;;-*-Lisp-*- (in-package goal) ;; name: gcommon.gc ;; name in dgo: gcommon ;; dgos: KERNEL ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Game constants ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; disable PS2 only code and enable PC-specific code (defglobalconstant PC_PORT #t) ;; whether we're allowed to use more memory than the original game or not (defglobalconstant BIG_MEMORY #t) (defglobalconstant PC_BIG_MEMORY (and PC_PORT BIG_MEMORY)) ;; enables the with-profiler statements, which send profiling data from ;; GOAL code to the frame profiler in C++. (defglobalconstant PC_PROFILER_ENABLE #t) ;; pointers larger than this are invalid by valid? (defconstant END_OF_MEMORY #x8000000) (define-extern valid? (function object type string symbol object symbol)) ;; DECOMP BEGINS (defun identity ((obj object)) "The identity function." obj ) (defun 1/ ((x float)) "Floating point reciprocal." (declare (inline)) ;; og:preserve-this (/ 1.0 x) ) (defun + ((a int) (b int)) "64-bit integer addition." (+ a b) ) (defun - ((a int) (b int)) "64-bit integer subraction." (- a b) ) (defun * ((a int) (b int)) "32-bit signed integer multiplication." (* a b) ) (defun / ((a int) (b int)) "32-bit signed integer division." (/ a b) ) (defun ash ((x int) (shift-amount int)) "64-bit arithmetic shift. (sign-extends)" ;; og:preserve-this (declare (inline)) (if (> shift-amount 0) (shl x shift-amount) (sar x (- shift-amount)) ) ) (defun mod ((a int) (b int)) "32-bit mod." (mod a b) ) (defun rem ((a int) (b int)) "32-bit mod (same as mod)." (mod a b) ) (defun abs ((x int)) "64-bit integer absolute value." ;; OpenGOAL doesn't support abs, so we implement it here. ;; og:preserve-this (if (> x 0) x (- x) ) ) (defun min ((a int) (b int)) "64-bit integer minimum." (if (> a b) b a) ;; og:preserve-this ) (defun max ((a int) (b int)) "64-bit integer maximum." (if (> a b) a b) ;; og:preserve-this ) (defun logior ((a int) (b int)) "64-bit bitwise or." (logior a b) ) (defun logand ((a int) (b int)) "64-bit bitwise and." (logand a b) ) (defun lognor ((a int) (b int)) "64-bit bitwise not-or." ;; og:preserve-this (declare (inline)) (lognot (logior a b)) ) (defun logxor ((a int) (b int)) "64-bit bitwise exclusive or." (logxor a b) ) (defun lognot ((x int)) "64-bit bitwise not." (lognot x) ) (defun false-func () "Returns false." #f ) (defun true-func () "Returns true." #t ) (define format _format) (deftype vec4s (uint128) "Vector of four floats, packed into a 128-bit integer as bitfields. This behaves like a value type. This is not the main vector type." ((x float :offset 0 :size 32) (y float :offset 32 :size 32) (z float :offset 64 :size 32) (w float :offset 96 :size 32) ) ) ;; og:preserve-this (defmacro print128 (value &key (stream #t)) "Print a 128-bit value" `(let ((temp (new 'stack-no-clear 'array 'uint64 2))) (set! (-> (the (pointer uint128) temp)) ,value) (format ,stream "#x~16X~16X" (-> temp 1) (-> temp 0)) ) ) (defmacro make-u128 (upper lower) "Make a i128 from two 64-bit values." `(rlet ((result :class i128) (upper-xmm :class i128) (lower-xmm :class i128)) (.mov upper-xmm ,upper) (.mov lower-xmm ,lower) (.pcpyld result upper-xmm lower-xmm) (the-as uint result) ) ) (defmethod print ((this vec4s)) (format #t "#" (-> this x) (-> this y) (-> this z) (-> this w) this) this ) (deftype vector (structure) "Vector of four floats, stored in a structure. This behaves like a reference type. This is the main vector type." ((data float 4) (x float :overlay-at (-> data 0)) (y float :overlay-at (-> data 1)) (z float :overlay-at (-> data 2)) (w float :overlay-at (-> data 3)) (quad uint128 :overlay-at (-> data 0)) ) ) (deftype bfloat (basic) "Boxed (or basic?) float. Just a basic that wraps a single float." ((data float) ) ) (defmethod print ((this bfloat)) (format #t "~f" (-> this data)) this ) ;; WARN: Return type mismatch uint vs int. (defmethod asize-of ((this type)) (the-as int (logand (the-as uint #xfffffff0) (+ (* (-> this allocated-length) 4) 43))) ) (defun basic-type? ((obj basic) (typ type)) "Return if the given basic is a given type. A child of the given type is also