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2020-09-04 14:44:23 -04:00
(in-package goal)
;; name: gcommon.gc
;; name in dgo: gcommon
;; dgos: KERNEL
2020-09-13 10:40:21 -04:00
;; gcommon is the first file compiled and loaded.
;; it's expected that this function will mostly be hand-decompiled
(defun identity ((x object))
"Function which returns its input. The first function of the game!"
2020-09-13 17:34:02 -04:00
(defun 1/ ((x float))
"Reciprocal floating point"
;; likely inlined? nothing calls this.
2020-09-13 17:34:02 -04:00
(declare (inline))
(/ 1. x)
;; these next 4 functions are just function wrappers around the build in add/subtract/multiply/divide.
;; this will let you use + as an operation on integers and also as a function pointer.
2020-09-13 17:34:02 -04:00
(defun + ((x int) (y int))
"Compute the sum of two integers"
(+ x y)
(defun - ((x int) (y int))
"Compute the difference of two integers"
(- x y)
(defun * ((x int) (y int))
"Compute the product of two integers"
;; TODO - verify that this matches the PS2 exactly.
;; Uses mult (three operand form) in MIPS
(* x y)
(defun / ((x int) (y int))
"Compute the quotient of two integers"
;; TODO - verify this matches the PS2 exactly
(/ x y)
(defun ash ((value int) (shift-amount int))
2020-09-14 20:24:05 -04:00
"Arithmetic shift value by shift-amount.
A positive shift-amount will shift to the left and a negative will shift to the right.
;; currently the compiler does not support "ash", so this function is also used to implement "ash".
;; in the future, the compiler should be able to use constant propagation to turn constant shifts
;; into x86 constant shifts when possible (which are faster). The GOAL compiler seems to do this.
;; The original implementation was inline assembly, to take advantage of branch delay slots:
;; (or v1 a0 r0) ;; likely inserted by register coloring, not entirely needed
;; (bgezl a1 end) ;; branch to function end if positive shift (left)...
;; (dsllv v0 v1 a1) ;; do left shift in delay slot
;; (dsubu a0 r0 a1) ;; negative shift amount for right shift
;; (dsrav v0 v1 a0) ;; do right shift
;; (label end)
(declare (inline))
(if (> shift-amount 0)
;; these correspond to x86-64 variable shift instructions.
;; the exact behavior of GOAL shifts (signed/unsigned) are unknown so for now shifts must
;; be manually specified.
(shlv value shift-amount)
(sarv value (- shift-amount))
(defun mod ((a int) (b int))
2020-09-14 20:24:05 -04:00
"Compute mod. It does what you expect for positive numbers. For negative numbers, nobody knows what to expect.
This is a 32-bit operation. It uses an idiv on x86 and gets the remainder."
2020-09-14 20:24:05 -04:00
;; The original implementation is div, mfhi
;; todo - verify this is exactly the same as the PS2.
(mod a b)
(defun rem ((a int) (b int))
2020-09-14 20:24:05 -04:00
"Compute remainder (32-bit). It is identical to mod. It uses a idiv and gets the remainder"
2020-09-14 20:24:05 -04:00
;; The original implementation is div, mfhi
;; todo - verify this is exactly the same as the PS2.
(mod a b)
2020-09-13 17:34:02 -04:00
(defun abs ((a int))
"Take the absolute value of an integer"
;; short function, good candidate for inlining
(declare (inline))
;; The original implementation was inline assembly, to take advantage of branch delay slots:
;; (or v0 a0 r0) ;; move input to output unchanged, for positive case
;; (bltzl v0 end) ;; if negative, execute the branch delay slot below...
;; (dsubu v0 r0 v0) ;; negate
;; (label end)
2020-09-14 20:24:05 -04:00
2020-09-13 17:34:02 -04:00
(if (> a 0) ;; condition is "a > 0"
a ;; true case, return a
(- a) ;; false case, return -a. (- a) is like (- 0 a)
(defun min ((a int) (b int))
2020-09-14 16:45:42 -04:00
"Compute minimum."
2020-09-14 20:24:05 -04:00
2020-09-14 16:45:42 -04:00
;; The original implementation was inline assembly, to take advantage of branch delay slots:
;; (or v0 a0 r0) ;; move first arg to output (case of second arg being min)
;; (or v1 a1 r0) ;; move second arg to v1 (likely strange coloring)
;; (slt a0 v0 v1) ;; compare args
;; (movz v0 v1 a0) ;; conditional move the second arg to v0 if it's the minimum
2020-09-14 20:24:05 -04:00
2020-09-14 16:45:42 -04:00
(declare (inline))
(if (> a b) b a)
(defun max ((a int) (b int))
2020-09-14 16:45:42 -04:00
"Compute maximum."
