import re import argparse from utils import get_gsrc_path_from_filename from colorama import just_fix_windows_console, Fore, Back, Style just_fix_windows_console() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("lint-gsrc-file") parser.add_argument("--game", help="The name of the game", type=str) parser.add_argument("--file", help="The name of the file", type=str) args = parser.parse_args() class LintMatch: def __init__(self, src_path, offending_lineno, context): self.src_path = src_path self.offending_lineno = offending_lineno self.context = context def __str__(self): output = ( Style.BRIGHT + Fore.MAGENTA + "@ {}:{}\n".format(self.src_path, self.offending_lineno) + Fore.RESET + Style.RESET_ALL ) for line in self.context: # skip lines that are just brackets if line.strip() == ")" or line.strip() == "(": continue output += "\t{}\n".format(line) return output class LinterRule: def __init__(self, level, rule_name, regex_pattern, context_size): self.level = level self.rule_name = rule_name self.regex_pattern = regex_pattern self.context_size = context_size self.matches = [] def __str__(self): level_color = Fore.LIGHTBLUE_EX if self.level == "WARN": level_color = Fore.YELLOW elif self.level == "ERROR": level_color = Fore.RED return ( level_color + "[{}]{} - {} - {}/{}/g".format( self.level, Fore.RESET, level_color + self.rule_name + Fore.RESET, Fore.CYAN, self.regex_pattern.pattern, ) + Fore.RESET + ":" ) # Construct all rules linter_rules = [] # Infos # Warnings linter_rules.append( LinterRule("WARN", "method_splits", re.compile("method-of-(?:type|object)"), 3) ) linter_rules.append( LinterRule("WARN", "func_splits", re.compile("\(t9-\d+(?:\s+[^\s]+\s*)?\)"), 3) ) linter_rules.append( LinterRule("WARN", "missing_arg", re.compile("local-vars.*[at].*\s+none\)"), 1) ) # Errors linter_rules.append(LinterRule("ERROR", "missing_res_tag", re.compile(".pcpyud"), 1)) linter_rules.append(LinterRule("ERROR", "decomp_error", re.compile(";; ERROR"), 1)) linter_rules.append( LinterRule( "ERROR", "casting_stack_var", re.compile("the-as\s+[^\s]*\s+.*\(new 'stack"), 2 ) ) src_path = get_gsrc_path_from_filename(, args.file) # Iterate through the file line by line, check against each rule # if the rule is violated (it matches) then we append the match with useful details print("Linting GOAL_SRC File...") def get_context(lines, match_span, idx, amount_inclusive): lines_grabbed = [] # Strip left pad, while maintaining indent last_line_indent_width = -1 last_line_indent = -1 while len(lines_grabbed) < amount_inclusive and len(lines) > idx + len( lines_grabbed ): # TODO - first line, colorize the match # if len(lines_grabbed) == 0: # line = lines[idx + len(lines_grabbed)] # line = line[:match_span[0]] + Back.RED + line[:match_span[1]] + Back.RESET + line[match_span[1]:] # line = line.rstrip() line = lines[idx + len(lines_grabbed)].rstrip() indent_width = len(line) - len(line.lstrip()) if last_line_indent_width == -1: lines_grabbed.append(line.lstrip()) elif last_line_indent == -1: # calculate the difference indent_diff = indent_width - last_line_indent_width last_line_indent = indent_diff stripped_line = line.lstrip() lines_grabbed.append(stripped_line.rjust(indent_diff + len(stripped_line))) else: stripped_line = line.lstrip() lines_grabbed.append( stripped_line.rjust(last_line_indent + len(stripped_line)) ) last_line_indent_width = indent_width return lines_grabbed with open(src_path) as f: src_lines = f.readlines() for lineno, line in enumerate(src_lines): adjusted_lineno = lineno + 1 for rule in linter_rules: match = if match: rule.matches.append( LintMatch( src_path, adjusted_lineno, get_context(src_lines, match.span(), lineno, rule.context_size), ) ) # Iterate through all our linter rules, printing nicely in groups with the # context surrounding the match # # If we find any violations at warning or above, we will ultimately return exit(1) throw_error = False for rule in linter_rules: # Iterate through violations if len(rule.matches) > 0: print(rule) for match in rule.matches: if rule.level == "ERROR" or rule.level == "WARN": throw_error = True print(match) if throw_error: print(Fore.RED + "Found potential problems, exiting with code 1!" + Fore.RESET) exit(1) else: print(Fore.GREEN + "Looks good!" + Fore.RESET)