
513 lines
16 KiB
Common Lisp
Raw Normal View History

(in-package goal)
;; name: main.gc
;; name in dgo: main
;; dgos: ENGINE, GAME
(defun paused? ()
(or (= *master-mode* 'pause) (= *master-mode* 'progress) (= *master-mode* 'menu) (= *master-mode* 'freeze))
;; Rough loop outline:
;; (while *run*
;; - suspend ;; runs actors
;; - display-loop-main ;; runs the drawing/per frame updates
;; - per-frame updates for level, global effets
;; - draw-hook ;; generates DMA data
;; - sync-path ;; waits for previous frame to finish render
;; - end-display
;; - swap-display
;; - display-frame-finish
;; - display-sync
;; - display-frame-start
;; )
(defun end-display ((arg0 display))
"Update debug drawing:
- debug draws (triangles, spheres, etc)
- profile bars
- file info
- console
- other info (iop, memcard, pause)
This function runs after DMA sync.
It's not clear why they did this - in the Jak 1 PC port, it is fine to move this to before sync.
Possibly they wanted to leave the bus alone for graphics DMA."
;; DMA buffer for memory usage counting.
(let ((s5-0 (-> (if *debug-segment*
(-> arg0 frames (-> arg0 on-screen) debug-buf)
(-> arg0 frames (-> arg0 on-screen) global-buf)
;; debug draw, profile bars, deci count, file info
(when *debug-segment*
;; do all debug drawing.
; (debug-draw-buffers)
(with-dma-buffer-add-bucket ((s3-0 (-> arg0 frames (-> arg0 on-screen) debug-buf)) (bucket-id debug-no-zbuf))
(when (or *display-profile* *stats-profile-bars*)
(setup-categories! (-> arg0 frames (-> arg0 on-screen) profile-array))
(let ((a2-0 7))
(if *display-profile*
(draw-bars! *profile-array* s3-0 a2-0)
; (if (and (!= *master-mode* 'menu) *stats-profile-bars*)
; (draw-text! *profile-array*)
; )
; (when *display-deci-count*
; (let ((s2-0 draw-string-xy))
; (format (clear *temp-string*) "~D" *deci-count*)
; (s2-0 *temp-string* s3-0 448 210 (font-color default-#cddbcd) (font-flags shadow))
; )
; )
; (display-file-info)
;; draw console buffer
; (let ((buf (if *debug-segment*
; (-> arg0 frames (-> arg0 on-screen) debug-buf)
; (-> arg0 frames (-> arg0 on-screen) global-buf)
; )
; )
; )
; (with-dma-buffer-add-bucket ((s3-0 buf) (bucket-id debug-no-zbuf))
; (if (and (= *master-mode* 'pause)
; (and (!= *cheat-mode* 'camera) (or (zero? *screen-shot-work*) (= (-> *screen-shot-work* count) -1)))
; )
; (draw-string-xy
; (lookup-text! *common-text* (game-text-id pause) #f)
; s3-1
; 256
; (if (< (-> *display* base-clock frame-counter) (-> *game-info* letterbox-time))
; 352
; 320
; )
; (font-color precursor-#ec3b00)
; (font-flags shadow kerning middle large)
; )
; )
; (let ((s2-2 (the int (-> *font-context* origin y))))
; (cond
; ((or (movie?) (< (-> *display* base-clock frame-counter) (-> *game-info* letterbox-time)))
; (+! s2-2 56)
; )
; (*display-profile*
; (+! s2-2 48)
; )
; )
; (when (or (zero? *screen-shot-work*) (= (-> *screen-shot-work* count) -1))
; (let* ((v1-82
; (draw-string-xy
; *stdcon0*
; s3-1
; (the int (-> *font-context* origin x))
; s2-2
; (font-color default-#cddbcd)
; (font-flags shadow)
; )
; )
; (a3-6 (+ s2-2 (the int (* 2.0 (the-as float (gpr->fpr (sar (the-as int v1-82) 32)))))))
; )
; (draw-string-xy
; *stdcon1*
; s3-1
; (the int (-> *font-context* origin x))
; a3-6
; (font-color default-#cddbcd)
; (font-flags shadow)
; )
; )
; )
; )
; (if *display-iop-info*
; (show-iop-info s3-1)
; )
; (if *display-memcard-info*
; (show-mc-info s3-1)
; )
; )
; )
; (let ((v1-101 *dma-mem-usage*))
; (when (nonzero? v1-101)
; (set! (-> v1-101 length) (max 88 (-> v1-101 length)))
; (set! (-> v1-101 data 87 name) "debug")
; (+! (-> v1-101 data 87 count) 1)
; (+! (-> v1-101 data 87 used) (&-
; (-> (if *debug-segment*
; (-> arg0 frames (-> arg0 on-screen) debug-buf)
; (-> arg0 frames (-> arg0 on-screen) global-buf)
; )
; base
; )
; (the-as uint s5-0)
; )
; )
; (set! (-> v1-101 data 87 total) (-> v1-101 data 87 used))
; )
; )
(set! *stdcon* (clear *stdcon0*))
(defun display-loop-main ((arg0 display))
"Run the engine.
