
192 lines
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# The goal of this script is fairly straight forward
# Given a object file name, decompile it for both jak 2 and jak 3 WITHOUT variable casts
# Get all function definitions and compare the function bodies.
# - if the function bodies are the same, copy the variables from whichever game has them defined to the other
# - also, if it's a function and a docstring exists on one side but not the other, copy the docstring to the other side's all-types file
import argparse
import glob
import json
import os
from utils import decompile_file, is_file_in_game
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("copy-common-naming")
parser.add_argument("--file", help="The name of the file", type=str)
parser.add_argument("--decompiler", help="The path to the decompiler", type=str)
parser.add_argument("--update-names-from-refs", help="The decomp config version", action='store_true')
args = parser.parse_args()
def find_all_function_defs(lines):
store = {}
in_function_def = False
in_docstring = False
passed_potential_docstring = False
current_function_name = None
for line in lines:
if line.startswith("; .function") and "top-level" not in line:
current_function_name = line.split(".function")[1].strip()
store[current_function_name] = {
"docstring": [],
"definition": [],
passed_potential_docstring = False
in_docstring = False
if current_function_name is not None and line.startswith(";;-*-OpenGOAL-Start-*-"):
in_function_def = True
if current_function_name is not None and line.startswith(";;-*-OpenGOAL-End-*-"):
in_function_def = False
if line.strip() == "":
if in_function_def:
if not passed_potential_docstring and line.strip().startswith("\""):
in_docstring = True
if in_docstring:
if line.strip().endswith("\""):
in_docstring = False
if len(store[current_function_name]["definition"]) > 1 and line.startswith(" "):
passed_potential_docstring = True
return store
def get_var_casts_for_game(game_name):
return json.load(open("./decompiler/config/{}/ntsc_v1/var_names.jsonc".format(game_name), "r"))
def save_var_casts_for_game(game_name, casts):
with open("./decompiler/config/{}/ntsc_v1/var_names.jsonc".format(game_name), "w") as f:
json.dump(casts, f, indent=2)
def get_all_types_for_game(game_name):
return open("./decompiler/config/{}/all-types.gc".format(game_name), "r").readlines()
jak2_alltypes = get_all_types_for_game("jak2")
jak3_alltypes = get_all_types_for_game("jak3")
file_stats = ""
def update_file_var_name_casts(file_name, modify_alltypes):
global file_stats
# Check if the file exists in both games
if not is_file_in_game("jak3", file_name) or not is_file_in_game("jak2", file_name):
print("File not found in both games")
# Decompile the file for both games
decompile_file(args.decompiler, "jak3/jak3_config.jsonc", "ntsc_v1", "[\"{}\"]".format(file_name), True)
decompile_file(args.decompiler, "jak2/jak2_config.jsonc", "ntsc_v1", "[\"{}\"]".format(file_name), True)
# Go grab the contents of each file
jak2_file_contents = open("./decompiler_out/jak2/{}_ir2.asm".format(file_name), "r").readlines()
jak3_file_contents = open("./decompiler_out/jak3/{}_ir2.asm".format(file_name), "r").readlines()
# Read in the function definitions for each file to find which ones match
jak2_function_defs = find_all_function_defs(jak2_file_contents)
jak3_function_defs = find_all_function_defs(jak3_file_contents)
