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2020-09-04 14:44:23 -04:00
(in-package goal)
;; name: joint.gc
;; name in dgo: joint
;; dgos: GAME, ENGINE
;; a joint is just used to store the tree structure of a skeleton + bind pose.
;; it's mostly used as a more user-friendly interface
;; Basic Methods for joint/joint-control
(defmethod print joint ((obj joint))
(format #t "#<~A ~S ~D @ #x~X>" (-> obj type) (-> obj name) (-> obj number) obj)
(defmethod mem-usage joint ((obj joint) (arg0 memory-usage-block) (arg1 int))
(set! (-> arg0 length) (max 66 (-> arg0 length)))
(set! (-> arg0 data 65 name) "joint")
(+! (-> arg0 data 65 count) 1)
(let ((v1-6 (asize-of obj)))
(+! (-> arg0 data 65 used) v1-6)
(+! (-> arg0 data 65 total) (logand -16 (+ v1-6 15)))
(defmethod print joint-anim ((obj joint-anim))
(format #t "#<~A ~S ~D [~D] @ #x~X>" (-> obj type) (-> obj name) (-> obj number) (-> obj length) obj)
(defmethod length joint-anim ((obj joint-anim))
(-> obj length)
(defmethod inspect joint-anim-matrix ((obj joint-anim-matrix))
(format #t "[~8x] ~A~%" obj (-> obj type))
(format #t "~Tname: ~A~%" (-> obj name))
(format #t "~Tnumber: ~D~%" (-> obj number))
(format #t "~Tdata[~D]: @ #x~X~%" (-> obj length) (-> obj data))
(defmethod asize-of joint-anim-matrix ((obj joint-anim-matrix))
(the-as int (+ (-> joint-anim-matrix size) (* (-> obj length) 64)))
(defmethod inspect joint-anim-transformq ((obj joint-anim-transformq))
(format #t "[~8x] ~A~%" obj (-> obj type))
(format #t "~Tname: ~A~%" (-> obj name))
(format #t "~Tnumber: ~D~%" (-> obj number))
(format #t "~Tdata[~D]: @ #x~X~%" (-> obj length) (-> obj data))
(dotimes (s5-0 (-> obj length))
(format #t "~T [~D] ~`transformq`P~%" s5-0 (-> obj data s5-0))
(defmethod asize-of joint-anim-transformq ((obj joint-anim-transformq))
(the-as int (+ (-> joint-anim-transformq size) (* 48 (-> obj length))))
(defmethod asize-of joint-anim-drawable ((obj joint-anim-drawable))
(the-as int (+ (-> joint-anim-drawable size) (* (-> obj length) 4)))
(defun joint-anim-login ((arg0 joint-anim-drawable))
(dotimes (s5-0 (-> arg0 length))
(if (-> arg0 data s5-0)
(login (-> arg0 data s5-0))
(defun joint-anim-inspect-elt ((arg0 joint-anim) (arg1 float))
"Inspect a single element in a joint anim. The float is rounded to an int."
(case (-> arg0 type)
((method-of-type matrix inspect)
(the-as matrix (-> (the-as joint-anim-matrix arg0) data (the int arg1) vector))
(format #t "~`transform`P~%" (-> (the-as joint-anim-transformq arg0) data (the int arg1)))
(defmethod mem-usage joint-anim-drawable ((obj joint-anim-drawable) (arg0 memory-usage-block) (arg1 int))
(set! (-> arg0 length) (max 77 (-> arg0 length)))
(set! (-> arg0 data 76 name) "joint-anim-drawable")
(+! (-> arg0 data 76 count) 1)
(let ((v1-6 (asize-of obj)))
(+! (-> arg0 data 76 used) v1-6)
(+! (-> arg0 data 76 total) (logand -16 (+ v1-6 15)))
(dotimes (s3-0 (-> obj length))
(mem-usage (-> obj data s3-0) arg0 arg1)
(defun jacc-mem-usage ((arg0 joint-anim-compressed-control) (arg1 memory-usage-block) (arg2 int))
(set! (-> arg1 length) (max 68 (-> arg1 length)))
(set! (-> arg1 data 67 name) "joint-anim-compressed-control")
(+! (-> arg1 data 67 count) 1)
(let ((v1-7 (+ (* (-> arg0 num-frames) 4) 16)))
(+! (-> arg1 data 67 used) v1-7)
(+! (-> arg1 data 67 total) (logand -16 (+ v1-7 15)))
(set! (-> arg1 length) (max 69 (-> arg1 length)))
(set! (-> arg1 data 68 name) "joint-anim-fixed")
(+! (-> arg1 data 68 count) 1)
(let ((v1-17 (+ (-> arg0 fixed-qwc) 16)))
(+! (-> arg1 data 68 used) v1-17)
(+! (-> arg1 data 68 total) (logand -16 (+ v1-17 15)))
(dotimes (v1-21 (the-as int (-> arg0 num-frames)))
(set! (-> arg1 length) (max 70 (-> arg1 length)))
(set! (-> arg1 data 69 name) "joint-anim-frame")
(+! (-> arg1 data 69 count) 1)
(let ((a2-15 (* (-> arg0 frame-qwc) 16)))
(+! (-> arg1 data 69 used) a2-15)
(+! (-> arg1 data 69 total) (logand -16 (+ a2-15 15)))
(defmethod print joint-control-channel ((obj joint-control-channel))
(format #t "#<joint-control-channel ~A ~A ~F @ #x~X>"
(-> obj command)
(-> obj frame-group)
(-> obj frame-num)
(defmethod asize-of joint-control ((obj joint-control))
(the-as int (+ (-> obj type size) (* 48 (-> obj allocated-length))))
(defmethod new joint-control ((allocation symbol) (type-to-make type) (arg0 int))
"Create a new joint-control with enough room for the given number of channels"
(let ((v0-0 (object-new allocation type-to-make (the-as int (+ (-> type-to-make size) (* 48 arg0))))))
(set! (-> v0-0 allocated-length) arg0)
(set! (-> v0-0 active-channels) 0)
(set! (-> v0-0 root-channel) (-> v0-0 channel))
(set! (-> v0-0 generate-frame-function) create-interpolated-joint-animation-frame)
(set! (-> v0-0 prebind-function) #f)
(set! (-> v0-0 postbind-function) #f)
(set! (-> v0-0 effect) #f)
(dotimes (v1-4 arg0)
(set! (-> v0-0 channel v1-4 parent) v0-0)
(set! (-> v0-0 blend-index) -1)
(defmethod debug-print-frames joint-control-channel ((obj joint-control-channel))
"Print the current frame of each joint on this channel.
Note: this only appears to work for uncompressed joint animations."
