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2020-09-04 14:44:23 -04:00
(in-package goal)
;; name: gkernel-h.gc
;; name in dgo: gkernel-h
;; dgos: KERNEL
;; Type definitions for the GOAL Kernel.
;; -hardware-
;; the end of the 16 kB fast "scratchpad" memory of the PS2.
;; this memory is mapped to 0x70000000 in the PS2.
(defconstant *scratch-memory-top* (the pointer #x70004000))
;; -versions-
;; the version of the kernel. This is checked in the C Kernel.
;; This must match the version in common/versions.h when building gk
(defconstant *kernel-major-version* 2)
(defconstant *kernel-minor-version* 0)
;; the version of the OVERLORD I/O driver.
;; this may be unused.
(defconstant *irx-major-version* 1)
(defconstant *irx-minor-version* 2)
;; -memory-
;; the size of the execution stack (~14 kB) shared by all threads
(defconstant DPROCESS_STACK_SIZE #x3800)
;; another stack size used as a maximum for temporary threads
(defconstant PROCESS_STACK_SIZE #x1c00)
;; default size of stack to backup for a process
(defconstant PROCESS_STACK_SAVE_SIZE 256)
;; the size of the shared heap used by dynamically sized processes
(defconstant PROCESS_HEAP_SIZE (* 984 1024))
;; -system-
;; tab size for printing.
(defconstant *tab-size* (the binteger 8))
(defconstant *gtype-basic-offset* 4)
; bitfield enum to indicate proprties about a process-tree
(defenum process-mask :bitfield #t :type int32
(execute 0) ; 1
(draw 1) ; 2
(pause 2) ; 4
(menu 3) ; 8
(progress 4) ; 16
(actor-pause 5) ; 32
(sleep 6) ; 64
(sleep-code 7) ; 128
(process-tree 8) ; 256 ; not an actual process, just a "tree node" for organization
(heap-shrunk 9) ; 512
(going 10) ; 1024
(movie 11) ; 2048
(movie-subject 12) ; 4096
(target 13) ; 8192
(sidekick 14) ; 16384
(crate 15) ; 32768
(collectable 16) ; 65536
(enemy 17) ; 131072
(camera 18) ; 262144
(platform 19) ; 524288
(ambient 20) ; 1048576
(entity 21) ; 2097152
(projectile 22) ; 4194304
(attackable 23) ; 8388608
(death 24) ; 16777216
;; -961
(lognot (process-mask sleep sleep-code process-tree heap-shrunk)))
;; trigger an exception. (GOAL used lw r0, 2(r0))
(defmacro break ()
`(/ 0 0)
;; todo, process check and set
(defmacro msg-err (&rest args)
;"Print a message to stdout immediately. This won't appear in the compiler."
`(format 0 ,@args)
(defmacro msg-warn (&rest args)
`(format 0 ,@args)
;; todo process pointer
;; todo process memory usage
;; with pp
;; todo suspend
;; this stores the current state of the kernel.
(deftype kernel-context (basic)
((prevent-from-run uint32 :offset-assert 4)
(require-for-run uint32 :offset-assert 8)
(allow-to-run uint32 :offset-assert 12)
(next-pid int32 :offset-assert 16)
(fast-stack-top pointer :offset-assert 20)
(current-process basic :offset-assert 24)
(relocating-process basic :offset-assert 28)
(relocating-min int32 :offset-assert 32)
(relocating-max int32 :offset-assert 36)
(relocating-offset int32 :offset-assert 40)
(low-memory-message basic :offset-assert 44)
:size-assert #x30
:method-count-assert 9
:flag-assert #x900000030
; A thread belongs to a process and has a reference to a stack.
; they have an "execution stack", which is where the stack goes when the thread runs.
; and also a "backup stack", which stores the stack when the thread doesn't run.
; this means threads can't leak pointers to stack variables to other threads...
; optionally, threads may know how to suspend/resume themselves.
(declare-type process basic)
(declare-type stack-frame basic)
(declare-type state basic)
(declare-type cpu-thread basic)
(declare-type dead-pool basic)
; DANGER - this type is created in kscheme.cpp. It has room for 12 methods and size 0x28 bytes.
