#include "ReplUtils.h" #include "common/util/FileUtil.h" #include "third-party/replxx/include/replxx.hxx" #include "common/versions.h" #include "third-party/fmt/color.h" #include "third-party/fmt/core.h" // TODO - expand a list of hints (ie. a hint for defun to show at a glance how to write a function, // or perhaps, show the docstring for the current function being used?) using Replxx = replxx::Replxx; void ReplWrapper::clear_screen() { repl.clear_screen(); } void ReplWrapper::print_welcome_message() { // Welcome message / brief intro for documentation std::string ascii; ascii += " _____ _____ _____ _____ __ \n"; ascii += "| |___ ___ ___| __| | _ | | \n"; ascii += "| | | . | -_| | | | | | | |__ \n"; ascii += "|_____| _|___|_|_|_____|_____|__|__|_____|\n"; ascii += " |_| \n"; fmt::print(fmt::emphasis::bold | fg(fmt::color::orange), ascii); fmt::print("Welcome to OpenGOAL {}.{}!\n", versions::GOAL_VERSION_MAJOR, versions::GOAL_VERSION_MINOR); fmt::print("Run "); fmt::print(fmt::emphasis::bold | fg(fmt::color::cyan), "(repl-help)"); fmt::print(" for help with common commands and REPL usage.\n"); fmt::print("Run "); fmt::print(fmt::emphasis::bold | fg(fmt::color::cyan), "(lt)"); fmt::print(" to connect to the local target.\n\n"); } void ReplWrapper::set_history_max_size(size_t len) { repl.set_max_history_size(len); } const char* ReplWrapper::readline(const std::string& prompt) { return repl.input(prompt); } void ReplWrapper::add_to_history(const std::string& line) { repl.history_add(line); } void ReplWrapper::save_history() { // NOTE - library doesn't seem unicode safe on windows std::filesystem::path path = file_util::get_user_home_dir(); if (std::filesystem::exists(path)) { repl.history_save((path / ".opengoal.repl.history").string()); } } void ReplWrapper::load_history() { // NOTE - library doesn't seem unicode safe on windows std::filesystem::path path = file_util::get_user_home_dir(); if (std::filesystem::exists(path)) { repl.history_load((path / ".opengoal.repl.history").string()); } } std::pair ReplWrapper::get_current_repl_token(std::string const& context) { // Find the current token std::string token = ""; for (auto c = context.crbegin(); c != context.crend(); c++) { if (std::isspace(*c)) { break; } else { token = *c + token; } } // If there is a preceeding '(' remove it if (!token.empty() && token.at(0) == '(') { token.erase(0, 1); return {token, true}; } return {token, false}; } void ReplWrapper::print_help_message() { fmt::print(fmt::emphasis::bold, "\nREPL Controls:\n"); fmt::print(fmt::emphasis::bold | fg(fmt::color::cyan), "(:clear)\n"); fmt::print(" - Clear the current screen\n"); fmt::print(fmt::emphasis::bold | fg(fmt::color::cyan), "(e)\n"); fmt::print(" - Exit the compiler once the current REPL command is finished\n"); fmt::print(fmt::emphasis::bold | fg(fmt::color::cyan), "(lt [ip-address] [port-number])\n"); fmt::print( " - Connect the listener to a running target. The IP address defaults to `` and the " "port to `8112`\n"); fmt::print(fmt::emphasis::bold | fg(fmt::color::cyan), "(r [ip-address] [port-number])\n"); fmt::print( " - Attempt to reset the target and reconnect. After this, the target will have nothing " "loaded.\n"); fmt::print(fmt::emphasis::bold | fg(fmt::color::cyan), "(:status)\n"); fmt::print(" - Send a ping-like message to the target. Requires the target to be connected\n"); fmt::print(fmt::emphasis::bold | fg(fmt::color::cyan), "(shutdown-target)\n"); fmt::print(" - If the target is connected, make it exit\n"); fmt::print(fmt::emphasis::bold, "\nCompiling & Building:\n"); fmt::print(fmt::emphasis::bold | fg(fmt::color::lime_green), "(m \"filename\")\n"); fmt::print(" - Compile an OpenGOAL source file\n"); fmt::print(fmt::emphasis::bold | fg(fmt::color::lime_green), "(ml \"filename\")\n"); fmt::print(" - Compile and Load an OpenGOAL source file\n"); fmt::print(fmt::emphasis::bold | fg(fmt::color::lime_green), "(build-game)\n"); fmt::print(" - Loads and builds all game files and rebuilds DGOs\n"); fmt::print(fmt::emphasis::bold | fg(fmt::color::lime_green), "(build-kernel)\n"); fmt::print(" - Similar to (build-game) but only the kernel files\n"); fmt::print(fmt::emphasis::bold | fg(fmt::color::lime_green), "(blg)\n"); fmt::print(" - Performs a (build-game) and then loads all CGOs\n"); fmt::print(fmt::emphasis::bold | fg(fmt::color::lime_green), "(build-dgos \"path/to/dgos/description/file\")\n"); fmt::print( " - Builds all the DGO files described in the DGO description file. See " "`goal_src/builds/dgos.txt` for an example.\n"); fmt::print(fmt::emphasis::bold | fg(fmt::color::lime_green), "(asm-data-file tool-name \"file-name\")\n"); fmt::print( " - Build a data file. The `tool-name` refers to which data building tool should be used.\n"); fmt::print(fmt::emphasis::bold | fg(fmt::color::lime_green), "(build-data)\n"); fmt::print(" - Macro for rebuilding all data files\n"); fmt::print(fmt::emphasis::bold, "\nOther:\n"); fmt::print(fmt::emphasis::bold | fg(fmt::color::magenta), "(gs)\n"); fmt::print(" - Enter a GOOS REPL\n"); fmt::print(fmt::emphasis::bold | fg(fmt::color::magenta), "(set-config! config-name config-value)\n"); fmt::print(" - Used to set compiler configuration\n"); } void ReplWrapper::init_default_settings() { repl.set_word_break_characters(" \t"); }