import os import glob import argparse ### Script to track decompilation progress. ### Example usage: python3 scripts/ ~/jak-project/goal_src def get_goal_files(root_dir): """Get all GOAL source files under root_dir.""" return [goal_file for file in os.walk(root_dir) for goal_file in glob.glob(os.path.join(file[0], '*.gc'))] def lines_in_file(file_path): with open(file_path) as f: lines = 0 for _ in f: lines += 1 return lines def print_table(stats, total_gc_files): total_lines = 0 print("| {: <24} | {: <6} |".format("file name", "lines")) print("-------------------------------------") for x in stats: print(" {: <24} | {: >6} |".format(x[0], x[1])) total_lines += x[1] print("-------------------------------------") print("| {: <24} | {: >6} |".format("TOTAL", total_lines)) print("-------------------------------------") estimated_lines = 500000 print("Progress: {}/{} lines ({:.2f}%)".format(total_lines, estimated_lines, 100. * total_lines / estimated_lines)) print("{}/{} files modified from template ({:.2f}%)".format(len(stats), total_gc_files, 100. * len(stats)/total_gc_files)) def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument(dest='goal_src', help='the goal_src folder') args = parser.parse_args() all_files = get_goal_files(args.goal_src) file_stats = [] total_gc_files = 0 excluded_files = {"all_files.gc", "goal-lib.gc", "ocean-trans-tables.gc", "ocean-frames.gc"} for fn in all_files: short_name = os.path.basename(fn) line_count = lines_in_file(fn) if short_name in excluded_files: continue total_gc_files += 1 if line_count == 7 or short_name in excluded_files: # the template has 7 lines, just skip it. continue file_stats.append((short_name, line_count)) file_stats.sort(key=lambda x: x[1]) print_table(file_stats, total_gc_files) if __name__ == "__main__": main()