acceptable." (let ((v1-0 (-> obj type)) (a0-1 object) ) (until (= v1-0 a0-1) (if (= v1-0 typ) (return #t) ) (set! v1-0 (-> v1-0 parent)) ) ) #f ) (defun type-type? ((check-type type) (parent-type type)) "Return if the first type is the second type, or a child of it." (let ((v1-0 object)) (if (= parent-type v1-0) (return #t) ) (until (or (= check-type v1-0) (zero? check-type)) (if (= check-type parent-type) (return #t) ) (set! check-type (-> check-type parent)) ) ) #f ) ;; WARN: Using new Jak 2 rtype-of (defun type? ((obj object) (desired-type type)) "Return if the given object is an instance of the given type. Works on basics, bintegers, or symbols." (let ((v1-0 object) (a0-1 (rtype-of obj)) ) (if (= desired-type v1-0) (return #t) ) (until (or (= a0-1 v1-0) (zero? a0-1)) (if (= a0-1 desired-type) (return #t) ) (set! a0-1 (-> a0-1 parent)) ) ) #f ) (defun find-parent-method ((typ type) (method-id int)) "Find the closest parent type that has a different implementation of the given method and return that method. If it does not exist, return `nothing` function. This is used to implement call-parent-method." (local-vars (v0-0 function)) (let ((v1-2 (-> typ method-table method-id))) (until (!= v0-0 v1-2) (if (= typ object) (return nothing) ) (set! typ (-> typ parent)) (set! v0-0 (-> typ method-table method-id)) (if (zero? v0-0) (return nothing) ) ) ) v0-0 ) ;; og:preserve-this (defmacro call-parent-method (&rest args) "Find the first different implementation of the current method in a parent type and call it with these arguments." `((the (current-method-function-type) (find-parent-method (current-method-type) (current-method-id))) ,@args) ) (defun ref& ((list object) (idx int)) "Return the n-th pair in a linked list of pairs. No bounds checking. If it is the null pair, return #f." (dotimes (v1-0 idx) (nop!) (nop!) (set! list (cdr list)) ) (if (null? list) #f list ) ) (defun ref ((list object) (idx int)) "Return the n-th item in a proper list. No bounds checking." (dotimes (v1-0 idx) (nop!) (nop!) (set! list (cdr list)) ) (car list) ) (defmethod length ((this pair)) (local-vars (v0-0 int)) (cond ((null? this) (set! v0-0 0) ) (else (let ((v1-1 (cdr this))) (set! v0-0 1) (while (and (not (null? v1-1)) (pair? v1-1)) (+! v0-0 1) (set! v1-1 (cdr v1-1)) ) ) ) ) v0-0 ) ;; WARN: Return type mismatch uint vs int. (defmethod asize-of ((this pair)) (the-as int (-> pair size)) ) (defun last ((list object)) "Return the last object in a proper list." (let ((v0-0 list)) (while (not (null? (cdr v0-0))) (nop!) (nop!) (set! v0-0 (cdr v0-0)) ) v0-0 ) ) (defun member ((obj-to-find object) (list object)) "See if the first argument is in the proper list of the second argument. Checked with simple equality. If so, return the list starting at the at point (a truthy value). Otherwise, return #f. (member 'b '(a b c)) -> (b c d). (member 'w '(a b c)) -> #f" (let ((v1-0 list)) (while (not (or (null? v1-0) (= (car v1-0) obj-to-find))) (set! v1-0 (cdr v1-0)) ) (if (not (null? v1-0)) v1-0 ) ) ) ;; need to forward declare this, we haven't loaded the string library yet. ;; og:preserve-this (define-extern name= (function object object symbol)) (defun nmember ((obj-to-find basic) (list object)) "Like member, but membership is checked with the name= function to handle symbols or strings." (while (not (or (null? list) (name= (car list) obj-to-find))) (set! list (cdr list)) ) (if (not (null? list)) list ) ) (defun assoc ((key object) (assoc-list object)) "Search an association list for given object. Return #f if not found, otherwise the element with matching car. (assoc 'a '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3))) -> (a . 