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2020-09-04 14:44:23 -04:00
(in-package goal)
;; name: loader.gc
;; name in dgo: loader
;; dgos: GAME, ENGINE
(defmethod inspect load-dir ((obj load-dir))
"Print all the stuff in a load-dir"
(format #t "[~8x] ~A~%" obj (-> obj type))
(format #t "~Tlevel: ~A~%" (-> obj unknown))
(format #t "~Tallocated-length: ~D~%" (-> obj string-array allocated-length))
(format #t "~Tlength: ~D~%" (-> obj string-array length))
(dotimes (i (-> obj string-array length))
(format #t "~T [~D] ~S ~A (~D bytes)~%"
i (-> obj string-array i) (-> obj data-array i) (mem-size (-> obj data-array i) #f 0))
(defmethod mem-usage load-dir ((obj load-dir) (arg0 memory-usage-block) (arg1 int))
"Get the memory usage data of a load-dir"
(set! (-> arg0 length) (max 82 (-> arg0 length)))
(set! (-> arg0 data 81 name) "array")
(set! (-> arg0 data 81 count) (+ (-> arg0 data 81 count) 1))
(let ((v1-6 (asize-of obj)))
(set! (-> arg0 data 81 used) (+ (-> arg0 data 81 used) v1-6))
(-> arg0 data 81 total)
(+ (-> arg0 data 81 total) (logand -16 (+ v1-6 15)))
(set! (-> arg0 length) (max 82 (-> arg0 length)))
(set! (-> arg0 data 81 name) "array")
(set! (-> arg0 data 81 count) (-> arg0 data 81 count))
(let ((v1-15 (asize-of (-> obj string-array))))
(set! (-> arg0 data 81 used) (+ (-> arg0 data 81 used) v1-15))
(-> arg0 data 81 total)
(+ (-> arg0 data 81 total) (logand -16 (+ v1-15 15)))
(set! (-> arg0 length) (max 82 (-> arg0 length)))
(set! (-> arg0 data 81 name) "array")
(set! (-> arg0 data 81 count) (-> arg0 data 81 count))
(let ((v1-24 (asize-of (-> obj data-array))))
(set! (-> arg0 data 81 used) (+ (-> arg0 data 81 used) v1-24))
(-> arg0 data 81 total)
(+ (-> arg0 data 81 total) (logand -16 (+ v1-24 15)))
(dotimes (s3-0 (-> obj data-array length))
(mem-usage (-> obj data-array s3-0) arg0 arg1)
(the-as load-dir #f)
(defmethod load-to-heap-by-name load-dir-art-group ((obj load-dir-art-group) (art-name string) (do-reload symbol) (heap kheap) (version int))
"Load the art with the given name to the heap and return the art.
Won't load a thing if it's already loaded, unless you set do-reload.
This is intended for debug only."
;; see if we already have it.
(let ((s5-0 (-> obj string-array)))
(dotimes (s3-0 (-> s5-0 length))
(when (string= art-name (-> s5-0 s3-0))
(when do-reload
;; we have it, reload it if requested
(let ((v1-4 (art-group-load-check art-name heap version)))
(if v1-4
(set! (-> obj art-group-array s3-0) v1-4)
(return (-> obj art-group-array s3-0))
;; nope, we don't have it,add it to the list.
(let ((v0-2 (art-group-load-check art-name heap version)))
(when v0-2
(set! (-> s5-0 (-> s5-0 length)) art-name)
(set! (-> obj art-group-array (-> s5-0 length)) v0-2)
(+! (-> s5-0 length) 1)
(+! (-> obj art-group-array length) 1)
(defmethod set-loaded-art load-dir-art-group ((obj load-dir-art-group) (arg0 art-group))
"Add some already loaded art to the load-dir."
(let ((s4-0 (-> obj string-array)))
(dotimes (s3-0 (-> s4-0 length))
(when (string= (-> arg0 name) (-> s4-0 s3-0))
(set! (-> obj art-group-array s3-0) arg0)
(return (-> obj art-group-array s3-0))
(set! (-> s4-0 (-> s4-0 length)) (-> arg0 name))
(set! (-> obj art-group-array (-> s4-0 length)) arg0)
(set! (-> s4-0 length) (+ (-> s4-0 length) 1))
(set! (-> obj art-group-array length) (+ (-> obj art-group-array length) 1))
(defun drawable-load ((arg0 drawable) (arg1 kheap))
"Load a drawable file. Unused."
((type-type? (-> arg0 type) string)
#|(with-sp (protect sp
(if (< sp *stack-top*)
(set! sp (&+ *kernel-sp* -1024))
(let ((s5-1 (the-as drawable (loado (the-as string arg0) arg1))))
(if (and s5-1 (type-type? (-> s5-1 type) drawable))
(login s5-1)
((type-type? (-> arg0 type) drawable)
(login arg0)
(defun art-load ((arg0 string) (arg1 kheap))
"Load an art file. Unused."