(let ((s5-0 (-> obj frame-group))
(f30-0 (-> obj frame-num))
(dotimes (s4-0 (length s5-0))
(format #t "joint ~A ~D " (-> s5-0 data s4-0 name) s4-0)
(joint-anim-inspect-elt (-> s5-0 data s4-0) f30-0)
(defmethod debug-print-channels joint-control ((obj joint-control) (arg0 symbol))
"Print each active channel to the given stream."
(dotimes (s4-0 (-> obj active-channels))
(let* ((v1-6 (if (and (-> obj channel s4-0 frame-group) (nonzero? (-> obj channel s4-0 frame-group)))
(-> obj channel s4-0 frame-group)
"ch:~2d ~C ~-35S f: ~6,,2f ~4,,2f ~4,,2f%~%"
s4-0 ;; channel index
(case (-> obj channel s4-0 command) ;; how we got added.
(if v1-6 (-> v1-6 name) "(none)") ;; name of anim (can be "none" in the real game)
(+ (* (-> obj channel s4-0 frame-num) (if v1-6 (-> v1-6 artist-step) 1.0)) ;; frame number
(if v1-6 (-> v1-6 artist-base) 0.0)
(-> obj channel s4-0 frame-interp)
(-> obj channel s4-0 inspector-amount)
;; Art
;; The "art" class is a super-general parent class for all art.
;; There's an "art-group" class, which typically contains all the animations
;; geometry, and shadow info for a character.
;; The most general art class shouldn't really be used for anything.
;; art-mesh-anim: not used
;; art-joint-anim: used for animations. Provides joint-anim-compressed and eye-anim.
(defmethod needs-link? art ((obj art))
(defmethod dummy-10 art ((obj art) (arg0 string) (arg1 type))
"Look-up an art with the given name and type."
(the-as joint #f)
(defmethod dummy-11 art ((obj art) (arg0 string) (arg1 type))
"Look up the index of an art with the given name and type."
(the-as int #f)
(defmethod print art ((obj art))
(format #t "#<~A ~S :length ~D @ #x~X>" (-> obj type) (-> obj name) (-> obj length) obj)
(defmethod length art ((obj art))
(-> obj length)
(defmethod login art ((obj art))
;; not sure why we have to do this, but if the res-lump isn't properly set up to point to the tags
;; do it manually.
(if (and (-> obj extra) (zero? (-> obj extra tag)))
(set! (-> obj extra tag) (&+ (the-as (pointer res-tag) (-> obj extra)) 28))
(defmethod mem-usage art-mesh-anim ((obj art-mesh-anim) (arg0 memory-usage-block) (arg1 int))
(set! (-> arg0 length) (max 72 (-> arg0 length)))
(set! (-> arg0 data 71 name) "art-mesh-anim")
(+! (-> arg0 data 71 count) 1)
(let ((v1-6 (asize-of obj)))
(+! (-> arg0 data 71 used) v1-6)
(+! (-> arg0 data 71 total) (logand -16 (+ v1-6 15)))
(if (-> obj extra)
(mem-usage (-> obj extra) arg0 (logior arg1 512))
(dotimes (s3-0 (-> obj length))
(mem-usage (-> obj data s3-0) arg0 arg1)
(defmethod asize-of art-joint-anim ((obj art-joint-anim))
(the-as int (+ (-> art size) (* (-> obj length) 4)))
(defmethod mem-usage art-joint-anim ((obj art-joint-anim) (arg0 memory-usage-block) (arg1 int))
(set! (-> arg0 length) (max 75 (-> arg0 length)))
(set! (-> arg0 data 74 name) "art-joint-anim")
(+! (-> arg0 data 74 count) 1)
(let ((v1-6 (asize-of obj)))
(+! (-> arg0 data 74 used) v1-6)
(+! (-> arg0 data 74 total) (logand -16 (+ v1-6 15)))
(if (-> obj extra)
(mem-usage (-> obj extra) arg0 (logior arg1 512))
(jacc-mem-usage (-> obj frames) arg0 arg1)
(dotimes (s4-1 (-> obj length))
(set! (-> arg0 length) (max 67 (-> arg0 length)))
(set! (-> arg0 data 66 name) "joint-anim-compressed")
(+! (-> arg0 data 66 count) 1)
(let ((v1-22 (asize-of (-> obj data s4-1))))
(+! (-> arg0 data 66 used) v1-22)
(+! (-> arg0 data 66 total) (logand -16 (+ v1-22 15)))
(when (and (nonzero? (-> obj _unknown)) (-> obj _unknown))
(set! (-> arg0 length) (max 109 (-> arg0 length)))
(set! (-> arg0 data 108 name) "eye-anim")
(+! (-> arg0 data 108 count) 1)
(let ((v1-41 (* (* (+ (-> obj _unknown 0) 1) 2) 8)))
(+! (-> arg0 data 108 used) v1-41)
(+! (-> arg0 data 108 total) (logand -16 (+ v1-41 15)))
;; definition for method 3 of type art-group
(defmethod inspect art-group ((obj art-group))
"Print the arts in an art-group"
(format #t "[~8x] ~A~%" obj (-> obj type))
(format #t "~Tinfo: ~A~%" (-> obj info))
(format #t "~Tlength: ~D~%" (-> obj length))
(format #t "~Tname: ~A~%" (-> obj name))
(format #t "~Textra: ~A~%" (-> obj extra))
(format #t "~Tdata[~D]: @ #x~X~%" (-> obj length) (-> obj data))
(dotimes (s5-0 (-> obj length))
(if (-> obj data s5-0)
(format #t "~T [~D] ~A (~D bytes)~%"s5-0 (-> obj data s5-0) (mem-size (-> obj data s5-0) #f 0))
(format #t "~T [~D] ~A (~D bytes)~%" s5-0 (-> obj data s5-0) 0)
(defmethod needs-link? art-group ((obj art-group))
"Does this art-group need to be added to the level's art group?
Some animations are streamed in, and need to be linked/unlinked to the level's list of art groups."
(the-as symbol (and (-> obj length)
(type-type? (-> obj data 0 type) art-joint-anim)
(!= (-> obj name) (-> (the-as art-joint-anim (-> obj data 0)) master-art-group-name))
(defmethod dummy-10 art-group ((obj art-group) (arg0 string) (arg1 type))
"Get the art with the given name and type. Set type to false if you don't care."
(let ((s3-0 (+ (length (-> obj name)) 1)))
(dotimes (s2-0 (-> obj length))
(if (and (-> obj data s2-0) ;; entry is populated
(= (-> obj data s2-0 type) arg1) ;; type is right
(or (name= arg0 (-> obj data s2-0 name)) ;; name is right.
(string-charp= arg0 (&-> (-> obj data s2-0 name) data s3-0)) ;; also seek past ag name, and try again.
