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;; Jak 1 Project File
;; This file sets up the OpenGOAL build system for Jak 1.
;; Build system macros
;; use defmacro to define goos macros.
(define defmacro defsmacro)
(define defun desfun)
(defun gc-file->o-file (filename)
"Get the name of the object file for the given GOAL (*.gc) source file."
(string-append "out/obj/" (stem filename) ".o")
(defmacro goal-src (src-file &rest deps)
"Add a GOAL source file with the given dependencies"
`(defstep :in ,(string-append "goal_src/" src-file)
;; use goal compiler
:tool 'goalc
;; will output the obj file
:out '(,(gc-file->o-file src-file))
;; dependencies are the obj files
:dep '(,@(apply gc-file->o-file deps))
(defun make-src-sequence-elt (current previous prefix)
"Helper for goal-src-sequence"
`(defstep :in ,(string-append "goal_src/" prefix current)
:tool 'goalc
:out '(,(gc-file->o-file current))
:dep '(#|"iso/KERNEL.CGO"|#
,(gc-file->o-file previous))
(defmacro goal-src-sequence (prefix &key (deps '()) &rest sequence)
"Add a sequence of GOAL files (each depending on the previous) in the given directory,
with all depending on the given deps."
(let* ((first-thing `(goal-src ,(string-append prefix (first sequence)) ,@deps))
(result (cons first-thing '()))
(iter result))
(let ((prev (first sequence))
(in-iter (rest sequence)))
(while (not (null? in-iter))
;; (fmt #t "{} dep on {}\n" (first in-iter) prev)
(let ((next (make-src-sequence-elt (first in-iter) prev prefix)))
(set-cdr! iter (cons next '()))
(set! iter (cdr iter))
(set! prev (car in-iter))
(set! in-iter (cdr in-iter))
`(begin ,@result)
(defmacro cgo (output-name desc-file-name &rest objs)
"Add a CGO with the given output name (in out/iso) and input name (in goal_src/dgos)"
`(defstep :in ,(string-append "goal_src/dgos/" desc-file-name)
:tool 'dgo
:out '(,(string-append "out/iso/" output-name))
(defun tpage-name (id)
(fmt #f "tpage-{}.go" id)
(defmacro copy-texture (tpage-id)
`(defstep :in ,(string-append "decompiler_out/raw_obj/" (tpage-name tpage-id))
:tool 'copy
:out '(,(string-append "out/obj/" (tpage-name tpage-id)))
(defmacro copy-textures (&rest ids)
,@(apply (lambda (x) `(copy-texture ,x)) ids)
(defmacro copy-go (name)
`(defstep :in ,(string-append "decompiler_out/raw_obj/" name ".go")
:tool 'copy
:out '(,(string-append "out/obj/" name ".go"))
(defmacro copy-gos (&rest gos)
,@(apply (lambda (x) `(copy-go ,x)) gos)
(defmacro group (name &rest stuff)
`(defstep :in ""
:tool 'group
:out '(,(string-append "GROUP:" name))
:dep '(,@stuff))
;; CGO's
(cgo "KERNEL.CGO" "kernel.gd")
(cgo "ENGINE.CGO" "engine.gd")
(cgo "GAME.CGO" "game.gd")
;; GOAL Kernel
;; These are set up with proper dependencies
(goal-src "kernel/gcommon.gc")
(goal-src "kernel/gstring-h.gc")
(goal-src "kernel/gkernel-h.gc"
(goal-src "kernel/gkernel.gc"
(goal-src "kernel/pskernel.gc"
(goal-src "kernel/gstring.gc"
(goal-src "kernel/dgo-h.gc")
(goal-src "kernel/gstate.gc"
;; Weird special things
;; The tpage directory
(defstep :in "assets/tpage-dir.txt"
:tool 'tpage-dir
:out '("out/obj/dir-tpages.go")
;; the count file.
(defstep :in "assets/game_count.txt"
:tool 'game-cnt
:out '("out/obj/game-cnt.go")
;; Textures (Common)
(copy-textures 463 2 880 256 1278 1032 62 1532)
;; Art (Common)
;; Text
(defstep :in "assets/game_text.txt"
:tool 'text
:out '("out/iso/0COMMON.TXT"
;; ISO Group
;; the iso group is a group of files required to boot.
(group "iso"
;; Village 1
;; the definition for the DGO file.
(cgo "VI1.DGO"
;; the code
:deps ;; no idea what these depend on, make it depend on the whole engine
;; the textures
(copy-textures 398 400 399 401 1470)
;; the art
;; Game Engine Code
;; We don't know the actual dependencies, but the build
;; order is a possibly ordering, and the goal-src-sequence
;; will force these to always build in this order.
;; prefix
;; sources
:deps ("out/obj/default-menu.o")