(declare (inline))
(if (> a b) a b)
(defun logior ((a int) (b int))
2020-09-14 20:24:05 -04:00
"Compute the bitwise inclusive-or"
(logior a b)
(defun logand ((a int) (b int))
2020-09-14 20:24:05 -04:00
"Compute the bitwise and"
(logand a b)
(defun lognor ((a int) (b int))
2020-09-14 20:24:05 -04:00
"Compute not or."
;; Note - MIPS has a 'nor' instruction, but x86 doesn't.
;; the GOAL x86 compiler therefore doesn't have a nor operation,
;; so lognor is implemented by this inline function instead.
(declare (inline))
(lognot (logior a b))
(defun logxor ((a int) (b int))
2020-09-14 20:24:05 -04:00
"Compute the logical exclusive-or"
(logxor a b)
(defun lognot ((a int))
2020-09-14 20:24:05 -04:00
"Compute the bitwise not"
(lognot a)
2020-09-14 16:45:42 -04:00
(defun false-func ()
"Return false"
;; In GOAL, #f is false. It's a symbol. Each symbol exists as an object, and each symbol has a value
;; The value of the false symbol #f is the false symbol #f.
;; To get the symbol, instead of its value, we use quote. Writing 'x is equivalent to (quote x)
(defun true-func ()
"Return true"
;; GOAL consideres anything that's not #f to be true. But there's also an explicit true symbol.
;; The C Kernel implements the format function and creates a trampoline function in the GOAL heap which jumps to
;; format. (In OpenGOAL, there's actually two trampoline functions, to make the 8 arguments all work.)
;; For some reason, the C Kernel names this trampoline function _format. We need to set the value of format
;; _format in order for format to work.
2020-09-14 20:24:05 -04:00
;; I suspect this was to let us define (yet another) function here which set up C-style var args (supported from C Kernel)
;; or 128-bit arguments (unimplemented in C Kernel), but both of these were never finished.
2020-09-14 16:45:42 -04:00
(define format _format)
;; vec4s - this is present in the game as a 128-bit integer child type full of 4 floats.
;; this doesn't seem to be used, and OpenGOAL doesn't support bitfields or 128-bit integers yet, so it is omitted.
;; I suspect this was unused because putting 4 floats in a 128-bit integer register is not an incredibly useful thing to do
;; - accessing all of these floats will be very slow.
(deftype bfloat (basic)
((data float :offset-assert 4))
(print (_type_) _type_ 2) ;; we will override print later on. This is optional to include
(inspect (_type_) _type_ 3) ;; this is a parent method we won't override. This is also optional to include
:size-assert 8
:method-count-assert 9
:flag-assert #x900000008
(defmethod print bfloat ((obj bfloat))
"Override the default print method to print a bfloat like a normal float"
(format #t "~f" (-> obj data))
;; Type System
; The asize-of method should return the total size in memory used by an object.
; It's used for traversing heaps of basics and copying basics.
; Most basic/structure types are "fixed size", and their default asize-of method will simply
; return the "size" field of their type, so you don't have to worry about it.
; However, some types are dynamic (like a string) and require that you provide your own method.
; A common approach is to have an "allocated-length" field, then have the asize-of method return
; (+ (-> obj type size) (* elem-size (-> obj allocated-length)))
; asize-of returns the actual size, including the type field, and can have any alignment.
;; A "type" object contains some basic information about a type as well as the list of methods.
;; Some types have more methods than others, so the method table makes "type" a dynamic type.
;; As a result, we should define an "asize-of" method for type. It's possibly unused and it's wrong.
(defmethod asize-of type ((obj type))
"Get the size in memory of a type"
;; The 28 is 8 bytes too large. It's also strange that types have a 16-byte aligned size always,
;; but this matches what the runtime does as well. There's no reason that I can see for this,
;; as other basics don't require 16-byte aligned sizes.
;; - this is perhaps accurate back when types where inside of the symbol table? Or before switching to u16's
;; for some of the type values?
(align16 (+ 28 (* 4 (-> type allocated-length))))
(defun basic-type? ((obj basic) (input-type type))
"Is obj an object of type input-type, or of child type of input-type?
Note: checking if a basic is of type object will return #f."
(let ((basics-type (-> obj type))
(object-type object))
(until (eq? (set! basics-type (-> basics-type parent)) object-type)
(if (eq? basics-type input-type)
;; return-from #f will return from the function with the value of #t
(return-from #f #t)
#f ;; didn't find it, return false
(defun type-type? ((a type) (b type))
"is a a type (or child type) of type b?"
