import bpy import sys import operator import math import mathutils debug = False print("Blender export scene in FBX Format in file "+sys.argv[-1]) def should_bake_material(mat): return 'bakeType' in mat and mat['bakeType'] == 'lit' def should_bake_object(obj): return obj.type == 'MESH' and len(obj.material_slots) > 0 and obj.material_slots[0].material and should_bake_material(obj.material_slots[0].material) def get_or_make_color_layer(mesh): for layer in mesh.vertex_colors: if == 'Col': return layer result = return result def vector_add(a, b): return [a[0] + b[0], a[1] + b[1], a[2] + b[2]] def vector_sub(a, b): return [a[0] - b[0], a[1] - b[1], a[2] - b[2]] def vector_min(a, b): return [min(a[0], b[0]), min(a[1], b[1]), min(a[2], b[2])] def vector_max(a, b): return [max(a[0], b[0]), max(a[1], b[1]), max(a[2], b[2])] def vector_mul(a, b): if isinstance(a, float): return [x * a for x in b] if isinstance(b, float): return [x * b for x in a] return [a[0] * b[0], a[1] * b[1], a[2] * b[2]] def vector_div(a, b): if isinstance(a, float): return [a / x for x in b] if isinstance(b, float): return [x / b for x in a] return [a[0] / b[0], a[1] / b[1], a[2] / b[2]] def vector_dot(a, b): return a[0] * b[0] + a[1] * b[1] + a[2] * b[2] def vector_lerp(a, b, t): if isinstance(t, float): t_inv = 1 - t else: t_inv = vector_sub([1, 1, 1], t) t_inv = 1 - t return vector_add(vector_mul(a, t_inv), vector_mul(b, t)) def vector_unlerp(a, b, pos): return vector_div(vector_sub(pos, a), vector_sub(b, a)) def color_lerp(a, b, t): t_inv = 1 - t return mathutils.Color([ a[0] * t_inv + b[0] * t, a[1] * t_inv + b[1] * t, a[2] * t_inv + b[2] * t ]) def calc_midpoint(vertices): result = [0, 0, 0] for vertex in vertices: result = vector_add(result, vertex) return vector_mul(result, 1 / len(vertices)) def world_space_verts(obj): if obj.type != 'MESH': return None matrix_world = obj.matrix_world rotation = obj.matrix_world.to_3x3() vertices = [] normals = [] for vertex in vertices.append(matrix_world @ normals.append(rotation @ vertex.normal) return vertices, normals def calculate_point_light(point_light, pos, normal): light_pos = point_light.matrix_world @ mathutils.Vector([0, 0, 0]) offset = light_pos - pos distance_sqrd = offset.length_squared offset.normalize() scalar = if scalar <= 0: return mathutils.Color([0, 0, 0]) scalar = * scalar / distance_sqrd return * scalar class BoundingBox: def __init__(self, min, max): self.min = min self.max = max class AmbientBlock: def __init__(self, obj): if obj.type != 'MESH': raise Exception('Can only make ambient block from mesh') vertices, normals = world_space_verts(obj) colors = get_or_make_color_layer( midpoint = calc_midpoint(vertices) corner_colors = [None] * 8 bb_min = vertices[0] bb_max = vertices[0] for loop in corner_index = 0 vertex = vertices[loop.vertex_index] bb_min = vector_min(bb_min, vertex) bb_max = vector_max(bb_max, vertex) if vertex[0] > midpoint[0]: corner_index = corner_index + 1 if vertex[1] > midpoint[1]: corner_index = corner_index + 2 if vertex[2] > midpoint[2]: corner_index = corner_index + 4 corner_colors[corner_index] =[loop.index].color self.corner_colors = corner_colors = BoundingBox(bb_min, bb_max) self.point_lights = [] def determine_distance(self, pos): closest_point = vector_max(, vector_min(, pos)) diff = vector_sub(closest_point, pos) distance_sqrd = vector_dot(diff, diff) return math.sqrt(distance_sqrd) def determine_color(self, pos, normal): lerp_values = vector_unlerp(,, pos) lerp_values = vector_min(lerp_values, [1, 1, 