(return (the-as joint (-> obj data s2-0)))
(the-as art-element #f)
;; no type (also no weird after ag name check)
(dotimes (s4-1 (-> obj length))
(if (and (-> obj data s4-1) (name= arg0 (-> obj data s4-1 name)))
(return (the-as joint (-> obj data s4-1)))
(the-as art-element #f)
(defmethod dummy-11 art-group ((obj art-group) (arg0 string) (arg1 type))
"Get the index of the art with the given name and type. Set type to false if you don't care.
Will return #f if the art is not found."
(let ((s3-0 (+ (length (-> obj name)) 1)))
(dotimes (s2-0 (-> obj length))
(if (and
(-> obj data s2-0)
(= (-> obj data s2-0 type) arg1)
(or (name= arg0 (-> obj data s2-0 name)) (string-charp= arg0 (&-> (-> obj data s2-0 name) data s3-0)))
(return s2-0)
(the-as int #f)
(dotimes (s4-1 (-> obj length))
(if (and (-> obj data s4-1) (name= arg0 (-> obj data s4-1 name)))
(return s4-1)
(the-as int #f)
(defmethod login art-group ((obj art-group))
"Log in all the arts in a group."
(dotimes (s5-0 (-> obj length))
(if (-> obj data s5-0)
(set! (-> obj data s5-0) (login (-> obj data s5-0)))
(defmethod mem-usage art-group ((obj art-group) (arg0 memory-usage-block) (arg1 int))
(set! (-> arg0 length) (max 71 (-> arg0 length)))
(set! (-> arg0 data 70 name) "art-group")
(+! (-> arg0 data 70 count) 1)
(let ((v1-6 (asize-of obj)))
(+! (-> arg0 data 70 used) v1-6)
(+! (-> arg0 data 70 total) (logand -16 (+ v1-6 15)))
(if (-> obj extra)
(mem-usage (-> obj extra) arg0 (logior arg1 512))
(dotimes (s3-0 (-> obj length))
(if (-> obj data s3-0)
(mem-usage (-> obj data s3-0) arg0 arg1)
(defmethod relocate art-group ((obj art-group) (arg0 kheap) (arg1 (pointer uint8)))
"Handle a loaded art-group."
(let ((s4-0 (clear *temp-string*)))
(string<-charp s4-0 arg1)
(set! obj (cond
((not obj)
(format 0 "ERROR: art-group ~A is not a valid file.~%" s4-0)
(the-as art-group #f)
((not (type-type? (-> obj type) art-group))
(format 0 "ERROR: art-group ~A is not a art-group.~%" s4-0)
(the-as art-group #f)
((not (file-info-correct-version? (-> obj info) (file-kind art-group) 0))
(the-as art-group #f)
(let ((s5-1 (-> *level* loading-level)))
(if (or (not s5-1) (= (-> s5-1 name) 'default))
(login obj) ;; not part of level load, just normal login.
(if s5-1
(set-loaded-art (-> s5-1 art-group) obj) ;; part of level load, add to level's ag, but don't log in yet.
(defmethod asize-of art-mesh-geo ((obj art-mesh-geo))
(the-as int (+ (-> art size) (* (-> obj length) 4)))
(defmethod mem-usage art-mesh-geo ((obj art-mesh-geo) (arg0 memory-usage-block) (arg1 int))
(set! (-> arg0 length) (max 73 (-> arg0 length)))
(set! (-> arg0 data 72 name) "art-mesh-geo")
(+! (-> arg0 data 72 count) 1)
(let ((v1-6 (asize-of obj)))
(+! (-> arg0 data 72 used) v1-6)
(+! (-> arg0 data 72 total) (logand -16 (+ v1-6 15)))
(if (-> obj extra)
(mem-usage (-> obj extra) arg0 (logior arg1 512))
(dotimes (s3-0 (-> obj length))
(mem-usage (-> obj data s3-0) arg0 arg1)
(defmethod login art-joint-anim ((obj art-joint-anim))
(if (and (-> obj extra) (zero? (-> obj extra tag)))
(set! (-> obj extra tag) (&+ (the-as (pointer res-tag) (-> obj extra)) 28))
(defmethod asize-of art-joint-geo ((obj art-joint-geo))
(the-as int (+ (-> art size) (* (-> obj length) 4)))
(defmethod dummy-10 art-joint-geo ((obj art-joint-geo) (arg0 string) (arg1 type))
(dotimes (s3-0 (-> obj length))
(if (and (= (-> obj data s3-0 type) arg1) (name= arg0 (-> obj data s3-0 name)))
(return (-> obj data s3-0))
(the-as joint #f)
(dotimes (s4-1 (-> obj length))
(if (name= arg0 (-> obj data s4-1 name))
(return (-> obj data s4-1))
(the-as joint #f)
(defmethod dummy-11 art-joint-geo ((obj art-joint-geo) (arg0 string) (arg1 type))
(dotimes (s3-0 (-> obj length))
(if (and (= (-> obj data s3-0 type) arg1) (name= arg0 (-> obj data s3-0 name)))
(return s3-0)
(the-as int #f)
(dotimes (s4-1 (-> obj length))
(if (name= arg0 (-> obj data s4-1 name))
(return s4-1)
(the-as int #f)
(defmethod mem-usage art-joint-geo ((obj art-joint-geo) (arg0 memory-usage-block) (arg1 int))
(set! (-> arg0 length) (max 74 (-> arg0 length)))
(set! (-> arg0 data 73 name) "art-joint-geo")
(+! (-> arg0 data 73 count) 1)
(let ((v1-6 (asize-of obj)))
(+! (-> arg0 data 73 used) v1-6)
(+! (-> arg0 data 73 total) (logand -16 (+ v1-6 15)))
(if (-> obj extra)
(mem-usage (-> obj extra) arg0 (logior arg1 512))
(dotimes (s3-0 (-> obj length))
(mem-usage (-> obj data s3-0) arg0 arg1)
;; Joint Control!
(defun joint-control-channel-eval ((arg0 joint-control-channel))
"Run the joint control num-func callback, remember the current time"
(let ((f0-2 ((-> arg0 num-func) arg0 (-> arg0 param 0) (-> arg0 param 1))))
(set! (-> arg0 eval-time) (the-as uint (-> *display* base-frame-counter)))
(defun joint-control-channel-eval! ((arg0 joint-control-channel) (arg1 (function joint-control-channel float float float)))
"Set the joint control num-func, and evaluate it."
(set! (-> arg0 num-func) arg1)
(let ((f0-2 (arg1 arg0 (-> arg0 param 0) (-> arg0 param 1))))
(set! (-> arg0 eval-time) (the-as uint (-> *display* base-frame-counter)))
(defun joint-control-channel-group-eval! ((arg0 joint-control-channel) (arg1 art-joint-anim) (arg2 (function joint-control-channel float float float)))
"Set the joint control num-func, maybe update the anim, and maybe evaluate it."