(deftype thread (basic)
((name basic :offset-assert 4) ;; name of the thread (usually a symbol?)
(process process :offset-assert 8) ;; process that the thread belongs to
(previous thread :offset-assert 12) ;; previous thread that was running in the process
(suspend-hook (function cpu-thread none) :offset-assert 16) ;; function to suspend this thread
(resume-hook (function cpu-thread none) :offset-assert 20) ;; function to resume this thread
(pc pointer :offset-assert 24) ;; program counter of the thread
(sp pointer :offset-assert 28) ;; stack pointer of the thread (actual stack)
(stack-top pointer :offset-assert 32) ;; top of the thread's stack (actual stack)
(stack-size int32 :offset-assert 36) ;; size of the thread's stack (backup stack)
;; todo, triple check these method numbers.
(stack-size-set! ((this thread) (stack-size int)) none 9)
(thread-suspend ((this _type_)) none 10) ;; only safe on a cpu-thread, but slot exists for thread
(thread-resume ((to-resume _type_)) none 11) ;; only safe on a cpu-thread, but slot exists for thread
:size-assert #x28
:method-count-assert 12
:flag-assert #xc00000028
;; is already defined in kscheme but we define it again.
;; A CPU thread is a thread which has some memory to save registers and a stack
(deftype cpu-thread (thread)
((rreg uint64 8 :offset-assert 40) ;; general purpose saved registers
(freg float 6 :offset-assert 104) ;; floating point registers
(stack uint8 :dynamic :offset-assert 128) ;; stack memory (dynamic array)
(new ((allocation symbol) (type-to-make type) (parent-process process) (name symbol) (stack-size int) (stack-top pointer)) _type_ 0)
(thread-suspend ((this _type_)) none 10)
(thread-resume ((to-resume _type_)) none 11)
:size-assert #x80
:method-count-assert 12
:flag-assert #xc00000080
;; Parent type of all process tree nodes.
;; A process-tree is a left-child right-sibling binary tree
;; (except GOAL is old and it looks like they called them left-child right-brother trees back then)
(deftype process-tree (basic)
((name basic :offset-assert 4)
(mask uint32 :offset-assert 8)
2020-11-28 19:59:23 -05:00
(parent (pointer process-tree) :offset-assert 12)
(brother (pointer process-tree) :offset-assert 16)
(child (pointer process-tree) :offset-assert 20)
(ppointer (pointer process-tree) :offset-assert 24)
(self process-tree :offset-assert 28)
(new ((allocation symbol) (type-to-make type) (name basic)) _type_ 0)
(activate ((obj _type_) (dest process-tree) (name basic) (stack-top pointer)) process-tree 9)
(deactivate ((obj _type_)) none 10)
(dummy-method-11 () none 11)
(run-logic? ((obj _type_)) symbol 12)
(dummy-method () none 13)
:size-assert #x20
:method-count-assert 14
:no-runtime-type ;; already defined by kscheme. Don't do it again.
;; A GOAL process. A GOAL process contains memory and a suspendable main-thread.
(deftype process (process-tree)
((pool dead-pool :offset-assert #x20)
(status basic :offset-assert #x24)
(pid int32 :offset-assert #x28)
(main-thread cpu-thread :offset-assert #x2c)
(top-thread thread :offset-assert #x30)
(entity basic :offset-assert #x34)
(state state :offset-assert #x38)
(trans-hook function :offset-assert #x3c)
(post-hook function :offset-assert #x40)
(event-hook function :offset-assert #x44)
(allocated-length int32 :offset-assert #x48)
(next-state basic :offset-assert #x4c)
(heap-base pointer :offset-assert #x50)
(heap-top pointer :offset-assert #x54)
(heap-cur pointer :offset-assert #x58)
(stack-frame-top stack-frame :offset-assert #x5c)
(connection-list connectable :inline :offset-assert #x60)
(stack uint8 :dynamic :offset-assert #x70)
(new ((allocation symbol) (type-to-make type) (name basic) (stack-size int)) _type_ 0)
(activate ((obj _type_) (dest process-tree) (name basic) (stack-top pointer)) process-tree 9)
(deactivate ((obj process)) none 10)
(dummy-method-11 () none 11)
(run-logic? ((obj process)) symbol 12)
(dummy-method () none 13)
:size-assert #x70
:method-count-assert 14
:no-runtime-type ;; already defined by kscheme. Don't do it again.