#|(with-sp (protect sp
(if (< sp *stack-top*)
(set! sp (&+ *kernel-sp* -1024))
(let ((s5-0 (the-as art (loado arg0 arg1))))
(if (type-type? (-> s5-0 type) art)
2021-08-14 23:15:10 -04:00
(login s5-0)
(the-as art #f)
(defun art-group-load-check ((arg0 string) (arg1 kheap) (arg2 int))
"Load and check an art-group file. this only runs if we're using debug memory."
(when *debug-segment*
#|(with-sp (protect sp
(if (< sp *stack-top*)
(set! sp (&+ *kernel-sp* -1024))
(let ((s3-1 (the-as art-group (loado (make-file-name (file-kind art-group) arg0 arg2 #f) arg1))))
((not s3-1)
(format 0 "ERROR: art-group ~A is not a valid file.~%" arg0)
(the-as art-group #f)
((not (type-type? (-> s3-1 type) art-group))
(format 0 "ERROR: art-group ~A is not a art-group.~%" arg0)
(the-as art-group #f)
((not (file-info-correct-version? (-> s3-1 info) (file-kind art-group) arg2))
;; ^ prints a detailed error if it fails.
;;(format 0 "ERROR: art-group ~A is not the correct version.~%" arg0)
(the-as art-group #f)
2021-08-14 23:15:10 -04:00
(login s3-1)
(defmethod set-pending-file external-art-buffer ((obj external-art-buffer) (arg0 string) (arg1 int) (arg2 handle) (arg3 float))
"Request a new file to be loaded into this buffer."
(set! (-> obj pending-load-file) arg0)
(set! (-> obj pending-load-file-part) arg1)
(set! (-> obj pending-load-file-owner) arg2)
(set! (-> obj pending-load-file-priority) arg3)
(defmethod unlock! external-art-buffer ((obj external-art-buffer))
"Unlock this buffer."
(declare (inline))
(set! (-> obj locked?) #f)
(defmethod inactive? external-art-buffer ((obj external-art-buffer))
"Is this buffer inactive?"
(declare (inline))
(!= (-> obj status) 'active)
(defmethod file-status external-art-buffer ((obj external-art-buffer) (name string) (part int))
"Get the status of a file in the buffer. #f = file is not present."
(when (and (name= (-> obj pending-load-file) name)
(= (-> obj pending-load-file-part) part)
;; the file is at least wanting to load
(if (and (name= (-> obj load-file) name) (= (-> obj load-file-part) part))
(-> obj status) ;; file is loaded or loading
'pending ;; file has not started loading yet.
(defmethod link-art! art-group ((obj art-group))
"Links the elements of this art-group.
This will put a reference to this joint animation in the level art group.
Level art groups have slots for temporarily loaded joint animations."
(when obj
(countdown (s5-0 (-> obj length))
(let* ((art-elt (-> obj data s5-0))
(janim (if (and (nonzero? art-elt) (type-type? (-> art-elt type) art-joint-anim))
(the-as art-joint-anim art-elt)
(success #f)
(when janim
;; a countdown with a label right at the start
(let ((s3-1 3))
(while (begin
(label cfg-22)
(nonzero? s3-1)
;; loop over levels, looking for the master art group for this joint animation.
(+! s3-1 -1)
(let ((janim-group (art-group-get-by-name (-> *level* level s3-1) (-> janim master-art-group-name))))
(when janim-group
((and (< (-> janim master-art-group-index) (-> janim-group length)) ;; index is valid
(not (-> janim-group data (-> janim master-art-group-index))) ;; doesn't already have it loaded
;; link!
(set! (-> janim-group data (-> janim master-art-group-index)) janim)
(set! success #t)
;; if the specified index is no good, just try looking for somewhere else.
(countdown (a0-14 (-> janim-group length))
(when (not (-> janim-group data a0-14))
;; found an empty one!
(set! (-> janim-group data a0-14) janim)
(set! success #t)
(goto cfg-22)
(if (not success)
(format 0 "ERROR: ~A could not find a master slot to link for ~A.~%" (-> obj name) janim)
(defmethod unlink-art! art-group ((obj art-group))
"Unlinks the elements of this art-group. This will undo the link-art! function."
(when obj
(countdown (s5-0 (-> obj length))
(let* ((art-elt (-> obj data s5-0))
(janim (if (and (nonzero? art-elt) (type-type? (-> art-elt type) art-joint-anim))
(the-as art-joint-anim art-elt)
(success #f)
(when janim
(let ((s2-0 3))
(while (begin
(label cfg-16)
(nonzero? s2-0)
(+! s2-0 -1)
(let ((janim-group (art-group-get-by-name (-> *level* level s2-0) (-> janim master-art-group-name))))
(when janim-group
(countdown (a0-5 (-> janim-group length))
(when (= janim (-> janim-group data a0-5))
(set! (-> janim-group data a0-5) #f)
(set! success #t)
(goto cfg-16)
(if (not success)
(format 0 "ERROR: ~A could not find a master slot to unlink for ~A.~%" (-> obj name) janim)
(defmethod link-file external-art-buffer ((obj external-art-buffer) (ag art-group))
"Link the art-group and set it to this buffer's art group."
