;;-*-Lisp-*- (in-package goal) ;; name: process-drawable.gc ;; name in dgo: process-drawable ;; dgos: ENGINE, GAME (declare-type fuel-cell basic) ;; TODO!! (defun-debug draw-bone-lines ((obj process-drawable)) "Added in PC port to debug bones" (dotimes (i (-> obj node-list length)) (let ((parent (-> obj node-list data i parent))) (when (and parent (nonzero? parent) (-> parent joint) (-> parent parent)) (let ((child (vector<-cspace! (new-stack-vector0) (-> obj node-list data i))) ) (add-debug-line #t (bucket-id debug2) child (vector<-cspace! (new-stack-vector0) parent) (new 'static 'rgba :g #xff :a #x40) #f (the rgba -1)) ) ) ) ) ) ;; DECOMP BEGINS (defmethod add-to-loading-level skeleton-group ((obj skeleton-group)) (let ((v1-1 (-> *level* loading-level))) (if v1-1 (set-loaded-art (-> v1-1 art-group) obj) ) ) obj ) (defun cspace-by-name ((arg0 process-drawable) (arg1 string)) (let* ((s4-0 (-> arg0 node-list length)) (s3-0 0) (s2-0 (-> arg0 node-list data s3-0)) ) (while (< s3-0 s4-0) (if (and (-> s2-0 joint) (name= (-> s2-0 joint name) arg1)) (return s2-0) ) (+! s3-0 1) (set! s2-0 (-> arg0 node-list data s3-0)) ) ) (the-as cspace #f) ) (defun cspace-index-by-name ((arg0 process-drawable) (arg1 string)) (let* ((s4-0 0) (s3-0 (-> arg0 node-list length)) (s2-0 0) (v1-3 (-> arg0 node-list data s2-0)) ) (while (< s2-0 s3-0) (if (and (-> v1-3 joint) (name= (-> v1-3 joint name) arg1)) (return s4-0) ) (+! s4-0 1) (+! s2-0 1) (set! v1-3 (-> arg0 node-list data s2-0)) ) ) -1 ) (defun vector<-cspace! ((arg0 vector) (arg1 cspace)) (rlet ((Q :class vf) (vf0 :class vf) (vf2 :class vf) ) (init-vf0-vector) (.lvf vf2 (&-> (-> arg1 bone) transform trans quad)) (.div.vf Q vf0 vf2 :fsf #b11 :ftf #b11) ;; ADDED (also added in jak1) ;; there's a bug in swamp-blimp where they vector<-cspace! ;; on some default-initialized-to-zero bones ;; we have to return 0s for this to avoid NaNs getting everywhere. (let ((temp (new-stack-vector0))) (.svf (&-> temp quad) vf2) (when (= (-> temp w) 0.0) (set-vector! arg0 0. 0. 0. 1.) (return arg0) ) ) (.wait.vf) (.mul.vf vf2 vf2 Q :mask #b111) (.nop.vf) (.nop.vf) (.mov.vf vf2 vf0 :mask #b1000) (.svf (&-> arg0 quad) vf2) arg0 ) ) (defun vector<-matrix! ((arg0 vector) (arg1 matrix)) (rlet ((Q :class vf) (vf0 :class vf) (vf2 :class vf) ) (init-vf0-vector) (.lvf vf2 (&-> arg1 trans quad)) (.div.vf Q vf0 vf2 :fsf #b11 :ftf #b11) (.wait.vf) (.mul.vf vf2 vf2 Q :mask #b111) (.nop.vf) (.nop.vf) (.mov.vf vf2 vf0 :mask #b1000) (.svf (&-> arg0 quad) vf2) arg0 ) ) (defun vector<-cspace+vector! ((arg0 vector) (arg1 cspace) (arg2 vector)) (vector-matrix*! arg0 arg2 (-> arg1 bone transform)) ) (defun-debug cspace-children ((arg0 process-drawable) (arg1 int)) (let ((a3-0 '())) (countdown (s4-0 (-> arg0 node-list length)) (if (= (-> arg0 node-list data s4-0 parent) arg1) (set! a3-0 (cons (-> arg0 node-list data s4-0) a3-0)) ) ) a3-0 ) ) ;; WARN: Using new Jak 2 rtype-of (defun-debug cspace-inspect-tree ((arg0 process-drawable) (arg1 cspace) (arg2 int) (arg3 int) (arg4 object)) (local-vars (sv-16 string) (sv-32 int) (sv-48 int)) (if (and (= arg4 'mesh) (zero? *debug-vertex-stats*)) (set! *debug-vertex-stats* (new 'debug 'debug-vertex-stats)) ) (if (not arg1) (set! arg1 (the-as cspace (-> arg0 node-list data))) ) (print-tree-bitmask arg3 arg2) (cond ((-> arg1 joint) (format #t "~S~S ~D" (if (zero? arg2) "" "+---" ) (-> arg1 joint name) (-> arg1 joint number) ) (let ((v1-11 arg4)) (cond ((= v1-11 'matrix) #f ) ((= v1-11 'mesh) (let ((s1-0 format) (s0-0 #t) ) (set! sv-16 " ~D/~D/~F") (set! sv-32 (drawable-frag-count (-> arg1 geo))) (set! sv-48 (drawable-tri-count (-> arg1 geo))) (let ((t0-2 (drawable-vertex-ratio (-> arg1 geo) *debug-vertex-stats*))) (s1-0 s0-0 sv-16 sv-32 sv-48 t0-2) ) ) ) ) ) (format #t "~%") ) (else (format #t "~S~S~%" (if (zero? arg2) "" "+---" ) arg1 ) ) ) (let* ((s2-1 (cspace-children arg0 (the-as int arg1))) (a0-16 s2-1) (s1-1 ((method-of-type (rtype-of a0-16) length) a0-16)) (a1-11 (car s2-1)) ) (while (not (null? s2-1)) (+! s1-1 -1) (cspace-inspect-tree arg0 (the-as cspace a1-11) (+ arg2 1) (if (zero? s1-1) arg3 (logior arg3 (ash 1 (+ arg2 1))) ) arg4 ) (set! s2-1 (cdr s2-1)) (set! a1-11 (car s2-1)) ) ) arg0 ) (defmethod new draw-control ((allocation symbol) (type-to-make type) (arg0 process) (arg1 symbol)) (let ((v0-0 (object-new allocation type-to-make (the-as int (-> type-to-make size))))) (set! (-> v0-0 jgeo) (the-as art-joint-geo arg1)) (set! (-> v0-0 process) (the-as process-drawable arg0)) (set! (-> v0-0 ripple) #f) v0-0 ) ) (defmethod lod-set! draw-control ((obj draw-control) (arg0 int)) (let ((v1-1 (max 0 (min arg0 (the-as int (-> obj lod-set max-lod)))))) (set! (-> obj desired-lod) v1-1) (when (!= (-> obj cur-lod) v1-1) (set! (-> obj mgeo) (-> obj lod-set lod v1-1 geo)) (set! (-> obj cur-lod) v1-1) (if (nonzero? (-> obj seg-mask)) (setup-masks obj 0 0) ) ) ) 0 (none) ) (defmethod lods-assign! draw-control ((obj draw-control) (arg0 lod-set)) (mem-copy! (the-as pointer (-> obj lod-set)) (the-as pointer arg0) 49) (let ((a1-2 (min (-> obj cur-lod) (the-as int (-> obj lod-set max-lod))))) (set! (-> obj cur-lod) -1) (lod-set! obj a1-2) ) 0 (none) ) (defmethod setup-masks draw-control ((obj draw-control) (arg0 int) (arg1 int)) (local-vars (v1-4 int) (a2-1 (array uint64))) (let ((a1-2 (logior (logclear (-> obj seg-mask) arg0) arg1))) (set! (-> obj seg-mask) a1-2) (cond ((zero? a1-2) (set! (-> obj effect-mask) (the-as uint 0)) 0 ) ((begin (set! a2-1 (-> obj mgeo seg-table)) (set! v1-4 0) (nonzero? a2-1)) (countdown (a3-0 (-> a2-1 length)) (if (logtest? a1-2 (ash 1 a3-0)) (set! v1-4 (logior v1-4 (-> a2-1 a3-0))) ) ) (set! (-> obj effect-mask) (the-as uint v1-4)) ) (else (set! (-> obj effect-mask) (the-as uint 0)) 0 ) ) ) 0 (none) ) (defmethod setup-lods! lod-set ((obj lod-set) (arg0 skeleton-group) (arg1 art-group) (arg2 entity)) (local-vars (sv-16 res-tag)) (let ((v1-0 (-> arg1 length)) (s3-0 (-> arg0 max-lod)) ) (set! (-> obj max-lod) (the-as int s3-0)) (dotimes (a0-1 (the-as int (+ s3-0 1))) (when (or (< (-> arg0 mgeo a0-1) 0) (>= (-> arg0 mgeo a0-1) v1-0)) (set! obj (the-as lod-set #f)) (goto cfg-22) ) (let ((a1-14 (-> arg1 data (-> arg0 mgeo a0-1)))) (when (or (zero? a1-14) (!