(set! (-> arg0 num-func) arg2)
((= (-> arg0 command) 'stack)
(if arg1
(set! (-> arg0 frame-group) arg1)
(arg2 arg0 (-> arg0 param 0) (-> arg0 param 1))
(set! (-> arg0 eval-time) (the-as uint (-> *display* base-frame-counter)))
(defun joint-control-channel-group! ((arg0 joint-control-channel) (arg1 art-joint-anim) (arg2 (function joint-control-channel float float float)))
"Set the joint control num-func and maybe update the anim."
(set! (-> arg0 num-func) arg2)
((= (-> arg0 command) 'stack)
(set! (-> arg0 frame-group) arg1)
(defun joint-control-copy! ((arg0 joint-control) (arg1 joint-control))
"Copy one joint control to another."
;; set fields
(set! (-> arg0 blend-index) (-> arg1 blend-index))
(set! (-> arg0 active-channels) (-> arg1 active-channels))
;; figure out which slot the source is, and remember that we're a copy.
(set! (-> arg0 root-channel)
(the-as (inline-array joint-control-channel)
(-> arg0
(/ (&- (the-as pointer (-> arg1 root-channel)) (the-as uint (the-as pointer (-> arg1 channel)))) 48)
;; copy channels
(the-as pointer (-> arg0 channel))
(the-as pointer (-> arg1 channel))
(* 48 (-> arg0 allocated-length))
;; set parents of channels to point to the dest.
(dotimes (v1-7 (-> arg0 allocated-length))
(set! (-> arg0 channel v1-7 parent) arg0)
(defun joint-control-remap! ((arg0 joint-control) (arg1 art-group) (arg2 art-group) (arg3 pair) (arg4 int) (arg5 string))
(sv-16 int)
(sv-24 symbol)
(sv-32 int)
(sv-40 int)
(sv-48 joint-control-channel)
(sv-52 object)
(sv-56 int)
(sv-64 joint)
(sv-80 string)
(set! sv-16 (+ (length (-> arg2 name)) 1))
(set! sv-24 #t)
(set! sv-32 arg4)
(set! sv-40 2)
(while (and (< sv-40 (-> arg1 length)) (!= (-> arg1 data sv-40 type) art-joint-anim))
(set! sv-40 (+ sv-40 1))
(dotimes (s2-1 (-> arg0 active-channels))
(set! sv-48 (-> arg0 channel s2-1))
(when (-> sv-48 frame-group)
(format (clear *temp-string*) "~S~G" arg5 (&+ (-> sv-48 frame-group name data) sv-16))
(when (not (null? arg3))
(set! sv-52 (nassoc *temp-string* arg3))
(when sv-52
(let ((s1-1 sv-32)
(a0-9 sv-52)
(set! sv-56 (mod s1-1 (+ ((method-of-type (rtype-of a0-9) length) a0-9) -1)))
(let ((s1-2 format)
(s0-0 (clear *temp-string*))
(set! sv-80 "~S")
(let ((a2-2 (ref sv-52 (+ sv-56 1))))
(s1-2 s0-0 sv-80 a2-2)
(set! sv-64 (dummy-10 arg1 *temp-string* art-joint-anim))
(set! (-> sv-48 frame-group) (the-as art-joint-anim sv-64))
(set! (-> sv-48 frame-group) (the-as art-joint-anim (-> arg1 data sv-40)))
(set! (-> sv-48 frame-num) 0.0)
(set! sv-24 (the-as symbol #f))
(the-as object sv-24)
(defun flatten-joint-control-to-spr ((arg0 joint-control))
"Take the current state of the given joint-control and upload it to the scratchpad
in the format that will be understood by the joint animation decompressor."
(rlet ((vf1 :class vf)
(vf10 :class vf)
(vf11 :class vf)
(vf12 :class vf)
(vf13 :class vf)
(vf14 :class vf)
(vf2 :class vf)
(vf3 :class vf)
(vf4 :class vf)
(vf5 :class vf)
(vf6 :class vf)
(vf7 :class vf)
(vf8 :class vf)
(vf9 :class vf)
(let ((nb-channels (-> arg0 active-channels)))
(let ((f0-0 1.0) ;; one
(v1-0 0) ;; offset in spad
(a1-0 (-> (scratchpad-object terrain-context) work foreground joint-work flattened)) ;; start of data.
;; loop over active channels.
(dotimes (a0-1 nb-channels)
(let ((a2-3 (-> arg0 channel a0-1)))
(case (-> a2-3 command)
;; this adds a weight of 1 for this channel always.
;; note that the quads store 1 - weight, so we store 0's here.
(let ((a2-4 (&+ (the-as pointer a1-0) v1-0)))
(set! (-> a1-0 0 quad) (the-as uint128 0))
(set! (-> a1-0 1 quad) (the-as uint128 0))
(set! (-> a1-0 2 quad) (the-as uint128 0))
(set! (-> a1-0 3 quad) (the-as uint128 0))
(set! (-> a1-0 4 quad) (the-as uint128 0))
(set! (-> a1-0 5 quad) (the-as uint128 0))
;; and this thing stores the normal weight.
(set! (-> (the-as (pointer float) a2-4)) f0-0)
;; advance.