;; A dead pool is simply a process-tree node which contains all dead processes.
;; It supports getting and returning processes.
(deftype dead-pool (process-tree)
;; nothing new!
(new ((allocation symbol) (type-to-make type) (count int) (stack-size int) (name basic)) _type_ 0)
(get-process ((pool _type_) (type-to-make type) (stack-size int)) process 14)
(return-process ((pool _type_) (proc process)) none 15)
:size-assert #x20
:method-count-assert 16
:flag-assert #x1000000020
;; A dead-pool-heap-rec is a record for a process which lives on a dead-pool-heap.
;; these processes can move around in memory, but the records can't.
;; Therefore a pointer to these can be used as a handle for the process, so you can
;; find it after it moves
(deftype dead-pool-heap-rec (structure)
((process process :offset-assert 0) ;; the process of this record
(prev dead-pool-heap-rec :offset-assert 4) ;; next rec in the linked list
(next dead-pool-heap-rec :offset-assert 8) ;; prev. rec in the linked list
:pack-me ; don't worry about aligning me to 16-bytes in arrays and types.
:size-assert #xc
:method-count-assert 9
:flag-assert #x90000000c
;; This is a pool of dead processes which can be dynamically sized and allocated from a common heap.
;; Alive processess in a dead-pool-heap can be relocated and compacted to reduce heap fragmentation.
(deftype dead-pool-heap (dead-pool)
((allocated-length int32 :offset-assert #x20) ;; size of heap
(compact-time uint32 :offset-assert #x24) ;; ??
(compact-count-targ uint32 :offset-assert #x28) ;; ??
(compact-count uint32 :offset-assert #x2c) ;; ??
(fill-percent float :offset-assert #x30) ;; ??
(first-gap dead-pool-heap-rec :offset-assert #x34) ;; ??
(first-shrink dead-pool-heap-rec :offset-assert #x38) ;; ??
(heap kheap :inline :offset-assert 64) ;; ??
(alive-list dead-pool-heap-rec :inline :offset-assert 80) ;; ??
(last dead-pool-heap-rec :offset #x54 :offset-assert #x54) ;; overlay of (-> alive-list prev)
;; note - the placement of dead-list at 92 here is used to determine the packing behavior.
;; see TypeSystem::get_size_in_type().
(dead-list dead-pool-heap-rec :inline :offset-assert 92) ;; ??
(process-list dead-pool-heap-rec :inline :dynamic :offset-assert 104)
(new ((allocation symbol) (type-to-make type) (name basic) (allocated-length int) (heap-size int)) _type_ 0)
(compact ((this dead-pool-heap) (count int)) none 16)
(shrink-heap ((this dead-pool-heap) (proc process)) dead-pool-heap 17)
(churn ((this dead-pool-heap) (count int)) none 18)
(memory-used ((this dead-pool-heap)) int 19)
(memory-total ((this dead-pool-heap)) int 20)
(gap-size ((this dead-pool-heap) (rec dead-pool-heap-rec)) int 21)
(gap-location ((this dead-pool-heap) (rec dead-pool-heap-rec)) pointer 22)
(find-gap ((this dead-pool-heap) (rec dead-pool-heap-rec)) dead-pool-heap-rec 23)
(find-gap-by-size ((this dead-pool-heap) (size int)) dead-pool-heap-rec 24)
(memory-free ((this dead-pool-heap)) int 25)
(compact-time ((this dead-pool-heap)) uint 26)
:size-assert #x68
:method-count-assert #x1b
:flag-assert #x1b00000068
;; GOAL can create a series of stack frames for unwinding/cleaning up.
;; This is the parent type for any stack frame.
(deftype stack-frame (basic)
((name basic :offset 4)
(next stack-frame :offset 8) ;; which way does this point?
:size-assert #xc
:method-count-assert 9
:flag-assert #x90000000c
;; A catch frame is a frame you can "throw" to, by name.
;; You can "throw" out of a function and into another function.
(deftype catch-frame (stack-frame)
((sp int32 :offset 12) ;; where to reset the stack when throwing.