(when ag
(link-art! ag)
(set! (-> obj art-group) ag)
(defmethod unlink-file external-art-buffer ((obj external-art-buffer) (ag art-group))
"Unlink the art-group and remove this buffer's art group."
(when ag
(unlink-art! ag)
(set! (-> obj art-group) #f)
(defmethod update external-art-buffer ((obj external-art-buffer))
"Update this buffer."
(when (or (not (name= (-> obj pending-load-file) (-> obj load-file)))
(!= (-> obj pending-load-file-part) (-> obj load-file-part))
;; we're loading a different file, or a different part of a file
(unless (handle->process (-> obj pending-load-file-owner))
;; nobody owns the loading file so we can discard it
(set! (-> obj pending-load-file) #f)
(set! (-> obj pending-load-file-part) -1)
(set! (-> obj pending-load-file-owner) (the-as handle #f))
(set! (-> obj pending-load-file-priority) SPOOL_PRIORITY_LOWEST)
(when (= (-> obj status) 'initialize)
;; we need to initialize the heap
(let ((v1-11 (-> obj heap)))
;; Scary: this is a hard coded address that points to the kernel memory.
;; it turns out the kernel doesn't need this. So we can use it!
(set! (-> v1-11 base) (the-as pointer (+ #x84000 (* #x3dc00 (-> obj index)))))
(set! (-> v1-11 current) (-> v1-11 base))
(set! (-> v1-11 top-base) (&+ (-> v1-11 base) #x3dc00))
(set! (-> v1-11 top) (-> v1-11 top-base))
(set! (-> obj status) 'inactive)
;; heap is now allocated, but there is no data to use
((-> obj load-file)
;; the buffer is working on a file
(if (= (-> obj status) 'loading)
;; something else is already loading, cancel that because we want something else
;; now nothing is loaded!
(set! (-> obj load-file) #f)
(set! (-> obj load-file-part) -1)
(set! (-> obj load-file-owner) (the-as handle #f))
(set! (-> obj load-file-priority) SPOOL_PRIORITY_LOWEST)
;; on the next time through, we will set the actual load file.
;; we have officially chosen to load this file
(set! (-> obj load-file) (-> obj pending-load-file))
(set! (-> obj load-file-part) (-> obj pending-load-file-part))
(set! (-> obj load-file-owner) (-> obj pending-load-file-owner))
(set! (-> obj load-file-priority) (-> obj pending-load-file-priority))
(label cfg-18)
((-> obj load-file)
;; something is being worked on
(case (-> obj status)
(('active 'reserved)
;; file is loaded and usable (or reserved)
;; oops an error happened. make this buffer unusable now.
(set! (-> obj status) 'inactive)
(set! (-> obj load-file) #f)
(set! (-> obj load-file-part) -1)
(set! (-> obj load-file-owner) (the-as handle #f))
(set! (-> obj load-file-priority) SPOOL_PRIORITY_LOWEST)
(set! (-> obj pending-load-file) #f)
(set! (-> obj pending-load-file-part) -1)
(set! (-> obj pending-load-file-owner) (the-as handle #f))
(set! (-> obj pending-load-file-priority) SPOOL_PRIORITY_LOWEST)
(set! (-> obj art-group) #f)
;; no usable data here, fill the buffer
(kheap-reset (-> obj heap))
((string= (-> obj load-file) "reserved") ;; we want to reserve this buffer for something (not loading an str file)
((-> *art-control* reserve-buffer)
(format 0 "ERROR: trying double reserve ~A when ~A is reserved~%" obj (-> *art-control* reserve-buffer))
(set! (-> obj status) 'reserved)
(set! (-> *art-control* reserve-buffer) obj) ;; this buffer is reserved
((and (!= (-> *level* loading-level) (-> *level* level-default))
(< (meters 20) (-> obj load-file-priority))
;; unused cond
((str-load (-> obj load-file) (-> obj load-file-part) (the pointer (align64 (-> obj heap current))) #x3fc00) ;; try to start load
;; load has started!!
(set! (-> obj status) 'loading)
;; loading...
(case (str-load-status (&-> obj len))
;; something went wrong. oh well.
(set! (-> obj status) 'error)
;; loading. we have nothing to do.
;; done!!
;; not sure it is a good idea to assume that this is a success...
(set! (-> obj buf) (the pointer (align64 (-> obj heap current))))
(set! (-> obj status) 'loaded)
(goto cfg-18) ;; go back and check status again!