(set! a1-0 (the-as (inline-array vector) (-> a1-0 6)))
(('blend 'push1)
(let ((f1-0 (-> a2-3 frame-interp)))
(let ((a2-5 (- f0-0 f1-0)))
(.mov vf1 a2-5)
(let ((a1-1 (the-as (inline-array vector) (-> a1-0 -6))))
(.lvf vf2 (&-> a1-1 0 quad))
(let ((a2-6 (&+ (the-as pointer a1-1) v1-0)))
(.lvf vf3 (&-> a1-1 1 quad))
(.lvf vf4 (&-> a1-1 2 quad))
(.lvf vf5 (&-> a1-1 3 quad))
(.lvf vf6 (&-> a1-1 4 quad))
(.lvf vf7 (&-> a1-1 5 quad))
(.mul.x.vf vf2 vf2 vf1)
(.mul.x.vf vf3 vf3 vf1)
(.mul.x.vf vf4 vf4 vf1)
(.mul.x.vf vf5 vf5 vf1)
(.mul.x.vf vf6 vf6 vf1)
(.mul.x.vf vf7 vf7 vf1)
(.svf (&-> a1-1 0 quad) vf2)
(.svf (&-> a1-1 1 quad) vf3)
(.svf (&-> a1-1 2 quad) vf4)
(.svf (&-> a1-1 3 quad) vf5)
(.svf (&-> a1-1 4 quad) vf6)
(.svf (&-> a1-1 5 quad) vf7)
(set! (-> (the-as (pointer float) a2-6)) (+ (-> (the-as (pointer float) a2-6) 0) f1-0))
(set! a1-0 (the-as (inline-array vector) (-> a1-1 6)))
(let* ((f2-2 (-> a2-3 frame-interp))
(f1-2 (- f0-0 f2-2))
(a1-2 (the-as (inline-array vector) (-> a1-0 -12)))
(let ((a2-7 f2-2))
(.mov vf1 a2-7)
(let ((a2-8 f1-2))
(.mov vf2 a2-8)
(.lvf vf3 (&-> a1-2 0 quad))
(.lvf vf4 (&-> a1-2 1 quad))
(.lvf vf5 (&-> a1-2 2 quad))
(.lvf vf6 (&-> a1-2 3 quad))
(.lvf vf7 (&-> a1-2 4 quad))
(.lvf vf8 (&-> a1-2 5 quad))
(.mul.x.vf vf3 vf3 vf2)
(.mul.x.vf vf4 vf4 vf2)
(.mul.x.vf vf5 vf5 vf2)
(.mul.x.vf vf6 vf6 vf2)
(.mul.x.vf vf7 vf7 vf2)
(.mul.x.vf vf8 vf8 vf2)
(.lvf vf9 (&-> a1-2 6 quad))
(.lvf vf10 (&-> a1-2 7 quad))
(.lvf vf11 (&-> a1-2 8 quad))
(.lvf vf12 (&-> a1-2 9 quad))
(.lvf vf13 (&-> a1-2 10 quad))
(.lvf vf14 (&-> a1-2 11 quad))
(.mul.x.vf vf9 vf9 vf1)
(.mul.x.vf vf10 vf10 vf1)
(.mul.x.vf vf11 vf11 vf1)
(.mul.x.vf vf12 vf12 vf1)
(.mul.x.vf vf13 vf13 vf1)
(.mul.x.vf vf14 vf14 vf1)
(.add.vf vf3 vf3 vf9)
(.add.vf vf4 vf4 vf10)
(.add.vf vf5 vf5 vf11)
(.add.vf vf6 vf6 vf12)
(.add.vf vf7 vf7 vf13)
(.add.vf vf8 vf8 vf14)
(.svf (&-> a1-2 0 quad) vf3)
(.svf (&-> a1-2 1 quad) vf4)
(.svf (&-> a1-2 2 quad) vf5)
(.svf (&-> a1-2 3 quad) vf6)
(.svf (&-> a1-2 4 quad) vf7)
(.svf (&-> a1-2 5 quad) vf8)
(set! a1-0 (the-as (inline-array vector) (-> a1-2 6)))
(+! v1-0 4)
(let ((upl-idx 0))
(dotimes (ch nb-channels)
(when (< 0.001 (-> (scratchpad-object terrain-context) work foreground joint-work flatten-array ch))
(let* ((v1-9 (-> arg0 channel ch))
(s2-0 (-> v1-9 frame-group frames))
(f0-2 (-> v1-9 frame-num))
(s1-0 (the int f0-2))
(f30-0 (- f0-2 (the float s1-0)))
(let ((s0-0 (+ (-> s2-0 num-frames) -1)))
(if (not (-> v1-9 frame-group))
(format 0 "Channel ~D skel ~A frame-group is #f!!!~%" ch arg0)
(when (>= s1-0 (the-as int s0-0))
(set! f30-0 0.0)
(set! s1-0 (the-as int s0-0))
(let ((v1-18 (-> (scratchpad-object terrain-context) work foreground joint-work uploads upl-idx)))
(set! (-> v1-18 fixed) (-> s2-0 fixed))
(set! (-> v1-18 fixed-qwc) (the-as int (-> s2-0 fixed-qwc)))
(set! (-> v1-18 frame) (-> s2-0 data s1-0))
(set! (-> v1-18 frame-qwc) (the-as int (if (= f30-0 0.0)
(-> s2-0 frame-qwc)
(* (-> s2-0 frame-qwc) 2)
(set! (-> v1-18 amount) (-> (scratchpad-object terrain-context) work foreground joint-work flatten-array ch))
(set! (-> v1-18 interp) f30-0)
(+! upl-idx 1)
(set! (-> (scratchpad-object terrain-context) work foreground joint-work num-uploads) upl-idx)
(dotimes (v1-24 nb-channels)
(set! (-> arg0 channel v1-24 inspector-amount)
(-> (scratchpad-object terrain-context) work foreground joint-work flatten-array v1-24)
(defun matrix-from-joint-anim-frame ((arg0 joint-anim-compressed-control) (arg1 int) (arg2 int))
(let ((v1-1 (the-as object (-> arg0 fixed data)))
(v0-0 (the-as object (-> arg0 data arg2 data)))
((zero? (logand (-> arg0 fixed hdr matrix-bits) 1))
(set! v1-1 (cond
((zero? arg1)
(return (the-as matrix v1-1))
(-> (the-as (inline-array vector) v1-1) 4)
((zero? arg1)
(return (the-as matrix v0-0))
(set! v0-0 (-> (the-as (inline-array vector) v0-0) 4))
(if (zero? (logand (-> arg0 fixed hdr matrix-bits) 2))
(return (the-as matrix v1-1))
(the-as matrix v0-0)
(defun matrix-from-control-channel! ((arg0 matrix) (arg1 joint) (arg2 joint-control-channel))
(let ((s4-0 (-> arg2 frame-group))
(s5-0 (-> arg1 number))
(if (>= s5-0 2)
(format 0 "ERROR: Call to matrix-from-control-channel! on joint ~D~%" s5-0)
(let* ((f30-0 (fmax 0.0 (fmin (-> arg2 frame-num) (the float (+ (-> s4-0 data 0 length) -1)))))
(f0-1 f30-0)
((= (the float (the int f0-1)) f0-1)
(let* ((a2-3 (matrix-from-joint-anim-frame (-> s4-0 frames) s5-0 (the int f30-0)))
(v1-7 (-> a2-3 vector 0 quad))
(a0-3 (-> a2-3 vector 1 quad))
(a1-3 (-> a2-3 vector 2 quad))
(a2-4 (-> a2-3 vector 3 quad))
(set! (-> arg0 vector 0 quad) v1-7)
(set! (-> arg0 vector 1 quad) a0-3)
(set! (-> arg0 vector 2 quad) a1-3)
(set! (-> arg0 vector 3 quad) a2-4)
(let ((s3-1 (matrix-from-joint-anim-frame (-> s4-0 frames) s5-0 (the int f30-0)))
(a2-7 (matrix-from-joint-anim-frame (-> s4-0 frames) s5-0 (+ (the int f30-0) 1)))
(f0-9 (- f30-0 (the float (the int f30-0))))
(matrix-lerp! arg0 s3-1 a2-7 f0-9)
(defun matrix-from-control-pair! ((arg0 matrix) (arg1 matrix) (arg2 joint))
(let ((f30-0 (-> arg1 vector 0 z)))
((>= 0.0 f30-0)
((>= f30-0 1.0)
(matrix-from-control-channel! arg0 arg2 (the-as joint-control-channel arg1))
(let ((a2-3 (matrix-from-control-channel!
