{ ////////////////////// // ART INFO ////////////////////// // defines what art group each file or function is using. // by default, the decompiler assumes this to be the name of the current type + -ag // so you only need to specify it when that's not the case. // remap names for states and behaviors of these types "type_remap": { "target": "jakb-ag", "sidekick": "daxter-ag", "wings": "jakb-ag", "lightjak-shield": "jakb-ag", "freeze-screen": "collectables-ag", "red-3-sphere": "gun-ag", "gun-dark-3-sphere": "gun-ag" }, // remap names for types in an entire file (higher priority) "file_override": { "target-indax": { "target": "daxter-ag" } // in target-indax.gc, the remap for 'target' will be set to 'daxter-ag' }, // some art groups (like robotboss-ag) have a name for their model that differs // from the usual ag-name + "-lod0". you can add those exceptions here. "joint_node_hacks": { // "robotboss-ag": "robotboss-basic" } }