;; file is loaded. link it and see if we're good
(let ((a0-37 (-> obj buf)))
(set! (-> obj art-group) (the-as art-group (link (the-as pointer a0-37) (-> obj load-file data) (-> obj len) (-> obj heap) 0)))
(let ((s4-0 (-> obj art-group))
(s3-0 (-> obj load-file))
((not s4-0)
(format 0 "ERROR: art-group ~A part ~D is not a valid file.~%" s3-0 (-> obj load-file-part))
(set! (-> obj status) 'error)
((not (type-type? (-> s4-0 type) art-group))
(format 0 "ERROR: art-group ~A part ~D is not a art-group.~%" s3-0 (-> obj load-file-part))
(set! (-> obj status) 'error)
((not (file-info-correct-version? (-> s4-0 info) (file-kind art-group) 0))
;;(format 0 "ERROR: art-group ~A part ~D is the wrong version.~%" s3-0 (-> obj load-file-part))
(set! (-> obj status) 'error)
2021-08-14 23:15:10 -04:00
(login s4-0)
(set! (-> obj status) 'locked) ;; make file ready to be used
;; this buffer is locked and needs to be unlocked before it can be used.
;; only one buffer can be active at a time. The other buffer is locked to prevent it from activating.
(when (and (not (-> obj locked?)) (handle->process (-> obj load-file-owner)))
;; we want to be used, unlock this buffer and lock the other just in case.
(link-file obj (-> obj art-group))
(set! (-> obj other locked?) #t) ;; prevent it from becoming active
(set! (-> obj status) 'active)
(goto cfg-18)
;; we want to get rid of the file!
(case (-> obj status)
;; this was done earlier
;; this buffer is reserved
((= (-> *art-control* reserve-buffer) obj) ;; yep it's this one!
(set! (-> *art-control* reserve-buffer) #f)
(set! (-> obj status) 'inactive)
(format 0 "ERROR: trying tro free ~A when ~A is reserved~%" obj (-> *art-control* reserve-buffer))
;; buffer is in use. not anymore!
(unlink-file obj (-> obj art-group))
(let ((v1-70 (-> obj heap)))
(set! (-> v1-70 current) (-> v1-70 base))
(set! (-> obj art-group) #f)
(set! (-> obj status) 'inactive)
;; if the other is locked due to us, unlock it, then update it so it activates.
(when (-> obj other locked?)
(unlock! (-> obj other))
(update (-> obj other))
;; some other scenario, just get rid of the whole thing.
(let ((v1-79 (-> obj heap)))
(set! (-> v1-79 current) (-> v1-79 base))
(set! (-> obj art-group) #f)
(set! (-> obj status) 'inactive)
;; start loading a spooled anim if we think one is about to be used, e.g. when approaching a fuel cell or npc
;; (some processes may want to wait for the stream to be preloaded, which won't happen with this disabled)
(define *preload-spool-anims* #t)
(defmethod file-status external-art-control ((obj external-art-control) (name string) (part int))
"Get the status of a file in this art control. #f = file not found"
(dotimes (i 2)
(awhen (file-status (-> obj buffer i) name part)
(return it)
(defmethod update external-art-control ((obj external-art-control) (debug-print symbol))
"Update this external-art-control. This validates the spool buffers, sorts the spools, advances str-play-queue, and does some other things.
If debug-print, also prints some text to the display console"
;; if somebody wants a reserve buffer, they will set this to 1.
(if (nonzero? (-> obj reserve-buffer-count))
(spool-push obj "reserved" 0 *dproc* (if (-> obj reserve-buffer)
;; frame-lock will get set to #t if something is assigned to this buffer in this update.
(dotimes (v1-5 2)
(set! (-> obj buffer v1-5 frame-lock) #f)
;; buffers assigned from this call to update
(dotimes (v1-8 3)
(set! (-> obj rec v1-8 buf2) #f)
;; update existing buffers from their recs
(dotimes (s4-0 2)
(let ((s3-0 (-> obj rec s4-0)))
(when (-> s3-0 name)
;; iterate over the two buffers
(dotimes (s2-0 2)
(when (and (file-status (-> obj buffer s2-0) (-> s3-0 name) (-> s3-0 parts)) ;; this buffer holds the file for the rec
(not (-> obj buffer s2-0 frame-lock)) ;; and nothing has frame-locked this buffer
;; so we frame lock it to prevent it from being kicked out
(set! (-> obj buffer s2-0 frame-lock) #t)
;; remember what buffer
(set! (-> s3-0 buf2) (-> obj buffer s2-0))
;; update owner and priority.
(set! (-> obj buffer s2-0 pending-load-file-owner) (-> s3-0 owner))
(set! (-> obj buffer s2-0 load-file-owner) (-> s3-0 owner))
(set! (-> obj buffer s2-0 pending-load-file-priority) (-> s3-0 priority))
(set! (-> obj buffer s2-0 load-file-priority) (-> s3-0 priority))
(goto cfg-24) ;; buffer found, move on.