(the-as matrix (+ 16 (the-as int (scratchpad-object terrain-context))))
(the-as joint-control-channel arg1)
(matrix-lerp! arg0 arg0 a2-3 f30-0)
(defun matrix-from-control! ((arg0 matrix-stack) (arg1 joint) (arg2 joint-control) (arg3 symbol))
(set! (-> arg0 top) (the-as matrix (-> arg0 data)))
(dotimes (s2-0 (-> arg2 active-channels))
(let* ((a2-1 (-> arg2 channel s2-0))
(v1-4 (-> a2-1 command))
(s1-0 64)
((and (= arg3 'no-push) (= v1-4 'push1))
(the-as matrix (&- (the-as pointer (-> arg0 top)) (the-as uint s1-0)))
((and (= arg3 'no-push) (= v1-4 'stack))
(set! (-> arg0 top) (the-as matrix (&- (the-as pointer (-> arg0 top)) (the-as uint s1-0))))
(let* ((v1-10 (the-as matrix (&- (the-as pointer (-> arg0 top)) (the-as uint s1-0))))
(a3-1 (-> arg0 top))
(a0-10 (-> a3-1 vector 0 quad))
(a1-4 (-> a3-1 vector 1 quad))
(a2-2 (-> a3-1 vector 2 quad))
(a3-2 (-> a3-1 vector 3 quad))
(set! (-> v1-10 vector 0 quad) a0-10)
(set! (-> v1-10 vector 1 quad) a1-4)
(set! (-> v1-10 vector 2 quad) a2-2)
(set! (-> v1-10 vector 3 quad) a3-2)
((= v1-4 'push)
(matrix-from-control-channel! (-> arg0 top) arg1 a2-1)
(set! (-> arg0 top) (the-as matrix (+ (the-as uint (-> arg0 top)) s1-0)))
((or (= v1-4 'blend) (= v1-4 'push1))
(the-as matrix (&- (the-as pointer (-> arg0 top)) (the-as uint s1-0)))
(the-as matrix a2-1)
((= v1-4 'stack)
(set! (-> arg0 top) (the-as matrix (&- (the-as pointer (-> arg0 top)) (the-as uint s1-0))))
(let ((a1-8 (&- (the-as pointer (-> arg0 top)) (the-as uint s1-0)))
(v1-19 (-> arg0 top))
(f0-0 (-> a2-1 frame-interp))
(matrix-lerp! (the-as matrix a1-8) (the-as matrix a1-8) v1-19 f0-0)
(the-as matrix (-> arg0 data))
(defmethod dummy-9 cspace ((obj cspace) (arg0 basic))
(set! (-> obj parent) #f)
(set! (-> obj joint) #f)
(set! (-> obj geo) arg0)
(set! (-> obj param0) #f)
(set! (-> obj param1) #f)
(set! (-> obj param2) #f)
(defmethod new cspace ((allocation symbol) (type-to-make type) (arg0 basic))
(let ((t9-0 (method-of-type structure new))
(v1-1 type-to-make)
(-> type-to-make size)
((method-of-type cspace dummy-9) (the-as cspace (t9-0 allocation v1-1)) arg0)
(defun cspace<-cspace! ((arg0 cspace) (arg1 cspace))
(let ((v0-0 (-> arg0 bone transform)))
(let* ((a2-0 (-> arg1 bone transform))
(v1-2 (-> a2-0 vector 0 quad))
(a0-1 (-> a2-0 vector 1 quad))
(a1-1 (-> a2-0 vector 2 quad))
(a2-1 (-> a2-0 vector 3 quad))
(set! (-> v0-0 vector 0 quad) v1-2)
(set! (-> v0-0 vector 1 quad) a0-1)
(set! (-> v0-0 vector 2 quad) a1-1)
(set! (-> v0-0 vector 3 quad) a2-1)
(defun cspace<-rot-yxy! ((arg0 cspace) (arg1 transform))
(let ((s5-0 (-> arg0 bone transform)))
(matrix-rotate-yxy! s5-0 (-> arg1 rot))
(scale-matrix! s5-0 (-> arg1 scale) s5-0)
(defun cspace<-transform-yxy! ((arg0 cspace) (arg1 transform))
(let ((s4-0 (-> arg0 bone transform))
(s5-0 (new 'stack-no-clear 'matrix))
(s3-0 (new 'stack-no-clear 'matrix))
(matrix-identity! s4-0)
(matrix-translate! s4-0 (-> arg1 trans))
(matrix-rotate-yxy! s5-0 (-> arg1 rot))
(matrix*! s3-0 s5-0 s4-0)
(scale-matrix! s4-0 (-> arg1 scale) s3-0)
(defun cspace<-transformq! ((arg0 cspace) (arg1 transformq))
(matrix<-transformq! (-> arg0 bone transform) arg1)
(defun cspace<-transformq+trans! ((arg0 cspace) (arg1 transformq) (arg2 vector))
(matrix<-transformq+trans! (-> arg0 bone transform) arg1 arg2)
(defun cspace<-transformq+world-trans! ((arg0 cspace) (arg1 transformq) (arg2 vector))
(matrix<-transformq+world-trans! (-> arg0 bone transform) arg1 arg2)
(defun cspace-calc-total-matrix! ((arg0 cspace) (arg1 matrix))
(matrix*! arg1 (-> arg0 bone transform) (-> *math-camera* camera-temp))
(defun cspace<-matrix-no-push-joint! ((arg0 cspace) (arg1 joint-control))
(let ((v1-2 (matrix-from-control!
(the-as matrix-stack (+ 80 (the-as int (scratchpad-object terrain-context))))
(-> arg0 joint)
(v0-1 (-> arg0 bone transform))
(let ((a0-4 (-> v1-2 vector 0 quad))
(a1-2 (-> v1-2 vector 1 quad))
(a2-1 (-> v1-2 vector 2 quad))
(v1-3 (-> v1-2 vector 3 quad))
(set! (-> v0-1 vector 0 quad) a0-4)
(set! (-> v0-1 vector 1 quad) a1-2)
(set! (-> v0-1 vector 2 quad) a2-1)
(set! (-> v0-1 vector 3 quad) v1-3)
(defun cspace<-matrix-joint! ((arg0 cspace) (arg1 matrix))
(let ((v0-0 (-> arg0 bone transform)))
(let* ((a2-0 arg1)
(v1-1 (-> a2-0 vector 0 quad))
(a0-1 (-> a2-0 vector 1 quad))
(a1-1 (-> a2-0 vector 2 quad))
(a2-1 (-> a2-0 vector 3 quad))
(set! (-> v0-0 vector 0 quad) v1-1)
(set! (-> v0-0 vector 1 quad) a0-1)
(set! (-> v0-0 vector 2 quad) a1-1)
(set! (-> v0-0 vector 3 quad) a2-1)
(defun cspace<-parented-matrix-joint! ((arg0 cspace) (arg1 matrix))
(matrix*! (-> arg0 bone transform) arg1 (-> arg0 parent bone transform))
;; tricky ones:
;; cspace<-parented-transformq-joint!