= (-> a1-14 type) merc-ctrl)) (set! obj (the-as lod-set #f)) (goto cfg-22) ) (set! (-> obj lod a0-1 geo) (the-as merc-ctrl a1-14)) ) (set! (-> obj lod a0-1 dist) (-> arg0 lod-dist a0-1)) ) (if (= (-> obj lod s3-0 dist) 4095996000.0) (set! (-> obj lod s3-0 dist) (res-lump-float arg2 'vis-dist :default 4095996000.0)) ) ) (let ((v1-14 (-> arg1 data (-> arg0 jgeo)))) (set! sv-16 (new 'static 'res-tag)) (let ((v1-15 (res-lump-data (-> v1-14 extra) 'lod-dist pointer :tag-ptr (& sv-16)))) (when v1-15 (dotimes (a0-6 (the-as int (-> sv-16 elt-count))) (set! (-> obj lod a0-6 dist) (-> (the-as (pointer float) (&+ v1-15 (* a0-6 4))))) ) ) ) ) (label cfg-22) obj ) ;; WARN: Return type mismatch cspace-array vs none. (defmethod setup-cspace-and-add draw-control ((obj draw-control) (arg0 art-joint-geo) (arg1 symbol)) (let ((s5-0 ((method-of-type cspace-array new) arg1 cspace-array (+ (-> arg0 length) 1)))) (let ((v0-1 ((method-of-type skeleton new) arg1 skeleton (+ (-> arg0 length) 1)))) (set! (-> obj skeleton) v0-1) (let ((s3-1 v0-1)) (when (or (zero? s5-0) (zero? s3-1)) (go process-drawable-art-error "memory") (set! s5-0 (the-as cspace-array #f)) (goto cfg-13) ) (let ((v1-9 ((method-of-type cspace reset-and-assign-geo!) (the-as cspace (-> s5-0 data)) (the-as drawable #f)))) (set! (-> v1-9 bone) (the-as bone (-> s3-1 bones))) ) (let ((v1-10 (-> s5-0 data))) (set! (-> v1-10 0 param0) (the-as (function cspace matrix none) cspace<-transformq!)) (set! (-> v1-10 0 param1) (the-as basic (-> (the-as process-drawable (-> obj process)) root trans))) ) (let ((v1-12 (reset-and-assign-geo! (-> s5-0 data 1) (the-as drawable #f)))) (set! (-> v1-12 joint) (-> arg0 data 0)) (set! (-> v1-12 bone) (-> s3-1 bones 1)) (set! (-> v1-12 parent) (the-as cspace (-> s5-0 data))) ) (let ((v1-14 (reset-and-assign-geo! (-> s5-0 data 2) (the-as drawable #f)))) (set! (-> v1-14 joint) (-> arg0 data 1)) (set! (-> v1-14 bone) (-> s3-1 bones 2)) (set! (-> v1-14 parent) (the-as cspace (-> s5-0 data))) (set! (-> v1-14 param0) (the-as (function cspace matrix none) cspace<-parented-matrix-joint!)) (set! (-> v1-14 param1) (-> obj process)) ) (let ((s2-0 3)) (while (< s2-0 (-> s5-0 length)) (let* ((s0-0 (-> arg0 data (+ s2-0 -1))) (s1-0 (if (-> s0-0 parent) (+ (-> s0-0 parent number) 1) 0 ) ) (v1-25 (reset-and-assign-geo! (-> s5-0 data s2-0) (the-as drawable #f))) ) (set! (-> v1-25 joint) s0-0) (set! (-> v1-25 bone) (-> s3-1 bones s2-0)) (set! (-> v1-25 parent) (-> s5-0 data s1-0)) ) (+! s2-0 1) ) ) ) ) (add-connection *foreground-draw-engine* (-> obj process) add-process-drawable (-> obj process) obj #f) (label cfg-13) s5-0 ) ) (defun execute-math-engine () (let ((gp-0 *matrix-engine*)) (let ((s5-0 (-> gp-0 length))) (dotimes (s4-0 s5-0) (let ((v1-3 (the-as process-drawable (handle->process (-> gp-0 s4-0))))) (if v1-3 (do-joint-math (-> v1-3 draw) (-> v1-3 node-list) (-> v1-3 skel)) ) ) ) ) (set! (-> gp-0 length) 0) ) 0 0 ) (defmethod do-joint-math draw-control ((obj draw-control) (arg0 cspace-array) (arg1 joint-control)) (with-pp (cond ((logtest? (-> obj status) (draw-control-status no-draw no-draw-temp)) ) ((zero? arg1) (matrix<-transformq+trans! (the-as matrix (-> obj skeleton bones 3)) (the-as transformq (-> (the-as process-drawable (-> obj process)) root trans)) (-> obj skeleton bones 0 transform trans) ) (vector+! (-> obj origin) (-> obj skeleton bones 3 transform trans) (-> obj bounds)) (set! (-> obj origin w) (-> obj bounds w)) ) (else (let* ((s2-0 (-> obj mgeo num-joints)) (s1-0 (+ s2-0 2)) ) (+ s1-0 1) (let ((s5-0 pp)) (set! pp (-> obj process)) ((-> arg1 generate-frame-function) (the-as joint-anim-frame (+ 2400 (scratchpad-object int))) s1-0 arg1) (if (-> arg1 prebind-function) ((-> arg1 prebind-function) (the-as joint-anim-frame (+ 2400 (scratchpad-object int))) s1-0 arg1) ) (dotimes (s1-1 1) (let* ((v1-20 (-> arg0 data s1-1)) (t9-3 (the-as function (-> v1-20 param0))) ) (if (the-as (function cspace matrix none) t9-3) ((the-as (function object object object none) t9-3) v1-20 (-> v1-20 param1) (-> v1-20 param2)) ) ) ) (dotimes (s1-2 2) (let* ((a0-11 (-> arg0 data (+ s1-2 1))) (a1-7 (+ (* s1-2 64) 2400 (scratchpad-object int))) (t9-4 (-> a0-11 param0)) ) (if t9-4 (t9-4 a0-11 (the-as matrix a1-7)) ) ) ) (let ((s1-3 3)) (dotimes (s0-0 s2-0) (let ((a0-12 (-> arg0 data (+ s0-0 s1-3))) (a1-9 (+ (* 48 s0-0) 2528 (scratchpad-object int))) ) (if (-> a0-12 param0) ((-> a0-12 param0) a0-12 (the-as matrix a1-9)) (cspace<-parented-transformq-joint! a0-12 (the-as transformq a1-9)) ) ) ) ) (if (-> arg1 postbind-function) ((-> arg1 postbind-function) obj arg0 arg1) ) (let ((a1-11 (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector))) (set! (-> a1-11 quad) (-> obj bounds quad)) (set! (-> a1-11 w) 1.0) (vector-matrix*! (-> obj origin) a1-11 (the-as matrix (-> obj skeleton bones (-> obj origin-joint-index)))) ) (let ((f0-2 (-> obj bounds w))) (set! (-> obj origin w) f0-2) f0-2 ) (set! pp s5-0) ) ) ) ) ; (draw-bone-lines (-> obj process)) 0 (none) ) ) (defmethod cleanup-for-death process-drawable ((obj process-drawable)) (when (type? (-> obj root) collide-shape) (let ((v1-2 (-> (the-as collide-shape (-> obj root)) root-prim))) (set! (-> v1-2 prim-core collide-as) (collide-spec)) (set! (-> v1-2 prim-core collide-with) (collide-spec)) ) 0 ) (if (nonzero? (-> obj skel)) (ja-channel-set! 0) ) (process-entity-status! obj (entity-perm-status dead) #t) 0 (none) ) (defmethod relocate-nav process-drawable ((obj process-drawable) (arg0 int)) (set! (-> obj nav) (the-as nav-control (&+ (the-as pointer (-> obj nav)) arg0))) 0 (none) ) ;; WARN: Return type mismatch symbol vs none. (defun draw-joint-axes ((arg0 process-drawable)) (local-vars (sv-64 (function symbol bucket-id vector vector meters rgba symbol)) (sv-80 symbol) (sv-96 int) (sv-112 vector) ) (let ((s5-0 (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector2h)) (s4-0 (shl #x8000 16)) (s3-0 (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector)) ) (let ((v1-1 s5-0)) (set! (-> v1-1 x) 5) (set! (-> v1-1 y) -5) ) (dotimes (s2-0 (-> arg0 node-list length)) (let ((s1-0 (-> arg0 node-list data s2-0 bone transform))) (vector<-cspace! s3-0 (-> arg0 node-list data s2-0)) (dotimes (s0-0 3) (set! sv-64 add-debug-vector) (set! sv-80 #t) (set! sv-96 318) (set! sv-112 s3-0) (let ((a3-0 (vector-normalize-copy! (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector) (the-as vector (+ (the-as uint s1-0) (* s0-0 16))) 1.0) ) (t0-0 #x444ccccd) (t1-0 (logior (ash 255 (* s0-0 8)) s4-0)) ) (sv-64 sv-80 (the-as bucket-id sv-96) sv-112 a3-0 (the-as meters t0-0) (the-as rgba t1-0)) ) ) ) (format (clear *temp-string*) "~d" (+ s2-0 -1)) (let ((a2-3 *temp-string*)) (add-debug-text-3d #t (bucket-id debug-no-zbuf1) a2-3 s3-0 (font-color blue-#003cf1) s5-0) ) (set! (-> s5-0 x) (the-as int (+ (-> s5-0 x) 10))) ) ) (none) ) (defun draw-root ((arg0 process-drawable)) (add-debug-quaternion #t (bucket-id debug-no-zbuf1) (-> arg0 root trans) (-> arg0 root quat)) (none) ) (defmethod deactivate process-drawable ((obj process-drawable)) (if (nonzero? (-> obj part)) (kill-and-free-particles (-> obj part)) ) (if (nonzero? (-> obj sound)) (stop! (-> obj sound)) ) (let ((a0-3 (-> obj nav))) (if (and a0-3 (nonzero? a0-3)) (remove! a0-3) ) ) (let* ((s5-0 (-> obj root)) (a0-5 (if (type? s5-0 collide-shape) s5-0 ) ) ) (when a0-5 (let ((a2-0 (-> (the-as collide-shape a0-5) actor-hash-index)) (v1-12 *actor-hash*) ) (when (and (!