(label cfg-24)
;; preload recs
;; iterate over recs
(dotimes (s4-1 2)
(let ((s3-1 (-> obj rec s4-1)))
;; rec wants to load something, but doesn't have a buffer already
(when (and (-> s3-1 name) (not (-> s3-1 buf2)))
;; skip if we aren't preloading, or have a positive priority.
(if (and (not *preload-spool-anims*) (>= (-> s3-1 priority) 0.0))
;; not in use, move on
(goto cfg-46)
;; search for a buffer for preloading
(dotimes (s2-1 2)
;; can't steal one that's already assigned
(when (not (-> obj buffer s2-1 frame-lock))
;; do the assignment!
(set! (-> obj buffer s2-1 frame-lock) #t)
(set-pending-file (-> obj buffer s2-1) (-> s3-1 name) (-> s3-1 parts) (-> s3-1 owner) (-> s3-1 priority))
(set! (-> s3-1 buf2) (-> obj buffer s2-1))
(goto cfg-46)
(label cfg-46)
;; this part is a bit confusing, but I think it basically kicks out the lowest priority thing.
(when (not (-> obj reserve-buffer))
(let ((s4-2 (-> obj rec 0 buf2))) ;; top priority buffer
(if (and s4-2
(-> s4-2 locked?)
(not (string= (-> s4-2 pending-load-file) "reserved"))
(not (string= (-> s4-2 other pending-load-file) "reserved"))
(set-pending-file (-> s4-2 other) (the-as string #f) -1 (the-as handle #f) SPOOL_PRIORITY_LOWEST)
;; update the buffers
(dotimes (s4-3 2)
(update (-> obj buffer s4-3))
;; sort spool anims.
(let ((s4-4 (the-as spool-anim #f)))
(countdown (s3-2 3)
(if (and (-> obj rec s3-2 name)
(not (name= (-> obj rec s3-2 name) (-> obj active-stream)))
(set! s4-4 (-> obj rec 0))
(if (and (-> obj preload-stream name)
(or (not s4-4) (< (-> obj preload-stream priority) (-> s4-4 priority)))
(set! s4-4 (-> obj preload-stream))
(mem-copy! (&-> (-> obj last-preload-stream) type) (&-> s4-4 type) (size-of spool-anim))
(str-play-queue (-> s4-4 name))
(set! (-> obj last-preload-stream name) #f)
(set! (-> obj last-preload-stream owner) (the-as handle #f))
(when (and debug-print *display-art-control*)
(dotimes (s5-1 3)
(format *stdcon* "rec ~d ~S ~D ~f ~A~%" s5-1 (-> obj rec s5-1 name) (-> obj rec s5-1 parts) (-> obj rec s5-1 priority) (handle->name (-> obj rec s5-1 owner)))
(dotimes (s5-2 2)
(format *stdcon* "buf ~d ~C ~S ~D ~A ~A~%" s5-2 (if (-> obj buffer s5-2 locked?) #\l #\\s) (-> obj buffer s5-2 pending-load-file) (-> obj buffer s5-2 pending-load-file-part) (-> obj buffer s5-2 status) (handle->name (-> obj buffer s5-2 pending-load-file-owner)))
(format *stdcon* " a: ~S~%" (-> obj active-stream))
(format *stdcon* " p: ~S ~A~%" (-> obj preload-stream name) (handle->name (-> obj preload-stream owner)))
(format *stdcon* " q: ~S ~A~%" (-> obj last-preload-stream name) (handle->name (-> obj last-preload-stream owner)))
(defmethod none-reserved? external-art-control ((obj external-art-control))
"are there any reserved buffers?"
(declare (inline))
(zero? (-> obj reserve-buffer-count))
(defmethod reserve-alloc external-art-control ((obj external-art-control))
"Reserve a buffer!"
(set! (-> obj reserve-buffer-count) 1)
(if (-> obj reserve-buffer)
(-> obj reserve-buffer heap)
(defmethod reserve-free external-art-control ((obj external-art-control) (arg0 kheap))
"Free the reserved buffer!"
((none-reserved? obj)
(format 0 "ERROR: illegal attempt to free a buffer #x~X which had not been reserved (none reserved).~%" arg0)
((not (-> obj reserve-buffer))
(set! (-> obj reserve-buffer-count) 0)
((= (-> obj reserve-buffer heap) arg0)
(set-pending-file (-> obj reserve-buffer) (the-as string #f) -1 (the-as handle #f) SPOOL_PRIORITY_LOWEST)
(update (-> obj reserve-buffer))
(set! (-> obj reserve-buffer-count) 0)
(format 0 "ERROR: illegal attempt to free a buffer #x~X which had not been reserved (buffer unknown).~%" arg0)
(defmethod clear-rec external-art-control ((obj external-art-control))
"Clears the recent spool anims from the art control."