1) (assoc 'x '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3))) -> #f" (let ((v1-0 assoc-list)) (while (not (or (null? v1-0) (= (car (car v1-0)) key))) (set! v1-0 (cdr v1-0)) ) (if (not (null? v1-0)) (car v1-0) ) ) ) (defun assoce ((key object) (assoc-list object)) "Like assoc, but supports a special `else` key which is always considered a match." (let ((v1-0 assoc-list)) (while (not (or (null? v1-0) (= (car (car v1-0)) key) (= (car (car v1-0)) 'else))) (set! v1-0 (cdr v1-0)) ) (if (not (null? v1-0)) (car v1-0) ) ) ) (defun nassoc ((key string) (assoc-list object)) "Like assoc, but uses name= instead of = to check equality." (while (not (or (null? assoc-list) (let ((a1-1 (car (car assoc-list)))) (if (pair? a1-1) (nmember key a1-1) (name= a1-1 key) ) ) ) ) (set! assoc-list (cdr assoc-list)) ) (if (not (null? assoc-list)) (car assoc-list) ) ) (defun nassoce ((key string) (assoc-list object)) "Like assoce, but uses name= instead of = to check equality." (while (not (or (null? assoc-list) (let ((s4-0 (car (car assoc-list)))) (if (pair? s4-0) (nmember key s4-0) (or (name= s4-0 key) (= s4-0 'else)) ) ) ) ) (set! assoc-list (cdr assoc-list)) ) (if (not (null? assoc-list)) (car assoc-list) ) ) (defun append! ((list object) (new-obj object)) "Append the second argument to the end of the list (or empty pair) in the first argument." (cond ((null? list) new-obj ) (else (let ((v1-1 list)) (while (not (null? (cdr v1-1))) (nop!) (nop!) (set! v1-1 (cdr v1-1)) ) (if (not (null? v1-1)) (set! (cdr v1-1) new-obj) ) ) list ) ) ) ;; WARN: Return type mismatch object vs pair. (defun delete! ((obj object) (list object)) "Remove an element from the given list, return the list." (the-as pair (cond ((= obj (car list)) (cdr list) ) (else (let ((v1-1 list) (a2-0 (cdr list)) ) (while (not (or (null? a2-0) (= (car a2-0) obj))) (set! v1-1 a2-0) (set! a2-0 (cdr a2-0)) ) (if (not (null? a2-0)) (set! (cdr v1-1) (cdr a2-0)) ) ) list ) ) ) ) (defun delete-car! ((car-to-match object) (list object)) "Remove an element from the given list with a matching car. Return the list." (cond ((= car-to-match (car (car list))) (cdr list) ) (else (let ((v1-2 list) (a2-0 (cdr list)) ) (while (not (or (null? a2-0) (= (car (car a2-0)) car-to-match))) (set! v1-2 a2-0) (set! a2-0 (cdr a2-0)) ) (if (not (null? a2-0)) (set! (cdr v1-2) (cdr a2-0)) ) ) list ) ) ) (defun insert-cons! ((new-obj object) (list object)) "Update an association list to have the given (key . value) pair. If a previous value exists, it is deleted first. This function always allocates a pair through `cons` on the global heap, which can never be freed, so it should almost never be used at runtime." (let ((a3-0 (delete-car! (car new-obj) list))) (cons new-obj a3-0) ) ) (defun sort ((list pair) (compare-func (function object object object))) "Sort a list using the given comparision function. The function can return a #t/#f value, or a positive/negative value. For example, you could use either `-` or `<` as functions to sort integers." (let ((s4-0 -1)) (while (nonzero? s4-0) (set! s4-0 0) (let ((s3-0 list)) (while (not (or (null? (cdr s3-0)) (not (pair? (cdr s3-0))))) (let* ((s2-0 (car s3-0)) (s1-0 (car (cdr s3-0))) (v1-1 (compare-func s2-0 s1-0)) ) (when (and (or (not v1-1) (> (the-as int v1-1) 0)) (!= v1-1 #t)) (+! s4-0 1) (set! (car s3-0) s1-0) (set! (car (cdr s3-0)) s2-0) ) ) (set! s3-0 (cdr s3-0)) ) ) ) ) list ) (defun string->symbol-debug ((str string)) "Convert a string to a symbol. The symbol must be known, and this cannot create a new symbol. (in the PC port, it will still work.) This is inteded to be used in debug only, and will not trigger a warning. In debug, this will work for all symbols." (let ((gp-0 *kernel-symbol-warnings*)) (set! *kernel-symbol-warnings* #f) (let ((v0-0 (string->symbol str))) (set! *kernel-symbol-warnings* gp-0) v0-0 ) ) ) (defun symbol->string-debug ((sym symbol)) "Get the name of a symbol. This is intended to be used in debug only. In debug, this will work for all symbols. (In PC port, this works always)" (let ((gp-0 *kernel-symbol-warnings*)) (set! *kernel-symbol-warnings* #f) (let ((v0-0 (symbol->string sym))) (set! *kernel-symbol-warnings* gp-0) v0-0 ) ) ) ;; WARN: Return type mismatch symbol vs int. (defun symbol->hash ((sym symbol)) "Convert a symbol to a unique integer value, which is just the symbol's address." (the-as int sym) ) (defmethod new array ((allocation symbol) (type-to-make type) (arg0 type) (arg1 int)) (let ((v0-1 (object-new allocation type-to-make (the-as int (+ (-> type-to-make size) (* arg1 (if (type-type? arg0 number) (the-as int (-> arg0 size)) 4 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) (set! (-> v0-1 allocated-length) arg1) (set! (-> v0-1 length) arg1) (set! (-> v0-1 content-type) arg0) v0-1 ) ) (defmethod print ((this array)) (format #t "#(") (cond ((type-type? (-> this content-type) integer) (case (-> this content-type symbol) (('int32) (dotimes (s5-0 (-> this length)) (format #t (if (zero? s5-0) "~D" " ~D" ) (-> (the-as (array int32) this) s5-0) ) ) ) (('uint32) (dotimes (s5-1 (-> this length)) (format #t (if (zero? s5-1) "~D" " ~D" ) (-> (the-as (array uint32) this) s5-1) ) ) ) (('int64) (dotimes (s5-2 (-> this length)) (format #t (if (zero? s5-2) "~D" " ~D" ) (-> (the-as (array int64) this) s5-2) ) ) ) (('uint64) (dotimes (s5-3 (-> this length)) (format #t (if (zero? s5-3) "#x~X" " #x~X" ) (-> (the-as (array uint64) this) s5-3) ) ) ) (('int8) (dotimes (s5-4 (-> this length)) (format #t (if (zero? s5-4) "~D" " ~D" ) (-> (the-as (array int8) this) s5-4) ) ) ) (('uint8) (dotimes (s5-5 (-> this length)) (format #t (if (zero? s5-5) "~D" " ~D" ) (-> (the-as (array uint8) this) s5-5) ) ) ) (('int16) (dotimes (s5-6 (-> this length)) (format #t (if (zero? s5-6) "~D" " ~D" ) (-> (the-as (array int16) this) s5-6) ) ) ) (('uint16) (dotimes (s5-7 (-> this length)) (format #t (if (zero? s5-7) "~D" " ~D" ) (-> (the-as (array uint16) this) s5-7) ) ) ) (('uint128 'int128) (dotimes (s5-8 (-> this length)) (format #t (if (zero? s5-8) "#x~X" " #x~X" ) (-> (the-as (array uint128) this) s5-8) ) ) ) (else (dotimes (s5-9 (-> this length)) (format #t (if (zero? s5-9) "~D" " ~D" ) (-> (the-as (array int32) this) s5-9) ) ) ) ) ) ((= (-> this content-type) float) (dotimes (s5-10 (-> this length)) (if (zero? s5-10) (format #t "~f" (-> (the-as (array float) this) s5-10)) (format #t " ~f" (-> (the-as (array float) this) s5-10)) ) ) ) (else (dotimes (s5-11 (-> this length)) (if (zero? s5-11) (format #t "~A" (-> (the-as (array basic) this) s5-11)) (format #t " ~A" (-> (the-as (array basic) this) s5-11)) ) ) ) ) (format #t ")") this ) ;; og:preserve-this (defmethod inspect ((this array)) (format #t "[~8x] ~A~%" this (-> this type)) (format #t "~Tallocated-length: ~D~%" (-> this allocated-length)) (format #t "~Tlength: ~D~%" (-> this length)) (format #t "~Tcontent-type: ~A~%" (-> this content-type)) (format #t "~Tdata[~D]: @ #x~X~%" (-> this allocated-length) (-> this data)) (cond ((and (= (logand (the-as int (-> this content-type)) 7) 4) (type-type? (-> this content-type) integer)) (case (-> this content-type symbol) (('int32) (dotimes (s5-0 (-> this length)) (format #t "~T [~D] ~D~%" s5-0 (-> (the-as (array int32) this) s5-0)) ) ) (('uint32) (dotimes (s5-1 (-> this length)) (format #t "~T [~D] ~D~%" s5-1 (-> (the-as (array uint32) this) s5-1)) ) ) (('int64) (dotimes (s5-2 (-> this length)) (format #t "~T [~D] ~D~%" s5-2 (-> (the-as (array int64) this) s5-2)) ) ) (('uint64) (dotimes (s5-3 (-> this length)) (format #t "~T [~D] #x~X~%" s5-3 (-> (the-as (array uint64) this) s5-3)) ) ) (('int8) (dotimes (s5-4 (-> this length)) (format #t "~T [~D] ~D~%" s5-4 (-> (the-as (array int8) this) s5-4)) ) ) (('uint8) (dotimes (s5-5 (-> this length)) (format #t "~T [~D] ~D~%" s5-5 (-> (the-as (array int8) this) s5-5)) ) ) (('int16) (dotimes (s5-6 (-> this length)) (format #t "~T [~D] ~D~%" s5-6 (-> (the-as (array int16) this) s5-6)) ) ) (('uint16) (dotimes (s5-7 (-> this length)) (format #t "~T [~D] ~D~%" s5-7 (-> (the-as (array uint16) this) s5-7)) ) ) (('int128 'uint128) (dotimes (s5-8 (-> this length)) (format #t "~T [~D] #x~X~%" s5-8 (-> (the-as (array uint128) this) s5-8)) ) ) (else (dotimes (s5-9 (-> this length)) (format #t "~T [~D] ~D~%" s5-9 (-> (the-as (array int32) this) s5-9)) ) ) ) ) ((= (-> this content-type) float) (dotimes (s5-10 (-> this length)) (format #t "~T [~D] ~f~%" s5-10 (-> (the-as (array float) this) s5-10)) ) ) (else (dotimes (s5-11 (-> this length)) (format #t "~T [~D] ~A~%" s5-11 (-> (the-as (array basic) this) s5-11)) ) ) ) this ) (defmethod length ((this array)) (-> this length) ) ;; WARN: Return type mismatch uint