= a2-0 -1) (= a0-5 (-> v1-12 object-array a2-0 object))) (remove-by-id v1-12 (-> v1-12 sphere-array a2-0) a2-0) 0 ) ) ) ) ((method-of-type process deactivate) obj) (none) ) (defstate empty-state (process) :code (the-as (function none :behavior process) nothing) ) (defstate process-drawable-art-error (process-drawable) :event (behavior ((proc process) (arg1 int) (event-type symbol) (event event-message-block)) (let ((v1-0 event-type)) (the-as object (when (= v1-0 'nav-mesh-kill) (deactivate self) #t ) ) ) ) :code (behavior ((arg0 string)) (format 0 "ART ERROR: ~A for ~A~%" arg0 self) (if (-> self entity) (logior! (-> self entity extra perm status) (entity-perm-status bit-1)) ) (let* ((s5-0 (-> self root)) (v1-6 (if (type? s5-0 collide-shape) s5-0 ) ) ) (when v1-6 (let ((a0-5 (-> (the-as collide-shape v1-6) root-prim))) (set! (-> a0-5 prim-core collide-as) (collide-spec)) (set! (-> a0-5 prim-core collide-with) (collide-spec)) ) (set! (-> (the-as collide-shape v1-6) backup-collide-as) (collide-spec)) (set! (-> (the-as collide-shape v1-6) backup-collide-with) (collide-spec)) 0 ) ) (until #f (when (the-as collide-shape *display-entity-errors*) (let ((s5-1 (cond ((nonzero? (the-as collide-shape (-> self root))) (-> (the-as collide-shape (-> self root)) trans) ) ((the-as collide-shape (-> self entity)) (&-> (the-as collide-shape (-> (the-as collide-shape (-> self entity)) trans z)) quat y) ) (else #f ) ) ) ) (when s5-1 (let ((s4-0 add-debug-text-3d) (s3-0 #t) (s2-0 318) ) (format (clear *temp-string*) "~2j~s error for ~s" arg0 (-> self name)) (s4-0 s3-0 (the-as bucket-id s2-0) *temp-string* (the-as vector s5-1) (font-color precursor-#ec3b00) (the-as vector2h #f) ) ) ) ) ) (suspend) ) #f (none) ) ) (defstate process-drawable-idle (process-drawable) :code (the-as (function none :behavior process-drawable) sleep-code) :post ja-post ) (defun skeleton-group->draw-control ((arg0 process-drawable) (arg1 skeleton-group) (arg2 (pointer cspace-array))) (local-vars (s2-0 draw-control) (sv-16 art-element) (sv-20 int)) (let ((s3-0 (if (= (-> arg1 texture-level) 6) (-> *level* default-level) (-> arg0 level) ) ) ) (let ((s1-0 (load-to-heap-by-name (-> s3-0 art-group) (-> arg1 art-group-name) #f global (-> arg1 version)))) (when (or (zero? s1-0) (or (not s1-0) (!= (-> s1-0 type) art-group))) (go process-drawable-art-error "art-group") (set! s2-0 (the-as draw-control #f)) (goto cfg-50) ) (set! sv-16 (-> s1-0 data (-> arg1 jgeo))) (set! sv-20 (-> s1-0 length)) (when (or (< (the-as int (-> arg1 jgeo)) 0) (>= (the-as int (-> arg1 jgeo)) sv-20) (not sv-16) (!= (-> sv-16 type) art-joint-geo) ) (go process-drawable-art-error "joint-geo") (set! s2-0 (the-as draw-control #f)) (goto cfg-50) ) (set! s2-0 (new 'process 'draw-control arg0 (the-as symbol sv-16))) (let ((v1-24 s2-0)) (set! (-> v1-24 status) (draw-control-status uninited)) (set! (-> v1-24 art-group) s1-0) (set! (-> v1-24 jgeo) (the-as art-joint-geo sv-16)) (set! (-> v1-24 force-lod) -1) (set! (-> v1-24 cur-lod) -1) (set! (-> v1-24 shadow) #f) (set! (-> v1-24 shadow-ctrl) #f) (set! (-> v1-24 data-format) (draw-control-data-format merc)) (set! (-> v1-24 color-mult quad) (-> (new 'static 'vector :x 1.0 :y 1.0 :z 1.0 :w 1.0) quad)) (set! (-> v1-24 color-emissive quad) (-> (new 'static 'vector) quad)) (set! (-> v1-24 longest-edge) (-> arg1 longest-edge)) (set! (-> v1-24 origin-joint-index) (the-as uint (-> arg1 origin-joint-index))) (set! (-> v1-24 shadow-joint-index) (the-as uint (-> arg1 shadow-joint-index))) ) (set! (-> s2-0 bounds quad) (-> arg1 bounds quad)) (let ((v1-26 (-> arg1 shadow))) (when (and (> v1-26 0) (< v1-26 sv-20)) (let ((s0-0 (-> s1-0 data v1-26))) (if (and (not (logtest? (the-as int (res-lump-value (-> arg0 entity) 'options uint128 :time -1000000000.0)) 8192)) (= (-> s0-0 type) shadow-geo) ) (set! (-> s2-0 shadow) (the-as shadow-geo s0-0)) ) ) ) ) (if (not (setup-lods! (-> s2-0 lod-set) arg1 s1-0 (-> arg0 entity))) (go process-drawable-art-error "mesh") ) ) (let ((v1-41 (res-lump-value (-> sv-16 extra) 'texture-bucket int :default (the-as uint128 1) :time -1000000000.0)) ) (case (if (= (-> arg1 texture-level) 6) 6 (-> s3-0 index) ) ((6) (set! v1-41 (-> arg1 sort)) ) ) (set! (-> s2-0 default-texture-page) (the-as uint v1-41)) ) (set! (-> s2-0 level-index) (the-as uint (-> s3-0 index))) ) (set! (-> s2-0 dma-add-func) (the-as (function process-drawable draw-control symbol object none) nothing)) (set! (-> arg2 0) (the-as cspace-array (setup-cspace-and-add s2-0 (the-as art-joint-geo sv-16) 'process))) (set! (-> s2-0 dma-add-func) dma-add-process-drawable) (set! (-> s2-0 shadow-mask) (res-lump-value (-> arg0 entity) 'shadow-mask uint :time -1000000000.0)) (set! (-> s2-0 shadow-values) (res-lump-value (-> arg0 entity) 'shadow-values uint :time -1000000000.0)) (set! (-> s2-0 light-index) (if (zero? (-> arg1 light-index)) (res-lump-value (-> arg0 entity) 'light-index uint :time -1000000000.0) (-> arg1 light-index) ) ) (let* ((gp-1 (ppointer->process (-> arg0 parent))) (v1-54 (if (type? gp-1 process-drawable) gp-1 ) ) ) (when (and v1-54 (nonzero? (-> (the-as process-drawable v1-54) draw))) (set! (-> s2-0 light-index) (-> (the-as process-drawable v1-54) draw light-index)) (set! (-> s2-0 shadow-mask) (-> (the-as process-drawable v1-54) draw shadow-mask)) (set! (-> s2-0 shadow-values) (-> (the-as process-drawable v1-54) draw shadow-values)) ) ) (lod-set! s2-0 0) (label cfg-50) s2-0 ) (defmethod initialize-skeleton process-drawable ((obj process-drawable) (arg0 skeleton-group) (arg1 pair)) (local-vars (v1-14 art-element)) (if (not arg0) (go process-drawable-art-error "skel-group") ) (set! (-> obj draw) (skeleton-group->draw-control obj arg0 (&-> obj node-list))) (let* ((s3-0 (-> obj draw)) (a2-3 (res-lump-value (-> s3-0 jgeo extra) 'joint-channel uint128 :default (the-as uint128 6) :time -1000000000.0) ) ) (cond ((> (the-as int a2-3) 0) (logior! (-> s3-0 status) (draw-control-status math-skel)) (let ((v0-3 (new 'process 'joint-control (the-as int a2-3)))) (set! (-> obj skel) v0-3) (let ((s4-0 v0-3)) (let ((s3-1 (-> s3-0 art-group))) (cond ((>= (the-as int (-> arg0 janim)) 0) (when (or (>= (the-as int (-> arg0 janim)) (-> s3-1 length)) (begin (set! v1-14 (-> s3-1 data (-> arg0 janim))) (not v1-14)) (!