# Portal64 A demake of portal for the Nintendo 64 ## How to build First, you will need to setup [modern sdk](https://crashoveride95.github.io/n64hbrew/modernsdk/startoff.html) Next, you will need to download blender 2.9 or higher. Then set the environment variable `BLENDER_2_9` to be the absolute path where the blender executable is located on your system.
You will need to install python `vpk` ``` pip install vpk ```
Install `vtf2png`, `sfz2n64` and `skeletool64` ```sh echo "deb [trusted=yes] https://lambertjamesd.github.io/apt/ ./" \ | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/lambertjamesd.list sudo apt install vtf2png sfz2n64 skeletool64 ```
Install image magic ``` sudo apt install imagemagick ```
You then need to add the following files from where portal is installed to the folder `vpk` ``` portal_pak_000.vpk portal_pak_001.vpk portal_pak_002.vpk portal_pak_003.vpk portal_pak_004.vpk portal_pak_005.vpk portal_pak_dir.vpk ``` Finally run `make` to build the project.
## Build with Docker Build the docker image ``` docker build . -t portal64 ```
Then build ```sh # Set the environment variable BLENDER_2_9=/blender/blender # Build using docker docker run \ -v /home/james/Blender/blender-2.93.1-linux-x64:/blender \ -e BLENDER_2_9 -v /home/james/portal/portal64/vpk:/usr/src/app/vpk \ -t -v /home/james/portal/portal64/docker-output:/usr/src/app/build portal64 ```
Where `/home/james/Blender/blender-2.93.1-linux-x64` is the folder where Blender is located. `/home/james/portal/portal64/vpk` is the folder where the portal `*.vpk` files are located. `/home/james/portal/portal64/docker-output` is where you want the output of the build to locate `portal.z64` will be put into this folder.
## Current TODO list - [x] Implement "Elevator" - [ ] Implement level transitions - Implement loading levels from the cartridge - [x] Implement "Emancipation grid" - [ ] Change the way player standing logic works - [ ] Cut holes in portal walls - [ ] Cube dispenser - [ ] NAN in overlap