((!= *master-mode* 'game)
(dotimes (s5-0 3)
(when (name= (-> obj rec s5-0 name) "reserved")
(case s5-0
(mem-copy! (&-> obj rec 0 type) (&-> obj rec 1 type) (size-of spool-anim))
(mem-copy! (&-> obj rec 1 type) (&-> obj rec 2 type) (size-of spool-anim))
(mem-copy! (&-> obj rec 1 type) (&-> obj rec 2 type) (size-of spool-anim))
(set! (-> obj rec 2 type) spool-anim)
(set! (-> obj rec 2 name) #f)
(set! (-> obj rec 2 priority) SPOOL_PRIORITY_LOWEST)
(set! (-> obj rec 2 owner) (the-as handle #f))
(dotimes (v1-19 3)
(set! (-> obj rec v1-19 type) spool-anim)
(set! (-> obj rec v1-19 name) #f)
(set! (-> obj rec v1-19 priority) SPOOL_PRIORITY_LOWEST)
(set! (-> obj rec v1-19 owner) (the-as handle #f))
(set! (-> obj preload-stream type) spool-anim)
(set! (-> obj preload-stream name) #f)
(set! (-> obj preload-stream priority) SPOOL_PRIORITY_LOWEST)
(set! (-> obj preload-stream owner) (the-as handle #f))
(defmacro spool-calc-priority (priority proc)
"Check the priority of a spool anim and recalculate it if needed. It will be the same as distance between target and the requesting process.
priority = var that stores priority
proc = a process to recalc from"
`(when (and (= ,priority SPOOL_PRIORITY_RECALC) ,proc)
(let ((target-trans (target-pos 0)))
(set! ,priority (vector-vector-distance target-trans (-> (the-as process-drawable ,proc) root trans)))
(defmethod try-preload-stream external-art-control ((obj external-art-control) (arg0 string) (arg1 int) (arg2 process) (arg3 float))
"Set a new stream to be preloaded, if appropriate."
(spool-calc-priority arg3 arg2)
(unless (and (-> obj preload-stream name)
(>= arg3 (-> obj preload-stream priority))
(set! (-> obj preload-stream name) arg0)
(set! (-> obj preload-stream parts) arg1)
(set! (-> obj preload-stream priority) arg3)
(set! (-> obj preload-stream owner) (process->handle arg2))
(defmethod spool-push external-art-control ((obj external-art-control) (name string) (part int) (proc process) (priority float))
"Push a spool-anim to the spool array. There are only space for three, and only the three highest priority spool anims will be kept. (lowest priority = top)"
(spool-calc-priority priority proc)
;; if this spool-anim already exists, pop it from the rec list
((and (= part (-> obj rec 0 parts)) (name= name (-> obj rec 0 name)))
(if (>= priority (-> obj rec 0 priority))
(return (the-as int #f))
;; first spool. copy 1st <- 2nd and 2nd <- 3rd, 3rd will be wiped
(mem-copy! (&-> obj rec 0 type) (&-> obj rec 1 type) (size-of spool-anim))
(mem-copy! (&-> obj rec 1 type) (&-> obj rec 2 type) (size-of spool-anim))
(set! (-> obj rec 2 name) #f)
(set! (-> obj rec 2 owner) (the-as handle #f))
((and (= part (-> obj rec 1 parts)) (name= name (-> obj rec 1 name)))
(if (>= priority (-> obj rec 1 priority))
(return (the-as int #f))
;; second spool. copy 2nd <- 3rd, 3rd will be wiped
(mem-copy! (&-> obj rec 1 type) (&-> obj rec 2 type) (size-of spool-anim))
(set! (-> obj rec 2 name) #f)
(set! (-> obj rec 2 owner) (the-as handle #f))
((and (= part (-> obj rec 2 parts)) (name= name (-> obj rec 2 name)))
(if (>= priority (-> obj rec 2 priority))
(return (the-as int #f))
;; third spool. 3rd will be wiped
(set! (-> obj rec 2 name) #f)
(set! (-> obj rec 2 owner) (the-as handle #f))
;; if it's top 3 priority, push this spool-anim to the rec list
((< priority (-> obj rec 0 priority))
;; 1st place!
(mem-copy! (&-> obj rec 2 type) (&-> obj rec 1 type) (size-of spool-anim))
(mem-copy! (&-> obj rec 1 type) (&-> obj rec 0 type) (size-of spool-anim))
(set! (-> obj rec 0 name) name)
(set! (-> obj rec 0 parts) part)
(set! (-> obj rec 0 priority) priority)
(set! (-> obj rec 0 owner) (process->handle proc))
((< priority (-> obj rec 1 priority))
;; 2nd place.