= (-> v1-14 type) art-joint-anim) ) (go process-drawable-art-error "initial joint-anim") (return (the-as draw-control #f)) ) (ja-channel-set! 1) (let ((s2-0 (-> obj skel root-channel 0))) (joint-control-channel-group-eval! s2-0 (the-as art-joint-anim (-> s3-1 data (-> arg0 janim))) num-func-identity ) (set! (-> s2-0 frame-num) 0.0) ) ) (else (ja-channel-set! 0) ) ) ) (set! (-> s4-0 effect) (new 'process 'effect-control obj)) ) ) ) (else (set! (-> s3-0 skeleton bones 0 transform trans quad) (-> (the-as vector (get-property-struct (-> s3-0 jgeo extra) 'trans-offset 'interp -1000000000.0 *null-vector* (the-as (pointer res-tag) #f) *res-static-buf* ) ) quad ) ) ) ) ) (let ((s5-3 (-> obj root))) (if (and s5-3 (nonzero? s5-3) (type? s5-3 collide-shape)) (find-collision-meshes (the-as collide-shape s5-3)) ) ) (-> obj draw) ) (defmethod initialize-skeleton-by-name process-drawable ((obj process-drawable) (arg0 string)) (let* ((s4-0 *level*) (s3-0 (method-of-object s4-0 art-group-get-by-name)) ) (format (clear *temp-string*) "skel-~S" arg0) (let ((s4-1 (s3-0 s4-0 *temp-string* (the-as (pointer uint32) #f)))) (if (and (nonzero? s4-1) (valid? s4-1 skeleton-group #f #f 0)) (initialize-skeleton obj (the-as skeleton-group s4-1) (the-as pair 0)) (go process-drawable-art-error arg0) ) ) ) (-> obj draw) ) (defmethod apply-alignment process-drawable ((obj process-drawable) (arg0 align-opts) (arg1 transformq) (arg2 vector)) (with-pp (when (logtest? arg0 (align-opts adjust-x-vel adjust-y-vel adjust-xz-vel)) (let* ((s3-0 (quaternion->matrix (new 'stack-no-clear 'matrix) (-> obj root quat))) (s0-0 (matrix-transpose! (new 'stack-no-clear 'matrix) s3-0)) (s2-0 (vector-matrix*! (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector) (-> *standard-dynamics* gravity) s0-0)) (a1-5 (vector-matrix*! (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector) (-> obj root transv) s0-0)) ) (if (logtest? arg0 (align-opts no-gravity)) (set-vector! s2-0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0) ) (when (logtest? arg0 (align-opts adjust-x-vel)) (set! (-> a1-5 x) (+ (* (-> arg1 trans x) (-> arg2 x) (-> pp clock frames-per-second)) (* (-> s2-0 x) (-> pp clock seconds-per-frame)) ) ) (if (not (logtest? arg0 (align-opts adjust-xz-vel keep-other-velocities))) (set! (-> a1-5 z) 0.0) ) ) (if (and (logtest? arg0 (align-opts adjust-y-vel)) (not (and (logtest? arg0 (align-opts ignore-y-if-zero)) (= (-> arg1 trans y) 0.0))) ) (set! (-> a1-5 y) (+ (* (-> arg1 trans y) (-> arg2 y) (-> pp clock frames-per-second)) (* (-> s2-0 y) (-> pp clock seconds-per-frame)) ) ) ) (when (logtest? arg0 (align-opts adjust-xz-vel)) (set! (-> a1-5 z) (+ (* (-> arg1 trans z) (-> arg2 z) (-> pp clock frames-per-second)) (* (-> s2-0 z) (-> pp clock seconds-per-frame)) ) ) (if (not (logtest? arg0 (align-opts adjust-x-vel keep-other-velocities))) (set! (-> a1-5 x) 0.0) ) ) (vector-matrix*! (-> obj root transv) a1-5 s3-0) ) ) (if (logtest? arg0 (align-opts adjust-quat)) (quaternion-normalize! (quaternion*! (-> obj root quat) (-> obj root quat) (-> arg1 quat))) ) (-> obj root) ) ) (defbehavior ja-done? process-drawable ((arg0 int)) (let ((v1-2 (-> self skel root-channel arg0))) (cond ((zero? (-> self skel active-channels)) #t ) ((= (-> v1-2 num-func) num-func-seek!) (= (-> v1-2 frame-num) (-> v1-2 param 0)) ) ((= (-> v1-2 num-func) num-func-interp-play!) (= (the int (-> v1-2 frame-num)) (+ (-> v1-2 frame-group frames num-frames) -1)) ) (else #t ) ) ) ) (defbehavior ja-min? process-drawable ((arg0 int)) (= (-> self skel root-channel arg0 frame-num) 0.0) ) (defbehavior ja-max? process-drawable ((arg0 int)) (let ((v1-2 (-> self skel root-channel arg0))) (>= (-> v1-2 frame-num) (the float (+ (-> v1-2 frame-group frames num-frames) -1))) ) ) ;; WARN: Return type mismatch uint vs int. (defbehavior ja-num-frames process-drawable ((arg0 int)) (the-as int (+ (-> self skel root-channel arg0 frame-group frames num-frames) -1)) ) (defbehavior ja-frame-num process-drawable ((arg0 int)) (-> self skel root-channel arg0 frame-num) ) (defbehavior ja-aframe-num process-drawable ((arg0 int)) (let* ((a0-2 (-> self skel root-channel arg0)) (v1-2 (-> a0-2 frame-group)) ) (if (and v1-2 (nonzero? v1-2)) (+ (* (-> a0-2 frame-num) (-> v1-2 artist-step)) (-> v1-2 artist-base)) 0.0 ) ) ) (defbehavior ja-aframe process-drawable ((arg0 float) (arg1 int)) (let ((v1-3 (-> self skel root-channel arg1 frame-group))) (if (and v1-3 (nonzero? v1-3)) (/ (- arg0 (-> v1-3 artist-base)) (-> v1-3 artist-step)) arg0 ) ) ) (defbehavior ja-speed process-drawable ((arg0 int)) (-> self skel root-channel arg0 frame-group speed) ) (defbehavior ja-step process-drawable ((arg0 int)) (-> self skel root-channel arg0 frame-group artist-step) ) (defbehavior ja-channel-set! process-drawable ((arg0 int)) (let ((s5-0 (-> self skel))) (when (nonzero? (-> s5-0 float-channels)) (if (>= arg0 (the-as int (-> s5-0 active-channels))) (qmem-copy->! (the-as pointer (-> s5-0 channel arg0)) (the-as pointer (-> s5-0 channel (-> s5-0 active-channels))) (the-as int (* (-> s5-0 float-channels) 64)) ) (qmem-copy<-! (the-as pointer (-> s5-0 channel arg0)) (the-as pointer (-> s5-0 channel (-> s5-0 active-channels))) (the-as int (* (-> s5-0 float-channels) 64)) ) ) ) (set! (-> s5-0 active-channels) (the-as uint arg0)) (set! (-> s5-0 root-channel) (-> s5-0 channel)) (set! (-> s5-0 blend-index) (the-as uint -1)) (dotimes (v1-19 arg0) (set! (-> s5-0 root-channel v1-19 eval-time) (the-as uint (-> self clock frame-counter))) (set! (-> s5-0 root-channel v1-19 group-sub-index) v1-19) (set! (-> s5-0 root-channel v1-19 command) (if (zero? v1-19) (joint-control-command push) (joint-control-command blend) ) ) (set! (-> s5-0 root-channel v1-19 frame-interp 0) 0.0) (set! (-> s5-0 root-channel v1-19 frame-interp 1) 0.0) (set! (-> s5-0 root-channel v1-19 frame-num) 0.0) (set! (-> s5-0 root-channel v1-19 frame-group) #f) (set! (-> s5-0 root-channel v1-19 num-func) num-func-none) (set! (-> s5-0 root-channel v1-19 group-size) arg0) ) ) arg0 ) (defbehavior ja-channel-push! process-drawable ((arg0 int) (arg1 time-frame)) (let ((s5-0 (-> self skel))) (cond ((or (zero? (-> s5-0 active-channels)) (zero? arg1) (when (>= (+ (-> s5-0 active-channels) (-> s5-0 float-channels) arg0) (-> s5-0 allocated-length)) (format 0 "WARNING: ~A could not do (ja-channel-push! ~D) because it has ~D/~D channels.