vs int. (defmethod asize-of ((this array)) (the-as int (+ (-> this type size) (* (-> this allocated-length) (if (type-type? (-> this content-type) number) (the-as int (-> this content-type size)) 4 ) ) ) ) ) (defun mem-copy! ((dst pointer) (src pointer) (bytes int)) "Basic memory copy. This is not an optimized implementation." (let ((v0-0 dst)) (dotimes (v1-0 bytes) (set! (-> (the-as (pointer uint8) dst)) (-> (the-as (pointer uint8) src))) (&+! dst 1) (&+! src 1) ) v0-0 ) ) (defun qmem-copy<-! ((dst pointer) (src pointer) (qwc int)) "Copy memory by quadword (16-bytes). Must by 16-byte aligned, size in 16-byte units. Increasing address copy. Not an optimized version." (let ((v0-0 dst)) (countdown (v1-1 (/ (+ qwc 15) 16)) (set! (-> (the-as (pointer uint128) dst)) (-> (the-as (pointer uint128) src))) (&+! dst 16) (&+! src 16) ) v0-0 ) ) (defun qmem-copy->! ((dst pointer) (src pointer) (qwc int)) "Copy memory by quadword (16-bytes). Must by 16-byte aligned, size in 16-byte units. Decreasing address copy. Not an optimized version." (let ((v0-0 dst)) (let* ((v1-1 (/ (+ qwc 15) 16)) (a0-1 (&+ dst (* v1-1 16))) (a1-1 (&+ src (* v1-1 16))) ) (while (nonzero? v1-1) (+! v1-1 -1) (&+! a0-1 -16) (&+! a1-1 -16) (set! (-> (the-as (pointer uint128) a0-1)) (-> (the-as (pointer uint128) a1-1))) ) ) v0-0 ) ) (defun qmem-clear! ((dst pointer) (qwc int)) "Clear memory by quadword (16-bytes). Must by 16-byte aligned, size in 16-byte units. Not an optimized version." (let ((v0-0 dst)) (dotimes (v1-0 qwc) (set! (-> (the-as (pointer int128) dst)) (the int128 0)) (&+! dst 16) ) v0-0 ) ) (defun mem-set32! ((dst pointer) (word-count int) (value int)) "Set memory to the given 32-bit value, repeated n times. (like C memset, but setting int32_t instead of char). Not an optimized implementation. Must be 4-byte aligned." (let ((v0-0 dst)) (dotimes (v1-0 word-count) (set! (-> (the-as (pointer int32) dst)) value) (&+! dst 4) (nop!) ) v0-0 ) ) (defun mem-or! ((dst pointer) (src pointer) (bytes int)) "Set the destiation to `dest = dest | src`. Size in bytes. Not an optimized version." (let ((v0-0 dst)) (dotimes (v1-0 bytes) (logior! (-> (the-as (pointer uint8) dst)) (-> (the-as (pointer uint8) src))) (&+! dst 1) (&+! src 1) ) v0-0 ) ) ;; og:preserve-this (defun quad-copy! ((dst pointer) (src pointer) (qwc int)) "Optimized memory copy. The original is pretty clever, but this isn't." (qmem-copy<-! dst src (* qwc 16)) (none) ) (deftype inline-array-class (basic) "Base class for basic inline arrays. The stride is stored in the heap-base of the inline-array-class child class." ((length int32) (allocated-length int32) (_data uint8 :dynamic :offset 16) ) (:methods (new (symbol type int) _type_) (push-back (_type_ object) int) (inline-array-class-method-10 () none) (clear-1 (_type_) symbol) (clear-2 (_type_) none) (pop-front (_type_ int) pointer) ) ) (deftype inline-array-class-uint64 (inline-array-class) "Specialization of inline-array-class for uint64. It's unclear why this would be preferred over a normal (array uint64), since both store data the same way." ((data uint64 :dynamic :offset 16) ) ) (deftype inline-array-class-uint32 (inline-array-class) "Specialization of inline-array-class for uint32. It's unclear why this would be preferred over a normal (array uint32), since both store data the same way." ((data uint32 :dynamic :offset 16) ) ) (defmethod new inline-array-class ((allocation symbol) (type-to-make type) (count int)) (let ((v0-0 (object-new allocation type-to-make (the-as int (+ (-> type-to-make size) (* (the-as uint count) (-> type-to-make heap-base)))) ) ) ) (when (nonzero? v0-0) (set! (-> v0-0 length) count) (set! (-> v0-0 allocated-length) count) ) v0-0 ) ) (defmethod length ((this inline-array-class)) (-> this length) ) ;; WARN: Return type mismatch uint vs int. (defmethod asize-of ((this inline-array-class)) (the-as int (+ (-> this type size) (* (-> this allocated-length) (the-as int (-> this type heap-base))))) ) (defmethod push-back ((object-to-insert inline-array-class) (arg0 object)) "Copy object to the end, then increment length. No bounds check." (let ((s5-0 (-> object-to-insert length))) (let ((a2-0 (-> object-to-insert type heap-base))) (mem-copy! (the-as pointer (+ (+ (* s5-0 (the-as int (-> object-to-insert type heap-base))) -4 (-> object-to-insert type size)) (the-as int object-to-insert) ) ) (the-as pointer arg0) (the-as int a2-0) ) ) (+! (-> object-to-insert length) 1) s5-0 ) ) (defmethod push-back ((this inline-array-class-uint32) (arg0 object)) "Copy object to the end, then increment length. No bounds check." (let ((v0-0 (-> this length))) (-> this type heap-base) (set! (-> (the-as (pointer int32) (+ (+ (* v0-0 (the-as int (-> this type heap-base))) -4 (-> this type size)) (the-as int this)) ) ) (the-as int32 arg0) ) (+! (-> this length) 1) v0-0 ) ) (defmethod push-back ((this inline-array-class-uint64) (arg0 object)) "Copy object to the end, then increment length. No bounds check." (let ((v0-0 (-> this length))) (-> this type heap-base) (set! (-> (the-as (pointer int64) (+ (+ (* v0-0 (the-as int (-> this type heap-base))) -4 (-> this type size)) (the-as int this)) ) ) (the-as int64 arg0) ) (+! (-> this length) 1) v0-0 ) ) (defmethod pop-front ((this inline-array-class) (arg0 int)) "Remove first object by copying last object to the front, then decrement length." (+! (-> this length) -1) (+ (-> this length) -1) (let ((a2-0 (-> this type heap-base)) (t9-0 mem-copy!) (v1-10 (+ (+ (* (the-as uint arg0) (-> this type heap-base)) -4 (-> this type size)) (the-as uint this))) (a1-4 (-> this type heap-base)) ) (t9-0 (the-as pointer v1-10) (the-as pointer (+ (+ (* (-> this length) (the-as int a1-4)) -4 (-> this type size)) (the-as int this))) (the-as int a2-0) ) ) ) ;; WARN: Return type mismatch uint vs pointer. (defmethod pop-front ((this inline-array-class-uint64) (arg0 int)) "Remove first object by copying last object to the front, then decrement length." (+! (-> this length) -1) (+ (-> this length) -1) (-> this type heap-base) (let* ((v1-7 (-> this type heap-base)) (v0-0 (-> (the-as (pointer uint64) (+ (+ (* (-> this length) (the-as int v1-7)) -4 (-> this type size)) (the-as int this)) ) ) ) ) (set! (-> (the-as (pointer uint64) (+ (+ (* (the-as uint arg0) (-> this type heap-base)) -4 (-> this type size)) (the-as uint this)) ) ) v0-0 ) (the-as pointer v0-0) ) ) ;; WARN: Return type mismatch uint vs pointer. (defmethod pop-front ((this inline-array-class-uint32) (arg0 int)) "Remove first object by copying last object to the front, then decrement length." (+! (-> this length) -1) (+ (-> this length) -1) (-> this type heap-base) (let* ((v1-7 (-> this type heap-base)) (v0-0 (-> (the-as (pointer uint32) (+ (+ (* (-> this length) (the-as int v1-7)) -4 (-> this type size)) (the-as int this)) ) ) ) ) (set! (-> (the-as (pointer uint32) (+ (+ (* (the-as uint arg0) (-> this type heap-base)) -4 (-> this type size)) (the-as uint this)) ) ) v0-0 ) (the-as pointer v0-0) ) ) (defmethod clear-2 ((this inline-array-class)) "Set length to 0" (set! (-> this length) 0) 0 (none) ) (defmethod clear-1 ((this inline-array-class)) "Set length to 0, return #t." (set! (-> this length) 0) #t ) ;; og:preserve-this (defun-recursive fact int ((x int)) (if (= x 1) 1 (* x (fact (+ x -1)))) ) (define *print-column* (the-as binteger 0)) ;; WARN: Using new Jak 2 rtype-of (defun print ((obj object)) "Print any boxed object (symbol, pair, basic, binteger) to #t (the REPL). No newline." ((method-of-type (rtype-of obj) print) obj) ) ;; WARN: Using new Jak 2 rtype-of (defun printl ((obj object)) "Print any boxed object (symbol, pair, basic, binteger) to #t (the REPL), followed by a newline." (let ((a0-1 obj)) ((method-of-type (rtype-of a0-1) print) a0-1) ) (format #t "~%") obj ) ;; WARN: Using new Jak 2 rtype-of (defun inspect ((obj object)) "Inspect any boxed object (symbol, pair, basic, binteger) to #t (the REPL)." ((method-of-type (rtype-of obj) inspect) obj) ) (defun-debug mem-print ((ptr (pointer uint32)) (word-count int)) "Print out data in memory in hex." (dotimes (s4-0 (/ word-count 4)) (format 0 "~X: ~X ~X ~X ~X~%" (&-> ptr (* s4-0 4)) (-> ptr (* s4-0 4)) (-> ptr (+ (* s4-0 4) 1)) (-> ptr (+ (* s4-0 4) 