(ra int32 :offset 16) ;; where to jump when throwing
;; todo - rework for x86-64.
(freg float 6 :offset-assert 20) ;; saved floating point registers from "catch" statement
(rreg uint128 8 :offset-assert 48) ;; saved GPRs from "catch" statement (ugh they are 128s)
(new ((allocation symbol) (type-to-make type) (name symbol) (func function) (params (pointer uint64))) object 0)
:size-assert #xb0
:method-count-assert 9
:flag-assert #x9000000b0
;; A protect frame is a frame which has a cleanup function called on exit.
(deftype protect-frame (stack-frame)
((exit (function object) :offset-assert 12)) ;; function to call to clean up
(new ((allocation symbol) (type-to-make type) (func (function object))) protect-frame)
:size-assert 16
:method-count-assert 9
:flag-assert #x900000010
(deftype handle (uint64)
((process (pointer process) :offset 0)
(pid int32 :offset 32)
(u64 uint64 :offset 0)
:flag-assert #x900000008
(defmethod inspect handle ((obj handle))
(format #t "[~8x] ~A~%" 'handle)
(format #t "~Tprocess: #x~x~%" (-> obj process))
(format #t "~Tpid: ~D~%" (-> obj pid))
(defmacro get-process-from-handle (handle)
;; the actual implementation is more clever than this.
`(if (-> ,handle process)
(let ((proc (-> (-> ,handle process))))
(if (= (-> ,handle pid)
(-> proc pid))
(defmethod print handle ((obj handle))
;; the get-process-from-handle macro can't deal with
;; a 0 in the process field, so we check it manually here.
(if (nonzero? (-> obj u64))
(format #t "#<handle :process ~A :pid ~D>"
(get-process-from-handle obj)
(-> obj pid)
(format #t "#<handle :process 0 :pid 0>")
;; GOAL State. A Process can be in a State.
(deftype state (protect-frame) ; state is a protect frame so we can "exit" it with cleanup
((code function :offset-assert 16) ;; main code to run in this state
(trans function :offset-assert 20) ;; ? run once and return ? when ?
(post function :offset-assert 24) ;; ?
(enter function :offset-assert 28) ;; ?
(event basic :offset-assert 32) ;; event handler function?
(new ((allocation symbol) (type-to-make type) (name basic) (code function)
(trans function) (enter function) (exit (function object)) (event function)) _type_ 0)
:size-assert #x24
:method-count-assert 9
:flag-assert #x900000024
;; Not sure what this is, but it's probably used in the event system.
(deftype event-message-block (structure)
((to basic :offset-assert 0)
(from basic :offset-assert 4)
(num-params int32 :offset-assert 8)
(message basic :offset-assert 12)
(param uint64 7 :offset-assert 16)
:size-assert #x48
:method-count-assert 9
:flag-assert #x900000048
(defmacro as-process (ppointer)
`(if ,ppointer
(-> (-> ,ppointer) self)
(defmacro as-ppointer (proc)
;"safely get a (pointer process) from a process, returning #f if invalid."
`(if ,proc
(-> ,proc ppointer)
(defmacro process-stack-used (proc)
;; get how much stack the top thread of a process has used.
`(- (the int (-> ,proc top-thread stack-top))
(the int (-> ,proc top-thread sp))
(defmacro process-stack-size (proc)
;; get how much stack the top thread of a process has
`(-> ,proc top-thread stack-size)
(defmacro process-heap-used (proc)
;; get how much heap a process has used.
`(- (-> ,proc allocated-length)
(- (the int (-> ,proc heap-top))
(the int (-> ,proc heap-cur))
(defmacro process-heap-size (proc)
;; get how much heap a process has
`(the int (-> ,proc allocated-length))
(defmacro process-mask? (mask enum-value)
`(!= 0 (logand ,mask (process-mask ,enum-value)))
(defmacro process-mask-set! (mask enum-value)
`(set! ,mask (logior ,mask (process-mask ,enum-value)))
(defmacro suspend ()
`(rlet ((pp :reg r13))
(.push pp)
(set! pp (-> (the process pp) top-thread))
((-> (the cpu-thread pp) suspend-hook) (the cpu-thread 0))
(.pop pp)