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2020-09-04 14:44:23 -04:00
(in-package goal)
;; name: res.gc
;; name in dgo: res
;; dgos: GAME, ENGINE
;; TODO! Needs a lot of 128-bit type support for res-tag
;; res is a very generic resource storage system used for the game entities.
;; It can be used to store all of the data for some sort of "object" (such as an entity), and that data can be of many types.
;; The data itself can also be sorted in many different manners, such as:
;; - single element
;; - array of elements
;; - array of arrays?
;; - keyframed array of elements
;; - array of keyframed array of elements?
;; A res-lump stores and is used to access all of the data for a single "resource".
;; This is similar to a C++ map or C# dictionary. The key is a res-tag and the value is the corresponding binary data.
;; A res-tag is a tag that contains information about a particular property of this resource.
;; For example, information about an array of vectors that make up a path - for a moving platform - or an integer to store its entity ID.
;; Keyframes are used to specify when/where the data is relevant.
;; For example (this is made-up), say you have a camera spline, and you want the FOV to change three times:
;; when it starts, somewhere in the middle, and at the end.
;; You would store an array of three FOV values. The key-frame field could then be used to say at which point in the spline
;; the FOV change should occur. A similar concept is used for keyframe animation.
;; Properties are looked up from a res-lump using their name, stored as a symbol.
;; This is updated from the resource system used for entities in Crash 2, which had most of these features and worked very similarly!
(defmacro res-ref? (tag)
"Checks resource tag, and returns #t if resource data is a reference type, #f if it is inlined."
`(zero? (-> ,tag inlined?))
(defmethod print res-tag ((obj res-tag))
"print a res-tag."
(let ((obj obj))
(if (res-ref? obj)
(format #t "#<res-tag :name ~A :key-frame ~f :elt-type ~A :elt-count ~D>"
(-> obj name)
(-> obj key-frame)
(-> obj elt-type)
(-> obj elt-count)
(format #t "#<res-tag (i) :name ~A :key-frame ~f :elt-type ~A :elt-count ~D>"
(-> obj name)
(-> obj key-frame)
(-> obj elt-type)
(-> obj elt-count)
(defmethod length res-tag ((obj res-tag))
"get the length in bytes of this tag's resource."
(the int
(if (res-ref? obj)
(* (-> obj elt-count) 4)
(* (-> obj elt-count) (-> obj elt-type size))
(defmethod dummy-13 res-lump ((obj res-lump) (n int))
"get the address of the n'th property."
(&+ (-> obj data-base)
(-> obj tag n data-offset))
(defmethod dummy-14 res-lump ((obj res-lump) (tag res-tag))
"get the address of the specified property."
(&+ (-> obj data-base)
(-> tag data-offset))
(defmethod new res-lump ((allocation symbol) (type-to-make type) (data-count int) (data-size int))
"Allocate a new res-lump."
(let ((obj (object-new allocation type-to-make (the int (+ (+ (-> type-to-make size)
(* (1- data-count) (size-of res-tag))
(set! (-> obj allocated-length) data-count)
(set! (-> obj data-size) data-size)
(set! (-> obj length) 0)
(set! (-> obj data-base) (&-> (-> obj tag) data-count))
(set! (-> obj data-top) (&-> (-> obj tag) data-count))
(defmethod length res-lump ((obj res-lump))
"get the amount of resources in a res-lump."
(-> obj length)
(defmethod asize-of res-lump ((obj res-lump))
"get the allocated size of a res-lump."
(the int (+ (+ (-> obj type psize) ;; psize is used here, but size is used in the allocation?
(* (-> obj allocated-length) (size-of res-tag))
(-> obj data-size)))
(defmethod lookup-tag-idx res-lump ((obj res-lump) (name-sym symbol) (mode symbol) (time float))
"Look up the index of the tag containing with the given name and timestamp.
This will actually return two tags: one in the lower 32 bits and one in the upper 32 bits.
Depending on the mode, they may be the same, or they may be two tags that you should interpolate
between, if the exact time was not found.
name-sym should be the name of the thing you want.
time is for the timestamp you want.
If mode = 'base, then both the indices are the same and the timestamp is ignored.
If mode = 'interp, then it tries to get closest below/closest above (or both the same, if exact match found)
If mode = 'exact, then it requires an exact timestamp match and both indices are the same.
If things go wrong, returns a negative number"
(local-vars (tag-idx int))
;; for some unknown reason, these names cannot be looked up with this method.
(when (or
(= name-sym 'id)
(= name-sym 'aid)
(= name-sym 'trans)
(= name-sym 'rot)
(= name-sym 'nav-mesh)
(= name-sym 'process-type)
(= name-sym 'task)
;; check that we are valid.