(let ((object-type object))
(until (or (eq? (set! a (-> a parent)) object-type)
(zero? a)
(if (eq? a b)
(return-from #f #t)
(defun find-parent-method ((the-type type) (method-id int))
"Find the nearest parent which has a different method, and get that method.
Use with extreme caution - if a checked parent has fewer methods than the child, it will
access out-of-bounds memory. Returns the nothing function if it gets to the top and
the parent has the same type, or if any parent has 0 as a method."
(let* ((child-method (-> the-type method-table method-id))
(parent-method child-method)
;; keep looking until we find a different parent method
(until (not (eq? parent-method child-method))
;; at the top of the type tree.
(if (eq? the-type object)
(return-from #f nothing)
(set! the-type (-> the-type parent))
(set! parent-method (-> the-type method-table method-id))
(if (eq? 0 (the int parent-method))
(return-from #f nothing)
;;;; pair and list
(defun ref ((obj object) (idx int))
"Get the nth item from a list. No type checking or range checking is done, so be careful!"
(dotimes (i idx (car obj))
(set! obj (cdr obj))
(defmethod length pair ((obj pair))
"Get the number of elements in a proper list"
(if (eq? obj '())
(return-from #f 0)
(let ((lst (cdr obj))
(len 1))
(while (and (not (eq? lst '()))
(pair? lst)
(+1! len)
(set! lst (cdr lst))
(defmethod asize-of pair ((obj pair))
"Get the asize of a pair"
(the-as int (-> pair size))
(defun last ((obj object))
"Get the last pair in a list."
(while (not (eq? (cdr obj) '()))
(set! obj (cdr obj))
(defun member ((obj object) (lst object))
"if obj is a member of the list, return the pair containing obj as its car.
if not, return #f."
(while (and (not (eq? lst '()))
(not (eq? (car lst) obj)))
(set! lst (cdr lst))
(if (eq? lst '())
(define-extern name= (function basic basic symbol))
(defun nmember ((obj basic) (lst object))
"If obj is a member of the list, return the pair containing obj as its car.
If not, return #f. Use name= (see gstring.gc) to check equality."
(while (and (not (eq? lst '()))
(not (name= (the basic (car lst)) obj))
(set! lst (cdr lst))
(if (eq? lst '())
(defun assoc ((item object) (alst object))
"Get a pair with car of item from the association list (list of pairs) alst."
(while (and (not (null? alst))
(not (eq? (caar alst) item)))
(set! alst (cdr alst))
(if (not (null? alst))
(car alst)
(defun assoce ((item object) (alst object))
"Like assoc, but a pair with car of 'else will match anything"
(while (and (not (null? alst))
(not (eq? (caar alst) item))
(not (eq? (caar alst) 'else))
(set! alst (cdr alst))
(if (not (null? alst))
(car alst)
;; todo
;; nassoc
;; nassce
(defun append! ((front object) (back object))
"Append back to front."
(if (null? front)
(return-from #f back)
(let ((lst front))
;; seek to the end of front
(while (not (null? (cdr lst)))
(set! lst (cdr lst))
;; this check seems not needed
(if (not (null? lst))
(set! (cdr lst) back)
(defun delete! ((item object) (lst object))
"Delete the first occurance of item from a list and return the list.
Does nothing if the item isn't in the list."
(if (eq? (car lst) item)
2020-11-22 20:10:33 -05:00
(return-from #f (the pair (cdr lst)))
(let ((iter (cdr lst))
(rep lst))
(while (and (not (null? iter))
(not (eq? (car iter) item)))
(set! rep iter)
(set! iter (cdr iter))
(if (not (null? iter))
(set! (cdr rep) (cdr iter))
(the pair lst)
(defun delete-car! ((item object) (lst object))
"Like delete, but will delete if (car item-from-list) is equal to item. Useful for deleting from association list by key."
;(format #t "call to delete car: ~A ~A~%" item lst)
(if (eq? (caar lst) item)
(return-from #f (cdr lst))
(let ((rep lst)
(iter (cdr lst)))
(while (and (not (null? iter))
(not (eq? (caar iter) item)))
(set! rep iter)
(set! iter (cdr iter))
(if (not (null? iter))
(set! (cdr rep) (cdr iter))
(defun insert-cons! ((kv object) (alst object))
"Insert key-value pair into an association list. Also removes the old one if it was there."
(cons kv (delete-car! (car kv) alst))
(defun sort ((lst object) (compare (function object object object)))
"Sort the given list in place. Uses the given comparison function. The comparison function can
either return #t/#f or an integer, in which case the sign of the integer determines lt/gt."