1]) lerp_values = vector_max(lerp_values, [0, 0, 0]) x0 = color_lerp(self.corner_colors[0], self.corner_colors[1], lerp_values[0]) x1 = color_lerp(self.corner_colors[2], self.corner_colors[3], lerp_values[0]) x2 = color_lerp(self.corner_colors[4], self.corner_colors[5], lerp_values[0]) x3 = color_lerp(self.corner_colors[6], self.corner_colors[7], lerp_values[0]) y0 = color_lerp(x0, x1, lerp_values[1]) y1 = color_lerp(x2, x3, lerp_values[1]) result = color_lerp(y0, y1, lerp_values[2]) for point_light in self.point_lights: light_contribution = calculate_point_light(point_light, pos, normal) result = result + light_contribution return result def build_ambient_blocks(): ambient_blocks = [] for obj in if'@ambient '): ambient_blocks.append(AmbientBlock(obj)) for point_light in if point_light.type != 'LIGHT' or not'@point_light'): continue pos = point_light.matrix_world @ mathutils.Vector([0, 0, 0]) distances = [block.determine_distance(pos) for block in ambient_blocks] block_index = min_indices(distances, 1) if len(block_index) == 0: continue ambient_blocks[block_index[0]].point_lights.append(point_light) return ambient_blocks def min_indices(elements, count): result = [] for index in range(len(elements)): insert_index = len(result) curr_value = elements[index] while insert_index > 0 and elements[result[insert_index - 1]] > curr_value: insert_index = insert_index - 1 if insert_index < count: result.insert(insert_index, index) if len(result) > count: result.pop() return result def determine_vertex_color(ambient_blocks, pos, normal): distances = [block.determine_distance(pos) for block in ambient_blocks] two_closest = min_indices(distances, 2) if len(two_closest) == 0: return mathutils.Color([1, 1, 1]) if len(two_closest) == 1 or distances[two_closest[0]] < 0.0001: return ambient_blocks[two_closest[0]].determine_color(pos, normal) total_weight = distances[two_closest[0]] + distances[two_closest[1]] if total_weight == 0: return ambient_blocks[two_closest[0]].determine_color(pos) return color_lerp( ambient_blocks[two_closest[0]].determine_color(pos, normal), ambient_blocks[two_closest[1]].determine_color(pos, normal), distances[two_closest[0]] / total_weight ) def bake_object(obj, ambient_blocks): if > 1: bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') = obj obj.select_set(True) bpy.ops.object.make_single_user(obdata = True) global debug color_layer = get_or_make_color_layer( vertices, normals = world_space_verts(obj) rotation = obj.matrix_world.to_3x3() for polygon in for loop_index in polygon.loop_indices: loop =[loop_index] vertex_index = loop.vertex_index if polygon.use_smooth: normal = normals[vertex_index] else: normal = rotation @ polygon.normal vertex_color = determine_vertex_color( ambient_blocks, vertices[vertex_index], normal )[loop.index].color = [ min(vertex_color[0], 1), min(vertex_color[1], 1), min(vertex_color[2], 1), 1 ] def bake_scene(): bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT', toggle=False) ambient_blocks = build_ambient_blocks() for obj in if should_bake_object(obj): bake_object(obj, ambient_blocks) bake_scene() class VertexBake(bpy.types.Operator): bl_idname = "wm.vertex_bake" bl_label = "Vertex Bake Lighting" def execute(self, context): bake_scene(){'INFO'}, "Baked!") return {'FINISHED'} def vertex_bake_func(self, context): self.layout.operator(VertexBake.bl_idname, text="Vertex Bake Lighting") bpy.utils.register_class(VertexBake) bpy.types.VIEW3D_MT_view.append(vertex_bake_func) # test call the operator bpy.ops.wm.vertex_bake()