~%" self arg0 (+ (-> s5-0 active-channels) (-> s5-0 float-channels)) (-> s5-0 allocated-length) ) #t ) ) (ja-channel-set! arg0) ) (else (when (not (-> s5-0 root-channel 0 frame-group)) (let ((s3-0 (/ (- (the-as int (-> s5-0 root-channel)) (the-as uint (the-as int (-> s5-0 channel)))) 64))) (if (nonzero? (-> s5-0 float-channels)) (qmem-copy<-! (the-as pointer (-> s5-0 channel s3-0)) (the-as pointer (-> s5-0 channel (-> s5-0 active-channels))) (the-as int (* (-> s5-0 float-channels) 64)) ) ) (set! (-> s5-0 active-channels) (the-as uint s3-0)) ) (if (zero? (-> s5-0 active-channels)) (return (ja-channel-set! arg0)) ) ) (let ((s3-1 (-> s5-0 active-channels))) (if (nonzero? (-> s5-0 float-channels)) (qmem-copy->! (the-as pointer (-> s5-0 channel (+ arg0 1 s3-1))) (the-as pointer (-> s5-0 channel s3-1)) (the-as int (* (-> s5-0 float-channels) 64)) ) ) (set! (-> s5-0 root-channel) (the-as (inline-array joint-control-channel) (-> s5-0 channel s3-1))) ) (set! (-> s5-0 active-channels) (the-as uint (+ arg0 1 (-> s5-0 active-channels)))) (dotimes (v1-38 arg0) (set! (-> s5-0 root-channel v1-38 eval-time) (the-as uint (-> self clock frame-counter))) (set! (-> s5-0 root-channel v1-38 group-sub-index) v1-38) (set! (-> s5-0 root-channel v1-38 command) (if (zero? v1-38) (joint-control-command push) (joint-control-command blend) ) ) (set! (-> s5-0 root-channel v1-38 frame-interp 0) 0.0) (set! (-> s5-0 root-channel v1-38 frame-interp 1) 0.0) (set! (-> s5-0 root-channel v1-38 frame-num) 0.0) (set! (-> s5-0 root-channel v1-38 frame-group) #f) (set! (-> s5-0 root-channel v1-38 num-func) num-func-none) (set! (-> s5-0 root-channel v1-38 group-size) arg0) ) (let ((v1-42 (-> s5-0 root-channel arg0))) (set! (-> v1-42 eval-time) (the-as uint 0)) (set! (-> v1-42 group-sub-index) arg0) (set! (-> s5-0 blend-index) (+ (-> s5-0 active-channels) -1)) (set! (-> v1-42 frame-interp 0) 0.0) (set! (-> v1-42 frame-interp 1) 0.0) (set! (-> v1-42 frame-num) 0.0) (set! (-> v1-42 frame-group) #f) (set! (-> v1-42 group-size) arg0) (set! (-> v1-42 param 0) (/ 5.0 (+ 5.0 (the float arg1)))) (set! (-> v1-42 num-func) num-func-blend-in!) (cond ((= arg0 1) (set! (-> v1-42 command) (joint-control-command stack1)) (set! (-> s5-0 root-channel 0 command) (joint-control-command push1)) ) (else (set! (-> v1-42 command) (joint-control-command stack)) ) ) ) arg0 ) ) ) ) (defbehavior ja-channel-float! process-drawable ((arg0 art-joint-anim) (arg1 float) (arg2 float) (arg3 float)) (cond ((>= (+ (-> self skel active-channels) (-> self skel float-channels)) (-> self skel allocated-length)) (format 0 "WARNING: ~A could not do (ja-channel-float! ~D) because it has ~D/~D channels.~%" self 1 (+ (-> self skel active-channels) (-> self skel float-channels)) (-> self skel allocated-length) ) (the-as joint-control-channel #f) ) (else (let ((v0-1 (-> self skel channel (+ (-> self skel active-channels) (-> self skel float-channels))))) (+! (-> self skel float-channels) 1) (set! (-> v0-1 eval-time) (the-as uint (-> self clock frame-counter))) (set! (-> v0-1 group-sub-index) 0) (set! (-> v0-1 command) (joint-control-command float)) (set! (-> v0-1 frame-interp 0) arg2) (set! (-> v0-1 frame-interp 1) arg3) (set! (-> v0-1 frame-num) arg1) (set! (-> v0-1 frame-group) arg0) (set! (-> v0-1 num-func) num-func-none) (set! (-> v0-1 group-size) 1) (set! (-> v0-1 dist) 0.0) v0-1 ) ) ) ) ;; WARN: Return type mismatch uint vs none. (defbehavior joint-control-reset! process-drawable ((arg0 joint-control) (arg1 joint-control-channel)) (let* ((v1-2 (the-as object (- (the-as int arg1) (the-as uint (* (-> arg1 group-size) 64))))) (s5-0 (/ (- (the-as int v1-2) (the-as uint (the-as int (-> arg0 channel)))) 64)) (s4-0 (/ (- (the-as int arg1) (the-as uint v1-2)) 64)) ) (when (> s5-0 0) (if (= (-> (the-as joint-control-channel v1-2) command) (joint-control-command push1)) (set! (-> (the-as joint-control-channel v1-2) command) (joint-control-command push)) ) (if (= (-> arg0 root-channel) (the-as joint-control-channel v1-2)) (set! (-> arg0 root-channel) (-> arg0 channel)) (set! (-> arg0 root-channel) (the-as (inline-array joint-control-channel) (-> arg0 root-channel (- (+ s5-0 1)))) ) ) (qmem-copy<-! (the-as pointer (-> arg0 channel)) (the-as pointer v1-2) (the-as int (* (- (+ (-> arg0 active-channels) (-> arg0 float-channels)) (the-as uint s5-0)) 64)) ) (qmem-copy<-! (the-as pointer (-> arg0 channel s4-0)) (the-as pointer (+ (the-as uint (-> arg0 channel 1)) (* s4-0 64))) (* (+ (- (- -1 s5-0) s4-0) (-> arg0 float-channels) (-> arg0 active-channels)) 64) ) (set! (-> arg0 active-channels) (- (-> arg0 active-channels) (the-as uint (+ s5-0 1)))) ) ) (none) ) (defbehavior ja-group-size process-drawable () (if (< (the-as int (-> self skel root-channel)) (the-as int (-> self skel channel (-> self skel active-channels))) ) (-> self skel root-channel 0 group-size) 0 ) ) (defbehavior ja-eval process-drawable () (let ((gp-0 (-> self skel root-channel 0)) (s5-0 (-> self skel channel (+ (-> self skel active-channels) (-> self skel float-channels)))) (s4-0 (-> self clock frame-counter)) ) (while (< (the-as int gp-0) (the-as int s5-0)) (cond ((logtest? (-> gp-0 command) (joint-control-command joint-control-command-4)) ) (else (if (!= (-> gp-0 eval-time) s4-0) (joint-control-channel-eval gp-0) ) ) ) (&+! gp-0 64) ) ) 0 ) (defbehavior ja-blend-eval process-drawable () (let ((gp-0 (-> self skel root-channel)) (s5-0 (the-as joint-control-channel (-> self skel channel))) (s4-0 (-> self clock frame-counter)) ) (when (and (nonzero? (-> self skel active-channels)) (!= gp-0 s5-0)) (while (< (the-as int s5-0) (the-as int gp-0)) (cond ((logtest? (-> s5-0 command) (joint-control-command joint-control-command-4)) ) (else (if (!