;; in each iteration, we count how many changes we make. Once we make no changes, the list is sorted.
(let ((changes -1))
(while (not (zero? changes)) ;; outer loop
(set! changes 0) ;; reset changes for this iteration
(let ((iter lst)) ;; iterate through list
(while (and (not (null? (cdr iter)))
(pair? (cdr iter)))
;; L221
(let* ((val1 (car iter)) ;; value at iterator
(val2 (car (cdr iter))) ;; value after iterator
(c-result (compare val1 val2))) ;; run comparison function
;; check if val1 and val2 are in order. The compare function may either return #t
;; or it may return val1 - val2. There is an issue if val1 - val2 happens to equal #t or #f.
(unless (or
(and c-result (<= (the integer c-result) 0)) ;; not #f, and negative, we're sorted!
(eq? c-result #t) ;; explictly return #t, we're sorted!
;; these two aren't sorted! so we swap them and increment changes.
(+1! changes)
(set! (car iter) val2)
(set! (car (cdr iter)) val1)
;; move on to the next thing in the list.
(set! iter (cdr iter))
;;;; inline array
;; a parent class for boxed "inline arrays" classes,
;; An inline-array is an array with a bunch of objects back-to-back, as opposed to a bunch of
;; references back to back.
;; Most inline-arrays are unboxed and are just data - this is a somewhat rarely used container parent
;; class for a class that wraps an unboxed inline-array.
;; the "heap-base" field of the type is used to store the indexing scale.
(deftype inline-array-class (basic)
((length int32 :offset-assert 4)
(allocated-length int32 :offset-assert 8)
(data uint8 :dynamic)
(_pad uint8 4)
(:methods (new (symbol type int) _type_ 0) ;; we will override print later on. This is optional to include
(defmethod new inline-array-class ((allocation symbol) (type-to-make type) (cnt int))
"Create a new inline-array. Sets the length, allocated-length to cnt. Uses the mysterious heap-base field
of the type-to-make to determine the element size"
(let* ((sz (+ (-> type-to-make size) (* (-> type-to-make heap-base) cnt)))
(new-object (object-new (the int sz))))
;;(format 0 "create sz ~d at #x~X~%" sz new-object)
(unless (zero? new-object)
(set! (-> new-object length) cnt)
(set! (-> new-object allocated-length) cnt)
(defmethod length inline-array-class ((obj inline-array-class))
;"Get the length of an inline-array"
(-> obj length)
(defmethod asize-of inline-array-class ((obj inline-array-class))
;"Get the size in memory of an inline-array-class"
(+ (the-as int (-> obj type size))
(* (-> obj allocated-length) (-> obj type heap-base))
;; array
;; boxed "pointer like" array.
;; unlike inline-array-class, all arrays are type array, but the content-type field stores the element type.
;; the stride of an array is 4, unless the element is a number, in which case the stride is the "size"
(defmethod new array ((allocation symbol) (type-to-make type) (content-type type) (size int))
"Create a new array. The length and allocated-length are both set to size."
(let ((obj (object-new (* size (if (type-type? content-type number)
(-> content-type size)
(set! (-> obj length) size)
(set! (-> obj allocated-length) size)
(set! (-> obj content-type) content-type)
;; todo array print and array inspect
(defmethod length array ((obj array))
"Get the length field of an array."
(-> obj length)
(defmethod asize-of array ((obj array))
"Get the size in memory of an array."
(the int (+ (-> array size) (* (-> obj allocated-length)
(if (type-type? (-> obj content-type) number)
(-> obj content-type size)
;; memcpy and similar
(defun mem-copy! ((dst pointer) (src pointer) (size int))
"Copy memory from src to dst. Size is in bytes. This is not an efficient implementation,
however, there are _no restrictions_ on size, alignment etc. Increasing address copy."
(let ((i 0)
(d (the pointer dst))
(s (the pointer src))
(while (< i size)
(set! (-> (the (pointer uint8) d) 0) (-> (the (pointer uint8) s) 0))
(&+! d 1)
(&+! s 1)
(+1! i)
(defun mem-set32! ((dst pointer) (value int) (n int))
"Memset a 32-bit value n times. Total memory filled is 4 * n bytes."
(let ((p (the pointer dst))
(i 0))
(while (< i n)
(set! (-> (the (pointer int32) p) 0) value)
(&+! p 4)
(+1! i)
(defun print-tree-bitmask ((bitmask int) (len int))
"The purpose of this function is unknown"
(dotimes (i len #f)
(if (zero? (logand bitmask 1))
(format #t " ")
(format #t "| ")
(set! bitmask (ash bitmask -1))