import json import os import re with open('./jak1-missing-requires.json', 'r') as f: missing_requires = json.load(f) from pathlib import Path from collections import defaultdict import networkx as nx import glob # 1. in `goalc` right now atleast, I can't seem to be able to accurately detect: # - macro usages # - virtual state usages # This is because tracking their definition locations is difficult, due to it coming from # a macro environment, which is not tracked. # # This can probably be solved, but for now, I'll bite the bullet and statically analyze the code # # Find all macro definition locations in `goal_src` as well as all virtual `defstate`s. # Then we can find all spots where these are used and ensure they are within the missing-require json. macro_definitions = {} virtual_state_definitions = {} # find definitions files = glob.glob("../../goal_src/jak1/**/*.gc", recursive=True) for file in files: with open(file, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() for line_no, line in enumerate(lines): if line.lstrip().startswith("(defmacro "): name = line.split("(defmacro ")[1].split(" ")[0] macro_definitions[name] = file elif line.lstrip().startswith("(defstate ") and line_no + 1 < len(lines) and ":virtual #t" in lines[line_no + 1]: name = line.split("(defstate ")[1].split(" ")[0] proc_name = line.split("(defstate ")[1].split("(")[1].split(")")[0] virtual_state_definitions[f"{name}-{proc_name}"] = file print(len(macro_definitions)) print(len(virtual_state_definitions)) # now look for all usages for file_no, file in enumerate(files): print(f"{file_no}/{len(files)} - {Path(file).stem}") with open(file, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() for line_no, line in enumerate(lines): if '(go-virtual ' in line: state_name = line.split("(go-virtual ")[1].split(" ")[0] # find the process name by winding back up the line count until we find: # an defstate/defbehavior line # an empty line (give up) temp_line_no = line_no proc_name = "" while temp_line_no > 0: temp_line = lines[temp_line_no] if temp_line.lstrip().startswith("(defstate "): proc_name = temp_line.split("(defstate ")[1].split("(")[1].split(")")[0] break elif temp_line.lstrip().startswith("(defbehavior "): proc_name = temp_line.split("(defbehavior ")[1].split(" ")[1] break elif temp_line.strip() == "": break temp_line_no = temp_line_no - 1 if proc_name != "": # find the state's definition and ensure we require it if f"{name}-{proc_name}" in virtual_state_definitions.keys(): state_definition_file = virtual_state_definitions[f"{name}-{proc_name}"] curr_file = Path(file).stem if curr_file not in missing_requires.keys(): missing_requires[curr_file] = [state_definition_file] else: missing_requires[curr_file].append(state_definition_file) # ... check all macros else: for macro_name, macro_definition_file in macro_definitions.items(): if f"({macro_name} " in line: curr_file = Path(file).stem if curr_file not in missing_requires.keys(): missing_requires[curr_file] = [macro_definition_file] else: missing_requires[curr_file].append(macro_definition_file) # reduce dependencies to just stems because currently files have to be globally unique, so this is fine # also dedupe them for file_name, deps in missing_requires.items(): new_deps = set() for dep in deps: stem = Path(dep).stem if stem != file_name: new_deps.add(stem) missing_requires[file_name] = list(new_deps) output_file = "jak1-missing-requires-final.json" with open(output_file, "w") as f: json.dump(missing_requires, f, indent=2) def create_graph(dependencies): graph = nx.DiGraph() for key, files in dependencies.items(): for file in files: graph.add_edge(key, Path(file).stem) return graph def transitive_reduction(graph): transitive_reduced_graph = nx.transitive_reduction(graph) return transitive_reduced_graph graph = create_graph(missing_requires) # print(nx.find_cycle(graph)) DEBUGGING CYCLES reduced_graph = transitive_reduction(graph) # Convert reduced graph to dictionary reduced_dependencies = {} for node, successors in reduced_graph.adjacency(): reduced_dependencies[node] = list(successors.keys()) output_file = "transitive_reduced_dependencies.json" with open(output_file, "w") as f: json.dump(reduced_dependencies, f, indent=4) print(f"Transitive reduced dependencies written to {output_file}") # Figure out packages by looking at .gd files file_bundles = {} gd_files = glob.glob("../../goal_src/jak1/**/*.gd", recursive=True) for file in gd_files: with open(file, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() bundle_name = lines[0].replace("(", "").replace(")", "").replace("\"", "").strip() for line_no, line in enumerate(lines): if line_no == 0: continue stripped_line = line.replace("(", "").replace(")", "").replace("\"", "").strip() if '.o' in stripped_line: file_name = stripped_line.replace(".o", "") if file_name not in file_bundles.keys(): file_bundles[file_name] = [f"\"{bundle_name}\""] elif f"\"{bundle_name}\"" not in file_bundles[file_name]: file_bundles[file_name].append(f"\"{bundle_name}\"") # Go and append the require statements to the beginning of all files for file in files: with open(file, 'r+') as f: lines = f.readlines() new_lines = [] for line in lines: if "(in-package " in line: new_lines.append(line) file_stem = Path(file).stem # add in bundle and require statements if file_stem in file_bundles.keys(): new_lines.append(f"(bundles {" ".join(file_bundles[file_stem])})\n") if file_stem in reduced_dependencies.keys(): new_lines.append("\n") for dep in reduced_dependencies[file_stem]: # Find the file's full path minimized_path = "" for temp_file in files: if Path(temp_file).stem == dep: minimized_path = os.path.normpath(temp_file).replace(os.sep, '/').split("goal_src/jak1/")[1] break new_lines.append(f"(require \"{minimized_path}\")\n") new_lines.append("\n") else: new_lines.append(line) # Move the file pointer to the beginning # Write the modified lines back to the file f.writelines(new_lines) # Truncate any remaining content (if the new content is shorter than the old) f.truncate()