;; -manually done, could also be mips2c if too slow
;; clear-frame-accumulator
;; - clear 128 bytes + 48*s2 bytes.
;; - probably should be C++.
;; normalize-frame-quaternions
;; - can mips2c
;; decompress-fixed-data-to-accumulator
;; - pretty big, should mips2c (jump table)
;; decompress-frame-data-to-accumulator
;; - pretty big, should mips2c (jump table)
;; decompress-frame-data-pair-to-accumulator
;; - pretty big, should mips2c (jump table)
;; make-joint-jump-tables
;; - gross
;; calc-animation-from-spr
;; - would be nice as goal.
;; all run by create-interpolated-joint-animation-frame
(def-mips2c cspace<-parented-transformq-joint! (function cspace transformq none))
; (defun cspace<-parented-transformq-joint! ((arg0 cspace) (arg1 transformq))
; (nop!)
; ;; the ops in these funcs were scrambled for pipeline optimization. screw that.
; ;; f0 = 1.0
; ;; a3 = -> arg0 parent (used once)
; (rlet ((acc :class vf)
; (vf0 :class vf) ;; unit
; (vf5 :class vf) ;; quat
; (vf15 :class vf) ;; trans
; (vf6 :class vf) ;; temp
; (vf2 :class vf) ;; temp
; (vf3 :class vf) ;; temp
; (vf4 :class vf) ;; temp
; (vf1 :class vf) ;; temp
; (vf7 :class vf) ;; temp
; (vf8 :class vf) ;; temp
; (vf9 :class vf) ;; temp
; (vf10 :class vf) ;; temp
; (vf11 :class vf) ;; temp
; (vf12 :class vf) ;; temp
; (vf13 :class vf) ;; temp
; (vf14 :class vf) ;; temp
; (vf16 :class vf) ;; temp
; (t1 :class vf)
; (t2 :class vf)
; (t3 :class vf)
; )
; (init-vf0-vector)
; (.lvf vf5 (-> arg1 quat))
; (.lvf vf15 (-> arg1 trans))
; (let ((t0 (-> arg0 parent bone))
; (a2 (-> arg0 bone))
; )
; (.add.vf vf6 vf5 vf5)
; ;; set vf2
; (.add.w.vf vf2 vf0 vf5 :mask #b0001)
; (.add.z.vf vf2 vf0 vf5 :mask #b0010)
; (.sub.y.vf vf2 vf0 vf5 :mask #b0100)
; (.sub.w.vf vf2 vf0 vf0 :mask #b1000)
; ;; set vf3
; (.sub.z.vf vf3 vf0 vf5 :mask #b0001)
; (.add.w.vf vf3 vf0 vf5 :mask #b0010)
; (.add.x.vf vf3 vf0 vf5 :mask #b0100)
; (.sub.w.vf vf3 vf0 vf0 :mask #b1000)
; ;; set vf4
; (.add.y.vf vf4 vf0 vf5 :mask #b0001)
; (.sub.x.vf vf4 vf0 vf5 :mask #b0010)
; (.add.w.vf vf4 vf0 vf5 :mask #b0100)
; (.sub.w.vf vf4 vf0 vf0 :mask #b1000)
; ;; outer prods
; (.outer.product.a.vf acc vf6 vf2)
; (.outer.product.b.vf vf2 vf2 vf6 acc)
; (.outer.product.a.vf acc vf6 vf3)
; (.outer.product.b.vf vf3 vf3 vf6 acc)
; (.outer.product.a.vf acc vf6 vf4)
; (.outer.product.b.vf vf4 vf4 vf6 acc)
; ;; add ones
; (.add.w.vf vf2 vf2 vf0 :mask #b0001)
; (.add.w.vf vf3 vf3 vf0 :mask #b0010)
; (.add.w.vf vf4 vf4 vf0 :mask #b0100)
; ;; things for cond blocks
; (.lvf vf7 (-> t0 transform vector 0))
; (.lvf vf8 (-> t0 transform vector 1))
; (.lvf vf9 (-> t0 transform vector 2))
; (.lvf vf10 (-> t0 transform vector 3))
; (.lvf vf1 (-> a2 scale))
; (cond
; ((zero? (-> t0 scale w))
; (.mul.x.vf vf2 vf2 vf1)
; (.mul.y.vf vf3 vf3 vf1)
; (.mul.z.vf vf4 vf4 vf1)
; ;; the same
; (.matrix*! acc (vf11 vf12 vf13 vf14) (vf2 vf3 vf4 (vf15 vf15 vf15 vf0)) (vf7 vf8 vf9 vf10))
; (.svf (-> a2 transform vector 0) vf11)
; (.svf (-> a2 transform vector 1) vf12)
; (.svf (-> a2 transform vector 2) vf13)
; (.svf (-> a2 transform vector 3) vf14)
; )
; (else
; (.mul.x.vf vf2 vf2 vf1)
; (.mul.y.vf vf3 vf3 vf1)
; (.mul.z.vf vf4 vf4 vf1)
; (.mov t1 (/ 1.0 (-> t0 scale x)))
; (.mov t2 (/ 1.0 (-> t0 scale y)))
; (.mov t3 (/ 1.0 (-> t0 scale z)))
; (.pextlw t1 t1 t2)
; (.pcpyld t1 t1 t3)
; (.mov vf16 t1)
; (.mul.vf vf2 vf2 vf16)
; (.mul.vf vf3 vf3 vf16)
; (.mul.vf vf4 vf4 vf16)
; ;; the same
; (.matrix*! acc (vf11 vf12 vf13 vf14) (vf2 vf3 vf4 (vf15 vf15 vf15 vf0)) (vf7 vf8 vf9 vf10))
; (.svf (-> a2 transform vector 0) vf11)
; (.svf (-> a2 transform vector 1) vf12)
; (.svf (-> a2 transform vector 2) vf13)
; (.svf (-> a2 transform vector 3) vf14)
; )
; )
; )
; )
; )
; (defun clear-frame-accumulator ((arg0 (inline-array vector)))
; ;; TODO
; (with-sp
; (.sub sp 16)
; (nop!)
; (nop!)
; (nop!)
; (nop!)
; (nop!)
; (nop!)
; (nop!)
; (nop!)
; (.add sp 16)
; )
; )
(define-extern decompress-fixed-data-to-accumulator (function none))
(define-extern decompress-frame-data-to-accumulator (function none))
(define-extern decompress-frame-data-pair-to-accumulator (function none))
;; ERROR: function was not converted to expressions. Cannot decompile.
;; ERROR: function was not converted to expressions. Cannot decompile.
;; ERROR: function was not converted to expressions. Cannot decompile.
