/*! * @file ObjectFileDB.cpp * A "database" of object files found in DGO files. * Eliminates duplicate object files, and also assigns unique names to all object files * (there may be different object files with the same name sometimes) */ #include "ObjectFileDB.h" #include #include #include #include #include "LinkedObjectFileCreation.h" #include "decompiler/config.h" #include "third-party/minilzo/minilzo.h" #include "common/util/BinaryReader.h" #include "decompiler/util/FileIO.h" #include "common/util/Timer.h" #include "common/util/FileUtil.h" #include "decompiler/Function/BasicBlocks.h" #include "decompiler/IR/BasicOpBuilder.h" #include "decompiler/IR/CfgBuilder.h" #include "third-party/spdlog/include/spdlog/spdlog.h" /*! * Get a unique name for this object file. */ std::string ObjectFileRecord::to_unique_name() const { return name + "-v" + std::to_string(version); } std::string ObjectFileData::to_unique_name() const { if (has_multiple_versions) { std::string result = record.name + "-"; auto dgo_names_sorted = dgo_names; std::sort(dgo_names_sorted.begin(), dgo_names_sorted.end()); for (auto x : dgo_names_sorted) { auto ext = x.substr(x.length() - 4, 4); if (ext == ".CGO" || ext == ".cgo" || ext == ".DGO" || ext == ".dgo") { x = x.substr(0, x.length() - 4); } result += x + "-"; } result.pop_back(); return result; } else { return record.name; } } ObjectFileData& ObjectFileDB::lookup_record(ObjectFileRecord rec) { ObjectFileData* result = nullptr; for (auto& x : obj_files_by_name[rec.name]) { if (x.record.version == rec.version) { assert(x.record.hash == rec.hash); assert(!result); result = &x; } } assert(result); return *result; } /*! * Build an object file DB for the given list of DGOs. */ ObjectFileDB::ObjectFileDB(const std::vector& _dgos) { Timer timer; spdlog::info("-Loading types..."); dts.parse_type_defs({"decompiler", "config", "all-types.gc"}); spdlog::info("-Initializing ObjectFileDB..."); for (auto& dgo : _dgos) { get_objs_from_dgo(dgo); } spdlog::info("ObjectFileDB Initialized:"); spdlog::info("Total DGOs: {}", int(_dgos.size())); spdlog::info("Total data: {} bytes", stats.total_dgo_bytes); spdlog::info("Total objs: {}", stats.total_obj_files); spdlog::info("Unique objs: {}", stats.unique_obj_files); spdlog::info("Unique data: {} bytes", stats.unique_obj_bytes); spdlog::info("Total {} ms ({:3f} MB/sec, {} obj/sec", timer.getMs(), stats.total_dgo_bytes / ((1u << 20u) * timer.getSeconds()), stats.total_obj_files / timer.getSeconds()); } // Header for a DGO file struct DgoHeader { uint32_t size; char name[60]; }; namespace { /*! * Assert false if the char[] has non-null data after the null terminated string. * Used to sanity check the sizes of strings in DGO/object file headers. */ void assert_string_empty_after(const char* str, int size) { auto ptr = str; while (*ptr) ptr++; while (ptr - str < size) { assert(!*ptr); ptr++; } } } // namespace namespace { std::string get_object_file_name(const std::string& original_name, uint8_t* data, int size) { const char art_group_text[] = "/src/next/data/art-group6/"; // todo, this may change in other games const char suffix[] = "-ag.go"; int len = int(strlen(art_group_text)); for (int start = 0; start < size; start++) { bool failed = false; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (start + i >= size || data[start + i] != art_group_text[i]) { failed = true; break; } } if (!failed) { for (int i = 0; i < int(original_name.length()); i++) { if (start + len + i >= size || data[start + len + i] != original_name[i]) { assert(false); } } assert(int(strlen(suffix)) + start + len + int(original_name.length()) < size); assert(!memcmp(data + start + len + original_name.length(), suffix, strlen(suffix) + 1)); return original_name + "-ag"; } } return original_name; } } // namespace constexpr int MAX_CHUNK_SIZE = 0x8000; /*! * Load the objects stored in the given DGO into the ObjectFileDB */ void ObjectFileDB::get_objs_from_dgo(const std::string& filename) { auto dgo_data = file_util::read_binary_file(filename); stats.total_dgo_bytes += dgo_data.size(); const char jak2_header[] = "oZlB"; bool is_jak2 = true; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (jak2_header[i] != dgo_data[i]) { is_jak2 = false; } } if (is_jak2) { if (lzo_init() != LZO_E_OK) { assert(false); } BinaryReader compressed_reader(dgo_data); // seek past oZlB compressed_reader.ffwd(4); auto decompressed_size = compressed_reader.read(); std::vector decompressed_data; decompressed_data.resize(decompressed_size); size_t output_offset = 0; while (true) { // seek past alignment bytes and read the next chunk size uint32_t chunk_size = 0; while (!chunk_size) { chunk_size = compressed_reader.read(); } if (chunk_size < MAX_CHUNK_SIZE) { lzo_uint bytes_written; auto lzo_rv = lzo1x_decompress(compressed_reader.here(), chunk_size, decompressed_data.data() + output_offset, &bytes_written, nullptr); assert(lzo_rv == LZO_E_OK); compressed_reader.ffwd(chunk_size); output_offset += bytes_written; } else { // nope - sometimes chunk_size is bigger than MAX, but we should still use max. // assert(chunk_size == MAX_CHUNK_SIZE); memcpy(decompressed_data.data() + output_offset, compressed_reader.here(), MAX_CHUNK_SIZE); compressed_reader.ffwd(MAX_CHUNK_SIZE); output_offset += MAX_CHUNK_SIZE; } if (output_offset >= decompressed_size) break; while (compressed_reader.get_seek() % 4) { compressed_reader.ffwd(1); } } dgo_data = decompressed_data; } BinaryReader reader(dgo_data); auto header = reader.read(); auto dgo_base_name = base_name(filename); assert(header.name == dgo_base_name); assert_string_empty_after(header.name, 60); // get all obj files... for (uint32_t i = 0; i < header.size; i++) { auto obj_header = reader.read(); assert(reader.bytes_left() >= obj_header.size); assert_string_empty_after(obj_header.name, 60); auto name = get_object_file_name(obj_header.name, reader.here(), obj_header.size); add_obj_from_dgo(name, obj_header.name, reader.here(), obj_header.size, dgo_base_name); reader.ffwd(obj_header.size); } // check we're at the end assert(0 == reader.bytes_left()); } /*! * Add an object file to the ObjectFileDB */ void ObjectFileDB::add_obj_from_dgo(const std::string& obj_name, const std::string& name_in_dgo, uint8_t* obj_data, uint32_t obj_size, const std::string& dgo_name) { stats.total_obj_files++; assert(obj_size > 128); uint16_t version = *(uint16_t*)(obj_data + 8); auto hash = crc32(obj_data, obj_size); bool duplicated = false; // first, check to see if we already got it... for (auto& e : obj_files_by_name[obj_name]) { if (e.data.size() == obj_size && e.record.hash == hash) { // just to make sure we don't have a hash collision. assert(!memcmp(obj_data, e.data.data(), obj_size)); // already got it! e.reference_count++; auto& rec = e.record; assert(name_in_dgo == e.name_in_dgo); e.dgo_names.push_back(dgo_name); obj_files_by_dgo[dgo_name].push_back(rec); duplicated = true; break; } else { e.has_multiple_versions = true; } } if (duplicated) { return; } // nope, have to add a new one. ObjectFileData data; data.data.resize(obj_size); memcpy(data.data.data(), obj_data, obj_size); data.record.hash = hash; data.record.name = obj_name; data.dgo_names.push_back(dgo_name); if (obj_files_by_name[obj_name].empty()) { // if this is the first time we've seen this object file name, add it in the order. obj_file_order.push_back(obj_name); } data.record.version = obj_files_by_name[obj_name].size(); data.name_in_dgo = name_in_dgo; data.obj_version = version; obj_files_by_dgo[dgo_name].push_back(data.record); obj_files_by_name[obj_name].emplace_back(std::move(data)); stats.unique_obj_files++; stats.unique_obj_bytes += obj_size; if (obj_files_by_name[obj_name].size() > 1) { for (auto& e : obj_files_by_name[obj_name]) { e.has_multiple_versions = true; } } } /*! * Generate a listing of what object files go in which dgos */ std::string ObjectFileDB::generate_dgo_listing() { std::string result = ";; DGO File Listing\n\n"; std::vector dgo_names; for (auto& kv : obj_files_by_dgo) { dgo_names.push_back(kv.first); } std::sort(dgo_names.begin(), dgo_names.end()); for (const auto& name : dgo_names) { result += "(\"" + name + "\"\n"; for (auto& obj_rec : obj_files_by_dgo[name]) { auto obj = lookup_record(obj_rec); std::string extension = ".o"; if (obj.obj_version == 4 || obj.obj_version == 2) { extension = ".go"; } result += " (\"" + obj.to_unique_name() + extension + "\" \"" + obj.name_in_dgo + "\")\n"; } result += " )\n\n"; } return result; } namespace { std::string pad_string(const std::string& in, size_t length) { assert(in.length() < length); return in + std::string(length - in.length(), ' '); } } // namespace std::string ObjectFileDB::generate_obj_listing() { std::string result; std::set all_unique_names; int unique_count = 0; for (auto& obj_file : obj_file_order) { for (auto& x : obj_files_by_name.at(obj_file)) { std::string dgos = "["; for (auto& y : x.dgo_names) { assert(y.length() >= 5); dgos += "\"" + y.substr(0, y.length() - 4) + "\", "; } dgos.pop_back(); dgos.pop_back(); dgos += "]"; result += "[\"" + pad_string(x.to_unique_name() + "\", ", 40) + "\"" + pad_string(x.name_in_dgo + "\", ", 30) + std::to_string(x.obj_version) + ", " + dgos + ", \"\"],\n"; unique_count++; all_unique_names.insert(x.to_unique_name()); } } // this check is extremely important. It makes sure we don't have any repeat names. This could // be caused by two files with the same name, in the same DGOs, but different data. assert(int(all_unique_names.size()) == unique_count); return result; } /*! * Process all of the linking data of all objects. */ void ObjectFileDB::process_link_data() { spdlog::info("- Processing Link Data..."); Timer process_link_timer; LinkedObjectFile::Stats combined_stats; for_each_obj([&](ObjectFileData& obj) { obj.linked_data = to_linked_object_file(obj.data, obj.record.name, dts); combined_stats.add(obj.linked_data.stats); }); spdlog::info("Processed Link Data:"); spdlog::info(" Code {} bytes", combined_stats.total_code_bytes); spdlog::info(" v2 Code {} bytes", combined_stats.total_v2_code_bytes); spdlog::info(" v2 Link Data {} bytes", combined_stats.total_v2_link_bytes); spdlog::info(" v2 Pointers {}", combined_stats.total_v2_pointers); spdlog::info(" v2 Pointer Seeks {}", combined_stats.total_v2_pointer_seeks); spdlog::info(" v2 Symbols {}", combined_stats.total_v2_symbol_count); spdlog::info(" v2 Symbol Links {}", combined_stats.total_v2_symbol_links); spdlog::info(" v3 Code {} bytes", combined_stats.v3_code_bytes); spdlog::info(" v3 Link Data {} bytes", combined_stats.v3_link_bytes); spdlog::info(" v3 Pointers {}", combined_stats.v3_pointers); spdlog::info(" Split {}", combined_stats.v3_split_pointers); spdlog::info(" Word {}", combined_stats.v3_word_pointers); spdlog::info(" v3 Pointer Seeks {}", combined_stats.v3_pointer_seeks); spdlog::info(" v3 Symbols {}", combined_stats.v3_symbol_count); spdlog::info(" v3 Offset Symbol Links {}", combined_stats.v3_symbol_link_offset); spdlog::info(" v3 Word Symbol Links {}", combined_stats.v3_symbol_link_word); spdlog::info(" Total {} ms\n", process_link_timer.getMs()); // printf("\n"); } /*! * Process all of the labels generated from linking and give them reasonable names. */ void ObjectFileDB::process_labels() { spdlog::info("- Processing Labels..."); Timer process_label_timer; uint32_t total = 0; for_each_obj([&](ObjectFileData& obj) { total += obj.linked_data.set_ordered_label_names(); }); spdlog::info("Processed Labels:"); spdlog::info(" Total {} labels", total); spdlog::info(" Total {} ms", process_label_timer.getMs()); // printf("\n"); } /*! * Dump object files and their linking data to text files for debugging */ void ObjectFileDB::write_object_file_words(const std::string& output_dir, bool dump_v3_only) { if (dump_v3_only) { spdlog::info("- Writing object file dumps (v3 only)..."); } else { spdlog::info("- Writing object file dumps (all)..."); } Timer timer; uint32_t total_bytes = 0, total_files = 0; for_each_obj([&](ObjectFileData& obj) { if (obj.linked_data.segments == 3 || !dump_v3_only) { auto file_text = obj.linked_data.print_words(); auto file_name = combine_path(output_dir, obj.record.to_unique_name() + ".txt"); total_bytes += file_text.size(); file_util::write_text_file(file_name, file_text); total_files++; } }); spdlog::info("Wrote object file dumps:"); spdlog::info(" Total {} files", total_files); spdlog::info(" Total {:3f} MB", total_bytes / ((float)(1u << 20u))); spdlog::info(" Total {} ms ({:3f} MB/sec)", timer.getMs(), total_bytes / ((1u << 20u) * timer.getSeconds())); // printf("\n"); } /*! * Dump disassembly for object files containing code. Data zones will also be dumped. */ void ObjectFileDB::write_disassembly(const std::string& output_dir, bool disassemble_objects_without_functions) { spdlog::info("- Writing functions..."); Timer timer; uint32_t total_bytes = 0, total_files = 0; for_each_obj([&](ObjectFileData& obj) { if (obj.linked_data.has_any_functions() || disassemble_objects_without_functions) { auto file_text = obj.linked_data.print_disassembly(); auto file_name = combine_path(output_dir, obj.record.to_unique_name() + ".func"); total_bytes += file_text.size(); file_util::write_text_file(file_name, file_text); total_files++; } }); spdlog::info("Wrote functions dumps:"); spdlog::info(" Total {} files", total_files); spdlog::info(" Total {} MB", total_bytes / ((float)(1u << 20u))); spdlog::info(" Total {} ms ({:3f} MB/sec)", timer.getMs(), total_bytes / ((1u << 20u) * timer.getSeconds())); // printf("\n"); } /*! * Find code/data zones, identify functions, and disassemble */ void ObjectFileDB::find_code() { spdlog::info("- Finding code in object files..."); LinkedObjectFile::Stats combined_stats; Timer timer; for_each_obj([&](ObjectFileData& obj) { // printf("fc %s\n", obj.record.to_unique_name().c_str()); obj.linked_data.find_code(); obj.linked_data.find_functions(); obj.linked_data.disassemble_functions(); if (get_config().game_version == 1 || obj.record.to_unique_name() != "effect-control-v0") { obj.linked_data.process_fp_relative_links(); } else { spdlog::warn("Skipping process_fp_relative_links in {}", obj.record.to_unique_name().c_str()); } auto& obj_stats = obj.linked_data.stats; if (obj_stats.code_bytes / 4 > obj_stats.decoded_ops) { spdlog::warn("Failed to decode all in {} ({} / {})", obj.record.to_unique_name().c_str(), obj_stats.decoded_ops, obj_stats.code_bytes / 4); } combined_stats.add(obj.linked_data.stats); }); spdlog::info("Found code:"); spdlog::info(" Code {} MB", combined_stats.code_bytes / (float)(1 << 20)); spdlog::info(" Data {} MB", combined_stats.data_bytes / (float)(1 << 20)); spdlog::info(" Functions: {}", combined_stats.function_count); spdlog::info(" fp uses resolved: {} / {} ({} %)", combined_stats.n_fp_reg_use_resolved, combined_stats.n_fp_reg_use, 100.f * (float)combined_stats.n_fp_reg_use_resolved / combined_stats.n_fp_reg_use); auto total_ops = combined_stats.code_bytes / 4; spdlog::info(" Decoded {} / {} ({} %)", combined_stats.decoded_ops, total_ops, 100.f * (float)combined_stats.decoded_ops / total_ops); spdlog::info(" Total {} ms", timer.getMs()); // printf("\n"); } /*! * Finds and writes all scripts into a file named all_scripts.lisp. * Doesn't change any state in ObjectFileDB. */ void ObjectFileDB::find_and_write_scripts(const std::string& output_dir) { spdlog::info("- Finding scripts in object files..."); Timer timer; std::string all_scripts; for_each_obj([&](ObjectFileData& obj) { auto scripts = obj.linked_data.print_scripts(); if (!scripts.empty()) { all_scripts += ";--------------------------------------\n"; all_scripts += "; " + obj.record.to_unique_name() + "\n"; all_scripts += ";---------------------------------------\n"; all_scripts += scripts; } }); auto file_name = combine_path(output_dir, "all_scripts.lisp"); file_util::write_text_file(file_name, all_scripts); spdlog::info("Found scripts:"); spdlog::info(" Total {} ms\n", timer.getMs()); } void ObjectFileDB::analyze_functions() { spdlog::info("- Analyzing Functions..."); Timer timer; int total_functions = 0; int resolved_cfg_functions = 0; const auto& config = get_config(); { timer.start(); for_each_obj([&](ObjectFileData& data) { if (data.linked_data.segments == 3) { // the top level segment should have a single function assert(data.linked_data.functions_by_seg.at(2).size() == 1); auto& func = data.linked_data.functions_by_seg.at(2).front(); assert(func.guessed_name.empty()); func.guessed_name.set_as_top_level(); func.find_global_function_defs(data.linked_data, dts); func.find_method_defs(data.linked_data); } }); // check for function uniqueness. std::unordered_set unique_names; std::unordered_map> duplicated_functions; int uid = 1; for_each_function([&](Function& func, int segment_id, ObjectFileData& data) { (void)segment_id; func.guessed_name.unique_id = uid++; auto name = func.guessed_name.to_string(); if (func.guessed_name.expected_unique()) { if (unique_names.find(name) != unique_names.end()) { duplicated_functions[name].insert(data.record.to_unique_name()); } unique_names.insert(name); } if (config.asm_functions_by_name.find(name) != config.asm_functions_by_name.end()) { func.warnings += "flagged as asm by config\n"; func.suspected_asm = true; } }); for_each_function([&](Function& func, int segment_id, ObjectFileData& data) { (void)segment_id; auto name = func.guessed_name.to_string(); if (func.guessed_name.expected_unique()) { if (duplicated_functions.find(name) != duplicated_functions.end()) { duplicated_functions[name].insert(data.record.to_unique_name()); func.warnings += "this function exists in multiple non-identical object files"; } } }); // for(const auto& kv : duplicated_functions) { // printf("Function %s is found in non-identical object files:\n", kv.first.c_str()); // for(const auto& obj : kv.second) { // printf(" %s\n", obj.c_str()); // } // } } int total_trivial_cfg_functions = 0; int total_named_functions = 0; int total_basic_ops = 0; int total_failed_basic_ops = 0; int asm_funcs = 0; int non_asm_funcs = 0; int successful_cfg_irs = 0; std::map> unresolved_by_length; if (get_config().find_basic_blocks) { timer.start(); int total_basic_blocks = 0; for_each_function([&](Function& func, int segment_id, ObjectFileData& data) { // printf("in %s\n", func.guessed_name.to_string().c_str()); auto blocks = find_blocks_in_function(data.linked_data, segment_id, func); total_basic_blocks += blocks.size(); func.basic_blocks = blocks; total_functions++; if (!func.suspected_asm) { func.analyze_prologue(data.linked_data); func.cfg = build_cfg(data.linked_data, segment_id, func); for (auto& block : func.basic_blocks) { if (block.end_word > block.start_word) { add_basic_ops_to_block(&func, block, &data.linked_data); } } total_basic_ops += func.get_basic_op_count(); total_failed_basic_ops += func.get_failed_basic_op_count(); func.ir = build_cfg_ir(func, *func.cfg, data.linked_data); non_asm_funcs++; if (func.ir) { successful_cfg_irs++; } if (func.cfg->is_fully_resolved()) { resolved_cfg_functions++; } } else { asm_funcs++; } if (func.basic_blocks.size() > 1 && !func.suspected_asm) { if (func.cfg->is_fully_resolved()) { } else { unresolved_by_length[func.end_word - func.start_word].push_back( func.guessed_name.to_string()); } } if (!func.suspected_asm && func.basic_blocks.size() <= 1) { total_trivial_cfg_functions++; } if (!func.guessed_name.empty()) { total_named_functions++; } // if (func.guessed_name.to_string() == "inspect") { // assert(false); // } }); spdlog::info("Found {} functions ({} with no control flow)", total_functions, total_trivial_cfg_functions); spdlog::info("Named {}/{} functions ({}%)", total_named_functions, total_functions, 100.f * float(total_named_functions) / float(total_functions)); spdlog::info("Excluding {} asm functions", asm_funcs); spdlog::info("Found {} basic blocks in {} ms", total_basic_blocks, timer.getMs()); spdlog::info(" {}/{} functions passed cfg analysis stage ({}%)", resolved_cfg_functions, non_asm_funcs, 100.f * float(resolved_cfg_functions) / float(non_asm_funcs)); int successful_basic_ops = total_basic_ops - total_failed_basic_ops; spdlog::info(" {}/{} basic ops converted successfully ({}%)", successful_basic_ops, total_basic_ops, 100.f * float(successful_basic_ops) / float(total_basic_ops)); spdlog::info(" {}/{} cfgs converted to ir ({}%)\n", successful_cfg_irs, non_asm_funcs, 100.f * float(successful_cfg_irs) / float(non_asm_funcs)); // for (auto& kv : unresolved_by_length) { // printf("LEN %d\n", kv.first); // for (auto& x : kv.second) { // printf(" %s\n", x.c_str()); // } // } } }