= (-> s5-0 eval-time) s4-0) (joint-control-channel-eval s5-0) ) ) ) (&+! s5-0 64) ) ) ) 0 ) ;; ERROR: Unsupported inline assembly instruction kind - [lw ra, return-from-thread(s7)] ;; ERROR: Unsupported inline assembly instruction kind - [jr ra] (defmethod update-anim-data joint-control ((obj joint-control)) (local-vars (s7-0 none) (ra-0 int)) (let ((s5-0 (+ (-> obj active-channels) (-> obj float-channels)))) (dotimes (s4-0 (the-as int s5-0)) (let ((s3-0 (-> obj channel s4-0))) (case (-> s3-0 command) (((joint-control-command stack) (joint-control-command stack1)) ) (else (let ((s2-0 (-> s3-0 frame-group))) (when (not (and s2-0 (nonzero? s2-0) (= (logand (the-as int s2-0) 7) 4) (= (-> s2-0 type) art-joint-anim))) (go process-drawable-art-error "joint-anim") (break!) ;; (.lw ra-0 return-from-thread s7-0) ;; (.jr ra-0) ;; (nop!) ;; 0 ) (when (nonzero? (-> s2-0 frames flags)) (cond ((logtest? (-> s2-0 frames flags) 2) (update-time-stamp *anim-manager* s2-0) ) ((logtest? (-> s2-0 frames flags) 1) (decompress *anim-manager* s2-0) ) ) ) (set! (-> s3-0 frame-num) (fmax 0.0 (fmin (-> s3-0 frame-num) (the float (+ (-> s2-0 frames num-frames) -1)))) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) 0 (none) ) ;; ERROR: Unsupported inline assembly instruction kind - [lw ra, return-from-thread(s7)] ;; ERROR: Unsupported inline assembly instruction kind - [jr ra] (defmethod evaluate-joint-control process-drawable ((obj process-drawable)) (local-vars (s1-0 joint-control-channel) (s2-0 int) (s4-0 uint) (s7-0 none) (ra-0 int)) (with-pp (let ((gp-0 (-> obj skel))) (let ((a0-1 (-> gp-0 top-anim))) (b! (not a0-1) cfg-2 :delay (empty-form)) (update a0-1) ) (until (= s4-0 (+ (-> gp-0 active-channels) (-> gp-0 float-channels))) (label cfg-2) (set! s4-0 (+ (-> gp-0 active-channels) (-> gp-0 float-channels))) (let ((s3-0 (-> pp clock frame-counter))) (b! (logtest? (-> obj draw status) (draw-control-status no-draw)) cfg-45 :delay (empty-form)) (set! s2-0 0) (b! #t cfg-30 :delay (nop!)) (label cfg-4) (set! s1-0 (-> gp-0 channel s2-0)) (b! (not (and (logtest? (-> s1-0 command) (joint-control-command thirty-two)) (!= (-> s1-0 eval-time) s3-0))) cfg-10 :delay (empty-form) ) ) (joint-control-channel-eval s1-0) ) (label cfg-10) (let ((v1-19 (-> s1-0 command))) (b! (!= v1-19 (joint-control-command stack)) cfg-12 :delay (nop!)) (b! #t cfg-29 :delay (nop!)) (label cfg-12) (cond ((= v1-19 (joint-control-command stack1)) (set! (-> gp-0 channel (+ s2-0 -1) frame-interp 0) (-> s1-0 frame-interp 0)) (set! (-> gp-0 channel (+ s2-0 -1) frame-interp 1) (-> s1-0 frame-interp 1)) ) (else (let ((s0-0 (-> s1-0 frame-group))) (when (not (and s0-0 (nonzero? s0-0) (= (logand (the-as int s0-0) 7) 4) (= (-> s0-0 type) art-joint-anim))) (go process-drawable-art-error "joint-anim") (break!) ;; (.lw ra-0 return-from-thread s7-0) ;; (.jr ra-0) ;; (nop!) ;; 0 ) (when (nonzero? (-> s0-0 frames flags)) (cond ((logtest? (-> s0-0 frames flags) 2) (update-time-stamp *anim-manager* s0-0) ) ((logtest? (-> s0-0 frames flags) 1) (decompress *anim-manager* s0-0) ) ) ) (set! (-> s1-0 frame-num) (fmax 0.0 (fmin (-> s1-0 frame-num) (the float (+ (-> s0-0 frames num-frames) -1)))) ) ) ) ) ) (label cfg-29) (+! s2-0 1) (label cfg-30) (b! (< s2-0 (the-as int s4-0)) cfg-4) (dotimes (v1-56 (the-as int s4-0)) (set! (-> gp-0 channel v1-56 frame-interp 0) (fmax 0.0 (fmin 1.0 (-> gp-0 channel v1-56 frame-interp 0)))) (set! (-> gp-0 channel v1-56 frame-interp 1) (fmax 0.0 (fmin 1.0 (-> gp-0 channel v1-56 frame-interp 1)))) ) (if (or (zero? s4-0) (or (not (-> gp-0 root-channel 0 frame-group)) (zero? (-> gp-0 active-channels)))) (logior! (-> obj draw status) (draw-control-status no-draw-temp)) ) (if (logtest? (-> obj skel status) (joint-control-status blend-shape blend-shape-valid)) (merc-blend-shape obj) ) (if (logtest? (-> obj skel status) (joint-control-status eye-anim-valid eye-anim)) (merc-eye-anim obj) ) (label cfg-45) (let ((a0-26 (-> gp-0 effect))) (if a0-26 (update-effects a0-26) ) ) ) 0 (none) ) ) ;; WARN: Function ja-post has a return type of none, but the expression builder found a return statement. (defbehavior ja-post process-drawable () (when (nonzero? (-> self draw)) (let ((gp-1 (logtest? (-> self draw status) (draw-control-status uninited)))) (logclear! (-> self draw status) (draw-control-status no-draw-temp uninited)) (when (nonzero? (-> self skel)) (evaluate-joint-control self) (when (or (logtest? (-> self skel status) (joint-control-status sync-math)) gp-1) (do-joint-math (-> self draw) (-> self node-list) (-> self skel)) (if (and gp-1 (type? (-> self root) collide-shape)) (update-transforms (the-as collide-shape (-> self root))) ) (return #f) ) ) ) (let ((v1-23 *matrix-engine*)) (set! (-> v1-23 (-> v1-23 length)) (process->handle self)) (+! (-> v1-23 length) 1) ) ) 0 (none) ) (defmethod current-cycle-distance joint-control ((obj joint-control)) (cond ((< (the-as int (-> obj root-channel)) (the-as int (-> obj channel (-> obj active-channels)))) (let ((s4-0 (-> obj root-channel (-> obj root-channel 0 group-size))) (s3-0 (the-as joint-control-channel (-> obj root-channel))) (s5-0 (the-as (pointer float) (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector))) ) (while (< (the-as int s3-0) (the-as int s4-0)) (case (-> s3-0 command) (((joint-control-command push)) (set! (-> s5-0 0) (-> s3-0 dist)) (set! s5-0 (&-> s5-0 1)) ) (((joint-control-command blend) (joint-control-command push1) (joint-control-command float)) (set! (-> s5-0 -1) (lerp (-> s5-0 -1) (-> s3-0 dist) (-> s3-0 frame-interp (-> obj active-frame-interp)))) ) (((joint-control-command stack)) (set! (-> s5-0 -2) (lerp (-> s5-0 -2) (-> s5-0 -1) (-> s3-0 frame-interp (-> obj active-frame-interp)))) (set! s5-0 (&-> s5-0 -1)) ) ) (&+! s3-0 64) ) (-> s5-0 -1) ) ) (else 0.0 ) ) ) (defmethod new top-anim-joint-control ((allocation symbol) (type-to-make type) (arg0 process-drawable)) (let ((gp-0 (object-new allocation type-to-make (the-as int (-> type-to-make size))))) (set! (-> gp-0 process) (the-as (pointer process-drawable) (process->ppointer arg0))) (set! (-> gp-0 interp-select 0) (the-as uint (-> arg0 skel interp-select 0))) (set! (-> gp-0 interp-select 1) (the-as uint (-> arg0 skel interp-select 1))) (set! (-> gp-0 base-anim-speed) 1.0) (set! (-> gp-0 base-anim-blend) 0.1333333) (set! (-> gp-0 frame-post-put-away) #f) (reset gp-0) gp-0 ) ) ;; WARN: Return type mismatch top-anim-joint-control vs none. (defmethod reset top-anim-joint-control ((obj top-anim-joint-control)) (let ((v0-0 obj)) (set! (-> v0-0 interp) 0.0) (set! (-> v0-0 frame-targ) #f) (set! (-> v0-0 frame-group) #f) (set! (-> v0-0 frame-group-push) #f) (set! (-> v0-0 frame-num) 0.0) (set! (-> v0-0 frame-start) 0.0) (set! (-> v0-0 frame-blend) 0.0) (set! (-> v0-0 frame-post-blend) 0.1333333) (set! (-> v0-0 frame-post-end) 0.0) (set! (-> v0-0 base-anim) #f) (set! (-> v0-0 base-anim-speed) 1.0) (set! (-> v0-0 base-anim-blend) 0.1333333) ) (none) ) (defmethod get-channel top-anim-joint-control ((obj top-anim-joint-control) (arg0 int)) (case arg0 ((1) (case (-> obj process 0 skel float-channels) ((2) (-> obj process 0 skel channel (-> obj process 0 skel active-channels)) ) (else (the-as joint-control-channel #f) ) ) ) (else (case (-> obj process 0 skel float-channels) ((1) (-> obj process 0 skel channel (-> obj process 0 skel active-channels)) ) ((2) (-> obj process 0 skel channel (+ (-> obj process 0 skel active-channels) 1)) ) (else (the-as joint-control-channel #f) ) ) ) ) ) (defmethod push-anim-to-targ top-anim-joint-control ((obj top-anim-joint-control) (arg0 art-joint-anim) (arg1 float) (arg2 int) (arg3 int) (arg4 float) (arg5 float) (arg6 symbol) ) (with-pp (when (!