= *master-mode* 'menu) (= *master-mode* 'progress)))) (dotimes (s4-0 (-> obj length)) (let ((v1-8 (-> obj level s4-0))) (when (= (-> v1-8 status) 'active) (let ((s3-0 (-> v1-8 bsp level entity))) (dotimes (s2-0 (-> s3-0 length)) (let* ((s0-0 (-> s3-0 data s2-0 entity)) (s1-0 (-> s0-0 extra trans)) ) (cond ((or (= arg0 'full) (-> s0-0 extra process)) (add-debug-x #t (bucket-id debug-draw1) s1-0 (the-as rgba (if (-> s0-0 extra process) (the-as uint #x8080ff80) (the-as uint #x800000ff) ) ) ) (set! sv-192 add-debug-text-3d) (set! sv-208 #t) (set! sv-224 68) (let ((a2-13 ((method-of-type res-lump get-property-struct) s0-0 'name 'interp -1000000000.0 #f (the-as (pointer res-tag) #f) *res-static-buf* ) ) (t0-8 (if (logtest? (-> s0-0 extra perm status) (entity-perm-status bit-0 bit-1) ) 1 5 ) ) (t1-8 (new 'static 'vector :x 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000734684 ) ) ) (sv-192 sv-208 (the-as bucket-id sv-224) (the-as string a2-13) s1-0 (the-as font-color t0-8) (the-as vector2h t1-8) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) (when (and *display-actor-vis* (not (or *display-actor-anim* *display-process-anim*)) ) (let ((s5-1 *display-actor-vis*)) (dotimes (s4-1 (-> obj length)) (let ((s3-1 (-> obj level s4-1))) (when (= (-> s3-1 status) 'active) (let ((s2-1 (-> s3-1 bsp level entity))) (dotimes (s1-2 (-> s2-1 length)) (let ((s0-2 (-> s2-1 data s1-2 entity))) (let ((v0-15 ((method-of-type res-lump get-property-data) s0-2 'visvol 'interp -1000000000.0 (the-as pointer #f) (the-as (pointer res-tag) #f) *res-static-buf* ) ) (a1-16 (-> s0-2 extra vis-id)) ) (when (and v0-15 (or (= s5-1 #t) (= s5-1 'box))) (set! sv-240 add-debug-box) (set! sv-256 #t) (set! sv-272 68) (set! sv-288 (&+ v0-15 0)) (set! sv-304 (&+ v0-15 16)) (let ((t0-10 (if (is-object-visible? s3-1 a1-16) (the-as uint #x80808000) (the-as uint #x80800080) ) ) ) (sv-240 sv-256 (the-as bucket-id sv-272) (the-as vector sv-288) (the-as vector sv-304) (the-as rgba t0-10) ) ) ) ) (when (or (= s5-1 #t) (= s5-1 'sphere)) (let ((s0-3 (-> s0-2 extra process))) (when s0-3 (when (and (type-type? (-> s0-3 type) process-drawable) (nonzero? (-> (the-as process-drawable s0-3) draw)) ) (add-debug-x #t (bucket-id debug-draw1) (-> (the-as process-drawable s0-3) root trans) (new 'static 'rgba :r #xff :g #xff :b #xff :a #x80) ) (add-debug-sphere #t (bucket-id debug-draw0) (vector+! (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector) (-> (the-as process-drawable s0-3) draw origin) (-> (the-as process-drawable s0-3) draw bounds) ) (-> (the-as process-drawable s0-3) draw bounds w) (new 'static 'rgba :r #x80 :a #x80) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) (when *display-split-boxes* (dotimes (s5-4 (-> obj length)) (let ((s4-4 (-> obj level s5-4))) (when (= (-> s4-4 status) 'active) (when (nonzero? (-> s4-4 bsp boxes)) (let ((s3-4 (-> s4-4 bsp boxes))) (countdown (s2-4 (-> s3-4 length)) (add-debug-box #t (bucket-id debug-draw0) (the-as vector (-> s3-4 data s2-4)) (the-as vector (+ (the-as uint (-> s3-4 data 0 max)) (* s2-4 32))) (the-as rgba (if (zero? (-> s4-4 index)) (the-as uint #x80808000) (the-as uint #x808080ff) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) (none)) ;; birth! ;; entity-deactivate-handler ;; kill! ;; birth bsp-header (define-extern process-drawable-from-entity! (function process-drawable res-lump none)) (define-extern entity-birth-no-kill (function entity none)) (defmethod run-logic? process-drawable ((obj process-drawable)) (or (zero? (logand (-> obj mask) (process-mask actor-pause))) (or (>= (+ (-> *ACTOR-bank* pause-dist) (-> obj root pause-adjust-distance)) (vector-vector-distance (-> obj root trans) (math-camera-pos)) ) (and (nonzero? (-> obj skel)) (!= (-> obj skel root-channel 0) (-> obj skel channel)) ) (and (nonzero? (-> obj draw)) (logtest? (-> obj draw status) 16)) ) ) ) (defmethod deactivate-entities bsp-header ((obj bsp-header)) (let ((s5-0 (-> obj actors))) (when (nonzero? s5-0) (dotimes (s4-0 (-> s5-0 length)) (let ((s3-0 (-> s5-0 data s4-0 actor))) (kill! s3-0) (remove-from-level! s3-0 *level*) ) ) ) ) (let ((s5-1 (-> obj cameras))) (when (nonzero? s5-1) (dotimes (s4-1 (-> s5-1 length)) (kill! (-> s5-1 s4-1)) ) ) ) (let ((s5-2 (-> *entity-pool* child)) (s4-2 (-> obj level heap base)) (s3-1 (-> obj level heap top-base)) ) (while s5-2 (let ((s2-0 (ppointer->process s5-2))) (set! s5-2 (-> s5-2 0 brother)) (cond ((-> (the-as process s2-0) entity) (when (= (-> (the-as process s2-0) entity extra level) (-> obj level)) (format #t "NOTICE: rogue level entity ~A~% still alive~%" s2-0) (deactivate s2-0) ) ) ((= (-> s2-0 type) part-tracker) (let ((v1-28 (the-as part-tracker s2-0))) (if (and (nonzero? (-> v1-28 part)) (>= (the-as int (-> v1-28 part group)) (the-as int s4-2)) (< (the-as int (-> v1-28 part group)) (the-as int s3-1)) ) (deactivate s2-0) ) ) ) (else (let* ((s1-0 s2-0) (v1-34 (if (and (nonzero? s1-0) (type-type? (-> s1-0 type) process-drawable) ) s1-0 ) ) ) (when v1-34 (cond ((and (nonzero? (-> (the-as process-drawable v1-34) part)) (>= (the-as int (-> (the-as process-drawable v1-34) part group)) (the-as int s4-2) ) (< (the-as int (-> (the-as process-drawable v1-34) part group)) (the-as int s3-1) ) ) (format #t "NOTICE: rogue null level entity (using part ~A) ~A~% still alive~%" (-> (the-as process-drawable (-> (the-as process-drawable v1-34) part)) brother ) s2-0 ) (deactivate s2-0) ) ((and (nonzero? (-> (the-as process-drawable v1-34) draw)) (>= (the-as int (-> (the-as process-drawable v1-34) draw art-group)) (the-as int s4-2) ) (< (the-as int (-> (the-as process-drawable v1-34) draw art-group)) (the-as int s3-1) ) ) (format #t "NOTICE: rogue null level entity (using art ~A) ~A~% still alive~%" (-> (the-as process-drawable (-> (the-as process-drawable v1-34) draw)) mask ) s2-0 ) (deactivate s2-0) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) (none) ) (defmethod update-perm! entity-perm ((obj entity-perm) (arg0 symbol) (arg1 entity-perm-status)) (cond ((= arg0 'game) (logclear! (-> obj status) arg1) ) ((nonzero? (-> obj task)) (logclear! (-> obj status) (logior (if (logtest? (-> obj status) (entity-perm-status bit-4)) 524 0 ) 515 ) ) ) (else (logclear! (-> obj status) (logior arg1 (if (logtest? (-> obj status) (entity-perm-status bit-4)) 524 0 ) ) ) ) ) (when (zero? (logand (-> obj status) (entity-perm-status user-set-from-cstage))) (set! (-> obj user-uint64) (the-as uint 0)) 0 ) obj )