//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // COMPILE-TIME OPTIONS FOR DEAR IMGUI // Runtime options (clipboard callbacks, enabling various features, etc.) can generally be set via the ImGuiIO structure. // You can use ImGui::SetAllocatorFunctions() before calling ImGui::CreateContext() to rewire memory allocation functions. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // A) You may edit imconfig.h (and not overwrite it when updating Dear ImGui, or maintain a patch/rebased branch with your modifications to it) // B) or '#define IMGUI_USER_CONFIG "my_imgui_config.h"' in your project and then add directives in your own file without touching this template. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // You need to make sure that configuration settings are defined consistently _everywhere_ Dear ImGui is used, which include the imgui*.cpp // files but also _any_ of your code that uses Dear ImGui. This is because some compile-time options have an affect on data structures. // Defining those options in imconfig.h will ensure every compilation unit gets to see the same data structure layouts. // Call IMGUI_CHECKVERSION() from your .cpp files to verify that the data structures your files are using are matching the ones imgui.cpp is using. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #pragma once #include "common/util/Assert.h" //---- Define assertion handler. Defaults to calling assert(). // If your macro uses multiple statements, make sure is enclosed in a 'do { .. } while (0)' block so it can be used as a single statement. #ifdef __linux__ #define IM_ASSERT(_EXPR) ASSERT(_EXPR) #endif //#define IM_ASSERT(_EXPR) ((void)(_EXPR)) // Disable asserts //---- Define attributes of all API symbols declarations, e.g. for DLL under Windows // Using Dear ImGui via a shared library is not recommended, because of function call overhead and because we don't guarantee backward nor forward ABI compatibility. // DLL users: heaps and globals are not shared across DLL boundaries! You will need to call SetCurrentContext() + SetAllocatorFunctions() // for each static/DLL boundary you are calling from. Read "Context and Memory Allocators" section of imgui.cpp for more details. //#define IMGUI_API __declspec( dllexport ) //#define IMGUI_API __declspec( dllimport ) //---- Don't define obsolete functions/enums/behaviors. Consider enabling from time to time after updating to avoid using soon-to-be obsolete function/names. //#define IMGUI_DISABLE_OBSOLETE_FUNCTIONS //---- Disable all of Dear ImGui or don't implement standard windows. // It is very strongly recommended to NOT disable the demo windows during development. Please read comments in imgui_demo.cpp. //#define IMGUI_DISABLE // Disable everything: all headers and source files will be empty. //#define IMGUI_DISABLE_DEMO_WINDOWS // Disable demo windows: ShowDemoWindow()/ShowStyleEditor() will be empty. Not recommended. //#define IMGUI_DISABLE_METRICS_WINDOW // Disable metrics/debugger window: ShowMetricsWindow() will be empty. //---- Don't implement some functions to reduce linkage requirements. //#define IMGUI_DISABLE_WIN32_DEFAULT_CLIPBOARD_FUNCTIONS // [Win32] Don't implement default clipboard handler. Won't use and link with OpenClipboard/GetClipboardData/CloseClipboard etc. (user32.lib/.a, kernel32.lib/.a) //#define IMGUI_ENABLE_WIN32_DEFAULT_IME_FUNCTIONS // [Win32] [Default with Visual Studio] Implement default IME handler (require imm32.lib/.a, auto-link for Visual Studio, -limm32 on command-line for MinGW) //#define IMGUI_DISABLE_WIN32_DEFAULT_IME_FUNCTIONS // [Win32] [Default with non-Visual Studio compilers] Don't implement default IME handler (won't require imm32.lib/.a) //#define IMGUI_DISABLE_WIN32_FUNCTIONS // [Win32] Won't use and link with any Win32 function (clipboard, ime). //#define IMGUI_ENABLE_OSX_DEFAULT_CLIPBOARD_FUNCTIONS // [OSX] Implement default OSX clipboard handler (need to link with '-framework ApplicationServices', this is why this is not the default). //#define IMGUI_DISABLE_DEFAULT_FORMAT_FUNCTIONS // Don't implement ImFormatString/ImFormatStringV so you can implement them yourself (e.g. if you don't want to link with vsnprintf) //#define IMGUI_DISABLE_DEFAULT_MATH_FUNCTIONS // Don't implement ImFabs/ImSqrt/ImPow/ImFmod/ImCos/ImSin/ImAcos/ImAtan2 so you can implement them yourself. //#define IMGUI_DISABLE_FILE_FUNCTIONS // Don't implement ImFileOpen/ImFileClose/ImFileRead/ImFileWrite and ImFileHandle at all (replace them with dummies) //#define IMGUI_DISABLE_DEFAULT_FILE_FUNCTIONS // Don't implement ImFileOpen/ImFileClose/ImFileRead/ImFileWrite and ImFileHandle so you can implement them yourself if you don't want to link with fopen/fclose/fread/fwrite. This will also disable the LogToTTY() function. //#define IMGUI_DISABLE_DEFAULT_ALLOCATORS // Don't implement default allocators calling malloc()/free() to avoid linking with them. You will need to call ImGui::SetAllocatorFunctions(). //#define IMGUI_DISABLE_SSE // Disable use of SSE intrinsics even if available //---- Include imgui_user.h at the end of imgui.h as a convenience //#define IMGUI_INCLUDE_IMGUI_USER_H //---- Pack colors to BGRA8 instead of RGBA8 (to avoid converting from one to another) //#define IMGUI_USE_BGRA_PACKED_COLOR //---- Use 32-bit for ImWchar (default is 16-bit) to support unicode planes 1-16. (e.g. point beyond 0xFFFF like emoticons, dingbats, symbols, shapes, ancient languages, etc...) //#define IMGUI_USE_WCHAR32 //---- Avoid multiple STB libraries implementations, or redefine path/filenames to prioritize another version // By default the embedded implementations are declared static and not available outside of Dear ImGui sources files. //#define IMGUI_STB_TRUETYPE_FILENAME "my_folder/stb_truetype.h" //#define IMGUI_STB_RECT_PACK_FILENAME "my_folder/stb_rect_pack.h" //#define IMGUI_DISABLE_STB_TRUETYPE_IMPLEMENTATION //#define IMGUI_DISABLE_STB_RECT_PACK_IMPLEMENTATION //---- Use stb_printf's faster implementation of vsnprintf instead of the one from libc (unless IMGUI_DISABLE_DEFAULT_FORMAT_FUNCTIONS is defined) // Requires 'stb_sprintf.h' to be available in the include path. Compatibility checks of arguments and formats done by clang and GCC will be disabled in order to support the extra formats provided by STB sprintf. // #define IMGUI_USE_STB_SPRINTF //---- Use FreeType to build and rasterize the font atlas (instead of stb_truetype which is embedded by default in Dear ImGui) // Requires FreeType headers to be available in the include path. Requires program to be compiled with 'misc/freetype/imgui_freetype.cpp' (in this repository) + the FreeType library (not provided). // On Windows you may use vcpkg with 'vcpkg install freetype --triplet=x64-windows' + 'vcpkg integrate install'. //#define IMGUI_ENABLE_FREETYPE //---- Use stb_truetype to build and rasterize the font atlas (default) // The only purpose of this define is if you want force compilation of the stb_truetype backend ALONG with the FreeType backend. //#define IMGUI_ENABLE_STB_TRUETYPE //---- Define constructor and implicit cast operators to convert back<>forth between your math types and ImVec2/ImVec4. // This will be inlined as part of ImVec2 and ImVec4 class declarations. /* #define IM_VEC2_CLASS_EXTRA \ ImVec2(const MyVec2& f) { x = f.x; y = f.y; } \ operator MyVec2() const { return MyVec2(x,y); } #define IM_VEC4_CLASS_EXTRA \ ImVec4(const MyVec4& f) { x = f.x; y = f.y; z = f.z; w = f.w; } \ operator MyVec4() const { return MyVec4(x,y,z,w); } */ //---- Use 32-bit vertex indices (default is 16-bit) is one way to allow large meshes with more than 64K vertices. // Your renderer backend will need to support it (most example renderer backends support both 16/32-bit indices). // Another way to allow large meshes while keeping 16-bit indices is to handle ImDrawCmd::VtxOffset in your renderer. // Read about ImGuiBackendFlags_RendererHasVtxOffset for details. //#define ImDrawIdx unsigned int //---- Override ImDrawCallback signature (will need to modify renderer backends accordingly) //struct ImDrawList; //struct ImDrawCmd; //typedef void (*MyImDrawCallback)(const ImDrawList* draw_list, const ImDrawCmd* cmd, void* my_renderer_user_data); //#define ImDrawCallback MyImDrawCallback //---- Debug Tools: Macro to break in Debugger // (use 'Metrics->Tools->Item Picker' to pick widgets with the mouse and break into them for easy debugging.) //#define IM_DEBUG_BREAK IM_ASSERT(0) //#define IM_DEBUG_BREAK __debugbreak() //---- Debug Tools: Have the Item Picker break in the ItemAdd() function instead of ItemHoverable(), // (which comes earlier in the code, will catch a few extra items, allow picking items other than Hovered one.) // This adds a small runtime cost which is why it is not enabled by default. //#define IMGUI_DEBUG_TOOL_ITEM_PICKER_EX //---- Debug Tools: Enable slower asserts //#define IMGUI_DEBUG_PARANOID //---- Tip: You can add extra functions within the ImGui:: namespace, here or in your own headers files. /* namespace ImGui { void MyFunction(const char* name, const MyMatrix44& v); } */