= (-> obj interp) 0.0) (let ((v1-1 obj)) (set! (-> v1-1 frame-targ) arg0) (set! (-> v1-1 frame-speed) arg4) (set! (-> v1-1 frame-start) (/ arg1 (-> arg0 artist-step))) (set! (-> v1-1 frame-blend) (if (zero? arg2) 0.0 (/ 5.0 (+ 5.0 (the float arg2))) ) ) (set! (-> v1-1 frame-post-blend) (if (zero? arg3) 0.0 (/ 5.0 (+ 5.0 (the float arg3))) ) ) (set! (-> v1-1 frame-post-end) (/ arg5 (-> arg0 artist-step))) (set! (-> v1-1 frame-push-time) (-> pp clock frame-counter)) (set! (-> v1-1 frame-post-put-away) #f) ) (if arg6 (sound-play-by-spec (the-as sound-spec arg6) (new-sound-id) (the-as vector #t)) ) ) 0 (none) ) ) (defmethod update top-anim-joint-control ((obj top-anim-joint-control)) (with-pp (let* ((v1-0 (-> obj process)) (pp (if v1-0 (the-as process-drawable (-> v1-0 0 self)) ) ) ) (let ((s3-0 (get-channel obj 1)) (s5-0 (get-channel obj 0)) (s4-0 (-> obj base-anim)) ) (set! (-> obj frame-group-push) #f) (cond ((= (-> obj interp) 0.0) (when s5-0 (seek! (-> s5-0 frame-interp 1) 0.0 (* 8.0 (-> pp clock seconds-per-frame))) (if s3-0 (set! (-> s3-0 frame-interp 1) (fmin (-> s3-0 frame-interp 1) (-> s5-0 frame-interp 1))) ) (when (= (-> s5-0 frame-interp 1) 0.0) (set! (-> obj frame-post-put-away) #f) (when (= (-> obj interp) 0.0) (joint-channel-float-delete! s5-0) (set! (-> obj frame-group) #f) (set! (-> obj frame-num) 0.0) (set! (-> pp skel generate-frame-function) create-interpolated-joint-animation-frame) ) (when s3-0 (joint-channel-float-delete! s3-0) (set! (-> obj frame-group-push) #f) ) ) ) ) (else (when (or (not s5-0) (or (and (-> obj frame-targ) (and (!= (-> obj frame-blend) 0.0) (or (!= (-> s5-0 frame-group) (-> obj frame-targ)) (< (-> obj update-time) (-> obj frame-push-time))) ) ) (and (not (-> obj frame-targ)) (!= (-> s5-0 frame-group) s4-0) (set! (-> obj frame-blend) (-> obj frame-post-blend)) ) ) ) (when s3-0 (joint-channel-float-delete! s3-0) (set! (-> obj frame-group-push) #f) (set! s5-0 (get-channel obj 0)) (set! (-> s5-0 frame-interp 1) (-> obj interp)) ) (set! (-> pp skel generate-frame-function) create-interpolated2-joint-animation-frame) (let ((s2-0 (the-as basic (-> obj frame-targ)))) (set! s2-0 (cond ((the-as art-joint-anim s2-0) (empty) s2-0 ) (else s4-0 ) ) ) (set! s3-0 s5-0) (if s3-0 (set! (-> obj frame-group-push) (-> s3-0 frame-group)) ) (cond ((= s4-0 s2-0) (let ((v1-30 (ja-channel-float! (the-as art-joint-anim s2-0) 0.0 0.0 0.0))) (set! s5-0 (when v1-30 (set! (-> v1-30 param 0) 1.0) (set! (-> v1-30 num-func) num-func-loop!) v1-30 ) ) ) (when s5-0 (set! (-> s5-0 frame-num) (-> obj frame-start)) (set! (-> obj base-anim-speed) 1.0) (set! (-> obj base-anim-blend) 0.1333333) ) ) ((>= (-> obj frame-speed) 0.0) (let ((v1-35 (ja-channel-float! (the-as art-joint-anim s2-0) 0.0 0.0 0.0))) (set! s5-0 (when v1-35 (set! (-> v1-35 param 0) (- (the float (+ (-> (the-as art-joint-anim s2-0) frames num-frames) -1)) (-> obj frame-post-end)) ) (set! (-> v1-35 param 1) (-> obj frame-speed)) (set! (-> v1-35 num-func) num-func-seek!) v1-35 ) ) ) (if s5-0 (set! (-> s5-0 frame-num) (-> obj frame-start)) ) ) (else (when s5-0 (let ((v1-39 (ja-channel-float! (the-as art-joint-anim s2-0) 0.0 0.0 0.0))) (set! s5-0 (when v1-39 (set! (-> v1-39 param 0) 0.0) (set! (-> v1-39 param 1) (fabs (-> obj frame-speed))) (set! (-> v1-39 num-func) num-func-seek!) v1-39 ) ) ) (when s5-0 (set! (-> s5-0 frame-num) (- (the float (+ (-> s5-0 frame-group frames num-frames) -1)) (-> obj frame-start))) (set! (-> obj base-anim-speed) 1.0) (set! (-> obj base-anim-blend) 0.1333333) ) ) ) ) ) (when s5-0 (set! (-> obj frame-group) (-> s5-0 frame-group)) (set! (-> obj frame-num) (-> s5-0 frame-num)) (set! (-> obj frame-cur-blend) (-> obj frame-blend)) ) ) (when s5-0 (set! (-> pp skel interp-select 0) (the-as int (-> obj interp-select 0))) (set! (-> pp skel interp-select 1) (the-as int (-> obj interp-select 1))) (let ((f0-35 (cond ((not (-> obj frame-targ)) (-> obj base-anim-blend) ) (s3-0 (-> obj frame-cur-blend) ) (else 0.1333333 ) ) ) ) (if (= f0-35 0.0) (set! (-> s5-0 frame-interp 1) (-> obj interp)) (seek! (-> s5-0 frame-interp 1) (-> obj interp) (* f0-35 (-> pp clock time-adjust-ratio))) ) ) (when s3-0 (set! (-> obj frame-group-push) (-> s3-0 frame-group)) (set! (-> s3-0 frame-interp 1) (-> obj interp)) (if (!= (-> s3-0 eval-time) (-> pp clock frame-counter)) (joint-control-channel-eval s3-0) ) (when (= (-> s5-0 frame-interp 1) (-> obj interp)) (joint-channel-float-delete! s3-0) (set! (-> obj frame-group-push) #f) (set! s5-0 (get-channel obj 0)) (set! (-> s5-0 frame-interp 1) (-> obj interp)) ) ) (let ((v1-70 (-> obj frame-targ))) (cond (v1-70 (cond ((= (-> s5-0 frame-group) v1-70) (if (!= (-> s5-0 eval-time) (-> pp clock frame-counter)) (joint-control-channel-eval s5-0) ) (when (= (-> s5-0 frame-num) (-> s5-0 param 0)) (set! (-> obj frame-targ) #f) (set! (-> obj frame-start) 0.0) (cond ((-> obj frame-post-put-away) (set! (-> obj interp) 0.0) (set! (-> obj frame-post-put-away) #f) ) ((!= (-> obj frame-post-blend) 0.0) (set! (-> s5-0 param 0) (the float (+ (-> s5-0 frame-group frames num-frames) -1))) ) (else (set! (-> s5-0 frame-num) 0.0) (set! (-> s5-0 frame-group) (the-as art-joint-anim s4-0)) (set! (-> s5-0 num-func) num-func-loop!) (set! (-> s5-0 param 0) 1.0) ) ) ) ) (else (set! (-> s5-0 eval-time) (the-as uint (-> pp clock frame-counter))) (set! (-> s5-0 frame-group) v1-70) (set! (-> s5-0 frame-num) (if (< (-> obj frame-speed) 0.0) (- (the float (+ (-> v1-70 frames num-frames) -1)) (-> obj frame-start)) (set! (-> s5-0 frame-num) (-> obj frame-start)) ) ) (set! (-> s5-0 num-func) num-func-seek!) (if (>= (-> obj frame-speed) 0.0) (set! (-> s5-0 param 0) (- (the float (+ (-> s5-0 frame-group frames num-frames) -1)) (-> obj frame-post-end)) ) (set! (-> s5-0 param 0) 0.0) ) (set! (-> s5-0 param 1) (fabs (-> obj frame-speed))) ) ) ) (else (when (!