2)) (-> ptr (+ (* s4-0 4) 3)) ) ) #f ) (define *trace-list* '()) (defun print-tree-bitmask ((mask int) (count int)) "Print out ASCII-art tree structure, from a bitmask of nesting levels." (dotimes (s4-0 count) (if (not (logtest? mask 1)) (format #t " ") (format #t "| ") ) (set! mask (shr mask 1)) ) #f ) ;; ERROR: Unsupported inline assembly instruction kind - [mtdab a1] ;; ERROR: Unsupported inline assembly instruction kind - [mtdabm a2] (defun breakpoint-range-set! ((arg0 uint) (arg1 uint) (arg2 uint)) "Unsupported function to set a CPU breakpoint." (break!) ;; og:preserve-this ; (.mtc0 Debug arg0) ; (.mtdab arg1) ; (.mtdabm arg2) 0 ) (defmacro start-of-symbol-table () "Get the address for the start of the symbol table." `(rlet ((st :reg r14 :reset-here #t :type uint)) (the uint (- st 32768)) ) ) (defmacro end-of-symbol-table () "Get the address of the end of the symbol table." `(rlet ((st :reg r14 :reset-here #t :type uint)) (the uint (+ st 32768)) ) ) ;; ERROR: Unsupported inline assembly instruction kind - [daddu v1, v1, s7] ;; ERROR: Unsupported inline assembly instruction kind - [daddu v1, v1, s7] ;; ERROR: Unsupported inline assembly instruction kind - [daddu v1, v1, s7] ;; ERROR: Unsupported inline assembly instruction kind - [daddu v1, v1, s7] (defun valid? ((obj object) (expected-type type) (err-msg-str string) (allow-false symbol) (err-msg-dest object)) ;; og:preserve-this ;; cleaned up significantly. ;; (local-vars (v1-11 int) (v1-26 int) (v1-56 int) (v1-60 int) (s7-0 none)) (let ((v1-1 (and (>= (the-as uint obj) (start-of-symbol-table)) (< (the-as uint obj) END_OF_MEMORY)) ) ) (cond ((not expected-type) (cond ((logtest? (the-as int obj) 3) (if err-msg-str (format err-msg-dest "ERROR: object #x~X ~S is not a valid object (misaligned)~%" obj err-msg-str) ) #f ) ((not v1-1) (if err-msg-str (format err-msg-dest "ERROR: object #x~X ~S is not a valid object (bad address)~%" obj err-msg-str) ) #f ) (else #t ) ) ) ((and allow-false (not obj)) #t ) ((= expected-type structure) (cond ((logtest? (the-as int obj) 15) (if err-msg-str (format err-msg-dest "ERROR: object #x~X ~S is not a valid object of type '~A' (misaligned)~%" obj err-msg-str expected-type ) ) #f ) ((or (not v1-1) (< (the-as uint obj) (end-of-symbol-table))) (if err-msg-str (format err-msg-dest "ERROR: object #x~X ~S is not a valid object of type '~A' (bad address)~%" obj err-msg-str expected-type ) ) #f ) (else #t ) ) ) ((= expected-type pair) (cond ((not (pair? obj)) (if err-msg-str (format err-msg-dest "ERROR: object #x~X ~S is not a valid object of type '~A' (misaligned)~%" obj err-msg-str expected-type ) ) #f ) ((not v1-1) (if err-msg-str (format err-msg-dest "ERROR: object #x~X ~S is not a valid object of type '~A' (bad address)~%" obj err-msg-str expected-type ) ) #f ) (else #t ) ) ) ((= expected-type binteger) (cond ((not (logtest? (the-as int obj) 7)) #t ) (else (if err-msg-str (format err-msg-dest "ERROR: object #x~X ~S is not a valid object of type '~A' (misaligned)~%" obj err-msg-str expected-type ) ) #f ) ) ) ((or (= expected-type symbol) (= expected-type boolean)) (cond ((not (logtest? (the-as int obj) 1)) (if err-msg-str (format err-msg-dest "ERROR: object #x~X ~S is not a valid object of type '~A' (misaligned)~%" obj err-msg-str expected-type ) ) #f ) ((or (not v1-1) (< (the-as int obj) (start-of-symbol-table)) (>= (the-as int obj) (end-of-symbol-table))) (if err-msg-str (format err-msg-dest "ERROR: object #x~X ~S is not a valid object of type '~A' (bad address)~%" obj err-msg-str expected-type ) ) #f ) (else #t ) ) ) ((!= (logand (the-as int obj) 7) 4) (if err-msg-str (format err-msg-dest "ERROR: object #x~X ~S is not a valid object of type '~A' (misaligned)~%" obj err-msg-str expected-type ) ) #f ) ((not v1-1) (if err-msg-str (format err-msg-dest "ERROR: object #x~X ~S is not a valid object of type '~A' (bad address)~%" obj err-msg-str expected-type ) ) #f ) ((and (= expected-type type) (!= (rtype-of obj) type)) (if err-msg-str (format err-msg-dest "ERROR: object #x~X ~S is not a valid object of type '~A' (invalid type #x~X)~%" obj err-msg-str expected-type (rtype-of obj) ) ) #f ) ((and (!