(mem-copy! (&-> obj rec 2 type) (&-> obj rec 1 type) (size-of spool-anim))
(set! (-> obj rec 1 name) name)
(set! (-> obj rec 1 parts) part)
(set! (-> obj rec 1 priority) priority)
(set! (-> obj rec 1 owner) (process->handle proc))
((< priority (-> obj rec 2 priority))
;; 3rd place...
(set! (-> obj rec 2 name) name)
(set! (-> obj rec 2 parts) part)
(set! (-> obj rec 2 priority) priority)
(set! (-> obj rec 2 owner) (process->handle proc))
(defun-extern level-hint-surpress! none) ;; ? TODO
(define-extern ja-channel-push! (function int int int :behavior process-drawable))
(define-extern ja-channel-set! (function int int :behavior process-drawable))
(define-extern joint-control-channel-group-eval! (function joint-control-channel art-joint-anim (function joint-control-channel float float float) int))
(define-extern joint-control-channel-group! (function joint-control-channel art-joint-anim (function joint-control-channel float float float) int))
(define-extern ja-aframe-num (function int float :behavior process-drawable))
(define-extern ja-abort-spooled-anim (function spool-anim art-joint-anim int int :behavior process-drawable))
(defbehavior ja-play-spooled-anim process-drawable ((arg0 spool-anim) (arg1 art-joint-anim) (arg2 art-joint-anim) (arg3 (function process-drawable symbol)))
(v0-39 int)
(spool-part int)
(sv-24 float)
2022-02-20 16:05:20 -05:00
(old-skel-status janim-status)
(sv-32 int)
(sv-40 int)
(sv-48 int)
(sv-56 int)
(spool-sound sound-id)
(sv-72 int)
(set! spool-part 0)
(set! sv-24 -17.0)
(set! old-skel-status (-> self skel status))
(set! sv-32 -2)
(set! sv-40 0)
(set! sv-48 0)
(set! sv-56 0)
(set! spool-sound (new-sound-id))
(backup-load-state-and-set-cmds *load-state* (-> arg0 command-list))
(set-setting! *setting-control* self 'spooling (the-as symbol (process->ppointer self)) 0.0 0)
2022-02-20 16:05:20 -05:00
(logior! (-> self skel status) (janim-status inited drawn done))
(kill-current-level-hint '() '() 'die)
(copy-settings-from-target! *setting-control*)
(when (or (handle->process (-> *art-control* spool-lock)) (!= *master-mode* 'game))
(when (!= (if (> (-> self skel active-channels) 0)
(-> self skel root-channel 0 frame-group)
(ja-channel-push! 1 15)
(let ((s2-0 (-> self skel root-channel 0)))
(joint-control-channel-group-eval! s2-0 arg1 num-func-identity)
(set! (-> s2-0 frame-num) 0.0)
(ja-channel-set! 0)
(while (or (handle->process (-> *art-control* spool-lock)) (!= *master-mode* 'game))
(format #t "WARNING: ---------------------> loader stall on lock~%")
(if (arg3 self)
(goto cfg-88)
(spool-push *art-control* (-> arg0 name) spool-part self -9.0)
(when arg1
(let ((a0-17 (-> self skel root-channel 0)))
(set! (-> a0-17 param 0) 1.0)
(joint-control-channel-group-eval! a0-17 (the-as art-joint-anim #f) num-func-loop!)
(let ((v1-46 (process->ppointer self)))
(set! (-> *art-control* spool-lock)
(new 'static 'handle :process v1-46 :pid (-> (the-as process (-> v1-46 0)) pid))
(set! sv-48 (-> *display* base-frame-counter))
(while (< spool-part (-> arg0 parts))
(spool-push *art-control* (-> arg0 name) spool-part self -20.0)
(update *art-control* #f)
(spool-push *art-control* (-> arg0 name) spool-part self -20.0)
(when (!= (file-status *art-control* (-> arg0 name) spool-part) 'active)
(when (!= (if (> (-> self skel active-channels) 0)
(-> self skel root-channel 0 frame-group)
(ja-channel-set! 1)
(let ((s2-2 (-> self skel root-channel 0)))
(joint-control-channel-group-eval! s2-2 arg1 num-func-identity)
(set! (-> s2-2 frame-num) 0.0)
(ja-channel-set! 0)
(while (!= (file-status *art-control* (-> arg0 name) spool-part) 'active)
(if (arg3 self)
(goto cfg-88)
(spool-push *art-control* (-> arg0 name) spool-part self -20.0)
(format #t "WARNING: ---------------------> loader stall on art ~S ~D~%" (-> arg0 name) spool-part)
(when arg1
(let ((a0-37 (-> self skel root-channel 0)))
(set! (-> a0-37 param 0) 1.0)
(joint-control-channel-group-eval! a0-37 (the-as art-joint-anim #f) num-func-loop!)