This function is called after actors update."
(local-vars (a0-94 int) (a0-96 int))
; (if (-> *level* loading-level)
; (load-continue (-> *level* loading-level))
; )
; ;; Run blerc to modify foreground models
; (with-profiler 'merc *profile-merc-color*
; (blerc-execute)
; (blerc-init)
; )
; ;; Run other merc effects that modify vertices
; (texscroll-execute)
; (ripple-execute)
; (region-execute)
;; final call to update joints before drawing.
; (with-profiler 'joints *profile-joints-color*
; (execute-math-engine)
; )
;; execute the debug hook before doing the big updates
; (with-profiler 'debug *profile-debug-color*
; (let* ((s5-5 *debug-hook*)
; (t9-12 (car s5-5)))
; (while (not (null? s5-5))
; ((the-as (function none) t9-12))
; (set! s5-5 (cdr s5-5))
; (set! t9-12 (car s5-5))
; )
; )
; (main-cheats)
; )
;; using the position of the in-game camera, update visiblity and matrices for rendering.
; (with-profiler 'camera *profile-camera-color*
; (update-camera)
; )
;; map texture stuff
; (update *bigmap*)
;; continue loading level
; (if (-> *level* loading-level)
; (load-continue (-> *level* loading-level))
; )
;; drawing - this runs foreground/background drawing.
(with-profiler 'draw-hook *profile-draw-hook-color*
;; another level load
; (if (-> *level* loading-level)
; (load-continue (-> *level* loading-level))
; )
; (if *display-color-bars*
; (draw-color-bars)
; )
;; draw and update menus
; (with-profiler 'menu-hook *profile-menu-hook-color*
; (*menu-hook*)
; )
;; load text files as needed from the menu update
; (load-level-text-files -1)
;; post-processing filter drawing
; (if (-> *screen-filter* draw?)
; (draw *screen-filter*)
; )
;; letterbox drawing
; (when (or (movie?) (< (-> *display* base-clock frame-counter) (-> *game-info* letterbox-time)))
; (if (< (-> *game-info* letterbox-time) (-> *display* base-clock frame-counter))
; (set! (-> *game-info* letterbox-time) (-> *display* base-clock frame-counter))
; )
; (if (and (= (-> *setting-control* user-current aspect-ratio) 'aspect4x3)
; (or (zero? *screen-shot-work*) (= (-> *screen-shot-work* count) -1))
; )
; (letterbox)
; )
; )
;; blackout drawing
; (when (-> *setting-control* user-current render)
; (if (< (-> *display* base-clock frame-counter) (-> *game-info* blackout-time))
; (set! (-> *setting-control* user-default bg-a-force) 1.0)
; (set! (-> *setting-control* user-default bg-a-force) 0.0)
; )
; )
;; generate DMA data for doing the main blit
; (blit-displays)
;; END of normal frame
;; and we're done with the main frame! end profiling/stat collection
(when *debug-segment*
(let ((s5-13 (-> arg0 frames (-> arg0 on-screen) profile-array data 0)))
(when (and *dproc* *debug-segment*)
(let* ((v1-294 (+ (-> s5-13 depth) -1))
(s4-12 (-> s5-13 segment v1-294))
(s3-12 (-> s5-13 base-time))
(when (>= v1-294 0)
(set! (-> s4-12 end-time) (the-as int (- (timer-count (the-as timer-bank #x10000800)) (the-as uint s3-12))))
(+! (-> s5-13 depth) -1)
;(read! (-> *perf-stats* data (perf-stat-bucket all-code)))
;; now wait for the previous frame to finish rendering...
(when (nonzero? (sync-path 0 0))
;; debug drawing
(end-display arg0)
;; display the frame, and start a new one!
;; this will kick off the next dma transfer
(swap-display arg0)
;; start profiling for the new frame
(when *debug-segment*
(start-frame! (-> arg0 frames (-> arg0 on-screen) profile-array data 0))
;(reset! (-> *perf-stats* data (perf-stat-bucket all-code)))
;; START of next frame
;; a few things before the actor updates...
; (set! (-> *time-of-day-context* title-updated) #f)
;; update teleport counter
; (set! *teleport* #f)
; (when (nonzero? *teleport-count*)
; (set! *teleport* #t)
; (set! *teleport-count* (+ *teleport-count* -1))
; )
;; update particles (we're racing the DMA transfer again, do this asap)
; (let ((gp-1 (-> pp clock)))
; (set! (-> pp clock) (-> *display* part-clock))
; (process-particles)
; (set! (-> pp clock) gp-1)
; )
;; set up VU0's VIF for collision code run by actors
; (dma-send
; (the-as dma-bank #x10008000)
; (the-as uint (-> *collide-vif0-init* data))
; (the-as uint (/ (-> *collide-vif0-init* length) 4))
; )
;; send sound commands to IOP
; (swap-sound-buffers (ear-trans 0) (ear-trans 1) (camera-pos) (camera-angle))
;; advance streaming animation
; (str-play-kick)
;; handle spawning/despawning as needed.