= expected-type type) (not (valid? (rtype-of obj) type (the-as string #f) #t 0))) (if err-msg-str (format err-msg-dest "ERROR: object #x~X ~S is not a valid object of type '~A' (invalid type #x~X)~%" obj err-msg-str expected-type (rtype-of obj) ) ) #f ) ((not (type? obj expected-type)) (if err-msg-str (format err-msg-dest "ERROR: object #x~X ~S is not a valid object of type '~A' (is type '~A' instead)~%" obj err-msg-str expected-type (rtype-of obj) ) ) #f ) ((= expected-type symbol) (cond ((>= (the-as uint obj) (end-of-symbol-table)) (if err-msg-str (format err-msg-dest "ERROR: object #x~X ~S is not a valid object of type '~A' (not in symbol table)~%" obj err-msg-str expected-type ) ) #f ) (else #t ) ) ) ((< (the-as uint obj) (end-of-symbol-table)) (if err-msg-str (format err-msg-dest "ERROR: object #x~X ~S is not a valid object of type '~A' (inside symbol table)~%" obj err-msg-str expected-type ) ) #f ) (else #t ) ) ) ) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Profiler Macros ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (defmacro profiler-instant-event (name) "Record an 'instant' event in the profile. This can be used however you'd like, but there should be a 'ROOT' event logged every now and then (like once per frame) when no timed events are in progress, to allow the profiler to correctly recover the event stack." `(#when PC_PROFILER_ENABLE (pc-prof ,name (pc-prof-event instant)) ) ) (defmacro profiler-start-event (name) "Start a timed event with the given name." `(#when PC_PROFILER_ENABLE (pc-prof ,name (pc-prof-event begin)) ) ) (defmacro profiler-end-event () "End the most recently started event that hasn't been stopped yet. It is up to you to correctly balance the starts/ends, otherwise the profiling data will be corrupted." `(#when PC_PROFILER_ENABLE (pc-prof "" (pc-prof-event end)) ) ) (defmacro with-pc-profiler (name &rest body) "Execute the body in a named profiler block. Do not `return` or `go` from inside this block, otherwise the end will be skipped." `(#if PC_PROFILER_ENABLE (begin (pc-prof ,name (pc-prof-event begin)) ,@body (pc-prof ,name (pc-prof-event end)) ) (begin ,@body ) ) ) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Decompiler Macros ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; inserted by the decompiler for assembly branches. (defmacro b! (pred destination &key (delay '()) &key (likely-delay '())) "Branch!" ;; evaluate the predicate `(let ((should-branch ,pred)) ;; normal delay slot: ,delay (when should-branch ,likely-delay (goto ,destination) ) ) ) ;; the decompiler may fail to recognize setting fields of a 128-bit bitfield ;; and will rely on this macro: (defmacro copy-and-set-field (original field-name field-value) `(let ((temp-copy ,original)) (set! (-> temp-copy ,field-name) ,field-value) temp-copy ) ) ;; inserted by the decompiler if a c->goal bool conversion can't be compacted into a single ;; expression. (defmacro cmove-#f-zero (dest condition src) `(if (zero? ,condition) (set! ,dest #f) (set! ,dest ,src) ) ) (defmacro cmove-#f-nonzero (dest condition src) `(if (zero? ,condition) (set! ,dest ,src) (set! ,dest #f) ) ) (defmacro empty-form () `(none) ) (defmacro sext32 (in) `(sar (shl ,in 32) 32) ) (defmacro .sra (result in sa) `(set! ,result (sext32 (sar (logand #xffffffff (the-as int ,in)) ,sa))) ) (defmacro l32-false-check (in) `(- (logand #xffffffff (the-as uint ,in)) (the-as uint #f)) ) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; PC Port asm macros ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (#when PC_PORT ;; SYNC is an EE instruction that waits for various memory access and DMA to be completed ;; DMA will be instant in the PC port, so these are no longer necessary (fake-asm .sync.l) (fake-asm .sync.p) ;; Copies the contents of a cop0 (system control) register to a gpr (fake-asm .mfc0 dest src) ;; Copies the contents of a gpr to a cop0 (system control) register (fake-asm .mtc0 dest src) ;; Move to perf counter register (fake-asm .mtpc src dest) ;; Move from perf counter register (fake-asm .mfpc dest src) )