(if (or (not obj) (zero? obj) (<= (-> obj length) 0))
(return -1)
;; these are the outputs of the function.
(let ((hi-tag-idx-out -1)
(lo-tag-idx-out -1)
;; this value is the index of the most recently passed tag with an "invalid" timestamp
(let ((most-recent-invalid-time-idx -1)
;; read 8 chars of the name we want
(type-chars (-> (the-as (pointer uint64) (-> (symbol->string name-sym) data)) 0))
;; now we will do a binary search. The names are stored in ascending order if you
;; treat the first 8 chars as an integer
;; min/max are inclusive.
(let ((max-search (+ (-> obj length) -1))
(min-search 0)
;; inclusive, so >= is correct
(while (>= max-search min-search)
;; check in the middle of the range to bisect it.
(let* ((check-idx (+ min-search (/ (- max-search min-search) 2)))
;; subtract the two words. The sign of this tells us if we are too high or too low
(diff (- type-chars
(-> (the-as (pointer uint64) (-> (symbol->string (-> (-> obj tag) check-idx name)) data)) 0)
((zero? diff)
;; perfect match! we are done, set the tag-idx and get out of here.
(set! tag-idx check-idx)
(goto cfg-32)
;; didn't match. pick the appropriate half of the remaining tags
(if (< (the-as int diff) 0)
(set! max-search (+ check-idx -1))
(set! min-search (+ check-idx 1))
;; got to the end of the loop without finding the answer. Set a negative tag
(set! tag-idx -1)
(label cfg-32)
(if (< tag-idx 0)
(return tag-idx)
;; if there are multiple tags with the same name and different timesteps, we can't be sure which we ended on.
;; this loop brings us to the first tag with the correct name.
(while (and (> tag-idx 0)
(= type-chars
(-> (the-as (pointer uint64) (-> (symbol->string (-> (-> obj tag) (+ tag-idx -1) name)) data)) 0)
(+! tag-idx -1)
;; in 'base mode, we just want the earliest tag with the right name.
;; tags are in increasing timestamps, so we found it!
(if (= mode 'base)
;; both lo and hi are the same
(set! lo-tag-idx-out tag-idx)
(set! hi-tag-idx-out tag-idx)
(goto cfg-73)
;; next we will iterate through tags with the right name and find the one(s) with the right timestamp
;; interp-tag-idx is the index of tag-ptr always
;; (the fact that they keep a pointer to a tag and not actually load the tag makes it seem like
;; they ran into some 128-bit integer issues here...)
(let ((interp-tag-idx tag-idx)
(tag-ptr (&-> (-> obj tag) tag-idx))
;; loop, until we reach another name or the end of the table
(while (not (or
(>= interp-tag-idx (-> obj length))
;; < is correct here because we are incrementing and names get larger
(< type-chars
(-> (the-as (pointer uint64) (-> (symbol->string (-> tag-ptr 0 name)) data)) 0)
;; The checks above only made sure that the first 8 chars were correct.
;; This skips items with matching first 8 chars, but differences after that.
((!= name-sym (-> tag-ptr 0 name))
;; check for exact match
((= (-> tag-ptr 0 key-frame) time)
;; in all cases, just return the exact match.
(set! lo-tag-idx-out interp-tag-idx)
(set! hi-tag-idx-out interp-tag-idx)
(goto cfg-73)
;; check for being not far enough
((and (>= time (-> tag-ptr 0 key-frame)) (!= mode 'exact))
;; in all cases, except for exact, we'll want to remember this.
;; just in case there are no more tags
(set! lo-tag-idx-out interp-tag-idx)
(set! hi-tag-idx-out interp-tag-idx)
;; also remember if we hit an invalid one
(if (= (-> tag-ptr 0 key-frame) -1000000000.0)
(set! most-recent-invalid-time-idx interp-tag-idx)
;; check for being too far (passed the time)
((< time (-> tag-ptr 0 key-frame))
;; if we're interpolation mode and valid, set the high one.
;; not sure what the invalid time thing is about.
(if (and (!= lo-tag-idx-out most-recent-invalid-time-idx) (= mode 'interp))
(set! hi-tag-idx-out interp-tag-idx)
(goto cfg-73)
;; advance to next tag
(+! interp-tag-idx 1)
(set! tag-ptr (&-> tag-ptr 1))
(label cfg-73)
;; end: return the tags.
(logand #xffffffff (the-as uint lo-tag-idx-out))
(the-as uint (shl hi-tag-idx-out 32))