; (level-update *level*)
;; do some memory card operations, check auto-save
; (mc-run)
; (auto-save-check)
(defbehavior display-loop process ()
(stack-size-set! (-> self main-thread) 512)
;; spawn the matrix process. This is responsible for doing the first pass through joints
; (process-spawn-function
; process
; (lambda :behavior process
; ()
; (logclear! (-> self mask) (process-mask freeze pause menu progress entity))
; (until #f
; (when *debug-segment*
; (let ((gp-0 (-> *display* frames (-> *display* on-screen) profile-array data 0))
; (v1-9 'joints)
; (s5-0 *profile-joints-color*)
; )
; (when (and *dproc* *debug-segment*)
; (let ((s4-0 (-> gp-0 data (-> gp-0 count))))
; (let ((s3-0 (-> gp-0 base-time)))
; (set! (-> s4-0 name) v1-9)
; (set! (-> s4-0 start-time) (the-as int (- (timer-count (the-as timer-bank #x10000800)) (the-as uint s3-0))))
; )
; (set! (-> s4-0 depth) (the-as uint (-> gp-0 depth)))
; (set! (-> s4-0 color) s5-0)
; (set! (-> gp-0 segment (-> gp-0 depth)) s4-0)
; )
; (+! (-> gp-0 count) 1)
; (+! (-> gp-0 depth) 1)
; (set! (-> gp-0 max-depth) (max (-> gp-0 max-depth) (-> gp-0 depth)))
; )
; )
; 0
; )
; (execute-math-engine)
; (when *debug-segment*
; (let ((gp-1 (-> *display* frames (-> *display* on-screen) profile-array data 0)))
; (when (and *dproc* *debug-segment*)
; (let* ((v1-33 (+ (-> gp-1 depth) -1))
; (s5-1 (-> gp-1 segment v1-33))
; (s4-1 (-> gp-1 base-time))
; )
; (when (>= v1-33 0)
; (set! (-> s5-1 end-time) (the-as int (- (timer-count (the-as timer-bank #x10000800)) (the-as uint s4-1))))
; (+! (-> gp-1 depth) -1)
; )
; )
; )
; )
; 0
; )
; (suspend)
; )
; #f
; (none)
; )
; :name "matrix"
; :from *4k-dead-pool*
; :to *mid-pool*
; )
(let ((gp-1 *display*))
(set! *teleport* #t)
; (update *setting-control*)
; (init-time-of-day-context *time-of-day-context*)
(format 0 "about to display-sync~%")
(display-sync gp-1)
(format 0 "about to swap-display~%")
(swap-display gp-1)
(format 0 "about to install-handler~%")
(install-handler 3 vblank-handler) ;; TODO: this never gets called.
; *touching-list*
; ((method-of-type touching-list touching-list-method-10))
; (prepare *collide-rider-pool*)
; (update-actor-hash)
; (blerc-init)
; (dma-send
; (the-as dma-bank #x10008000)
; (the-as uint (-> *collide-vif0-init* data))
; (the-as uint (/ (-> *collide-vif0-init* length) 4))
; )
; (set! (-> *setting-control* user-default bg-a) 0.0)
; (set! (-> gp-1 frames 0 start-time) (the-as time-frame (timer-count (the-as timer-bank #x10000800))))
; (set! (-> gp-1 frames 1 start-time) (the-as time-frame (timer-count (the-as timer-bank #x10000800))))
; (set! (-> gp-1 dog-ratio) 1.0)
(while *run*
(display-loop-main gp-1)
(with-profiler 'actors *profile-actors-color*
(set! *dproc* #f)
(format 0 "display is off #<#x~X>.~%" self)
(defun on ((arg0 symbol))
"Start the display loop."
(when (not *dproc*)
(when (not arg0)
(if (= (-> *level* level0 status) 'inactive)
(bg 'halfpipe)
(set! *run* #t)
(set! *dproc* (ppointer->process (process-spawn-function
:name "display"
:from *4k-dead-pool*
:to *display-pool*
:stack *kernel-dram-stack*
(format 0 "SKIP: level activation in on~%")
; (cond
; ((or (level-get-with-status *level* 'loaded)
; (level-get-with-status *level* 'alive)
; (level-get-with-status *level* 'active)
; )
; (activate-levels! *level*)
; (when (not arg0)
; (let ((gp-1 (entity-by-type camera-start)))
; (when (and gp-1 (type? gp-1 entity-actor))
; (while (not (camera-teleport-to-entity gp-1))
; (suspend)
; )
; )
; )
; )
; (if (and (= *kernel-boot-message* 'art-group) *kernel-boot-art-group*)
; (anim-tester-add-object *kernel-boot-art-group*)
; )
; )
; (else
; (kill-by-name "display" *active-pool*)
; (set! *dproc* #f)
; )
; )
(defun off ()
(stop 'debug)
(dotimes (gp-0 (-> *level* length))
(let ((a0-2 (-> *level* level gp-0)))
(if (= (-> a0-2 status) 'active)
(deactivate a0-2)
(set! *run* #f)