# print(jak2_function_defs["vector-xz-cross!"])
# print()
# print(jak3_function_defs["vector-xz-cross!"])
# Compare functions to see which ones are eligible
matching_func_names = []
for func_name in jak2_function_defs:
if func_name in jak3_function_defs and jak2_function_defs[func_name]["definition"] == jak3_function_defs[func_name]["definition"]:
# print(matching_func_names)
file_stats = file_stats + "Found {} matching functions in {}\n".format(len(matching_func_names), file_name)
# Go grab the var casts for each game
jak2_var_casts = get_var_casts_for_game("jak2")
jak3_var_casts = get_var_casts_for_game("jak3")
# For each eligible matching function, copy over the var casts
# The assumption is if it exists in jak 3 it's better (done more recently) so we use that
# else, use jak 2's if it exists
for func_name in matching_func_names:
if func_name in jak3_var_casts:
jak2_var_casts[func_name] = jak3_var_casts[func_name]
elif func_name in jak2_var_casts:
jak3_var_casts[func_name] = jak2_var_casts[func_name]
save_var_casts_for_game("jak2", jak2_var_casts)
save_var_casts_for_game("jak3", jak3_var_casts)
# Automatically copy docstrings for functions (methods are way to annoying to do with hack scripts now)
if modify_alltypes:
for func_name in matching_func_names:
if func_name.startswith("("):
# handle the case where the jak 3 version has a docstring, but jak 2 does not
if len(jak3_function_defs[func_name]["docstring"]) != 0 and len(jak2_function_defs[func_name]["docstring"]) == 0:
for line_no, line in enumerate(jak2_alltypes):
line = jak2_alltypes[line_no]
if line.startswith("(define-extern {}".format(func_name)):
jak2_alltypes[line_no] = line.replace("(define-extern {} ".format(func_name), "(define-extern {}\n {}\n ".format(func_name, "\n ".join(jak3_function_defs[func_name]["docstring"])))
# handle the case where jak 2 has a docstring but jak 3 does not
elif len(jak2_function_defs[func_name]["docstring"]) != 0 and len(jak3_function_defs[func_name]["docstring"]) == 0:
for line_no, line in enumerate(jak3_alltypes):
line = jak3_alltypes[line_no]
if line.startswith("(define-extern {}".format(func_name)):
jak3_alltypes[line_no] = line.replace("(define-extern {} ".format(func_name), "(define-extern {}\n {}\n ".format(func_name, "\n ".join(jak2_function_defs[func_name]["docstring"])))
if args.update_names_from_refs:
reference_test_files = glob.glob("./test/decompiler/reference/jak3/**/*_REF.gc", recursive=True)
for file_no, reference_test_file in enumerate(reference_test_files):
file_name = os.path.basename(reference_test_file).split("_REF.gc")[0]
print("({}/{}) Checking Var Name Casts for {}...".format(file_no+1, len(reference_test_files), file_name))
update_file_var_name_casts(file_name, False)
update_file_var_name_casts(args.file, True)
def get_type_docstrings_from_alltypes(lines):
store = {}
awaiting_next_docstring = True
current_type_name = None
for line in lines:
if line.startswith("(deftype"):
current_type_name = line.split("deftype ")[1].split("(")[0].strip()
awaiting_next_docstring = False
store[current_type_name] = []
if line.strip().startswith("(") and not line.strip().endswith("\""):
awaiting_next_docstring = True
if not awaiting_next_docstring:
return store
jak2_type_docs = get_type_docstrings_from_alltypes(jak2_alltypes)
jak3_type_docs = get_type_docstrings_from_alltypes(jak3_alltypes)
# If a docstring exists in jak3 but not in jak2, copy it back
new_jak2_alltypes = []
for line_no, line in enumerate(jak2_alltypes):
line = jak2_alltypes[line_no]
if line.startswith("(deftype "):
current_type_name = line.split("deftype ")[1].split("(")[0].strip()
if current_type_name in jak3_type_docs and len(jak2_type_docs[current_type_name]) == 0:
for docstring_line in jak3_type_docs[current_type_name]:
new_jak2_alltypes.append(" " + docstring_line + "\n")
jak2_alltypes = new_jak2_alltypes
# Save all-types
def get_all_types_for_game(game_name, lines):
with open("./decompiler/config/{}/all-types.gc".format(game_name), "w") as f:
get_all_types_for_game("jak2", jak2_alltypes)
get_all_types_for_game("jak3", jak3_alltypes)