(defun make-joint-jump-tables ()
#x3ee6b6f9, // = 9 ^ 1055307504
#x3ee6b6ff, // = 15 ^ 1055307504
#x3ee6b6e2, // = 18 ^ 1055307504
#x3ee6b6e4, // = 20 ^ 1055307504
#x3ee6b6e5, // = 21 ^ 1055307504
#x3ee6b6eb, // = 27 ^ 1055307504
#x3ee6b6ee, // = 30 ^ 1055307504
#x3ee6b6f6, // = 6 ^ 1055307504
#x3ee6b6fc, // = 12 ^ 1055307504
#x3ee6b6ff, // = 15 ^ 1055307504
#x3ee6b6e3, // = 19 ^ 1055307504
#x3ee6b6e4, // = 20 ^ 1055307504
#x3ee6b6e8, // = 24 ^ 1055307504
#x3ee6b6eb, // = 27 ^ 1055307504
#x3ee6b6ef, // = 31 ^ 1055307504
#x3ee6b6f6, // = 6 ^ 1055307504
(set! (-> (scratchpad-object terrain-context) work foreground joint-work fix-jmp-table 0)
(the-as (function none) (+ 0 #x3ee6b6f9))
(set! (-> (scratchpad-object terrain-context) work foreground joint-work fix-jmp-table 1)
(the-as (function none) (+ 0 #x3ee6b6ff))
(set! (-> (scratchpad-object terrain-context) work foreground joint-work fix-jmp-table 2)
(the-as (function none) (+ 0 #x3ee6b6e2))
(set! (-> (scratchpad-object terrain-context) work foreground joint-work fix-jmp-table 3)
(the-as (function none) (+ 0 #x3ee6b6e4))
(set! (-> (scratchpad-object terrain-context) work foreground joint-work fix-jmp-table 4)
(the-as (function none) (+ 0 #x3ee6b6e5))
(set! (-> (scratchpad-object terrain-context) work foreground joint-work fix-jmp-table 5)
(the-as (function none) (+ 0 #x3ee6b6eb))
(set! (-> (scratchpad-object terrain-context) work foreground joint-work fix-jmp-table 6)
(the-as (function none) (+ 0 #x3ee6b6ee))
(set! (-> (scratchpad-object terrain-context) work foreground joint-work fix-jmp-table 7)
(the-as (function none) (+ 0 #x3ee6b6f6))
(set! (-> (scratchpad-object terrain-context) work foreground joint-work fix-jmp-table 8)
(the-as (function none) (+ 0 #x3ee6b6fc))
(set! (-> (scratchpad-object terrain-context) work foreground joint-work fix-jmp-table 9)
(the-as (function none) (+ 0 #x3ee6b6ff))
(set! (-> (scratchpad-object terrain-context) work foreground joint-work fix-jmp-table 10)
(the-as (function none) (+ 0 #x3ee6b6e3))
(set! (-> (scratchpad-object terrain-context) work foreground joint-work fix-jmp-table 11)
(the-as (function none) (+ 0 #x3ee6b6e4))
(set! (-> (scratchpad-object terrain-context) work foreground joint-work fix-jmp-table 12)
(the-as (function none) (+ 0 #x3ee6b6e8))
(set! (-> (scratchpad-object terrain-context) work foreground joint-work fix-jmp-table 13)
(the-as (function none) (+ 0 #x3ee6b6eb))
(set! (-> (scratchpad-object terrain-context) work foreground joint-work fix-jmp-table 14)
(the-as (function none) (+ 0 #x3ee6b6ef))
(set! (-> (scratchpad-object terrain-context) work foreground joint-work fix-jmp-table 15)
(the-as (function none) (+ 0 #x3ee6b6f6))
(let ((arr (new 'static 'array uint32 16
#x7b2191b ;; = 6 ^ 129112349
#x7b21914 ;; = 9 ^ 129112349
#x7b21916 ;; = 11 ^ 129112349
#x7b21913 ;; = 14 ^ 129112349
#x7b21909 ;; = 20 ^ 129112349
#x7b21908 ;; = 21 ^ 129112349
#x7b2190a ;; = 23 ^ 129112349
#x7b21907 ;; = 26 ^ 129112349
#x7b2191b ;; = 6 ^ 129112349
#x7b21917 ;; = 10 ^ 129112349
#x7b21916 ;; = 11 ^ 129112349
#x7b2190c ;; = 17 ^ 129112349
#x7b21909 ;; = 20 ^ 129112349
#x7b2190b ;; = 22 ^ 129112349
#x7b2190a ;; = 23 ^ 129112349
#x7b21900 ;; = 29 ^ 129112349
(dotimes (i 16)
(set! (-> (scratchpad-object terrain-context) work foreground joint-work frm-jmp-table i)
(the-as (function none) (-> arr i))
(let ((arr (new 'static 'array uint32 16
#x4d7666df ;; = 6 ^ 1299605209
#x4d7666d0 ;; = 9 ^ 1299605209
#x4d7666d2 ;; = 11 ^ 1299605209
#x4d7666d7 ;; = 14 ^ 1299605209
#x4d7666cd ;; = 20 ^ 1299605209
#x4d7666cc ;; = 21 ^ 1299605209
#x4d7666ce ;; = 23 ^ 1299605209
#x4d7666c3 ;; = 26 ^ 1299605209
#x4d7666df ;; = 6 ^ 1299605209
#x4d7666d3 ;; = 10 ^ 1299605209
#x4d7666d2 ;; = 11 ^ 1299605209
#x4d7666c8 ;; = 17 ^ 1299605209
#x4d7666cd ;; = 20 ^ 1299605209
#x4d7666cf ;; = 22 ^ 1299605209
#x4d7666ce ;; = 23 ^ 1299605209
#x4d7666c4 ;; = 29 ^ 1299605209
(dotimes (i 16)
(set! (-> (scratchpad-object terrain-context) work foreground joint-work pair-jmp-table i)
(the-as (function none) (-> arr i))
; (defun calc-animation-from-spr ((arg0 (inline-array vector)) (arg1 int))
; (declare (asm-func object)
; (allow-saved-regs) ;; very dangerous!
; )
; (with-sp
; ;; useless possibly leftover reg move here
; (rlet (
; (s0 :reg rbx)
; (s1 :reg rbp)
; (s2 :reg r10)
; (s3 :reg r11)
; (s4 :reg r12)
; (s6 :reg r13)
; )
; ;(.sub sp -16)
; (let ((joint-num arg1))
; )
; ;(.add sp 16)
; )
; )
; (.ret)
; )
(def-mips2c calc-animation-from-spr (function (inline-array vector) int none))
(defun create-interpolated-joint-animation-frame ((arg0 (inline-array vector)) (arg1 int) (arg2 process-drawable))
(flatten-joint-control-to-spr (-> arg2 skel))
(calc-animation-from-spr arg0 arg1)