= (-> s5-0 frame-group) s4-0) (set! (-> s5-0 frame-num) 0.0) (set! (-> obj base-anim-speed) 1.0) (set! (-> obj base-anim-blend) 0.1333333) ) (set! (-> s5-0 frame-group) (the-as art-joint-anim s4-0)) (set! (-> s5-0 num-func) num-func-loop!) (set! (-> s5-0 param 0) (-> obj base-anim-speed)) (set! (-> obj frame-post-blend) 0.1333333) ) ) ) (set! (-> obj frame-group) (-> s5-0 frame-group)) (set! (-> obj frame-num) (-> s5-0 frame-num)) ) ) ) ) (set! (-> obj update-time) (-> pp clock frame-counter)) ) 0 (none) ) ) ;; WARN: new jak 2 until loop case, check carefully (defbehavior sleep-code process-drawable () (until #f (logior! (-> self mask) (process-mask sleep-code)) (suspend) ) #f ) (defbehavior transform-and-sleep process-drawable () (let ((gp-0 (-> self skel status))) (logior! (-> self skel status) (joint-control-status sync-math)) (ja-post) (update-transforms (the-as collide-shape (-> self root))) (set! (-> self skel status) gp-0) ) (logior! (-> self mask) (process-mask sleep)) (suspend) 0 (none) ) (defbehavior transform-and-sleep-code process-drawable () (let ((gp-0 (-> self skel status))) (logior! (-> self skel status) (joint-control-status sync-math)) (ja-post) (update-transforms (the-as collide-shape (-> self root))) (set! (-> self skel status) gp-0) ) (logior! (-> self mask) (process-mask sleep-code)) (suspend) 0 (none) ) (defbehavior transform-post process-drawable () (ja-post) (update-transforms (the-as collide-shape (-> self root))) 0 ) (defbehavior rider-trans process-drawable () (detect-riders! (the-as collide-shape (-> self root))) 0 (none) ) (defbehavior rider-post process-drawable () (ja-post) (let ((gp-0 (the-as collide-shape (-> self root)))) (update-transforms gp-0) (pull-riders! gp-0) (do-push-aways gp-0) ) 0 (none) ) (defbehavior pusher-post process-drawable () (ja-post) (let ((gp-0 (the-as collide-shape (-> self root)))) (update-transforms gp-0) (do-push-aways gp-0) ) 0 ) (defbehavior process-drawable-delay-player process-drawable ((arg0 time-frame)) (while (and *target* (logtest? (-> *target* focus-status) (focus-status in-air))) (suspend) ) (set! (-> self state-time) (-> self clock frame-counter)) (process-grab? *target* #f) (while (or (-> *setting-control* user-current talking) (-> *setting-control* user-current spooling) (-> *setting-control* user-current hint) (-> *setting-control* user-current ambient) ) (suspend) ) (while (< (- (-> self clock frame-counter) (-> self state-time)) arg0) (suspend) ) (process-release? *target*) (suspend) 0 ) ;; WARN: Return type mismatch entity-perm-status vs none. (defbehavior process-drawable-fuel-cell-handler process-drawable ((arg0 process) (arg1 int) (arg2 symbol) (arg3 event-message-block)) (case arg2 (('notify) (case (-> arg3 param 0) (('pickup) (if (type? arg0 fuel-cell) (process-entity-status! self (entity-perm-status dead) #t) ) ) ) ) ) (none) ) ;; WARN: Found some very strange gotos. Check result carefully, this is not well tested. (defbehavior process-drawable-birth-fuel-cell process-drawable ((arg0 entity) (arg1 vector) (arg2 symbol)) (let ((v1-0 arg0) (gp-0 (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector)) ) (if (not v1-0) (set! v1-0 (-> self entity)) ) (if arg1 (set! (-> gp-0 quad) (-> arg1 quad)) (set! (-> gp-0 quad) (-> v1-0 extra trans quad)) ) (let ((s5-0 (-> v1-0 extra perm task)) (s4-0 (new 'static 'fact-info)) ) (set! (-> s4-0 options) (actor-option)) (if arg2 (set! (-> s4-0 options) (actor-option auto-pickup)) ) (when (and (nonzero? s5-0) (not (task-complete? *game-info* (the-as game-task s5-0)))) (label cfg-12) (birth-pickup-at-point gp-0 (pickup-type fuel-cell) (the float s5-0) #f self s4-0) (when (not (-> self child)) (suspend) (goto cfg-12) ) ) ) ) 0 (none) ) ;; WARN: Found some very strange gotos. Check result carefully, this is not well tested. ;; WARN: Return type mismatch object vs process-focusable. (defbehavior find-offending-process-focusable process-drawable ((arg0 process-tree) (arg1 attack-info)) (let ((s5-0 (the-as object #f))) (when (and arg1 (logtest? (-> arg1 mask) (attack-info-mask attacker))) (let ((s4-0 (handle->process (-> arg1 attacker)))) (set! s5-0 (if (type? s4-0 process-focusable) s4-0 ) ) ) ) (when (not (the-as process s5-0)) (let ((a1-3 (new 'stack-no-clear 'event-message-block))) (set! (-> a1-3 from) (process->ppointer self)) (set! (-> a1-3 num-params) 0) (set! (-> a1-3 message) 'get-offending-focusable) (set! s5-0 (send-event-function arg0 a1-3)) ) (when (not s5-0) (label cfg-16) (b! (not arg0) cfg-24 :delay (empty-form)) (set! s5-0 (cond ((type? arg0 process-focusable) arg0 ) (else (let ((v1-12 process-tree)) (b! (= (-> arg0 type) v1-12) cfg-24 :delay (nop!)) ) (nop!) (set! arg0 (ppointer->process (-> arg0 parent))) (goto cfg-16) s5-0 ) ) ) 0 ) ) (label cfg-24) (the-as process-focusable s5-0) ) ) (when *debug-segment* (define *valid-con* (new 'debug 'string #x4000 (the-as string #f))) ) (defun-debug process-drawable-valid? ((arg0 process-drawable)) (let ((s5-0 #t)) (clear *valid-con*) (format *valid-con* "~%--- ~A -----------------------------~%" arg0) (dotimes (s4-0 (-> arg0 node-list length)) (let ((s3-0 (-> arg0 node-list data s4-0))) (when (-> s3-0 geo) (cond ((valid? (-> s3-0 geo) drawable (the-as symbol "cspace geo") #t *valid-con*) ) (else (format *valid-con* "ERROR: ~A has an invalid geo ~A~%" s3-0 (-> s3-0 geo)) (set! s5-0 #f) ) ) ) ) ) (let ((s4-1 (+ (-> arg0 skel active-channels) (-> arg0 skel float-channels)))) (when (< (-> arg0 skel allocated-length) s4-1) (format *valid-con* "ERROR: ~~A has ~D joint channels, but only ~D are allowed~%" arg0 s4-1 (-> arg0 skel allocated-length) ) (set! s5-0 #f) ) (dotimes (s3-1 (the-as int s4-1)) (let ((s2-0 (-> arg0 skel channel s3-1))) (cond ((logtest? (-> s2-0 command) (joint-control-command joint-control-command-4)) ) ((valid? (-> s2-0 frame-group) art-joint-anim (the-as symbol "joint-control frame-group") #t *valid-con*) (when (not (and (>= (the int (-> s2-0 frame-num)) 0) (< (the int (-> s2-0 frame-num)) (the-as int (-> s2-0 frame-group frames num-frames))) ) ) (format *valid-con* "ERROR: ~`joint-control-channel`P #~D has an invalid frame-num ~F/~D [0-~D]~%" s2-0 s3-1 (-> s2-0 frame-num) (the int (-> s2-0 frame-num)) (+ (-> s2-0 frame-group frames num-frames) -1) ) (set! s5-0 #f) ) ) (else (format *valid-con* "ERROR: ~`joint-control-channel`P #~D has an invalid frame-group ~A~%" s2-0 s3-1 (-> s2-0 frame-group) ) (set! s5-0 #f) ) ) ) ) ) (when (not s5-0) (format *valid-con* "--------------------------------~%~%") (format 0 "~S" *valid-con*) ) s5-0 ) )