(spool-push *art-control* (-> arg0 name) spool-part self -20.0)
(let ((s2-4 (the-as art-joint-anim (lookup-art (-> self draw art-group) (-> arg0 name) art-joint-anim))))
(ja-channel-set! 1)
(let ((a0-42 (-> self skel root-channel 0)))
(set! (-> a0-42 frame-group) s2-4)
(set! (-> a0-42 param 0) (the float (+ (-> s2-4 data 0 length) -1)))
(set! (-> a0-42 param 1) 1.0)
(set! (-> a0-42 frame-num) 0.0)
(joint-control-channel-group! a0-42 s2-4 num-func-seek!)
(when (zero? spool-part)
(str-play-async (-> arg0 name) spool-sound)
(set! (-> *art-control* active-stream) (-> arg0 name))
(let* ((f30-0 (* 0.05859375 (-> s2-4 speed)))
(f28-0 (+ sv-24 (/ (the float (+ (-> s2-4 data 0 length) -1)) f30-0)))
2022-05-19 16:54:36 -04:00
(set! sv-72 (current-str-pos spool-sound))
(set! sv-40 (-> *display* base-frame-counter))
(until (>= (the float v0-39) f28-0)
(if (= (-> self skel root-channel 0) (-> self skel channel))
2022-02-20 16:05:20 -05:00
(logior! (-> self skel status) (janim-status spool))
(if (or (arg3 self)
(and (<= sv-72 0) (>= (- (-> *display* base-frame-counter) sv-40) 1200))
(and (< 300 sv-56) (<= sv-72 0))
(goto cfg-88)
(spool-push *art-control* (-> arg0 name) spool-part self -20.0)
(if (< (+ spool-part 1) (-> arg0 parts))
(spool-push *art-control* (-> arg0 name) (+ spool-part 1) self -10.0)
2022-02-20 16:05:20 -05:00
(logclear! (-> self skel status) (janim-status done))
(execute-commands-up-to *load-state* (ja-aframe-num 0))
2022-05-19 16:54:36 -04:00
((and (< sv-32 sv-72) (= (current-str-id) spool-sound))
(set! sv-56 (+ sv-56 (- (-> *display* base-frame-counter) (-> *display* old-base-frame-counter))))
(set! sv-40 (-> *display* base-frame-counter))
(set! sv-32 sv-72)
(set! sv-48 (-> *display* base-frame-counter))
2022-05-19 16:54:36 -04:00
(let ((f0-14 (* (- (the float (current-str-pos spool-sound)) sv-24) f30-0))
(a0-69 (-> self skel root-channel 0))
(set! (-> a0-69 param 0) (the float (+ (-> a0-69 frame-group data 0 length) -1)))
(set! (-> a0-69 param 1) 1.0)
(set! (-> a0-69 frame-num) f0-14)
(joint-control-channel-group! a0-69 (the-as art-joint-anim #f) num-func-seek!)
2022-05-19 16:54:36 -04:00
(set! v0-39 (current-str-pos spool-sound))
(set! sv-72 v0-39)
(set! sv-24 f28-0)
2022-02-20 16:05:20 -05:00
(logclear! (-> self skel status) (janim-status spool))
(format 0 "ERROR: <asg> ~A in spool anim loop for ~A ~D, but not loaded.~" self (-> arg0 name) spool-part)
(goto cfg-88)
(set! spool-part (+ spool-part 1))
(set! spool-part (+ spool-part -1))
(label cfg-88)
(ja-abort-spooled-anim arg0 arg2 spool-part)
(defbehavior ja-abort-spooled-anim process-drawable ((arg0 spool-anim) (arg1 art-joint-anim) (arg2 int))
"Abort a spooled animation."
(restore-load-state-and-cleanup *load-state*)
(str-play-stop (-> arg0 name))
(set! (-> *art-control* active-stream) #f)
2022-02-20 16:05:20 -05:00
(logclear! (-> self skel status) (janim-status drawn done))
(if (zero? (logand (-> self skel status) (janim-status inited)))
(logclear! (-> self skel status) (janim-status inited))
(clear-pending-settings-from-process *setting-control* self 'spooling)
((and arg1 (>= arg2 0))
(ja-channel-push! 1 30)
(set! (-> self skel root-channel 0 frame-group) arg1)
(while (!= (-> self skel root-channel 0) (-> self skel channel))
(spool-push *art-control* (-> arg0 name) arg2 self -20.0)
;; TODO macro
(let ((a0-12 (-> self skel root-channel 0)))
(set! (-> a0-12 param 0) (the float (+ (-> a0-12 frame-group data 0 length) -1)))
(set! (-> a0-12 param 1) 1.0)
(joint-control-channel-group-eval! a0-12 (the-as art-joint-anim #f) num-func-seek!)
(ja-channel-set! 0)
(set! (-> *art-control* spool-lock) (the-as handle #f))
(if (zero? *art-control*)
(set! *art-control* (new 'global 'external-art-control))